4 Trillion dollars on a 16 year war....what do we have to show for it?

What do we have to show for it?

You got your "black" president. Isn't it great!

What got us our black president, was a dipzy white stupid bitch called Palin!! And what got him elected a second time, was a greedy self absorbed millionaire that didn't give a fuck about anybody but the fuckin rich. AND IF HE COULD RUN AGAIN, WHAT WOULD GET HIM ELECTED A 3RD TIME WOULD BE THE CAST OF CLOWNS YOU ASS HO'S GOT RUNNING NOW.
What do we have to show for it?

You got your "black" president. Isn't it great!

What got us our black president, was a dipzy white stupid bitch called Palin!!

Say. What?
I've edited that comment, thread stalker, now read it and reap!!

reap? reap what?

don't fear the reaper?

reap what you sow?

Sorry..not fluent in ebonics...

Did I say reap what you sow? Ebonics? Maybe your just use to it, I'm not.
The war is over! Obama promised to end it, and the masses think it's over. There is no war.

say and repeat.

there is no war on terror.
there is no war on terror.
there is no war on terror.

Unlike you, you war mongering ingrate, I wish those words were true!!
Of coarse you do, you are a terrorist. You hate America, and every other free country in the world, and when you get the chance, you demoralize them, because you don't have the gonads to be a suicide bomber.
What do we have to show for it?

You got your "black" president. Isn't it great!

What got us our black president, was a dipzy white stupid bitch called Palin!!

Say. What?
I've edited that comment, thread stalker, now read it and reap!!

reap? reap what?

don't fear the reaper?

reap what you sow?

Sorry..not fluent in ebonics...

Did I say reap what you sow? Ebonics? Maybe your just use to it, I'm not.
you said "....read it and reap...." Look for yourself jemima
Guess what you moron, during and after the Vietnam war, I wasn't getting hacked to death by a crazed asian either and guess what else, after we outspent the Soviet Union and wasted money on that shit, I never felt a nuke during all that tension either. See if you spend money securing your borders and putting focus in your own damned country, amazing how safe a mf can feel

If you're a dumbass, yeah, you can feel safe when you're not. Nobody in Vietnam was threatening the US. The Russians had (and still have) the mutual deterrence factor, protecting them and us (from each other).

But the jihadi boys are LUNATICS who think the idea of dying is cool (or haven't you got to that part yet ?) You know the 72 virgins they're supposed to get in their paradise.

OK. This part is not for you tigerred, this is for the jihadis >> You jihadi boys made a mistake. They screwed up that virgins thing. It's not 72 virgins you're gonna get. It's one virgin, 72 years old . And that might even be a fake age. Really she'll be 92.

Well maybe the "threat" might be taken more seriously if we were not importing thousands of Syrian immigrants many of whom maybe the terrorists you are talking about.
So as long as that is our immigration policy it is hard to take the threat seriously. Give me a call when they close our borders to all incoming Syrians.
In the mean time remember:
Paranoia strikes deep
Into your life it will creep
It starts when you're always afraid
Listen, until you put on a fuckin uniform, like I did, I have nothing to say to you.

You don't read too well do you ? I'm an Army veteran. 102nd Army Corp of Engineers Battalion, 42nd Infantry Division (1964-1969) I've also been to Iraq 4 times, and just got back, a month ago (as I posted a few posts ago) I was there August 11- October 11. (while you were sitting in your safe livingroom, talking big and bad from your couch) :laugh: That's why I stopped posting here, August 11, and only started again October 11. No posts while I was gone.

You got one thing right though. >> You have nothing to say.
Well maybe the "threat" might be taken more seriously if we were not importing thousands of Syrian immigrants many of whom maybe the terrorists you are talking about.
So as long as that is our immigration policy it is hard to take the threat seriously. Give me a call when they close our borders to all incoming Syrians.
In the mean time remember:
Paranoia strikes deep
Into your life it will creep
It starts when you're always afraid
If this is supposed to somehow be logical, I don't see it.. Taking in Syrians means there isn't a threat ? How does that make any sense ? Taking in Syrians is making the threat all the more. There is no way to vett these people. Syria is a train wreck that has no records on any of these people, and if they did, we wouldn't have access to them.

Letting these people in to your country, is like eating berries off of trees where you have no idea if those berries are healthy, unhealthy, or poisonous.
As for being afraid, that is a good,healthy thing, when there is a real danger to fear. Dozens of jihadist attacks in the US have proven there is, as well as all those that continue abroad. Have you been living in a closet ?

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