4 Inconvenient Facts The Right Ignores

If you have bothered to go to the article, you would see that the reference points are highlighted and linked to external corroborative sources.

That's something else the right does. They scream about legitimate left sources, ones linking to true sources, but right sources? Drudge cites Townhall, Townhall cites Drudge, Fox cites Fox, and so on...

There's a term for that a friend of mine came up with:

The Circle Jerk of Attribution™

Feel free to refer to it in the future. :)
4 inconvenient facts conservatives conveniently ignore

1. The religious right started because of segregation, not abortion.

As Randall Balmer, a Darthmouth professor writing in Politico, explained in a recent article, the organized religious right started as a movement to protect white-only schools from federally mandated desegregation. As Balmer explains, there were many other attempts to rally evangelical Christians to become a conservative movement to support Republicans—“pornography, prayer in schools, the proposed Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution, even abortion”—but none took. Under the guidance of Jerry Falwell, however, it was discovered that evangelical leaders would rally to keep black students out of private schools set up specifically so white kids didn’t have to go to desegregated public schools. Even though it was actually the Nixon administration that kickstarted the process of the IRS stripping tax-exempt status from “whites only” school, Falwell and his buddies blamed Jimmy Carter and used the issue to start rallying support for Ronald Reagan’s challenge. It was only after the evangelical right was organized that they started expanding into other issues, like abortion.

So what?

Coca Cola was once made from real Cocaine!

Today it's not.

We oppose legalized Cocaine. We oppose segregation. We oppose abortion.

Where's the confusion in your mind, Jillian?
So I see absolutely nothing that confirms the creation of the "Religious Right", or confirms the statement that the NRA changed politics, period, let alone changed them to accommodate weapons manufacturers.

So much for that.
Progressive loons, you know I love them. People who are just certain they're smarter and more entitled than anyone else in the world...yet at the same time so obviously know so little.
Poor elitist city dwellers....Christians with guns is da debil!

"In response to repeated attacks on the Second Amendment rights, NRA formed the Legislative Affairs Division in 1934. While NRA did not lobby directly at this time, it did mail out legislative facts and analyses to members, whereby they could take action on their own. In 1975, recognizing the critical need for political defense of the Second Amendment, NRA formed the Institute for Legislative Action, or ILA."

A Brief History of NRA
2. NRA used to support gun control.

The NRA is a gun industry lobby that likes to present itself as a “rights” group. With that level of deceit, no wonder many people, especially on the right, assume that the group has always existed to lobby against any restriction on access to firearms, or that gun control is a relatively new phenomenon only invented by pansy liberals in the past few decades. In reality, the government has been controlling access to guns for a long, long time. While there have been limits on gun ownership throughout the country’s history—often for sexist and racist reasons, such as bans on black people owning guns—the first modern federal gun control law passed in 1934, to stop the proliferation of automatic sub-machine guns that were popular with organized criminals. Prior to that, many states passed laws regulating guns, laws conservatives would reject today, such as waiting periods and requiring gun sellers to share information with police. The NRA actually helped write these laws.

And why not? The NRA was started as a marksman and sporting club, so there was no real reason to oppose gun control laws, until recent decades when it morphed into a lobby to protect the profits of gun manufacturers. Even as late as 1963, the NRA supported gun control laws. It was only as the culture wars began to build and the conservative movement developed that the NRA turned into the organization it is now, feeding paranoia and faux-patriotism to gullible conservatives in order to convince them to buy more guns.

4 inconvenient facts conservatives conveniently ignore - Salon.com

Yes. Back before the Liberals/Progressives got this strange disease which made them lose their rational thinking ability, the NRA didn't NEED to do much more than act as a marksmanship club!

Only when the Left lost their collective minds and began looking at guns as being sentient entities able to kill without a human being involved, did the NRA rise to defend what before then needed no defense.

The Second Amendment.

The slippery slope of total gun banning or confiscation begins with just the kinds of sneaky Lib/Prog talk and actions as we hear andsee today.

if not for the NRA your ILK would have had us clutching our Johnsons for self protection rather than our guns!

The Libs and progressives fail to recognize that the NRA is ONLY a monster that the Libs and Progs created.

If there was no Tojo and no Hitler there would have been no WWII.

Without the Libs and Progs there would be no NRA such as it exists today.

You made it what it has become out of necessity.
Progressive elitists who think there should be no limit to the amount of money thrown at Planned parenthood object mightily at any money raised for the protection of second amendment rights, or right to life.
And they are working overtime to put a halt to such endeavors. They want the churches silenced, and the population unarmed.
3. Conservatives have always been the voting bloc to stop civil rights.

A lot of pundits and other charlatans like to deflect discussion of modern racism by claiming that Democrats were the ones who tried to stop the Civil Rights Act and Republicans were the ones who tried to pass it. Considering that it was a liberal Democrat—Lyndon B. Johnson—who signed the CRA, it’s clear that it was much more complicated than that. Yes, it’s true that some Democrats opposed the CRA and plenty of Republicans supported it. But the party lines were not drawn the same back then. Back then, both parties had a mix of liberals and conservatives, and since then, the parties have realigned, with all the conservatives—who voted against the CRA—stampeding to the Republican party and all the liberals—who voted for the CRA—running to the Democrats.

As Harry Enten, writing for the Guardian, notes, party was a poor predictor of a politician’s vote for the CRA in 1964. A far better predictor was state of origin. In the House, 90 percent of politicians from former Union states voted for it and only 8 percent of politicians from the South did. In the Senate, 92 percent of lawmakers from the Union states voted for the CRA, but only 5 percent—1 out of 22—of Southern senators did so. In other words, the votes against it came primarily from what we now consider the immovable “red” states—a permanent bloc of Republicans. And it was anger over the CRA that switched those previously Democratic states to Republican voters. The only states that voted for Barry Goldwater in 1964, besides Arizona,were Southern states.

Indeed, the best way to understand what happened in 1964 is that the CRA kicked off a process where the Republicans started to gather up all the conservative voters and Democrats expelled the racist vote but picked up all the liberals. Focusing on race instead of ideological leaning is a fundamentally dishonest tactic, when any honest assessment of the situation shows that the real divide was between conservatives and liberals, which remains the divide that governs our country today, even as the parties have rebranded themselves.

4 inconvenient facts conservatives conveniently ignore - Salon.com[/QUOTE]

Much of what your article says here is true.

But that doesn't explain the sinister machinations of LBJ who set out to NOT ONLY create a voting base for you Liberals and Progressives and Democrats, but showed a great deal of callous indifference to the plight of "the Negro race" by making them addicted to government entitlements for the next "200 years."

And ever since then Democrats and Liberals and Progressives have been watering that same tree. Eating from that same tree and getting fat off it's fruits. Even now they say they are the Black Man's Best Friend because they give us a free cell phone and food stamps and a few pieces of silver.

This shit is wrong and has got to change.

No matter WHO does it.

It would be nice to see you Libs pioneer the change.

Otherwise we hope that Blacks will recognize that Dems have been playing us for chumps and fools and virtual 'slaves' ever since LBJ's stroke of racist genius.
4 inconvenient facts conservatives conveniently ignore

4. They were for Common Core before they were against it.

The most recent and possibly silliest about-face of the modern conservative movement has to be the turnaround on Common Core, a program initiated by the National Governors Association to standardize and elevate educational standards across the country. Originally, conservatives were indifferent to outright supportive of the program—many Republican governors considered themselves fans—and pretty much all the criticism came from people on the left, who were concerned that it would be used as cover for attacks on teacher’s unions and would favor “teach the test”-style memorization over actual education.

Then President Obama endorsed it in 2012. Immediately, the right decided that Common Core was a sinister conspiracy to shove liberal ideology down children’s throats (never mind that many educational experts on the left are against it). Liberals make measured criticisms of Common Core, saying it might squelch imagination and writing skills. Conservatives, on the other hand, have taken to accusing the Obama administration of using Common Core to steal children away and teach them to have sex and get divorced so they’ll vote for Democrats. A calm, rational discussion of the program is basically impossible, because the entire debate has been taken over by right-wing nuts who have forgotten that, a mere two years ago, they were cool with a program they now compare to Nazi indoctrination.

4 inconvenient facts conservatives conveniently ignore - Salon.com

Common Core gives the Federal government control of our kid's education curriculum in D.C., where all bad things start and reside.

And Jeb Bush is for it.

Nuff said?

Or do I need to bring out substantiation for why we should ALL oppose it?

When George Will says it, he says it all.
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Progressive loons, you know I love them. People who are just certain they're smarter and more entitled than anyone else in the world...yet at the same time so obviously know so little.

koshergrl, you are SOOOOOO right!

And wtf...the religious right *started*? I didn't even know it was a group. What they mean is they started LABELING Christians as *religious right* as a way to marginalize them in order to scare them away from progressive darlings like baby killing, old people killing, genetic engineering and state run religion. It became a by-word about 15-20 years.

But it never "started". That in and of itself makes the entire OP laughable.

Though the NRA whine is pretty funny too.

This belongs in the badlands, what a stupid thread.

The religious right is the bane of the American Nation, the repository of the ignorance and hate used to deny citizens their civil liberties predicated solely on who they are; ignorance and hate "justified" by subjective religious dogma.

you're a bane on us with your ignorance and hate for everyone who are different in their views and who doesn't bow to all of you self-righteous people demands...just downright ugly
And wtf...the religious right *started*? I didn't even know it was a group. What they mean is they started LABELING Christians as *religious right* as a way to marginalize them in order to scare them away from progressive darlings like baby killing, old people killing, genetic engineering and state run religion. It became a by-word about 15-20 years.

But it never "started". That in and of itself makes the entire OP laughable.

Though the NRA whine is pretty funny too.

This belongs in the badlands, what a stupid thread.

The religious right is the bane of the American Nation, the repository of the ignorance and hate used to deny citizens their civil liberties predicated solely on who they are; ignorance and hate "justified" by subjective religious dogma.

you're a bane on us with your ignorance and hate for everyone who are different in their views and who doesn't bow to all of you self-righteous people demands...just downright ugly

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Jillian posting more crap. Where are the links for these?

1)the religious right was for segregation? WTF???? Where do you people come up with this shit?
2)Again a link? There was the 1934 law banning automatic weapons....but that's it...

3)so was Al Gore Sr a conservative? The republican party defended civil rights until this day, but lets use your liberal souther strategy in the late 60s. Before that time, name the last democrat more conservative than the republican?
It's Salon. What did you expect? :lol:

I was going to ask where she had gotten her liberal education. Guess that answers it.

Salon.com is a piece of shit propaganda website that posts lies as facts. Their target audience most likely has a median IQ between 70-80.
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i'm not a progressive. i am a liberal.

but that has nothing to do with you ignoring the facts in the o/p.

i have no issue with republicans. i can't abide people who abhor fact-based reality.

you're welcome.

That's interesting. You're the one fantasizing about being an attorney. But yet you slam us for 'ignoring fact based reality'? Okay then...

I abhor those who make up facts and contend them as reality. I abhor liars and lying. Guess what you are, miss?

i'm not going to debate this with a loser like you. i know what i do. your lying and repeating spew is meaningless to me.

but then again, you're pretty meaningless.

i'm not going to debate this with a dishonest stupid loser like you. i know what a piece of shit you are. your lying and repeating spew is meaningless to me.
That's interesting. You're the one fantasizing about being an attorney. But yet you slam us for 'ignoring fact based reality'? Okay then...

I abhor those who make up facts and contend them as reality. I abhor liars and lying. Guess what you are, miss?

i'm not going to debate this with a loser like you. i know what i do. your lying and repeating spew is meaningless to me.

but then again, you're pretty meaningless.

i'm not going to debate this with a dishonest stupid loser like you. i know what a piece of shit you are. your lying and repeating spew is meaningless to me.

wow.... look how the loser rightwingnut brigade seems to be infecting this board.

it's hysterical that an article calling the right on its lies and delusions makes you all melt down.

now run along until you can show a single thing in the article that is a lie.

lyou toons are laughable :cuckoo:

but the meltdown is hysterically funny
2. NRA used to support gun control.
The NRA still does.

Just not the mindless, ineffective crap put forth by people (like Jillian) that can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.

the only "emotion" i see on this thread is the meltdown of you rabid righties

the insults, invective and foaming at the mouth in response to a factual article was awesomely funny.

if you don't like it, i'd suggest you get over it.

you're also lying about the NRA's positions which are parroted on a regular basis by people like you....which is that it somehow violates your "rights" to have gun regulation. now all the NRA is ... is a shill for gun manufacturers because fewer and fewer people are buying more and more guns.... so they have to keep you scared, desperate and angry.

or do you want to pretend that the NRA isn't funded by gun manufacturers?

nice rant though.... and i sooooo care about the ridiculous insults from you and your low-life friends. you should be very proud of the company you keep. :cuckoo:
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i'm not going to debate this with a loser like you. i know what i do. your lying and repeating spew is meaningless to me.

but then again, you're pretty meaningless.

i'm not going to debate this with a dishonest stupid loser like you. i know what a piece of shit you are. your lying and repeating spew is meaningless to me.

wow.... look how the loser rightwingnut brigade seems to be infecting this board.

it's hysterical that an article calling the right on its lies and delusions makes you all melt down.

now run along until you can show a single thing in the article that is a lie.

lyou toons are laughable :cuckoo:

but the meltdown is hysterically funny

Yes, I'm sure it is child. When stupid people start calling everyone stupid, and start squealing that "rightwingnut brigade seems to be infecting this board"..... Then we know we're on the right track.

Anything that gets you all bent about the rightwingnut brigade, is a win for all the rest of us.

Try growing up, and then come back when you are not a brain washed leftard.

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