4 Trillion dollars on a 16 year war....what do we have to show for it?


You're still here aren't you? When we were attacked on 9/11 did you not understand at that moment that the world had changed? It was never going to be a traditional war where two countries fight until one surrenders. It is not obvious who the enemy is. The enemy has no borders. President Bush told us in 2001 that this was not going to be easy and President Obama agreed the real war was in the Afghan region. Both Presidents at least agreed on this. What does that tell you?

I can never say that I understand what our troops do over there. But I at least I understand their sacrifices have kept me safe. It's a debt I can never repay. You need to wake up and realize the world we live in now and at least be grateful for what the men and women of the military do for us.
You continue to find new levels of stupid.

Attacking a country that did not attack you first, is illegal.

And um, I hate to break it to you, skippy, but your chart doesn't list Afghanistan anywhere on it!
1. It lists PAKISTAN, dum dum. I told you you need to read Post # 5. You do know how to read, don't you ? Yeah ? Well then, READ IT.

2. Illegal ? EARTH TO BR: When it comes to the defense of the American people from annihilation, NOTHING is illegal. What do you want to do ? Get an invitation from a country who is a threat to you ? What is this a wedding ? Maybe Eisenhower should have asked Hitler for permission to go into Germany in 1945, huh ?
Pheeeeew!! (high pitched whistle, eyes rolling around in head)

Never ceases to amaze me how DETACHED liberals are.
What a coincidence. Just what we all see you as. Lucky we have responsible people (in uniform) though, who have been keeping us alive, despite all you clueless ones.
Launching un-provoked wars of aggression, is not being responsible, it's being German.
So you're adding bigotry against Germans as part of your idiocy. OK. Got that. 10-4.

As for >> "Launching un-provoked wars of aggression, is not being responsible" >> OFF TOPIC!!

PS - Ever hear of self-defense ? Just wondering.
1. It lists PAKISTAN, dum dum. I told you you need to read Post # 5. You do know how to read, don't you ? Yeah ? Well then, READ IT.
If Pakistan's going to nuke anyone, it will be India, not us.

And according to your logic, we should be attacking Russia. But you're a little too pussy to do that, aren't ya?

2. Illegal ? EARTH TO BR: When it comes to the defense of the American people from annihilation, NOTHING is illegal.
Anyone who thinks a country of goat herders, with barely any running water or electricity, 9000 miles away with no navy, can annihilate a country that has the most technologically advanced military planet earth has ever seen, is either a fuckin' liar, or the biggest pussy on the planet.

What do you want to do ?
Obey the law. Respect American values. Not shit on them like you do.

Get an invitation from a country who is a threat to you ?
What country threatened us?

What is this a wedding ?
If it was a wedding, you would've taken it out with a drone strike.

Maybe Eisenhower should have asked Hitler for permission to go into Germany in 1945, huh ?
Germany declared war on us. Germany was in the process of attacking sovereign nations over bullshit reasons. Germany was trying to take over the world; something you're trying to do now.

Pheeeeew!! (high pitched whistle, eyes rolling around in head)
Then stop eating so much bran.

Never ceases to amaze me how DETACHED liberals are.
Let me know when you're back on planet earth.
If Pakistan's going to nuke anyone, it will be India, not us.

And according to your logic, we should be attacking Russia. But you're a little too pussy to do that, aren't ya?

2. Illegal ? EARTH TO BR: When it comes to the defense of the American people from annihilation, NOTHING is illegal.
Anyone who thinks a country of goat herders, with barely any running water or electricity, 9000 miles away with no navy, can annihilate a country that has the most technologically advanced military planet earth has ever seen, is either a fuckin' liar, or the biggest pussy on the planet.

What do you want to do ?
Obey the law. Respect American values. Not shit on them like you do.

Get an invitation from a country who is a threat to you ?
What country threatened us?

What is this a wedding ?
If it was a wedding, you would've taken it out with a drone strike.

Maybe Eisenhower should have asked Hitler for permission to go into Germany in 1945, huh ?
Germany declared war on us. Germany was in the process of attacking sovereign nations over bullshit reasons. Germany was trying to take over the world; something you're trying to do now.

Pheeeeew!! (high pitched whistle, eyes rolling around in head)
Then stop eating so much bran.

Never ceases to amaze me how DETACHED liberals are.
Let me know when you're back on planet earth.
Oh, you stepped in it now! I'll tell you what we got. We got what any red-blooded American out of his mind would be honored to have...a T-shirt.

You KNOW what we got. It's in Post # 5. You posted too late....you've already been de-programmed. :biggrin:

It's what happens when generals aren't allowed to wage war.

Get the hell out of here, its what happens when war thirsty stay on the side line generals call the shot....
Oh, you stepped in it now! I'll tell you what we got. We got what any red-blooded American out of his mind would be honored to have...a T-shirt.

You KNOW what we got. It's in Post # 5. You posted too late....you've already been de-programmed. :biggrin:

It's what happens when generals aren't allowed to wage war.

Get the hell out of here, its what happens when war thirsty stay on the side line generals call the shot....

You are an idiot. Had the generals, not the politicians and the media, called the shots then. 130+ innocent french would be alive today.
Hey the limpwristed on this board are going to be decidedly unpopular starting today......the philosophers. Nobody cares about the moral equivalence crap today........ghey. While 3/4 of America is going out today to fill out a pistol license, the limpwristers are heading to Walmart to stock up in wiffle ball bats that they can carry to the theatre with them!!

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