4 day vs 5 day school week.

Add to that never ending cycle.

Get up
Run around getting ready for work
Rush off to work
Work all day
Rush home
Go to bed.
Every dang day.

People are too fried and burnt out from the american lifestyle. No time to relax and enjoy life.
I was talking to my adopted brother about that yesterday and how Yanks never learn to relax and enjoy life…

Meh, I have given up on the Great American Society and Dream and just aiming at enjoying life as simple as possible…
Genesis 3:19

By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground.

You are right that it didn't start this way, and is not ideal.

But this is not Heaven yet.
Yep. People need to work. But in america were so busy working all the time that there's no balance anymore. People are exhausted and burnt out. But nobody wants to say it because oh my one can't say anything negative about our culture without being called unpatriotic or other nonsense.
"always been that way" doesn't make it supportable.
OK. let's see your plan Einstein.

Kid lives 45 minute drive from school. How do they get there? Mom or Dad takes 3 hours out of their day to get the kids to school and back home. What if there is more than one kid attending schools in opposite directions?

When my mother attended school, all the kids 1st through 10th grade were in the same school. One of the older kids, actually picked the kids up in a wagon and drove them to school every day. In case you missed it, that was a wagon, as in drawn by a horse or mule.

I taught in three rural high schools schools and none of them were even located in the center of town. The county was made up almost entirely of farms and cattle ranches. Tell me how that would work with a parent gone several hours a day and how much more air pollution that would create if everyone drove their kids to school. What if they did not have a car?
I can speak to this rural area that no bussing means kids don't make it to school. That's the way it is.
OK. let's see your plan Einstein.

Kid lives 45 minute drive from school. How do they get there? Mom or Dad takes 3 hours out of their day to get the kids to school and back home. What if there is more than one kid attending schools in opposite directions?

When my mother attended school, all the kids 1st through 10th grade were in the same school. One of the older kids, actually picked the kids up in a wagon and drove them to school every day. In case you missed it, that was a wagon, as in drawn by a horse or mule.

I taught in three rural high schools schools and none of them were even located in the center of town. The county was made up almost entirely of farms and cattle ranches. Tell me how that would work with a parent gone several hours a day and how much more air pollution that would create if everyone drove their kids to school. What if they did not have a car?

I am asking who has the responsibility to get kids to school?

Maybe this is where we started to go wrong, frankly.

The State must get kids to school. Then feed them, two meals a day when they're there, which the parents also do not pay for.

Then therapy, and social work, and God only knows what all else.

Face it: we are basically running orphanages where the kids go home at night. Only in some of the districts with more needy kids, the kids go home quite late. Because their home life is rot.

I'm saying--this was where we started to go wrong. IMO

Record Number of Missouri School Districts Switched to 4-Day Week

A record number of school districts in Missouri have moved to a four-day school week, according to research by the Missouri State University College of Education.

As the 2022-23 school year begins, an estimate of 141 school districts — nearly 25 percent of all districts — will teach students for just four days of school. This is the highest in Missouri history — a number that has steadily increased over the last two decades. In 2010, just one Missouri school had a four-day week. In 2020, the number of schools had jumped to 102.

What do you all think? Is this a good move or a bad one?
4 10s vs 5 8s? I would take 4 10s, wouldn't most people?
where I live we have busing available to all kids, but more than half of the parents still drive their kids both ways. this causes excessive traffic and the buses are running empty which is a waste of fuel and drivers pay.

Let your little darlins ride the damn bus, it will be good for them.
where I live we have busing available to all kids, but more than half of the parents still drive their kids both ways. this causes excessive traffic and the buses are running empty which is a waste of fuel and drivers pay.

Let your little darlins ride the damn bus, it will be good for them.

Old man is inconvenienced by school traffic, IOW
I am asking who has the responsibility to get kids to school?

Maybe this is where we started to go wrong, frankly.

The State must get kids to school. Then feed them, two meals a day when they're there, which the parents also do not pay for.

Then therapy, and social work, and God only knows what all else.

Face it: we are basically running orphanages where the kids go home at night. Only in some of the districts with more needy kids, the kids go home quite late. Because their home life is rot.

I'm saying--this was where we started to go wrong. IMO

That's odd. Our school boards are responsible for getting kids to school and home. They only feed them twice a day because that is what the people requested, and yes, the parents do pay for those meals.

I don't know where you teach or live, but my grandkid's schools are all doing fine.

My own kid were an unusual case. My oldest kids rode to to school with me 11 miles because I taught there. When in middle school they rode a bus to school about 5 miles from home. My youngest had to walk from grades K-5. That's a 5 year old walking 5 miles unsupervised.
not just me, its everyone. I avoid being on the roads at those times but others have no choice.

Well, people have children. And those children need to go to school. And school bus situations are so terrible now--for many reasons--that I don't fault parents for driving their kids.
That's odd. Our school boards are responsible for getting kids to school and home. They only feed them twice a day because that is what the people requested, and yes, the parents do pay for those meals.

I don't know where you teach or live, but my grandkid's schools are all doing fine.

My own kid were an unusual case. My oldest kids rode to to school with me 11 miles because I taught there. When in middle school they rode a bus to school about 5 miles from home. My youngest had to walk from grades K-5. That's a 5 year old walking 5 miles unsupervised.

Transporting children to and from school is not a state law in my state. Most districts offer it, but it's not required.
Michigan. And outside of Detroit and other "big" cities, no indeed. Some very rural places too, as you can imagine.

My kids attended school in Alabama, Rhode Island, Virginia, Florida and Kentucky. Transportation was provided in all districts except Rhode Island and that was because we lived in base housing which had it's own elementary school and has less than half mile walk from anywhere in the housing complex.

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