4 out of 5 gender confused children grow out of it.

When I was a kid, I saw pioneering She-Male Christine Jorgensen chatting up Dave Susskind on TV- telling about his journey to "womanhood" or a reasonable facsimile thereof.

Jorgensen was a WW2 veteran at the time, he lived life. If he decides to have a dickectomy and play dress up, he was an adult.

These are fucking children, for goodness sake. Let them grow up, and if they decide as an adult to get mutilated, let them save up their money and fly off to Trinidad or Copenhagen and have it done as an adult and on their own fucking dime.
The goal here is to sell a woke ideology, so by the time they are old enough to vote, any party questioning their ideology they have been indoctrinated with will be rejected out of hand without even thinking about it.
Children seeking attention gravitate towards anything that will provide them attention. NOTHING gives them more attention than being transexual these days as overeager adults shower them with overzealous protectiveness and enthusiasm. A feedback loop is formed where the child's belief in their transsexualism is reinforced through a system of reward. The reward lies in the attention and nurturing they get.

I have been around plenty of kids when dropping my own at day care and it is not at all uncommon for three year old to want to play dress up or say "I sure wish I was a boy or girl" deepening on their own gender. Intelligent and caring adults ignore such things with benign amusement as they realize a three year old is exploring the world and is exploring the ideas that come into his or her head.

The difference between now and 20 years ago is that instead of benign indifference, young children are receiving CONFIRMATION by those who have fallen prey to this group psychosis.

Exactly correct. When I was a kid, we knew we could piss off adults by sniffing glue or smoking a cigarette. Nowadays, that just isn't enough. Kids have to pretty to be gay. Of course, that's what is on TV nowadays.
Exactly correct. When I was a kid, we knew we could piss off adults by sniffing glue or smoking a cigarette. Nowadays, that just isn't enough. Kids have to pretty to be gay. Of course, that's what is on TV nowadays.
The Left once encouraged children to rebel against authority because it is cool to do so.

However, now that they are in power they are preaching it is cool to fight for the status quo and Corporations like Pfiezer and Big Tech that censors all conservative thought.

They even love their 100-year-old white male President to boot.
The Left once encouraged children to rebel against authority because it is cool to do so.

However, now that they are in power they are preaching it is cool to fight for the status quo and Corporations like Pfiezer and Big Tech that censors all conservative thought.

They even love their 100-year-old white male President to boot.
Their 100 year old pedophile President .
This according to right wing rag, The Blaze. This is not what a North American study says. Fewer than 3% of those who are trans, "grow out of it".

There are no valid statistics on minors who are “trans” because there is no such thing, [pervert weirdo who supports the social contagion of targeting minors for sexualization instead of leaving kids alone.]

Adults can have elective cosmetic surgery if they want to and can pay for it. Leave kids alone.
Feed an effeminate looking boy some personality altering drugs and hormones. Convince him that his parents are evil and castrate him while he is young. WTF happened?
When I was a kid, if a 3 year old boy told his mother "Mommy, I am a girl", she would just correct him and the kid would take her word for it. The issue would be settled.
Unfortunately, in today's US, a lot of progressive idiots would encourage this behavior. I'm a Quantum Leap fan of both the old show and the newer one. But, the latest episode was nothing but 50 minutes of we need to accept trans boys in girl's sports, complete with a hot line number for those to call who are dealing with this issue. It about made me throw up. I tuned in to watch entertainment, not a leftist political message. I hope that one show was an aberration.
This is why no child should have permanent body altering surgeries or hormone treatments until they attain adulthood. If they're not mature enough to get a tattoo, they should not be getting these kinds of surgeries.
It goes beyond mutilating the body and hormone treatments of children that are long-term. Social acceptance of transgender individuals defies biology (the science) and basic common sense, and was in recent decades considered a mental illness.
Unfortunately, in today's US, a lot of progressive idiots would encourage this behavior. I'm a Quantum Leap fan of both the old show and the newer one. But, the latest episode was nothing but 50 minutes of we need to accept trans boys in girl's sports, complete with a hot line number for those to call who are dealing with this issue. It about made me throw up. I tuned in to watch entertainment, not a leftist political message. I hope that one show was an aberration.
For groups of people that represent a minute fraction of the United States population, their presence dominates the entertainment, Hollywood and media fronts -- essentially forcing its acceptance.
This according to right wing rag, The Blaze. This is not what a North American study says. Fewer than 3% of those who are trans, "grow out of it".

In the USA, the death threats would be against the trans girl and her family. That's what you do. Threaten those who are different than you.
I'd correspond the suicide rate of transgender individuals to where reality reasserts itself: the realization that the facade and feelings of being something they are not. A male cannot be a female even if they look like one or feel like they are one, and this fad continues to grow with social acceptance, social media, entertainment, etc.
This according to right wing rag, The Blaze. This is not what a North American study says. Fewer than 3% of those who are trans, "grow out of it".

In the USA, the death threats would be against the trans girl and her family. That's what you do. Threaten those who are different than you.
I see commercials everyday telling us children are going to sleep at night...hungry. This after spending tens of trillions of dollars on poverty. This trans agenda is a ruse to deflect from agendas like the War on Poverty that was also designed to weaken the United States and cost more resources as to weaken the United States more as to blend us into world government.
It goes beyond mutilating the body and hormone treatments of children that are long-term. Social acceptance of transgender individuals defies biology (the science) and basic common sense, and was in recent decades considered a mental illness.
We're afraid to tell anyone that life isn't fair and we have to do the best we can with what we have. Now, that doesn't mean we have license to treat "outsiders" badly. We need to have compassion for those in tough situations, but we shouldn't try to bend and twist society into unrecognizable shapes because we want to pretend that we can change reality. In fact, some of the most inspirational people on the planet are those who, instead of demanding that society cater to their disabilities, overcame massive hurdles and built beautiful lives.

The whole trans situation is becoming an exercise in denying reality, for example, by pretending there will be no problem allowing biological men (who we are told are not necessarily homosexuals) to be in locker rooms with naked, vulnerable girls and women.
I'd correspond the suicide rate of transgender individuals to where reality reasserts itself: the realization that the facade and feelings of being something they are not. A male cannot be a female even if they look like one or feel like they are one, and this fad continues to grow with social acceptance, social media, entertainment, etc.
Now, I do think that society could be more accepting of less masculine men, but we should not pretend they are women.
For groups of people that represent a minute fraction of the United States population, their presence dominates the entertainment, Hollywood and media fronts -- essentially forcing its acceptance.
Yeah, I've also tried watching the new Fantasy Island. It's actually quite a good show, BUT it has a gay character and every damned episode is about pushing on us that we should accept gays as being normal. I can live with some of that every once in a while and shrug it off if it isn't about pushing a political agenda but not every damned episode. The show has such good potential but, again, I watch TV for entertainment, not to have woke agenda pushed on me week after week after week. I had to quit watching.
This is why no child should have permanent body altering surgeries or hormone treatments until they attain adulthood. If they're not mature enough to get a tattoo, they should not be getting these kinds of surgeries.

It is not for them, it's for the parents.

Paris Hilton had her little dog in her purse.

These sick parents have their altered children.
I don't care if dude wants to look like a lady or lady wants to look like a dude but would rather they wait till adulthood for radical body change for life

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