4 Inconvenient Facts The Right Ignores


You're such an idiot. Based on that post and how clueless you are, it's reasonably safe to say that your IQ <70.

Insults are not convincing arguments.

they have nothing but insults... because they have no fact based arguments. so they rant and rave and spew and foam at the mouth.

that's why they got 5 million fewer votes in the last presidential election.

and that's why they got a million fewer votes in the last House of Representatives election and only kept the House because of gerrymandering.

they are good at hurling misogynistic insults, however.


You're one to talk, jillian.
wow.... look how the loser rightwingnut brigade seems to be infecting this board.

it's hysterical that an article calling the right on its lies and delusions makes you all melt down.

now run along until you can show a single thing in the article that is a lie.

lyou toons are laughable :cuckoo:

but the meltdown is hysterically funny


You're such an idiot. Based on that post and how clueless you are, it's reasonably safe to say that your IQ <70.

Insults are not convincing arguments.

You're absolutely correct. It should be fairly obvious that insults are for insulting others.
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Wow. You squeezed out a really big, four syllable word. Goody!

Too bad you don't know what it means. Anyone with a minimum of 10 working braincells can see that Obama has done major damage to the USA. Only someone with fewer than 10 working braincells can't see it.

Obama saved us from another Great Depression with the stimulus, rebuilt GM, brought unemployment down to 6.3%, passed healthcare reform and Wall Street banking reform, saw the stock market soar and housing rebound, got bin Laden, got Ghaddafi, secured WMDs from Syria, got the Iranians to give up their nukes, passed START, got us out of Iraq, accelerated the end of the war in Afghanistan, freed gays in the military, created over 14 million private sector jobs, 50 months of economic growth, increased Americans net worth by $20 trillion dollars . . .

ALL without any help from the Republican Party.

Obama has done a very good job

Contrary to the lies spewed by the Liberal Media, we've been in a recession since Obama took office and we're STILL in it. The economy is NOT better than it used to be. Prices continue to jump at an exponential rate and unemployment is still too high in spite of the false reports coming from the Liar in Chief. Folks are having to take part time jobs or jobs that don't pay well. Face it ... Obama is a failure and the #1 worst Prez in the history of the USA. He will go down in infamy.

Americans net worth is up $20 trillion dollars since 2009.
America will be energy independent by 2030.
Unemployment has dropped from 10.2% to 6.3%
The stock market has more than doubled since the stimulus.
14 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.
GDP has been growing since 2009.
Auto sales are up. Retail sales are up. Home sales are up.
Bin Laden is dead, and GM is alive.

Obama has done a very good job.
George W. Bush inherited a strong economy, a budget surplus, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later, he left Obama with a shattered economy, a trillion dollar deficit, and two useless wars.

Obama saved the country from another Great Depression, rebuilt GM, reformed healthcare, reformed Wall Street, doubled the stock market, created 16 straight quarters of GDP growth, created 50 months of private sector job growth, got Bin Laden, got Gaddafi, and got us out of Iraq.

Obama has done a very good job.

LOL You are a nut!

He saved the economy from a great depression? Fail.
He rebuilt GM? Fail.
Reformed health care for the worse. We have dozens of companies who have said openly without waviers from ObamaCrap, they would cancel insurance, and meanwhile insurance premiums have drastically increase more than ever before. Fail.
Reformed Wall St? LOL!!! FAIL!
Doubled the Stock Market? Huh? How did "Obama double the stock market"?
Created 16 straight quarters of GDP growth? Obama doesn't 'create growth'. Companies and business create growth.
Same with job growth. Obama hasn't created a single job. Business and private citizens creating the economy did that.
Got Bin Laden? What exactly do you think Obama personally did to 'get Osama'? Osama was caught by a decade plus of hard difficult work by CIA and the military. Obama saying "ok, do it", is not exactly grounds for complete credit in my book.
Got Gaddafi? So? Between Osama, Saddam, and Gaddafi, Gaddafi was a non-issue. Yippy skippy.
Got us out of Iraq? LOL FAIL! Obama didn't do jack about that. Bush is who won the Iraq war, and smashed the subsequent insurgency. If Bush had left Iraq for Obama to clean up, he would have handed it to Al Qeada and ditched them.

You are just spewing ignorant talking points now. Some of those claims, are so ridiculous, you are just making yourself look like a clown. Obama rebuilt GM.... LOL :D Oh my goodness you are delusional if you really believe that.
Obama saved us from another Great Depression with the stimulus, rebuilt GM, brought unemployment down to 6.3%, passed healthcare reform and Wall Street banking reform, saw the stock market soar and housing rebound, got bin Laden, got Ghaddafi, secured WMDs from Syria, got the Iranians to give up their nukes, passed START, got us out of Iraq, accelerated the end of the war in Afghanistan, freed gays in the military, created over 14 million private sector jobs, 50 months of economic growth, increased Americans net worth by $20 trillion dollars . . .

ALL without any help from the Republican Party.

Obama has done a very good job

Contrary to the lies spewed by the Liberal Media, we've been in a recession since Obama took office and we're STILL in it. The economy is NOT better than it used to be. Prices continue to jump at an exponential rate and unemployment is still too high in spite of the false reports coming from the Liar in Chief. Folks are having to take part time jobs or jobs that don't pay well. Face it ... Obama is a failure and the #1 worst Prez in the history of the USA. He will go down in infamy.

Americans net worth is up $20 trillion dollars since 2009.
America will be energy independent by 2030.
Unemployment has dropped from 10.2% to 6.3%
The stock market has more than doubled since the stimulus.
14 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.
GDP has been growing since 2009.
Auto sales are up. Retail sales are up. Home sales are up.
Bin Laden is dead, and GM is alive.

Obama has done a very good job.

He did a very good job in slowing down the economic recovery to the pace that it is.

The economy grew in spite of Obama's best effort to obstruct growth.
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Obama saved us from another Great Depression with the stimulus, rebuilt GM, brought unemployment down to 6.3%, passed healthcare reform and Wall Street banking reform, saw the stock market soar and housing rebound, got bin Laden, got Ghaddafi, secured WMDs from Syria, got the Iranians to give up their nukes, passed START, got us out of Iraq, accelerated the end of the war in Afghanistan, freed gays in the military, created over 14 million private sector jobs, 50 months of economic growth, increased Americans net worth by $20 trillion dollars . . .

ALL without any help from the Republican Party.

Obama has done a very good job

Contrary to the lies spewed by the Liberal Media, we've been in a recession since Obama took office and we're STILL in it. The economy is NOT better than it used to be. Prices continue to jump at an exponential rate and unemployment is still too high in spite of the false reports coming from the Liar in Chief. Folks are having to take part time jobs or jobs that don't pay well. Face it ... Obama is a failure and the #1 worst Prez in the history of the USA. He will go down in infamy.

Americans net worth is up $20 trillion dollars since 2009.
America will be energy independent by 2030.
Unemployment has dropped from 10.2% to 6.3%
The stock market has more than doubled since the stimulus.
14 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.
GDP has been growing since 2009.
Auto sales are up. Retail sales are up. Home sales are up.
Bin Laden is dead, and GM is alive.

Obama has done a very good job.

LOL! You really are crazy!

America will be energy independent by 2030? Are you freakin insane?

The stock market has more than doubled since the stimulus........ I pooped today, and Obama was president. Obama causes me to poop.

Correlation does not equal causation stupid.

You really don't have any education in economics do you? This has been, by any measure at all, one of the most sluggish, and slow recoveries in American history. All those things Obama did, didn't help. They harmed the economy. The economy has recovered in spite of Obama, not because of him.

And really... if you think Obama had anything to do with GM still being around, then that only proves you have no clue about how Bankruptcy works.

The only thing Obama did in relation to GM, was give away millions of tax dollars, and give a political kick back to his supporters in the Unions.
George W. Bush inherited a strong economy, a budget surplus, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later, he left Obama with a shattered economy, a trillion dollar deficit, and two useless wars.

Obama saved the country from another Great Depression, rebuilt GM, reformed healthcare, reformed Wall Street, doubled the stock market, created 16 straight quarters of GDP growth, created 50 months of private sector job growth, got Bin Laden, got Gaddafi, and got us out of Iraq.

Obama has done a very good job.

LOL You are a nut!

He saved the economy from a great depression? Fail.
He rebuilt GM? Fail.
Reformed health care for the worse. We have dozens of companies who have said openly without waviers from ObamaCrap, they would cancel insurance, and meanwhile insurance premiums have drastically increase more than ever before. Fail.
Reformed Wall St? LOL!!! FAIL!
Doubled the Stock Market? Huh? How did "Obama double the stock market"?
Created 16 straight quarters of GDP growth? Obama doesn't 'create growth'. Companies and business create growth.
Same with job growth. Obama hasn't created a single job. Business and private citizens creating the economy did that.
Got Bin Laden? What exactly do you think Obama personally did to 'get Osama'? Osama was caught by a decade plus of hard difficult work by CIA and the military. Obama saying "ok, do it", is not exactly grounds for complete credit in my book.
Got Gaddafi? So? Between Osama, Saddam, and Gaddafi, Gaddafi was a non-issue. Yippy skippy.
Got us out of Iraq? LOL FAIL! Obama didn't do jack about that. Bush is who won the Iraq war, and smashed the subsequent insurgency. If Bush had left Iraq for Obama to clean up, he would have handed it to Al Qeada and ditched them.

You are just spewing ignorant talking points now. Some of those claims, are so ridiculous, you are just making yourself look like a clown. Obama rebuilt GM.... LOL :D Oh my goodness you are delusional if you really believe that.

GM rescue was Obama's deal. Romney was against it.
Bin Laden moved away from the border because Obama expanded the drone strike zone.
McCain and other Republicans wanted us to stay in Iraq. Obama said no.
Gaddafi was going to destroy Benghazi, so it was not a "non issue."
The stimulus worked, the economy was saved.

It helps to have a smart president.
George W. Bush inherited a strong economy, a budget surplus, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later, he left Obama with a shattered economy, a trillion dollar deficit, and two useless wars.

Obama saved the country from another Great Depression, rebuilt GM, reformed healthcare, reformed Wall Street, doubled the stock market, created 16 straight quarters of GDP growth, created 50 months of private sector job growth, got Bin Laden, got Gaddafi, and got us out of Iraq.

Obama has done a very good job.

LOL You are a nut!

He saved the economy from a great depression? Fail.
He rebuilt GM? Fail.
Reformed health care for the worse. We have dozens of companies who have said openly without waviers from ObamaCrap, they would cancel insurance, and meanwhile insurance premiums have drastically increase more than ever before. Fail.
Reformed Wall St? LOL!!! FAIL!
Doubled the Stock Market? Huh? How did "Obama double the stock market"?
Created 16 straight quarters of GDP growth? Obama doesn't 'create growth'. Companies and business create growth.
Same with job growth. Obama hasn't created a single job. Business and private citizens creating the economy did that.
Got Bin Laden? What exactly do you think Obama personally did to 'get Osama'? Osama was caught by a decade plus of hard difficult work by CIA and the military. Obama saying "ok, do it", is not exactly grounds for complete credit in my book.
Got Gaddafi? So? Between Osama, Saddam, and Gaddafi, Gaddafi was a non-issue. Yippy skippy.
Got us out of Iraq? LOL FAIL! Obama didn't do jack about that. Bush is who won the Iraq war, and smashed the subsequent insurgency. If Bush had left Iraq for Obama to clean up, he would have handed it to Al Qeada and ditched them.

You are just spewing ignorant talking points now. Some of those claims, are so ridiculous, you are just making yourself look like a clown. Obama rebuilt GM.... LOL :D Oh my goodness you are delusional if you really believe that.

GM rescue was Obama's deal. Romney was against it.
Bin Laden moved away from the border because Obama expanded the drone strike zone.
McCain and other Republicans wanted us to stay in Iraq. Obama said no.
Gaddafi was going to destroy Benghazi, so it was not a "non issue."
The stimulus worked, the economy was saved.

It helps to have a smart president.

We lost $10BILL on GM you fool...

You could have moved the whole dam company for that amount and they would have had a better shot at surviving...

They should have taken the same path all failing businesses take, BK...
George W. Bush inherited a strong economy, a budget surplus, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later, he left Obama with a shattered economy, a trillion dollar deficit, and two useless wars.

Obama saved the country from another Great Depression, rebuilt GM, reformed healthcare, reformed Wall Street, doubled the stock market, created 16 straight quarters of GDP growth, created 50 months of private sector job growth, got Bin Laden, got Gaddafi, and got us out of Iraq.

Obama has done a very good job.

LOL You are a nut!

He saved the economy from a great depression? Fail.
He rebuilt GM? Fail.
Reformed health care for the worse. We have dozens of companies who have said openly without waviers from ObamaCrap, they would cancel insurance, and meanwhile insurance premiums have drastically increase more than ever before. Fail.
Reformed Wall St? LOL!!! FAIL!
Doubled the Stock Market? Huh? How did "Obama double the stock market"?
Created 16 straight quarters of GDP growth? Obama doesn't 'create growth'. Companies and business create growth.
Same with job growth. Obama hasn't created a single job. Business and private citizens creating the economy did that.
Got Bin Laden? What exactly do you think Obama personally did to 'get Osama'? Osama was caught by a decade plus of hard difficult work by CIA and the military. Obama saying "ok, do it", is not exactly grounds for complete credit in my book.
Got Gaddafi? So? Between Osama, Saddam, and Gaddafi, Gaddafi was a non-issue. Yippy skippy.
Got us out of Iraq? LOL FAIL! Obama didn't do jack about that. Bush is who won the Iraq war, and smashed the subsequent insurgency. If Bush had left Iraq for Obama to clean up, he would have handed it to Al Qeada and ditched them.

You are just spewing ignorant talking points now. Some of those claims, are so ridiculous, you are just making yourself look like a clown. Obama rebuilt GM.... LOL :D Oh my goodness you are delusional if you really believe that.

GM rescue was Obama's deal. Romney was against it.
Bin Laden moved away from the border because Obama expanded the drone strike zone.
McCain and other Republicans wanted us to stay in Iraq. Obama said no.
Gaddafi was going to destroy Benghazi, so it was not a "non issue."
The stimulus worked, the economy was saved.

It helps to have a smart president.

Oh really? Did Obama say no to staying in Iraq, before or after he deployed more troops to Iraq?
» Obama Sends More Troops to Iraq as Deadline Nears Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Yes, Romney was against the 'GM rescue' and so was I, and so was everyone with any intelligence. Did you miss the fact GM declared bankruptcy anyway, losing all the money Obamoron gave them?
General Motors bankruptcy: End of an era - Jun. 1, 2009
Obamoron didn't 'rescue' anything. Do you know how bankruptcy works?

When a company goes into bankruptcy, they sell off unprofitable divisions, keep the profitable ones, and the bond holders take a cut.

You know what GM did in bankruptcy? They sold off the unprofitable divisions, kept the profitable ones, and gave the Unions tons of tax payer money.

Obama didn't rescue jack squat. Obama paid back political supporters, and fooled the stupid lemmings that elected him, into thinking he 'rescued GM'. You've been played for a fool. And by the way, most of what he did was highly illegal.

Gaddafi was going to destroy Benghazi, so it was not a "non issue."

Saddam had been murdering, slaughtering, and his sons, raping, the people of Iraq for decades. You, and your leftard hypocrites, didn't give a flying crap about any of the thousands of people Saddam tortured and brutalized.

When Bush finally finishes Saddam, after years of violating our ceasefire agreement, and UN resolutions for over a decade, you and your leftard hypocrites scream about it.

Then your hero goes into Libya, where Gaddafi was causing us no problems, and an absolute zero as a national security threat, and you idiots want say it was a great idea because Gaddafi MIGHT have harmed some people? Where were you morons when Saddam ACTUALLY DID gas out thousands of Kurds? Huh?? HYPOCRITE.

You hypocritical bottom feeding Invertebrates are slimy and disgusting. Grow up, you worthless spineless bits of human dirt.
LOL You are a nut!

He saved the economy from a great depression? Fail.
He rebuilt GM? Fail.
Reformed health care for the worse. We have dozens of companies who have said openly without waviers from ObamaCrap, they would cancel insurance, and meanwhile insurance premiums have drastically increase more than ever before. Fail.
Reformed Wall St? LOL!!! FAIL!
Doubled the Stock Market? Huh? How did "Obama double the stock market"?
Created 16 straight quarters of GDP growth? Obama doesn't 'create growth'. Companies and business create growth.
Same with job growth. Obama hasn't created a single job. Business and private citizens creating the economy did that.
Got Bin Laden? What exactly do you think Obama personally did to 'get Osama'? Osama was caught by a decade plus of hard difficult work by CIA and the military. Obama saying "ok, do it", is not exactly grounds for complete credit in my book.
Got Gaddafi? So? Between Osama, Saddam, and Gaddafi, Gaddafi was a non-issue. Yippy skippy.
Got us out of Iraq? LOL FAIL! Obama didn't do jack about that. Bush is who won the Iraq war, and smashed the subsequent insurgency. If Bush had left Iraq for Obama to clean up, he would have handed it to Al Qeada and ditched them.

You are just spewing ignorant talking points now. Some of those claims, are so ridiculous, you are just making yourself look like a clown. Obama rebuilt GM.... LOL :D Oh my goodness you are delusional if you really believe that.

GM rescue was Obama's deal. Romney was against it.
Bin Laden moved away from the border because Obama expanded the drone strike zone.
McCain and other Republicans wanted us to stay in Iraq. Obama said no.
Gaddafi was going to destroy Benghazi, so it was not a "non issue."
The stimulus worked, the economy was saved.

It helps to have a smart president.

We lost $10BILL on GM you fool...

You could have moved the whole dam company for that amount and they would have had a better shot at surviving...

They should have taken the same path all failing businesses take, BK...

Worse yet, they DID go bankrupt. That's why we lost $10 Billion. We gave them billions of tax dollars, and they STILL WENT BANKRUPT......

and here we have a leftard saying "oh obamoron 'rescued' GM".

What kind of a mindless idiot, says we rescued a company that STILL WENT BANKRUPT....? What idiot says that?!? They went bankrupt you idiotic leftards! On what planet is "declaring bankruptcy" equal to "We rescued them!"?

These leftist... I'm telling you... I don't know how they have the brain power to turn on their computer, when they prove themselves this retarded. I swear, I don't know these leftists can be this stupid, and yet navigate the registration for this forum. Did someone help them? Is there a leftard registration support center? How can people this dumb, even get on here?
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1993 - GOP Healthcare Plan (their answer to HilaryCare) includes a Mandate.
2006 - RomneyCare includes a Mandate.
2008 - GOP Candidates McCain & Romney support a Mandate, Candidate Obama does not.
2010 - Pres. Obama's Health Plan, as a concession to Republicans, includes a Mandate.
2011 - Suddenly a Mandate is Socialism and UnConstitutional.
2013 - Rank and File Republicans are totally clueless that their votes have been supporting a mandate for 20 years.

I can find no such legislation in the year of 1993, where the GOP offered a health care plan. What was the House or Senate bill number? Who proposed it?

Yes, RomneyCare includes a mandate. Have you looked at MassHealth? The absolute worst care, and most expensive care in the country, is in Massachusetts. That's why we didn't vote for Romney, and he lost the election. Romneycare is terrible.

As for the rest of that, I don't care. The mandate is socialism. The entire bill, is socialism. Doesn't matter who came up with it.... it's terrible. Romney Care is terrible, and Obama Care was based on Romney Care.

Chart: Comparing Health Reform Bills: Democrats and Republicans 2009, Republicans 1993

The Democrats' 2010 Health Reform Plan Evokes 1993 Republican Bill

In 1993, at the height of President Bill Clinton's health care reform initiative, Sen. John Chafee, R-R.I., along with 19 other Republicans and two Democrats, put forth a bill which was considered the major GOP proposal. One of the co-sponsors was then-Sen. Dave Durenberger, R-Minn. The bill, just like the Democratic version, never passed. But in a sense, it's been revived this year.

In fact, the key provisions in the Chafee bill may seem familiar, as they bear a strong resemblance to those in the current Democratic Senate bill, and now in President Barack Obama's proposal. A mandate that individuals buy insurance, subsidies for the poor to buy insurance and the requirement that insurers offer a standard benefits package and refrain from discriminating based on pre-existing conditions were all in the 1993 GOP bill.

Durenberger says the reason many of these ideas have been shunned by today's Republicans, even called unconstitutional by some, is that political times have changed. “The main thing that’s changed is the definition of a Republican,” he said.
Chris. Bfgrn. Hillarycare. Arguments invalid.

Says a pea brain...LOL

I rest my case. I love how you conveniently forget Hillarycare, accuse Republicans of passing no viable alternative when in the same argument listing what they proposed, then call me a 'pea brain.'

Quod Erat Demonstrandum. Your lack of an argument had to be demonstrated.
LOL You are a nut!

He saved the economy from a great depression? Fail.
He rebuilt GM? Fail.
Reformed health care for the worse. We have dozens of companies who have said openly without waviers from ObamaCrap, they would cancel insurance, and meanwhile insurance premiums have drastically increase more than ever before. Fail.
Reformed Wall St? LOL!!! FAIL!
Doubled the Stock Market? Huh? How did "Obama double the stock market"?
Created 16 straight quarters of GDP growth? Obama doesn't 'create growth'. Companies and business create growth.
Same with job growth. Obama hasn't created a single job. Business and private citizens creating the economy did that.
Got Bin Laden? What exactly do you think Obama personally did to 'get Osama'? Osama was caught by a decade plus of hard difficult work by CIA and the military. Obama saying "ok, do it", is not exactly grounds for complete credit in my book.
Got Gaddafi? So? Between Osama, Saddam, and Gaddafi, Gaddafi was a non-issue. Yippy skippy.
Got us out of Iraq? LOL FAIL! Obama didn't do jack about that. Bush is who won the Iraq war, and smashed the subsequent insurgency. If Bush had left Iraq for Obama to clean up, he would have handed it to Al Qeada and ditched them.

You are just spewing ignorant talking points now. Some of those claims, are so ridiculous, you are just making yourself look like a clown. Obama rebuilt GM.... LOL :D Oh my goodness you are delusional if you really believe that.

GM rescue was Obama's deal. Romney was against it.
Bin Laden moved away from the border because Obama expanded the drone strike zone.
McCain and other Republicans wanted us to stay in Iraq. Obama said no.
Gaddafi was going to destroy Benghazi, so it was not a "non issue."
The stimulus worked, the economy was saved.

It helps to have a smart president.

Oh really? Did Obama say no to staying in Iraq, before or after he deployed more troops to Iraq?
» Obama Sends More Troops to Iraq as Deadline Nears Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Yes, Romney was against the 'GM rescue' and so was I, and so was everyone with any intelligence. Did you miss the fact GM declared bankruptcy anyway, losing all the money Obamoron gave them?
General Motors bankruptcy: End of an era - Jun. 1, 2009
Obamoron didn't 'rescue' anything. Do you know how bankruptcy works?

When a company goes into bankruptcy, they sell off unprofitable divisions, keep the profitable ones, and the bond holders take a cut.

You know what GM did in bankruptcy? They sold off the unprofitable divisions, kept the profitable ones, and gave the Unions tons of tax payer money.

Obama didn't rescue jack squat. Obama paid back political supporters, and fooled the stupid lemmings that elected him, into thinking he 'rescued GM'. You've been played for a fool. And by the way, most of what he did was highly illegal.

Gaddafi was going to destroy Benghazi, so it was not a "non issue."

Saddam had been murdering, slaughtering, and his sons, raping, the people of Iraq for decades. You, and your leftard hypocrites, didn't give a flying crap about any of the thousands of people Saddam tortured and brutalized.

When Bush finally finishes Saddam, after years of violating our ceasefire agreement, and UN resolutions for over a decade, you and your leftard hypocrites scream about it.

Then your hero goes into Libya, where Gaddafi was causing us no problems, and an absolute zero as a national security threat
, and you idiots want say it was a great idea because Gaddafi MIGHT have harmed some people? Where were you morons when Saddam ACTUALLY DID gas out thousands of Kurds? Huh?? HYPOCRITE.

You hypocritical bottom feeding Invertebrates are slimy and disgusting. Grow up, you worthless spineless bits of human dirt.

I'm sorry, but WHAT?

Prior to 9/11, one of the worst international acts of terrorism, Lockerbie, was planned, ordered and financed by Mommar Gaddafi.

And Bush? Bush made him pay blood money for it.

If you are trying to send a "message" to terrorists? That shouldn't be it.
Chris. Bfgrn. Hillarycare. Arguments invalid.

Says a pea brain...LOL

I rest my case. I love how you conveniently forget Hillarycare, accuse Republicans of passing no viable alternative when in the same argument listing what they proposed, then call me a 'pea brain.'

Quod Erat Demonstrandum. Your lack of an argument had to be demonstrated.

They didn't pass any viable alternative.

Once "HillaryCare" was defeated? The Republican alternative was dropped. And didn't get picked up again, until Romney used it in Massachusetts.
Says a pea brain...LOL

I rest my case. I love how you conveniently forget Hillarycare, accuse Republicans of passing no viable alternative when in the same argument listing what they proposed, then call me a 'pea brain.'

Quod Erat Demonstrandum. Your lack of an argument had to be demonstrated.

They didn't pass any viable alternative.

Once "HillaryCare" was defeated? The Republican alternative was dropped. And didn't get picked up again, until Romney used it in Massachusetts.

You want to try this again?

Seriously? The Republicans Have No Health Plan? - Forbes
Chris. Bfgrn. Hillarycare. Arguments invalid.

Says a pea brain...LOL

I rest my case. I love how you conveniently forget Hillarycare, accuse Republicans of passing no viable alternative when in the same argument listing what they proposed, then call me a 'pea brain.'

Quod Erat Demonstrandum. Your lack of an argument had to be demonstrated.

I NEVER said Republicans proposed no viable alternative in 1993.

Game, set, match...Bfgrn.
Says a pea brain...LOL

I rest my case. I love how you conveniently forget Hillarycare, accuse Republicans of passing no viable alternative when in the same argument listing what they proposed, then call me a 'pea brain.'

Quod Erat Demonstrandum. Your lack of an argument had to be demonstrated.

I NEVER said Republicans proposed no viable alternative in 1993.

Game, set, match...Bfgrn.

So then why is Sallow shadowing you with "Republicans passed no viable alternative"? You two are of the same liberal stripe, perhaps you should disprove him?
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I rest my case. I love how you conveniently forget Hillarycare, accuse Republicans of passing no viable alternative when in the same argument listing what they proposed, then call me a 'pea brain.'

Quod Erat Demonstrandum. Your lack of an argument had to be demonstrated.

I NEVER said Republicans proposed no viable alternative in 1993.

Game, set, match...Bfgrn.

So then why is Sallow shadowing you with "Republicans passed no viable alternative"?

Then direct your immense intelligence at Sallow. :lol: You know, the one who actually said something you want to refute. That's called "debating".

Good luck.

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