4 Inconvenient Facts The Right Ignores

i know... you're allergic to facts. but keep on spewing

life in the bubble must suck.
Liberals and "facts" aren't even in the same zip code. .. :lol:

you really need to move to iran. you'll be much happier not having to deal with normal people.

We are STILL waiting for you to source these supposed facts. You made the claim from an opinion piece and now want to claim it as fact, or are facts that hard for you to deal with?
She's not a liberal, she is hard core progressive.

But like all progressives, she doesn't like to be identified as such, because everybody knows that progressives are vile, dishonest, and dangerous.
3. Conservatives have always been the voting bloc to stop civil rights.

Very true.

And conservatives, for the most part, have also fought in the courts to deny Americans their civil liberties.

From civil rights cases more than half a century ago, such as Brown v. Board of Education (1954) and Hernandez v. Texas (1954), to the civil rights cases of this century, such as Lawrence v. Texas (2003) and US v. Windsor (2013), conservatives have stood in opposition to all Americans realizing their comprehensive civil liberties – and they continue to pose a threat to Americans’ civil liberties for the foreseeable future.
She's not a liberal, she is hard core progressive.

But like all progressives, she doesn't like to be identified as such, because everybody knows that progressives are vile, dishonest, and dangerous.

sweetheart, the only people who think i'm a progressive are people who are so far gone they think rick santorum could be president.

i wouldn't find it insulting if it were true. but i'm pretty sure that a real progressive (since I low my share) would think i'm particularly right leaning on many issues.

but you'd have to live in reality to understand that.

theocrats generally aren't capable.
Jillian posting more crap. Where are the links for these?

1)the religious right was for segregation? WTF???? Where do you people come up with this shit?
2)Again a link? There was the 1934 law banning automatic weapons....but that's it...

3)so was Al Gore Sr a conservative? The republican party defended civil rights until this day, but lets use your liberal souther strategy in the late 60s. Before that time, name the last democrat more conservative than the republican?
It's Salon. What did you expect? :lol:

I was going to ask where she had gotten her liberal education. Guess that answers it.
She's not a liberal, she is hard core progressive.

But like all progressives, she doesn't like to be identified as such, because everybody knows that progressives are vile, dishonest, and dangerous.

sweetheart, the only people who think i'm a progressive are people who are so far gone they think rick santorum could be president.

i wouldn't find it insulting if it were true. but i'm pretty sure that a real progressive (since I low my share) would think i'm particularly right leaning on many issues.

but you'd have to live in reality to understand that.

theocrats generally aren't capable.

Still waiting for you to source your supposed facts.
Perfect, lol.

You're out of touch, Jillie. You're so isolated you don't even know what America is...and you certainly have no concept of what it is to be American.

It's sad.

And you are a progressive. You can deny it till the cows come home, it doesn't matter. Your crap speaks for itself.
Liberals and "facts" aren't even in the same zip code. .. :lol:

you really need to move to iran. you'll be much happier not having to deal with normal people.

We are STILL waiting for you to source these supposed facts. You made the claim from an opinion piece and now want to claim it as fact, or are facts that hard for you to deal with?
Liberals like Jillian hate facts.......they find them too difficult to deal with. .. :lol:
still waiting for one of the righties to point out what's untrue in the article.

lots of deflection though. :thup:

Why would we respond to something you can not even prove is reality? You made a claim, 4 specific ones, if you want a response back up your claims with facts. Otherwise all you have is an opinion piece nbo one feels like responding to.

Or shall I demand you respond to my "fact" that you are not a lawyer? See how that works? You don't get to fabricate shit and then demand we disprove what you can not even prove is real.
i haven't seen a single one of you yet point out what is untrue in the article.

in fact, you've all proven my point

Nor have a proven that the moon really isn't made of cheese.

I'm sorry, but the fundamentals of the article are pointless, and stupid.

The fundamental is "people used to have different opinions at different times".

Well no freakin duh stupid.

All people change opinions over time. *I* have changed my opinions drastically since I was in middle school. I used to be raving leftist. I was for banning guns, and saving the environment, and evil corporations, and ban chemicals.

I grew up. I grew a brain. Started doing something uncommon in public schools, and started questioning the conventional wisdom, and looking at the evidence for myself, instead of just blindly following what some left-wing nut job disguised as a teacher, told me.

I would say, nearly 60% of all my core beliefs that I held walking into High School, were all reversed by my senior year.

So what? I was pro-gun-control, now I'm 100% anti gun-control. Yippy skippy?

1. NRA used to support gun control.

So what. They don't now. I don't now. I support the NRA. Big deal, moving on.

2. Conservatives have always been the voting bloc to stop civil rights.

So what? I'm against the civil rights laws as they exist. I believe that all people should be 100% equal under the law. There should be no affirmative action. No race based laws. No hate crime laws. (since when do we support 'thought police'?).

I'm against any legislation of any type, that makes any reference to color of skin, or racial origin. Thus, I'm against most of the civil rights laws.

Everyone, who actually believes in equality, should be against the civil rights movement.

3. They were for Common Core before they were against it.

So what? It seemed like a good idea to some. Then when they found out what was in it, they were against it.

How many people were in favor of Obama care, until they found out what was in Obama care, and are now against it?

I'm against government trying to legislate improvements, because they routinely, and consistently fail at improving anything.

4. The religious right started because of segregation, not abortion.

Yeah, and William Wilberforce, was apparently not part of the religious right, when he became an evangelical Christian, and started fighting to ban the slave trade.

Apparently all those Quaker, Baptists, and Methodists that encouraged their slave owning members to free their slaves, paid to convert them to legal free blacks, and then gave them positions in the churches.... I guess they were all not part of the Religious right.

Might want to read up on "First Great Awakening" in America.

No doubt some groups somewhere pushed different things.

But if you are seriously trying to suggest that the Religious right, was not the driving factor in ending slavery.... then let me spell this out for you, as clearly as I possibly can.... you are completely ignorant. Go learn something.

By the way, have you watched the movie "Lincoln"?

[ame=http://smile.amazon.com/Lincoln-Daniel-Day-Lewis/dp/B009AMANBA/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1402099692&sr=8-1&keywords=lincoln+movie]Amazon.com: Lincoln: Daniel Day-Lewis, Sally Field, David Strathairn, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, James Spader, Hal Holbrook, Tommy Lee Jones, Steven Spielberg: Movies & TV[/ame]

You know, the real life story of a Republican president, and his supporters, fighting against all the Democrats who were hell bent on trying to prevent a constitutional amendment to end slavery forever?

No 'Inconvenient Facts' there right?

Just remember, if you want to do digging up history, and pointing out old opinions one group believed years ago, you liberals on the left, don't have all that much room to talk.
You make the claims, prove them.

If you can't, you lose by default.

That's how debate works outside of contract law.
Jillian lives in Jew York City which is populated by liberal/progressives just as idiotic as her.

They don't have a grasp on reality and hate everyone west of the Hudson River. (ie. the rest of America) ... :cool:
1. Jerry Falwell is an idiot. You presume to stereotype the religious right based on his behavior. That's cute. I just finished reading the article this cited... it only names two men, TWO. Paul Weyrich and Jerry Falwell. But mysteriously they are somehow responsible for the views of the religious right? What you seem to think is that we're all fundamentalists. Well then, if I were such a fundamentalist, why do I believe that most of the laws in the Old Testament are defunct? This, and the article this is derived from are nothing but stereotypical hit pieces.

2. Of course they did. Even they were smart enough to know that with owning a gun comes certain responsibilities. On top of that, they understood that people who are incapable of handling a gun shouldn't own one. It's that simple. You act as if this is something new. But now, since liberals are hell bent on taking away ALL the guns, they have morphed into a gun rights activist group. The proper form of gun control is responsibility with a gun.

3. Sure, and who filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964? A Democrat. So this 'fact' is nothing but a bald faced lie.

4. In 2010, the Heritage Foundation made it clear that Common Core's focus on national standards would do little to fix the deeply rooted problems plaguing our educational system nor of the incentive based structures within. The Cato institute followed suit. South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley said she would not "relinquish control of education to the federal government, neither should we cede it to the consensus of other states..."

Common Core Assessment Myths and Realities: Moratorium Needed From More Tests, Costs, Stress | FairTest

Common Core standards drive wedge in education circles ? USATODAY.com

School-Standards Pushback - WSJ
Here’s an example of conservatives seeking to deny women their right to privacy, in violation of the Constitution:

The Oklahoma Supreme Court rejected earlier this week an initiative that would have defined a fertilized egg as a person, unanimously agreeing that the personhood initiative was “clearly unconstitutional.”

The decision is not binding on any other state, but it could be a bellwether for future court challenges. Compared to other state courts, the Oklahoma Supreme Court is a moderate court, far from the more liberal courts of Hawaii and the northeastern states but also more moderate than the conservative courts in the South.

The unanimous verdict, however, is important. Even the most conservative members of the court agreed that the personhood initiative violated U.S. Supreme Court precedent and was therefore unconstitutional.

The decision likely means that other state courts will also decide that other personhood legislation and initiatives are unconstitutional.

Christianity Today Politics: Oklahoma Supreme Court: Personhood Amendment is Not OK
Here come the fellow progressives fighting to legalize ways to kill.


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