4 Inconvenient Facts The Right Ignores

Also I disagree with the non-fact that the NRA changed it's views over the last 50 years specifically to protect gun companies. I'm sure you have a contract or some sort of statement that they have made that confirms their partnership, and a shift in politics immediately upon the formation of the partnership.

I'll wait.
So, republicans are double-talking, double-dealing dirtballs. What else is new?

What have progressive democrats done for me, that I ever wanted in the first place, since Grover Cleveland?

i'm not a progressive. i am a liberal.

but that has nothing to do with you ignoring the facts in the o/p.

i have no issue with republicans. i can't abide people who abhor fact-based reality.

you're welcome.

And wtf...the religious right *started*? I didn't even know it was a group. What they mean is they started LABELING Christians as *religious right* as a way to marginalize them in order to scare them away from progressive darlings like baby killing, old people killing, genetic engineering and state run religion. It became a by-word about 15-20 years.

But it never "started". That in and of itself makes the entire OP laughable.

Though the NRA whine is pretty funny too.

This belongs in the badlands, what a stupid thread.

The religious right is the bane of the American Nation, the repository of the ignorance and hate used to deny citizens their civil liberties predicated solely on who they are; ignorance and hate "justified" by subjective religious dogma.
Also I disagree with the non-fact that the NRA changed it's views over the last 50 years specifically to protect gun companies. I'm sure you have a contract or some sort of statement that they have made that confirms their partnership, and a shift in politics immediately upon the formation of the partnership.

I'll wait.

While that is still part of the organization's core function, today less than half of the NRA's revenues come from program fees and membership dues.

The bulk of the group's money now comes in the form of contributions, grants, royalty income, and advertising, much of it originating from gun industry sources.

Since 2005, the gun industry and its corporate allies have given between $20 million and $52.6 million to it through the NRA Ring of Freedom sponsor program. Donors include firearm companies like Midway USA, Springfield Armory Inc, Pierce Bullet Seal Target Systems, and Beretta USA Corporation. Other supporters from the gun industry include Cabala's, Sturm Rugar & Co, and Smith & Wesson.

The NRA also made $20.9 million — about 10 percent of its revenue — from selling advertising to industry companies marketing products in its many publications in 2010, according to the IRS Form 990.

Additionally, some companies donate portions of sales directly to the NRA. Crimson Trace, which makes laser sights, donates 10 percent of each sale to the NRA. Taurus buys an NRA membership for everyone who buys one of their guns. Sturm Rugar gives $1 to the NRA for each gun sold, which amounts to millions. The NRA's revenues are intrinsically linked to the success of the gun business.

Read more: This Is How The Gun Industry Funds The NRA - Business Insider

Yet I know many individual members, will not conclude the firearm industry "owns: the NRA. The firearm industry has great influence, but don't join if you oppose the funding.
So, republicans are double-talking, double-dealing dirtballs. What else is new?

What have progressive democrats done for me, that I ever wanted in the first place, since Grover Cleveland?

i'm not a progressive. i am a liberal.

but that has nothing to do with you ignoring the facts in the o/p.

i have no issue with republicans. i can't abide people who abhor fact-based reality.

you're welcome.


Just because you're a liar, doesn't mean others are.

Now maybe if you had an actual contribution to make, we wouldn't be laughing at you.

As for republicans, I seem to recall that Giuliani was one when I voted for him.

But that was before the winger freaks hijacked the party.
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4 inconvenient facts conservatives conveniently ignore

1. The religious right started because of segregation, not abortion.

As Randall Balmer, a Darthmouth professor writing in Politico, explained in a recent article, the organized religious right started as a movement to protect white-only schools from federally mandated desegregation. As Balmer explains, there were many other attempts to rally evangelical Christians to become a conservative movement to support Republicans—“pornography, prayer in schools, the proposed Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution, even abortion”—but none took. Under the guidance of Jerry Falwell, however, it was discovered that evangelical leaders would rally to keep black students out of private schools set up specifically so white kids didn’t have to go to desegregated public schools. Even though it was actually the Nixon administration that kickstarted the process of the IRS stripping tax-exempt status from “whites only” school, Falwell and his buddies blamed Jimmy Carter and used the issue to start rallying support for Ronald Reagan’s challenge. It was only after the evangelical right was organized that they started expanding into other issues, like abortion.

2. NRA used to support gun control.

The NRA is a gun industry lobby that likes to present itself as a “rights” group. With that level of deceit, no wonder many people, especially on the right, assume that the group has always existed to lobby against any restriction on access to firearms, or that gun control is a relatively new phenomenon only invented by pansy liberals in the past few decades. In reality, the government has been controlling access to guns for a long, long time. While there have been limits on gun ownership throughout the country’s history—often for sexist and racist reasons, such as bans on black people owning guns—the first modern federal gun control law passed in 1934, to stop the proliferation of automatic sub-machine guns that were popular with organized criminals. Prior to that, many states passed laws regulating guns, laws conservatives would reject today, such as waiting periods and requiring gun sellers to share information with police. The NRA actually helped write these laws.

And why not? The NRA was started as a marksman and sporting club, so there was no real reason to oppose gun control laws, until recent decades when it morphed into a lobby to protect the profits of gun manufacturers. Even as late as 1963, the NRA supported gun control laws. It was only as the culture wars began to build and the conservative movement developed that the NRA turned into the organization it is now, feeding paranoia and faux-patriotism to gullible conservatives in order to convince them to buy more guns.

3. Conservatives have always been the voting bloc to stop civil rights.

A lot of pundits and other charlatans like to deflect discussion of modern racism by claiming that Democrats were the ones who tried to stop the Civil Rights Act and Republicans were the ones who tried to pass it. Considering that it was a liberal Democrat—Lyndon B. Johnson—who signed the CRA, it’s clear that it was much more complicated than that. Yes, it’s true that some Democrats opposed the CRA and plenty of Republicans supported it. But the party lines were not drawn the same back then. Back then, both parties had a mix of liberals and conservatives, and since then, the parties have realigned, with all the conservatives—who voted against the CRA—stampeding to the Republican party and all the liberals—who voted for the CRA—running to the Democrats.

As Harry Enten, writing for the Guardian, notes, party was a poor predictor of a politician’s vote for the CRA in 1964. A far better predictor was state of origin. In the House, 90 percent of politicians from former Union states voted for it and only 8 percent of politicians from the South did. In the Senate, 92 percent of lawmakers from the Union states voted for the CRA, but only 5 percent—1 out of 22—of Southern senators did so. In other words, the votes against it came primarily from what we now consider the immovable “red” states—a permanent bloc of Republicans. And it was anger over the CRA that switched those previously Democratic states to Republican voters. The only states that voted for Barry Goldwater in 1964, besides Arizona,were Southern states.

Indeed, the best way to understand what happened in 1964 is that the CRA kicked off a process where the Republicans started to gather up all the conservative voters and Democrats expelled the racist vote but picked up all the liberals. Focusing on race instead of ideological leaning is a fundamentally dishonest tactic, when any honest assessment of the situation shows that the real divide was between conservatives and liberals, which remains the divide that governs our country today, even as the parties have rebranded themselves.

4. They were for Common Core before they were against it.

The most recent and possibly silliest about-face of the modern conservative movement has to be the turnaround on Common Core, a program initiated by the National Governors Association to standardize and elevate educational standards across the country. Originally, conservatives were indifferent to outright supportive of the program—many Republican governors considered themselves fans—and pretty much all the criticism came from people on the left, who were concerned that it would be used as cover for attacks on teacher’s unions and would favor “teach the test”-style memorization over actual education.

Then President Obama endorsed it in 2012. Immediately, the right decided that Common Core was a sinister conspiracy to shove liberal ideology down children’s throats (never mind that many educational experts on the left are against it). Liberals make measured criticisms of Common Core, saying it might squelch imagination and writing skills. Conservatives, on the other hand, have taken to accusing the Obama administration of using Common Core to steal children away and teach them to have sex and get divorced so they’ll vote for Democrats. A calm, rational discussion of the program is basically impossible, because the entire debate has been taken over by right-wing nuts who have forgotten that, a mere two years ago, they were cool with a program they now compare to Nazi indoctrination.

4 inconvenient facts conservatives conveniently ignore - Salon.com

Your comedy of errors is fascinating to say the least Jillian...

1. Jim Crow Laws and Segregation where born out of the North, not the South. Also keep telling yourself abortion is okay, most Religious Conservatives want nothing to do with Jerry Falwell.

2. The NRA and most gun owning Americans recognize that automatic weapons should come with certain restrictions. What Liberals and Progressive want is to ban gun ownership pure and simple.

3. So which group was it that created Jim Crow Laws? Oh that's right they were Democrats that where from the North, not the South and the twist is they became Southern Republicans all by 1964. Civil Rights is a century old story that links both parties to ending slavery. To try and only tie it to just one party is disingenuous. According to this theory it's amazing how Lincoln was a Republican.

4. Being a Liberal I understand (you have many progressive beliefs BTW) you have missed the fact that Same Sex Marriage has become front and center for your party. This is a very clear indication of the about face you speak of. This position has evolved over the last few decades that I and millions of Americans who oppose it are just homophobic. I find this interesting that when science has clearly indicated that creation is produced from the act of intercourse between the male and female of almost all known earthly species, yet you and your kind want me to accept it as being normal? I could care less what someone does in their own private bedroom sexually whether they are heterosexual or homosexual, but that does not fit your agenda.
That is a liberal lie.

There are just as many nut jobs in the democrat party as there are in the republican party.

Those which are the extreme, either to the left or the right.

But history proves that the republican party did more throughout history for civil rights. Whether you believe it or not.

[MENTION=20424]Misty[/MENTION]. That Republican Party hasn't existed since the passage of the civil rights laws when all of our southern racist theocratic bigoted types became the GOP southern racist theocratic types.

The northeastern wing of the GOP was able to keep that stuff in check until Ronnie became president. Then baby bush let the wackos full in.

Now, so-called "conservatives" have always been at the forefront of denying people rights, whether by supporting segregation, opposing voting rights and on down the list. Have always opposed science because, well, if you believe in science, you must not trust G-d.

Thanks. But today's GOP is NOT Lincoln's GOP
That is a liberal lie.

There are just as many nut jobs in the democrat party as there are in the republican party.

Those which are the extreme, either to the left or the right.

But history proves that the republican party did more throughout history for civil rights. Whether you believe it or not.

[MENTION=20424]Misty[/MENTION]. That Republican Party hasn't existed since the passage of the civil rights laws when all of our southern racist theocratic bigoted types became the GOP southern racist theocratic types.

The northeastern wing of the GOP was able to keep that stuff in check until Ronnie became president. Then baby bush let the wackos full in.

Now, so-called "conservatives" have always been at the forefront of denying people rights, whether by supporting segregation, opposing voting rights and on down the list. Have always opposed science because, well, if you believe in science, you must not trust G-d.

Thanks. But today's GOP is NOT Lincoln's GOP

Todays Democrat is not JFK's Democrat you see he believed that you helped the country not destroy it.
Jillian posting more crap. Where are the links for these?

1)the religious right was for segregation? WTF???? Where do you people come up with this shit?
2)Again a link? There was the 1934 law banning automatic weapons....but that's it...

3)so was Al Gore Sr a conservative, Woodrow Wilson? ? The republican party defended civil rights until this day, but lets use your liberal souther strategy in the late 60s. Before that time, name the last democrat more conservative than the republican?

Reagan curried favor with the religious right in 1980 by defending segregationist Bob Jones University regarding its tax exempt status.

Liberals didn't vote against the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Conservatives did.
Unlike you I know exactly what occurred. JFK and Johnson were both racists. It was the republican party that wrote the first draft of the civil rights amendment but the democrats wouldn't pass it.

However the democrats saw what was happening so they wrote the second version which is the one congress passed.

The dixiecrats, for the most part went back the democrat party and a handful became repubicans. The south did not turn republican until many years later when business started to flourish and republicans were more business friendly.

I've said this a million times but I'll say it again. The republican party was started to end slavery it was the republicans that wrote the first civil rights act in the which the democrats would not consider.

"The Party was formally organized in July 1854 by thousands of anti-slavery activists at a convention in Jackson, Michigan. And it was no accident that two years later, in 1856, the first Republican National Convention took place in Philadelphia, where the Constitution was written."

Our History - GOP

"13th Amendment Freeing all the slaves, was passed by a Republican Congress, with unanimous opposition of the Democrats.
14th Amendment granting citizenship for former slaves and granting equal protection under by a Republican Congress, with unanimous opposition of the Democrats
15th Amendment, giving former slaves voting rights was passed by a Republican Congress, with near with unanimous opposition of the Democrats.
The First Hispanic Governor was a Republican--- Romualdo Pacheco (elected 1875)
Republicans Established Howard University for African Americans
The First African-American Senator was a Republican--- Hiram Revels
Republicans Outlawed the Ku Klux Klan – The 1871 Civil Rights Act passed by a Republican Congress, was aimed at the KKK. It crushed them and they did not rise again until the Democrat Administration of Woodrow Wilson.
Republicans Passed the 1875 Civil Rights Act--- Massachusetts Republican Senator Charles Sumner the original sponsor of the bill rallied support from his deathbed. Again a Republican Congress passed this law that banned discrimination in all public facilities. The Law was eventually struck down by SCOTUS. *And it was not until 1964 that Congress was able to pass these protections again.
A Former Slave Chaired the 1884 Republican National Convention--- former congressman, John Lynch
A Republican Wrote the 19th Amendment—This Amendment granted women the right to vote. Republican Senator Aaron Sargent authored it in 1878. For 4 decades the strongest opposition came from Democrats. And it was not until 1919, when a Republican Congress finally able to pass it.
First Women Mayors in the United States--- in 1887, Republican Susanna Salter was elected mayor of Argonia Kansas. *Republican Bertha Landes was elected the first woman mayor of a major U.S. City (Seattle) in * 1926.
First Woman elected to Congress --- Republican Jeanette Rankin Of Montana was the first woman elected to the House of Representatives in 1917."


“Yes, but what have you done lately”?

That republicans have to go back to 1868 to find civil rights advocacy to their credit is the problem; indeed, reprehensible now that conservatives for the most part seek to deny Americans their civil liberties today.


pro- voter disenfranchisement, Repubs always seem to CONVENIENTLY FORGET that they scrapped their demands for equal protection right around..... oh say...... 1964. Wonder if she, and others like her, know what occurred then :eusa_whistle: [MENTION=20424]Misty[/MENTION]
1 major fact that Progressives choose to ignore:

Obama is a lying bastard who's destroying America.

Only to rightwingnut wackos. Seriously. He won twice. You offered nothing. Most of the country disapproves of the obstructionist loons.

Find a new tune to sing. Yours is played out

" ... rightwingnut wackos." Very original!

Obama deserves prison time. He's a traitor and you know it.
Jillian posting more crap. Where are the links for these?

1)the religious right was for segregation? WTF???? Where do you people come up with this shit?
2)Again a link? There was the 1934 law banning automatic weapons....but that's it...

3)so was Al Gore Sr a conservative? The republican party defended civil rights until this day, but lets use your liberal souther strategy in the late 60s. Before that time, name the last democrat more conservative than the republican?
It's Salon. What did you expect? :lol:

If you have bothered to go to the article, you would see that the reference points are highlighted and linked to external corroborative sources.
So, republicans are double-talking, double-dealing dirtballs. What else is new?

Every now and then even you get one right.

(Remainder of post removed inasmuch as it has nothing to do with this statement.)
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