4 Inconvenient Facts The Right Ignores

1993 - GOP Healthcare Plan (their answer to HilaryCare) includes a Mandate.
2006 - RomneyCare includes a Mandate.
2008 - GOP Candidates McCain & Romney support a Mandate, Candidate Obama does not.
2010 - Pres. Obama's Health Plan, as a concession to Republicans, includes a Mandate.
2011 - Suddenly a Mandate is Socialism and UnConstitutional.
2013 - Rank and File Republicans are totally clueless that their votes have been supporting a mandate for 20 years.
2. NRA used to support gun control.
The NRA still does.

Just not the mindless, ineffective crap put forth by people (like Jillian) that can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.

The NRA is owned by the gun manufacturers.

They like more crime and more killings.

It sells more guns.
1993 - GOP Healthcare Plan (their answer to HilaryCare) includes a Mandate.
2006 - RomneyCare includes a Mandate.
2008 - GOP Candidates McCain & Romney support a Mandate, Candidate Obama does not.
2010 - Pres. Obama's Health Plan, as a concession to Republicans, includes a Mandate.
2011 - Suddenly a Mandate is Socialism and UnConstitutional.
2013 - Rank and File Republicans are totally clueless that their votes have been supporting a mandate for 20 years.

I can find no such legislation in the year of 1993, where the GOP offered a health care plan. What was the House or Senate bill number? Who proposed it?

Yes, RomneyCare includes a mandate. Have you looked at MassHealth? The absolute worst care, and most expensive care in the country, is in Massachusetts. That's why we didn't vote for Romney, and he lost the election. Romneycare is terrible.

As for the rest of that, I don't care. The mandate is socialism. The entire bill, is socialism. Doesn't matter who came up with it.... it's terrible. Romney Care is terrible, and Obama Care was based on Romney Care.
So, republicans are double-talking, double-dealing dirtballs. What else is new?

What have progressive democrats done for me, that I ever wanted in the first place, since Grover Cleveland?


i'm not a progressive. i am a liberal.

Translation : You're a useful Idiot

but that has nothing to do with you ignoring the facts in the o/p.

You presented very few real facts , simply fabricated nonsense, convenient distortions of the truth, and half truths.

i can't abide people who abhor fact-based reality.

Now that's the pot calling the kettle black :lol:

you're welcome

No YOU'RE welcome
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2. NRA used to support gun control.
The NRA still does.

Just not the mindless, ineffective crap put forth by people (like Jillian) that can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.

The NRA is owned by the gun manufacturers.

They like more crime and more killings.

It sells more guns.

Then why has the crime rate declined, as gun sales have gone up?



They must love crime in Switzerland, with the 4th highest gun ownership level in the world.


Oh wait... maybe you are just a brain dead idiot. Go learn something before you shove your own foot down your throat.
1 major fact that Progressives choose to ignore:

Obama is a lying bastard who's destroying America.

because its retarded

and because it's delusional.

Barack Obama's tenure in the White House has been one of the low points in the history of our republic. It may seem melodramatic to compare the damage Barack Obama is doing to 9/11, Pearl Harbor, and the White House being burned during the war of 1812, but in a sense he's worse than any of those calamities because he's a purely self-inflicted wound.....Not only has he ridden the economy so deep into the ground that the percentage of Americans not working is at a 36 year high, he's piled on so much debt in such a short period that the destruction of our economy via bankruptcy and/or runaway inflation may be inevitable at this point.

Worse yet, Barack Obama has taken the position that he can rewrite any law he chooses, any way he chooses, for any reason he chooses. In other words, although Obama is not a dictator, he IS CLAIMING THE RIGHT TO EXERCISE DICTATORIAL POWERS for himself.

5 High Crimes And Misdemeanors For Which Obama Deserves To Be Impeached
First George W. Bush's SEC let Wall Street run a derivatives based Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy in 2008.

Then Republicans on the Supreme Court voted to allow unlimited secret campaign contributions in the Citizens United decision.

Then Republicans in Congress voted against infrastructure spending that would have lowered unemployment.

Then Republicans in the House shut down the government and threatened the country with default.

Why would anyone vote for a party that hates government and continually tries to damage our country?
George W. Bush inherited a strong economy, a budget surplus, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later, he left Obama with a shattered economy, a trillion dollar deficit, and two useless wars.

Obama saved the country from another Great Depression, rebuilt GM, reformed healthcare, reformed Wall Street, doubled the stock market, created 16 straight quarters of GDP growth, created 50 months of private sector job growth, got Bin Laden, got Gaddafi, and got us out of Iraq.

Obama has done a very good job.
1 major fact that Progressives choose to ignore:

Obama is a lying bastard who's destroying America.

because its retarded

and because it's delusional.

Wow. You squeezed out a really big, four syllable word. Goody!

Too bad you don't know what it means. Anyone with a minimum of 10 working braincells can see that Obama has done major damage to the USA. Only someone with fewer than 10 working braincells can't see it.
because its retarded

and because it's delusional.

Wow. You squeezed out a really big, four syllable word. Goody!

Too bad you don't know what it means. Anyone with a minimum of 10 working braincells can see that Obama has done major damage to the USA. Only someone with fewer than 10 working braincells can't see it.

Obama saved us from another Great Depression with the stimulus, rebuilt GM, brought unemployment down to 6.3%, passed healthcare reform and Wall Street banking reform, saw the stock market soar and housing rebound, got bin Laden, got Ghaddafi, secured WMDs from Syria, got the Iranians to give up their nukes, passed START, got us out of Iraq, accelerated the end of the war in Afghanistan, freed gays in the military, created over 14 million private sector jobs, 50 months of economic growth, increased Americans net worth by $20 trillion dollars . . .

ALL without any help from the Republican Party.

Obama has done a very good job
George W. Bush inherited a strong economy, a budget surplus, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later, he left Obama with a shattered economy, a trillion dollar deficit, and two useless wars.

Obama saved the country from another Great Depression, rebuilt GM, reformed healthcare, reformed Wall Street, doubled the stock market, created 16 straight quarters of GDP growth, created 50 months of private sector job growth, got Bin Laden, got Gaddafi, and got us out of Iraq.

Obama has done a very good job.

Oh ... and a Democrat Congress (many of whom voted for Iraq) had much to do with getting America into debt and stuffing Wall Street pockets with big money in the first bailout. Now, a term-and-a-half later and things are even worse than when Bama took office. So ... time to stop blaming the old administration. That was a looonnnnggg time ago. Try to focus on the hear and now and the major failures and shortcomings of the current administration (not to mention the endless scandals and habitual lies).
George W. Bush inherited a strong economy, a budget surplus, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later, he left Obama with a shattered economy, a trillion dollar deficit, and two useless wars.

Obama saved the country from another Great Depression, rebuilt GM, reformed healthcare, reformed Wall Street, doubled the stock market, created 16 straight quarters of GDP growth, created 50 months of private sector job growth, got Bin Laden, got Gaddafi, and got us out of Iraq.

Obama has done a very good job.

Oh ... and a Democrat Congress (many of whom voted for Iraq) had much to do with getting America into debt and stuffing Wall Street pockets with big money in the first bailout. Now, a term-and-a-half later and things are even worse than when Bama took office. So ... time to stop blaming the old administration. That was a looonnnnggg time ago. Try to focus on the hear and now and the major failures and shortcomings of the current administration (not to mention the endless scandals and habitual lies).

80% of our National Debt was created by Reagan and the two Bushes. Reagan tripled the National Debt, W Bush gave away the Clinton surplus, gave a huge tax cuts to the rich, passed a trillion dollar unfunded prescription drug bill for seniors, borrowed trillions to fight two wars, and created the largest government buildup since WW II.
i'm not going to debate this with a loser like you. i know what i do. your lying and repeating spew is meaningless to me.

but then again, you're pretty meaningless.

i'm not going to debate this with a dishonest stupid loser like you. i know what a piece of shit you are. your lying and repeating spew is meaningless to me.

wow.... look how the loser rightwingnut brigade seems to be infecting this board.

it's hysterical that an article calling the right on its lies and delusions makes you all melt down.

now run along until you can show a single thing in the article that is a lie.

lyou toons are laughable :cuckoo:

but the meltdown is hysterically funny


You're such an idiot. Based on that post and how clueless you are, it's reasonably safe to say that your IQ <70.
and because it's delusional.

Wow. You squeezed out a really big, four syllable word. Goody!

Too bad you don't know what it means. Anyone with a minimum of 10 working braincells can see that Obama has done major damage to the USA. Only someone with fewer than 10 working braincells can't see it.

Obama saved us from another Great Depression with the stimulus, rebuilt GM, brought unemployment down to 6.3%, passed healthcare reform and Wall Street banking reform, saw the stock market soar and housing rebound, got bin Laden, got Ghaddafi, secured WMDs from Syria, got the Iranians to give up their nukes, passed START, got us out of Iraq, accelerated the end of the war in Afghanistan, freed gays in the military, created over 14 million private sector jobs, 50 months of economic growth, increased Americans net worth by $20 trillion dollars . . .

ALL without any help from the Republican Party.

Obama has done a very good job

Contrary to the lies spewed by the Liberal Media, we've been in a recession since Obama took office and we're STILL in it. The economy is NOT better than it used to be. Prices continue to jump at an exponential rate and unemployment is still too high in spite of the false reports coming from the Liar in Chief. Folks are having to take part time jobs or jobs that don't pay well. Face it ... Obama is a failure and the #1 worst Prez in the history of the USA. He will go down in infamy.
i'm not going to debate this with a dishonest stupid loser like you. i know what a piece of shit you are. your lying and repeating spew is meaningless to me.

wow.... look how the loser rightwingnut brigade seems to be infecting this board.

it's hysterical that an article calling the right on its lies and delusions makes you all melt down.

now run along until you can show a single thing in the article that is a lie.

lyou toons are laughable :cuckoo:

but the meltdown is hysterically funny


You're such an idiot. Based on that post and how clueless you are, it's reasonably safe to say that your IQ <70.

Insults are not convincing arguments.
George W. Bush inherited a strong economy, a budget surplus, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later, he left Obama with a shattered economy, a trillion dollar deficit, and two useless wars.

Obama saved the country from another Great Depression, rebuilt GM, reformed healthcare, reformed Wall Street, doubled the stock market, created 16 straight quarters of GDP growth, created 50 months of private sector job growth, got Bin Laden, got Gaddafi, and got us out of Iraq.

Obama has done a very good job.

Oh ... and a Democrat Congress (many of whom voted for Iraq) had much to do with getting America into debt and stuffing Wall Street pockets with big money in the first bailout. Now, a term-and-a-half later and things are even worse than when Bama took office. So ... time to stop blaming the old administration. That was a looonnnnggg time ago. Try to focus on the hear and now and the major failures and shortcomings of the current administration (not to mention the endless scandals and habitual lies).

80% of our National Debt was created by Reagan and the two Bushes. Reagan tripled the National Debt, W Bush gave away the Clinton surplus, gave a huge tax cuts to the rich, passed a trillion dollar unfunded prescription drug bill for seniors, borrowed trillions to fight two wars, and created the largest government buildup since WW II.

Obama and Company has given more money to his buds on Wall Street than all the previous Presidents have COMBINED. Obama holds the world's record for the biggest spender in American history.
wow.... look how the loser rightwingnut brigade seems to be infecting this board.

it's hysterical that an article calling the right on its lies and delusions makes you all melt down.

now run along until you can show a single thing in the article that is a lie.

lyou toons are laughable :cuckoo:

but the meltdown is hysterically funny


You're such an idiot. Based on that post and how clueless you are, it's reasonably safe to say that your IQ <70.

Insults are not convincing arguments.
Swearing doesn't provide convincing arguments either, yet most of the negs I get seem to contain it. Some people on this forum have a lot of anger management issues. :popcorn:
George W. Bush inherited a strong economy, a budget surplus, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later, he left Obama with a shattered economy, a trillion dollar deficit, and two useless wars.

Obama saved the country from another Great Depression, rebuilt GM, reformed healthcare, reformed Wall Street, doubled the stock market, created 16 straight quarters of GDP growth, created 50 months of private sector job growth, got Bin Laden, got Gaddafi, and got us out of Iraq.

Obama has done a very good job.

Oh ... and a Democrat Congress (many of whom voted for Iraq) had much to do with getting America into debt and stuffing Wall Street pockets with big money in the first bailout. Now, a term-and-a-half later and things are even worse than when Bama took office. So ... time to stop blaming the old administration. That was a looonnnnggg time ago. Try to focus on the hear and now and the major failures and shortcomings of the current administration (not to mention the endless scandals and habitual lies).

80% of our National Debt was created by Reagan and the two Bushes. Reagan tripled the National Debt, W Bush gave away the Clinton surplus, gave a huge tax cuts to the rich, passed a trillion dollar unfunded prescription drug bill for seniors, borrowed trillions to fight two wars, and created the largest government buildup since WW II.

Who controls the spending? Congress does. Did you know that?

Our system of government, the President has absolutely no ability to control what the government does, or does not, spend money on.

That's one of the reasons during the Iraq war, when Democrats got control of government, they were pushing to cut the spending. Because if Congress cuts the spending, the war is over. Period.

If they vote to cut spending for the war, the troops would come home, and there is not one thing Bush, or any president, could do about it.

When you look at the 1980s, the revenue into the government doubled.

So the amount of money to spend, was twice what is was before.

How did we end up with debt, when revenue doubled? Democrats in Congress spent even more than double.

Similarly, when Clinton became president, he proposed plans for government stimulus, and government health care.

If you look at Clinton's presidential budgets from 1993, 94, 95, 96, Clinton never once even attempted to cut the deficit. Every single budget Clinton produced, included increased deficits into, and throughout the 2000s.

But in 1994, Republicans got control of Congress. They had the 'contract with America' which included cutting the deficit. And sure enough, they cut spending on every single Clinton budget, and there was NOTHING Clinton could do about it.

The huge deficits, for the most part, have all been due to Democrats in congress. And the closest we ever got to a balanced budget, was due to Republicans.

The exception, was the 2003 war. War always results in deficits. But after 2005, the deficit fell every single year until 2008. Before the economic crash, the deficit was only $170 Billion. When Obama and the Democrats had power in 2009, '10 '11 '12, we had Trillion dollar deficits.

And unlike the prior presidents which tried to limit spending when we had extreme deficits, Obama openly pushed to spend more, with stimulus and health care spending.

You don't have a good position to make an argument on this topic.
wow.... look how the loser rightwingnut brigade seems to be infecting this board.

it's hysterical that an article calling the right on its lies and delusions makes you all melt down.

now run along until you can show a single thing in the article that is a lie.

lyou toons are laughable :cuckoo:

but the meltdown is hysterically funny


You're such an idiot. Based on that post and how clueless you are, it's reasonably safe to say that your IQ <70.

Insults are not convincing arguments.

they have nothing but insults... because they have no fact based arguments. so they rant and rave and spew and foam at the mouth.

that's why they got 5 million fewer votes in the last presidential election.

and that's why they got a million fewer votes in the last House of Representatives election and only kept the House because of gerrymandering.

they are good at hurling misogynistic insults, however.


You're such an idiot. Based on that post and how clueless you are, it's reasonably safe to say that your IQ <70.

Insults are not convincing arguments.

they have nothing but insults... because they have no fact based arguments. so they rant and rave and spew and foam at the mouth.

that's why they got 5 million fewer votes in the last presidential election.

and that's why they got a million fewer votes in the last House of Representatives election and only kept the House because of gerrymandering.

they are good at hurling misogynistic insults, however.


i'm not going to debate this with a loser like you. i know what i do. your lying and repeating spew is meaningless to me.

but then again, you're pretty meaningless.

i'm not going to debate this with a dishonest stupid loser like you. i know what a piece of shit you are. your lying and repeating spew is meaningless to me.

wow.... look how the loser rightwingnut brigade seems to be infecting this board.

it's hysterical that an article calling the right on its lies and delusions makes you all melt down.

now run along until you can show a single thing in the article that is a lie.

lyou toons are laughable :cuckoo:

but the meltdown is hysterically funny

Kinda like your insults in the same set of quotes Jillian? But, hey, I hear 'that's different".

Maybe Chris was speaking to you as well? Nahhhhh
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