4 Reasons the Right-Wing Propaganda Machine Has Failed to Destroy OWS

Quite the time to invest in paper shredders, isn't it?:lol:

Under Ronald Reagan we had Johnny Cash and Bob Hope

Under Obama we have no Cash and No Hope.
Yes. Remember, it's terribly unfair to tell the truth about what leftists are doing.

Mogadishu Somalia​


Zucotti Park NYC​

ACORN brings 3rd world slums to America.

Mogadishu Somalia​


Zucotti Park NYC​

ACORN brings 3rd world slums to America.

My understanding is acorn is a late comer. Seems "Wall Street" attracted this and gave it national attention. Could be some correlation to hundreds of thousands being laid off while Wall Street fatcats were getting multi million bonuses for failing, heh?

Mogadishu Somalia​


Zucotti Park NYC​

ACORN brings 3rd world slums to America.

My understanding is acorn is a late comer. Seems "Wall Street" attracted this and gave it national attention. Could be some correlation to hundreds of thousands being laid off while Wall Street fatcats were getting multi million bonuses for failing, heh?

They tried to make it appear this way.....but they've been planning this since the Arab Spring earlier this year.
I do not WANT to destroy them! The more they expose themselves, the more people get creeped out by the left wing ideology!!!

Keep marching OWS!!! You'll march conservatism right into office!!!
By Amanda Marcotte

In the two years between the 2008 election and the 2010 election, it seemed that the American right--especially the paranoid far right--really owned the moment. The invention of the Tea Party, the escalating influence of Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck, the Republican electoral sweeps of 2010: it all seemed like the right’s decades-long project of amassing power had reached new heights.

But now, less than a year after the 2010 elections, the right-wing is losing its ability to dominate the media's attention. Hardline conservatives struggle to find a candidate to go up against Barack Obama in 2012. Sarah Palin gets booed in public. Tea Party numbers are dwindling and now the group is ranking amongst the least popular groups in the country. Meanwhile, Occupy Wall Street has surged forward both in public consciousness and in popularity. The right-wing response to Occupy Wall St. has been limp and incoherent, mainly centered around spreading urban legends about dirty hippies and avoiding any substantive engagement.

How did the right-wing lose hold of the narrative? Here are four reasons it has been unsuccessful (so far) in steering and reframing the discourse surrounding OWS and the movement's focus on the injustice of the 1%'s dominance of our economy and politics.

More: 4 Reasons the Right-Wing Propaganda Machine Has Failed to Destroy OWS | Tea Party and the Right | AlterNet

The world according to self described left wing feminist (and hyprocite) Amanda Marcotte? The babe was hired by the Edwards campaign for V.P. How did that work out? Not only was Edwards a typical democrat philanderer but he was indicted for using campaign funds. Nobody on the right was trying to destroy the OWS. They were doing fine on their own.
The more destruction and annoyances they cause the less patience America will have for them....
I do not WANT to destroy them! The more they expose themselves, the more people get creeped out by the left wing ideology!!!

Keep marching OWS!!! You'll march conservatism right into office!!!
Precisely. The more they show Americans thier idiocy, thier anarchy....the more Obama supports them, the more San Fran Nan continues to bestow 'God's Blessings' upon them?

The worse they will lose.
By Amanda Marcotte

In the two years between the 2008 election and the 2010 election, it seemed that the American right--especially the paranoid far right--really owned the moment. The invention of the Tea Party, the escalating influence of Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck, the Republican electoral sweeps of 2010: it all seemed like the right’s decades-long project of amassing power had reached new heights.

But now, less than a year after the 2010 elections, the right-wing is losing its ability to dominate the media's attention. Hardline conservatives struggle to find a candidate to go up against Barack Obama in 2012. Sarah Palin gets booed in public. Tea Party numbers are dwindling and now the group is ranking amongst the least popular groups in the country. Meanwhile, Occupy Wall Street has surged forward both in public consciousness and in popularity. The right-wing response to Occupy Wall St. has been limp and incoherent, mainly centered around spreading urban legends about dirty hippies and avoiding any substantive engagement.

How did the right-wing lose hold of the narrative? Here are four reasons it has been unsuccessful (so far) in steering and reframing the discourse surrounding OWS and the movement's focus on the injustice of the 1%'s dominance of our economy and politics.

More: 4 Reasons the Right-Wing Propaganda Machine Has Failed to Destroy OWS | Tea Party and the Right | AlterNet

Excellent article, and pretty much matches my perceptions; they went too far. They underestimated the power of the internet. Their arrogance led them to believe they could do WhateverTF they wanted, and who could stop them? Nobody.

They thought.
What would it mean to destroy OWS.....

They would all get jobs ?

LMFAO.. No way.. they go back to shoving twinkies down their throats whilst living in mommy's basement surfing the internet nude looking for Star Trek conventions. Have you seen these peeps?? LMAO Talk about a bunch of losers who could use a bath!
Rudy agrees with me.

"The 2008 Republican presidential candidate also predicted the movement will eventually lead to the end of Obama's presidency. "Barack Obama praised it, sympathizes with it," he said. "As it gets worse and worse, I believe this will be the millstone around Barack Obama's neck that will take his presidency down.""

Read more: Giuliani: "Obama Owns Occupy Wall Street" - Fox News
Rudy agrees with me.

"The 2008 Republican presidential candidate also predicted the movement will eventually lead to the end of Obama's presidency. "Barack Obama praised it, sympathizes with it," he said. "As it gets worse and worse, I believe this will be the millstone around Barack Obama's neck that will take his presidency down.""

Read more: Giuliani: "Obama Owns Occupy Wall Street" - Fox News
Precisely. As the anarchy continues, and as Obama will not disown it (how can he? these are kindred spirits of his), it WILL bring him down as Americans grow increasingly disgusted as they realize he is addressing his roots.


Every time I read it, I think of my cat coughing up a hairball.

Mogadishu Somalia​


Zucotti Park NYC​

ACORN brings 3rd world slums to America.

My understanding is acorn is a late comer. Seems "Wall Street" attracted this and gave it national attention. Could be some correlation to hundreds of thousands being laid off while Wall Street fatcats were getting multi million bonuses for failing, heh?

They tried to make it appear this way.....but they've been planning this since the Arab Spring earlier this year.

They've been planning this since the Greek Column festival of the "O" in the summer of 2008.

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