4 traitorous women found guilty of leaving food and water for 'illegal alien' invaders in desert

You can ask Bulldog but if you want a real answer you should ask them. Gain a little perspective

They have already answered by trying to invade our border, moron. I want to know why folks like Bulldog assume they are all asylum seekers. Trying to discuss this issue with you monolithic neo-Marxist types is futile I guess.
It’s only futile if you make it that way. Using propaganda like calling them invaders is you doing your partisan part. Of course not all of them are asylum seekers either, I’d be surprised if Bulldog was claim that was the case. Maybe you’re just not listening
------------------------------------------------ should be NO asylum , should be NO immigration Slade .
Yes your position is quite clear. I disagree
You can ask Bulldog but if you want a real answer you should ask them. Gain a little perspective

They have already answered by trying to invade our border, moron. I want to know why folks like Bulldog assume they are all asylum seekers. Trying to discuss this issue with you monolithic neo-Marxist types is futile I guess.
It’s only futile if you make it that way. Using propaganda like calling them invaders is you doing your partisan part. Of course not all of them are asylum seekers either, I’d be surprised if Bulldog was claim that was the case. Maybe you’re just not listening

The propaganda is calling them asylum seekers.
Agreed, saying they are all anything is dishonest propaganda. Each person has a different story. If you are going to call the asylum narrative propaganda then you gotta recognize that the invader criminal narrative is it’s counterpart
This is how far we have fallen. People in the desert in need of water and food. People trying to provide these necessities are criminals. Pardon me while I resign from Christianity.
Ever heard of food science?
Leaving a can of beans out in the open desert presents a contamination problem that can kill off an entire group of people being bussed in by a coyote-smuggler who fails to provide the people who paid him, water and sustaining food.

Food left out even in a designated space is subject to spoilage. Microbiology facts 101 for those who are not aware of food spoilage propensities

:All bacteria reproduce by dividing into two cells. The two cells then divide to become 4, 4 become 8, and so forth. Under ideal conditions, this doubling may occur as frequently as every 15 minutes, so that within 5 hours there will be more than a million cells from the original single cell. If there are 1000 original cells instead of a single one, there will be over 1 billion cells in 5 hours.

Yeasts and molds (1-celled problem organisms) Yeasts and molds grow on most foods, on equipment, and building surfaces where there are small amounts of nutrient and moisture. Since bacteria grow faster, they greatly outnumber yeasts and molds in most foods. However, bacteria find conditions of low pH, moisture, or temperature and high salt or sugar unfavorable. In such environments, yeasts or molds predominate. Thus, they can be a problem in dry foods, salted fish, bread, pickles, fruits, jams, jellies, and similar commodities.

Botulinum clostridium (can of beans, honey, etc.) Special condition: uncommon in kitchen, common in soil.) Botulism can be spread in several different ways. The bacterial spores which cause it are common in both soil and water. [1] They produce the botulinum toxin when exposed to low oxygen levels and certain temperatures. Foodborne botulism happens when food containing the toxin is eaten. Infant botulism happens when the bacteria develops in the intestines and releases the toxin. This typically only occurs in children less than six months old, as protective mechanisms develop after that time. Wound botulism is found most often among those who inject street drugs. In this situation, spores enter a wound, and in the absence of oxygen, release the toxin. It is not passed directly between people. The diagnosis is confirmed by finding the toxin or bacteria in the person in question. About 10% of the people who get botulism die from it. It is particularly hard on people under the age of 6 and over the age of 60, plus anyone who has autoimmune issues already (diabetes, cancer, arthritis, fibromyalgia, etc.)

salmonellosis, salmonella poisoning sources: uncovered cuts on hand or arm of food handler, soil, touching pets, diaper changing, eating with unwashed hands from earlier wiping, etc. Food sources: meats, canned meats, chicken, overripe fruit, salads prepared in same bowl as chicken or other meat, food that falls on ground or touches soil. Diarrhea symptom, fever, nausea, vomiting, etc. Lasts several days. Rest mandatory.

Aflatoxins are labeled as a human carcinogens that have been found to cause liver cancer in animals and humans, according to the Environmental Health Trust website. Severe aflatoxin poisoning has been reported in many poor countries around the world. Acute aflatoxicosis, the syndrome resulting from exposure to aflatoxins, is characterized by vomiting, abdominal pain, pulmonary edema, convulsions, coma and death, notes the Cornell University website. Aflatoxins are found not only in peanuts, but also in many other foods, including corn, milk, eggs, meat, nuts, almonds, figs and spices.

Other microorganism issues: Travellers’ diarrhea is caused by many different bacteria (including E. coli, Salmonella, Shigella and Campylobacter), parasites (including Giardia, Crytosporidium, Cyclospora and others) and viruses (such as norovirus and rotavirus).
You really don't want to know these above mentioned diseases, but feel free to look them up, and any that I mentioned. My microbiology professor at Oregon State, before he got into teaching, served as an agent for the Oregon State Health Department division that dealt with deaths due to microbial infections. Travellers out in the open spaces are subject to dying from some of the diseases above that in a home setting where people have a family doctor, can escape lethal consequences provided they don't die before going to the doctor in some cases like botulinum and certain forms of e. coli. Even some fungi can kill as in the case of peanuts contaminated with Aspergillus flavus.

Some helpful reading to understand the problems the courts base a lot of their convictions upon:

What is Salmonella?

Travellers' diarrhea - Travel.gc.ca

Fungal Contamination of Peanuts | Livestrong.com

botulism - Bing video
I've seen some pretty high-and-mighty hostility directed to the courts, but believe me, if those people get off with a hand slap, I hope the court orders all of them in their do-gooder group to take and pass with a A+ course in Food and Medical Microbiology before they ever leave another can of beans out in the desert just waiting to kill somebody who is starving.

My prayers are up that this border issue get resolved asap. And a blessing on the courts for stopping and making some people think about the consequences of their actions on unattended food left out in the desert.

--- Four women found guilty after leaving food and water for migrants in Arizona desert --- guess that they are supposed 'amerikuns' that live in the USA and who work to flood the USA with illegal mexican and 'otm' alien invaders eh ??
Wow, women trying to prevent dehydration and death. How unAmerican of them!

Also they weren’t working to flood the US with Alien Invaders you dimwit. They were working to prevent other people from dying simple as that.
--------------------------- as a practical matter , the illegal aliens that don't die in the desert will just end up invading the USA Slade .
As a practical matter good hearted Americans don’t let people die in the dessert no matter which country they are from.
---------------------------------------- good Hearted Traitors , aiders and abettors of an illegal Alien invasion of my and my kids Homeland of the USA eh Slade ??

You mean like Trump is a traitor for taking the word of the Russian President over American intelligence personnel?

If you support Trump than you support a traitor.

Have a nice day.
This is not a thread about the sins of a politician. :offtopic:

This is about a court protecting the already-cheated border crossers from further damage by well-meaning but unenlightened do-gooders who are trolling federal reserves who could be unwitting killers if they are careless enough, and these ones seem to have been exactly that. See my above post on food spoilage, microbiology 101 in particular.
--- Four women found guilty after leaving food and water for migrants in Arizona desert --- guess that they are supposed 'amerikuns' that live in the USA and who work to flood the USA with illegal mexican and 'otm' alien invaders eh ??
Wow, women trying to prevent dehydration and death. How unAmerican of them!

Also they weren’t working to flood the US with Alien Invaders you dimwit. They were working to prevent other people from dying simple as that.
--------------------------- as a practical matter , the illegal aliens that don't die in the desert will just end up invading the USA Slade .
As a practical matter good hearted Americans don’t let people die in the dessert no matter which country they are from.
---------------------------------------- good Hearted Traitors , aiders and abettors of an illegal Alien invasion of my and my kids Homeland of the USA eh Slade ??

You mean like Trump is a traitor for taking the word of the Russian President over American intelligence personnel?

If you support Trump than you support a traitor.

Have a nice day.

Oh Oh
You mean like Putin saying the Tsaranov Brothers were dangerous and had attended bomb making school in Chechnya and our FBI saying they were innocent refugees? Or the word of intelligence officers like Lisa Page, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok or James Comey, those kinds of intelligence officers?

Experience says Putin is the more believable.
Agreed, saying they are all anything is dishonest propaganda. Each person has a different story. If you are going to call the asylum narrative propaganda then you gotta recognize that the invader criminal narrative is it’s counterpart

OK then, let's start here.....from what are these people seeking asylum? It can't be drugs and gangs because they have existed forever there. What is the cause of this sudden wave of people so desperate they want to invade our country? I see videos of them, they do not look starved, they have decent clothes, they are not carrying their life's possessions on their back. They are being supported by an open borders organization probably funded by George Soros in some way. Why do you think any of them are truly asylum seekers?
What exactly is my tribe? This outta be good

According to your posts, you are part of the neo-Marixist 'tribe' whether you are aware of it or not.
Why is that? I don’t subscribe to neo Marxist philosophy but I’d love for you to explain to me how I’m part of that tribe

Sure you are you want The government to redistribute our tax revenue to illegal aliens.
What did I say that makes you think that?
Agreed, saying they are all anything is dishonest propaganda. Each person has a different story. If you are going to call the asylum narrative propaganda then you gotta recognize that the invader criminal narrative is it’s counterpart

OK then, let's start here.....from what are these people seeking asylum? It can't be drugs and gangs because they have existed forever there. What is the cause of this sudden wave of people so desperate they want to invade our country? I see videos of them, they do not look starved, they have decent clothes, they are not carrying their life's possessions on their back. They are being supported by an open borders organization probably funded by George Soros in some way. Why do you think any of them are truly asylum seekers?

Maybe because we invaded their countries, in a manner of speaking, destabilized their governments and supported authoritarians over more reform minded regimes?
Maybe because we invaded their countries, in a manner of speaking, destabilized their governments and supported authoritarians over more reform minded regimes?

Uh.....maybe not.
Great argument man!! Well articulated

Ya simple and direct and more than a worthy reply to that anti-American hogwash.
Maybe instead of getting all defensive and dismissing anything that sounds anti-American to you, you can try and look at it objectively and factually. If she said something incorrect then fact check her. Jumping to name calling just shows that you have nothing of substance to bring to the discussion.
How anyone could leave someone to die in the desert without water and food is beyond me.I guess I'm just not Christian enough.

Thank you, awesome ladies on the border.
There are people out there making sure people don't die, Lysistrata. They're stocked with water and have food and shelter, too. The government pays them to pick up those who get dumped by their damn coyotes and lost. They're known as the men and women of the U. S. Border Patrol. They give them safe passage back to their homes, too.

You just hear and perpetuate the myth that these people are mistreated. They're not, even though they are breaking the law by not checking in with the border patrol in the first place.They are treated to justice, however. And that means receiving a firm warning not to break the law again the next time they come over here.

Some coyotes and others don't want no stinkin' justice. They make their own. They endanger the lives of our border patrol officers by killing them.

That's because people who break one law have no compunctions about breaking other laws.
This is just park employees fucking wih people. it's bullshit. They're using the border crisis as an excuse to arrest people for daring to "trespass' on public lands.
I suspect the park employees are getting money from the traffickers. They're helping move people across the border, that's why they don't want anybody else to help. It's competition.

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