4 Trillion dollars on a 16 year war....what do we have to show for it?

Seven years of abject Obama surrender in that total.
Note that Obama won't be able to describe the attackers, or their motives, today, tomorrow, next week, or next year. Its almost as if he's holding both CAIR's and the Muslim Brotherhood's male tumescent appendages in his mouth when it comes to that.
"In War; Resolution: In Defeat; Defiance:" Winston Churchill Churchill later added that any nation unwilling or unable to abide by those words wouldn't have to worry about their freedom for long, for they were sure to lose it.
FALSE!!! First of all, it is 14 year war (in Afghanistan) not 16. And secondly, what we have to show is that we are here posting in this forum, instead of having been vaporized in a massive nuclear annihilation, years ago.

Obviously, even after 14 years,you still have no clue as to why US troops have been sacrificing their lives to save your ignorant butts. Apparently, this how effective the liberal media is at keeping their sheep ignorant, and in line with their distorted and dangerous mindset.

So here begins your deprogramming from all the liberal jibberish, and your education begins. There are 2 real reasons for the troops fighting in Afghanistan >>

1. To keep al Qaeda from using the loose, non-nation to conduct bomb-making schools, to attack Western targets.

2. Most important - to have US troops nearby enough to rush into Pakistan, and seize Pakistan's 100+ NUCLEAR warheads, if/whenever its fragile semi-prowestern govt were to be toppled by jihadist forces. This is the difference between you posting here now, and being a pile of ashes 13 years ago.

Like I said, we've fought this fuckin war, sacrificed our people and we as a nation, have absolutely nothing to show for it, not a gotdamned thing. And keeping my black ass safe and your sorry white ass safe, has nothing to do with this shit. Because if a fuckin terrorist wants to come into this country, Mexican borders are wide fuckin open you simp and they can come here if they wanted...the only reason they're not coming, cause they're probably afraid of the nuts like you mf's that are already here!! Cha ching!!
FALSE!!! First of all, it is 14 year war (in Afghanistan) not 16.
Oh wow, imagine that? It's still longer than any war we've ever fought. It's still some bullshit war that we "decided" to fight. And its still a war you're so cavalier about putting our troops in harms way over bullshit, made up reasons that didn't exist.

And secondly, what we have to show is that we are here posting in this forum, instead of having been vaporized in a massive nuclear annihilation, years ago.
How was that supposed to happen when Iraq didn't even have anything close to a nuke, since 1993?

Obviously, even after 14 years,you still have no clue as to why US troops have been sacrificing their lives to save your ignorant butts. Apparently, this how effective the liberal media is at keeping their sheep ignorant, and in line with their distorted and dangerous mindset.
And you still haven't stated what we got in return. You just made up some WMD bullshit that has long been debunked as nonsense, you fucking asshole!

So here begins your deprogramming from all the liberal jibberish, and your education begins. There are 2 real reasons for the troops fighting in Afghanistan >>
But there is only one reason you're some psychotic, un-American asshole, who doesn't know shit from shinola.

1. To keep al Qaeda from using the loose, non-nation to conduct bomb-making schools, to attack Western targets.
The old harboring terrorist bullshit? Well, let me remind you, junior, the Afghan government offered to hand over al Qaeda's main man and we refused to take him.

And since we're on the subject of harboring terrorists and bringing down planes, do you know who Luis Posada Carriles is? He's a terrorist who brought down a plane that we happen to be harboring.

And as far as "bomb-making schools", what do you think they teach at the School for the America's?

2. Most important - to have US troops nearby enough to rush into Pakistan, and seize Pakistan's 100+ NUCLEAR warheads, if/whenever its fragile semi-prowestern govt were to be toppled by jihadist forces. This is the difference between you posting here now, and being a pile of ashes 13 years ago.
How is our troops supposed to protect this country, when they are not physically in the country they're defending?
Another ignorant retarded lib.
FALSE!!! First of all, it is 14 year war (in Afghanistan) not 16.
Oh wow, imagine that? It's still longer than any war we've ever fought. It's still some bullshit war that we "decided" to fight. And its still a war you're so cavalier about putting our troops in harms way over bullshit, made up reasons that didn't exist.

And secondly, what we have to show is that we are here posting in this forum, instead of having been vaporized in a massive nuclear annihilation, years ago.
How was that supposed to happen when Iraq didn't even have anything close to a nuke, since 1993?

Obviously, even after 14 years,you still have no clue as to why US troops have been sacrificing their lives to save your ignorant butts. Apparently, this how effective the liberal media is at keeping their sheep ignorant, and in line with their distorted and dangerous mindset.
And you still haven't stated what we got in return. You just made up some WMD bullshit that has long been debunked as nonsense, you fucking asshole!

So here begins your deprogramming from all the liberal jibberish, and your education begins. There are 2 real reasons for the troops fighting in Afghanistan >>
But there is only one reason you're some psychotic, un-American asshole, who doesn't know shit from shinola.

1. To keep al Qaeda from using the loose, non-nation to conduct bomb-making schools, to attack Western targets.
The old harboring terrorist bullshit? Well, let me remind you, junior, the Afghan government offered to hand over al Qaeda's main man and we refused to take him.

And since we're on the subject of harboring terrorists and bringing down planes, do you know who Luis Posada Carriles is? He's a terrorist who brought down a plane that we happen to be harboring.

And as far as "bomb-making schools", what do you think they teach at the School for the America's?

2. Most important - to have US troops nearby enough to rush into Pakistan, and seize Pakistan's 100+ NUCLEAR warheads, if/whenever its fragile semi-prowestern govt were to be toppled by jihadist forces. This is the difference between you posting here now, and being a pile of ashes 13 years ago.
How is our troops supposed to protect this country, when they are not physically in the country they're defending?

Trust me, with our borders wide fuckin open, if these people really wanted to come to this fuckin country, they could without missing a beat. Its war mongering fearful cowards like this guy, that keeps this country stuck on fuckin stupid. 4 trillion dollars, wasted on a gotdamned war, with no end in site, no real target to focus on, its a fucked up mess, that we're paying for in blood, tears and tons of money that we can't afford. And anyone signing onto this madness is just plain in fuckin sane!!
FALSE!!! First of all, it is 14 year war (in Afghanistan) not 16.
Oh wow, imagine that? It's still longer than any war we've ever fought. It's still some bullshit war that we "decided" to fight. And its still a war you're so cavalier about putting our troops in harms way over bullshit, made up reasons that didn't exist.

And secondly, what we have to show is that we are here posting in this forum, instead of having been vaporized in a massive nuclear annihilation, years ago.
How was that supposed to happen when Iraq didn't even have anything close to a nuke, since 1993?

Obviously, even after 14 years,you still have no clue as to why US troops have been sacrificing their lives to save your ignorant butts. Apparently, this how effective the liberal media is at keeping their sheep ignorant, and in line with their distorted and dangerous mindset.
And you still haven't stated what we got in return. You just made up some WMD bullshit that has long been debunked as nonsense, you fucking asshole!

So here begins your deprogramming from all the liberal jibberish, and your education begins. There are 2 real reasons for the troops fighting in Afghanistan >>
But there is only one reason you're some psychotic, un-American asshole, who doesn't know shit from shinola.

1. To keep al Qaeda from using the loose, non-nation to conduct bomb-making schools, to attack Western targets.
The old harboring terrorist bullshit? Well, let me remind you, junior, the Afghan government offered to hand over al Qaeda's main man and we refused to take him.

And since we're on the subject of harboring terrorists and bringing down planes, do you know who Luis Posada Carriles is? He's a terrorist who brought down a plane that we happen to be harboring.

And as far as "bomb-making schools", what do you think they teach at the School for the America's?

2. Most important - to have US troops nearby enough to rush into Pakistan, and seize Pakistan's 100+ NUCLEAR warheads, if/whenever its fragile semi-prowestern govt were to be toppled by jihadist forces. This is the difference between you posting here now, and being a pile of ashes 13 years ago.
How is our troops supposed to protect this country, when they are not physically in the country they're defending?

I read the heroin production has really increased under the US watch. Its now the highest its ever been.

Also there is a massive heroin addiction in Iran and Russia. That's a good thing for the US, as heroin addicts don't do much but seek more heroin.
Like I said, we've fought this fuckin war, sacrificed our people and we as a nation, have absolutely nothing to show for it, not a gotdamned thing. And keeping my black ass safe and your sorry white ass safe, has nothing to do with this shit. Because if a fuckin terrorist wants to come into this country, Mexican borders are wide fuckin open you simp and they can come here if they wanted...the only reason they're not coming, cause they're probably afraid of the nuts like you mf's that are already here!! Cha ching!!
So here begins your deprogramming from all the liberal jibberish, and your education begins. There are 2 real reasons for the troops fighting in Afghanistan >>

1. To keep al Qaeda from using the loose, non-nation to conduct bomb-making schools, to attack Western targets.

2. Most important - to have US troops nearby enough to rush into Pakistan, and seize Pakistan's 100+ NUCLEAR warheads, if/whenever its fragile semi-prowestern govt were to be toppled by jihadist forces. This is the difference between you posting here now, and being a pile of ashes 13 years ago.




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I read the heroin production has really increased under the US watch. Its now the highest its ever been.

Also there is a massive heroin addiction in Iran and Russia. That's a good thing for the US, as heroin addicts don't do much but seek more heroin.

I was in Afghanistan & Iraq in August, September, and October. There IS NO "US watch". In both countries, small contingents of troops are in the capital cities, and just a few scatterd locations, while madness prevails through the rest of both countries (including the poppy fields which asre largely under the control of tribal leaders, the Taliban, and increasingly ISIS.

In the US, when heroin addicts seek more heroin THAT IS A LOT. It entails burglarizing your house, robbing your car, mugging (maybe shooting) you, to get the money for their next fix.


BAGHDAD (Sept. 21, 2015) -- As the Panther Brigade furled their colors, officially marking the completion of its mission in Iraq, the Warrior Brigade began its duties there.

Task Force Warrior, comprised of Soldiers from the Fort Drum, New York-based 1st Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division (LI), officially joined the Combined Joint Forces Land Component Command - Iraq advise and assist and build partner capacity missions, in support of Combined Joint Task Force - Operation Inherent Resolve in Baghdad, Sept. 17.

The task force joins 18 partner nations supporting Iraqi security forces at six advise and assist sites and five build partner capacity sites around the country.
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Trust me, with our borders wide fuckin open, if these people really wanted to come to this fuckin country, they could without missing a beat. Its war mongering fearful cowards like this guy, that keeps this country stuck on fuckin stupid. 4 trillion dollars, wasted on a gotdamned war, with no end in site, no real target to focus on, its a fucked up mess, that we're paying for in blood, tears and tons of money that we can't afford. And anyone signing onto this madness is just plain in fuckin sane!!

I spend 3 months over there last summer, contributing to saving your ass, while your safe cozy little ass sits curled up on a couch in your living room, as you fearlessly type on your laptap, jibberish that you could have avoided making a fool out of yourself with, if only you had read my earlier posts, educating you on why those troops have been there for the past 14 years (and you still don't know).

And as we struggle to fight ISIS, the Taliban, the jihad in Pakistan, etc, airheads like you make the job a bit harder. I guess some people still haven't figured out that there cannot be a such thing as isolationism in a nuclear weapon world. Maybe you got your dates wrong ? You think this is 1935 ?
a 16 year war....what do we have to show for it?
You not getting wacked in the head with one of THESE THINGS >>>



Guess what you moron, during and after the Vietnam war, I wasn't getting hacked to death by a crazed asian either and guess what else, after we outspent the Soviet Union and wasted money on that shit, I never felt a nuke during all that tension either. See if you spend money securing your borders and putting focus in your own damned country, amazing how safe a mf can feel
Its time to just nuke and kill everything in the middle east. Not another cent should be spent helping to change minds or to build up these shitholes.
Nobody is thinking about that any more. The mindset now is on DEFENDING THE AMERICAN PEOPLE FROM NUCLEAR ATTACK, by jihadists in Pakistan and ISIS being the top threats.

George Clooney on Obama and Pakistan

'Pakistan' keeps Obama awake at night: George Clooney


Here we go with the WMD scare shit....again!! Guess what, all the fuckin world can make, buy and develope an arsenal of Nukes....the US can't afford to run the world and prevent this type of shit, are you out of your fuckin mind???
a 16 year war....what do we have to show for it?
You not getting wacked in the head with one of THESE THINGS >>>



Guess what you moron, during and after the Vietnam war, I wasn't getting hacked to death by a crazed asian either and guess what else, after we outspent the Soviet Union and wasted money on that shit, I never felt a nuke during all that tension either. See if you spend money securing your borders and putting focus in your own damned country, amazing how safe a mf can feel
No thanks to your punk ass.
Guess what you moron, during and after the Vietnam war, I wasn't getting hacked to death by a crazed asian either and guess what else, after we outspent the Soviet Union and wasted money on that shit, I never felt a nuke during all that tension either. See if you spend money securing your borders and putting focus in your own damned country, amazing how safe a mf can feel

If you're a dumbass, yeah, you can feel safe when you're not. Nobody in Vietnam was threatening the US. The Russians had (and still have) the mutual deterrence factor, protecting them and us (from each other).

But the jihadi boys are LUNATICS who think the idea of dying is cool (or haven't you got to that part yet ?) You know the 72 virgins they're supposed to get in their paradise.

OK. This part is not for you tigerred, this is for the jihadis >> You jihadi boys made a mistake. They screwed up that virgins thing. It's not 72 virgins you're gonna get. It's one virgin, 72 years old . And that might even be a fake age. Really she'll be 92.

Here we go with the WMD scare shit....again!! Guess what, all the fuckin world can make, buy and develope an arsenal of Nukes....the US can't afford to run the world and prevent this type of shit, are you out of your fuckin mind???
No the whole world can't do that. Keep dreaming though, if it makes you feel better. And notice I did that without having to resort to the F bomb. Work on that too, TR. :badgrin:
Guess what you moron, during and after the Vietnam war, I wasn't getting hacked to death by a crazed asian either and guess what else, after we outspent the Soviet Union and wasted money on that shit, I never felt a nuke during all that tension either. See if you spend money securing your borders and putting focus in your own damned country, amazing how safe a mf can feel

If you're a dumbass, yeah, you can feel safe when you're not. Nobody in Vietnam was threatening the US. The Russians had (and still have) the mutual deterrence factor, protecting them and us (from each other).

But the jihadi boys are LUNATICS who think the idea of dying is cool (or haven't you got to that part yet ?) You know the 72 virgins they're supposed to get in their paradise.

OK. This part is not for you tigerred, this is for the jihadis >> You jihadi boys made a mistake. They screwed up that virgins thing. It's not 72 virgins you're gonna get. It's one virgin, 72 years old . And that might even be a fake age. Really she'll be 92.


Listen, until you put on a fuckin uniform, like I did, I have nothing to say to you.
Here we go with the WMD scare shit....again!! Guess what, all the fuckin world can make, buy and develope an arsenal of Nukes....the US can't afford to run the world and prevent this type of shit, are you out of your fuckin mind???
No the whole world can't do that. Keep dreaming though, if it makes you feel better. And notice I did that without having to resort to the F bomb. Work on that too, TR. :badgrin:

You are nothing but a war loving dummy and people like you have no moral place in society

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