40% of American youths admit to be homos

Why can't people be nice when it comes to this topic?

A lot of people are simply bisexual.

I have read, for example, that a lot of straight men in [a certain South American country] have intimate relations with gay men. So long as the straight men are the "top," they feel no stigma whatsoever. And they consider themselves 100% straight.

There are probably very few totally gay men. That is, those men for whom relations with a woman are considered out of the question.

And there are many straight men for whom touching another man is revolting.

Obviously, if one looks at the overpopulation in this world, most men like to get it on with women (even if more of them than you might think are open to messing around with other men under certain circumstances, such as prison, the army, etc.).

I do NOT know whether it is true, but it is reported that Winston Churchill was once asked whether he had ever had a gay experience. He supposedly admitted to having one -- with a famous English gay singer. When Winston's friends asked him how the experience was, he supposedly answered "Musical."
Didn't Newsweek also tell us that a new Ice Age was dawning in the 70's.

Take it with a grain of salt.
30% Christians identify as homos?

Groups like the Radical Episcopalianites consider themselves to be "Christian" nowadays, and they aren't the only offshoot denomination (or is it demonination) that embraces the gay ideology.
Remarkable number, recruitment efforts by the LGBTQ community have been pretty successful.

Tremendous news for those in the anal lube market.

Holy shit Princess. Is this all that you ever think about? Why are you so obsessed about how people have sex and with who? Give it a fucking rest. You have some serious issues.
Holy shit Princess. Is this all that you ever think about? Why are you so obsessed about how people have sex and with who? Give it a fucking rest. You have some serious issues.
If you don't know what is despicable about faggots then you are one sick puppy.
If you don't know what is despicable about faggots then you are one sick puppy.
Why don't you tell us Bubba. Tell us all about how the existence of gay people has affected you personally. Tell why you think that they should not have the same rights as the rest of us, just because they are attracted to someone of the same gender. Tell us what makes you so fucking special and superior.
Why don't you tell us Bubba. Tell us all about how the existence of gay people has affected you personally. Tell why you think that they should not have the same rights as the rest of us, just because they are attracted to someone of the same gender. Tell us what makes you so fucking special and superior.
You may like to be fucked in the ass by another guy but don't get all bent out of shape when I ridicule you for being a faggot.
"Why is it when previous generations were able to figure out why life was worth living, this one isn't figuring it out?" he asks. "It has to do with the spiritual changes in America. They don't buy into the Bible, they don't trust God, they don't believe in Jesus, and politics have codified that into law, and the media is a major part of it."

Groups like the Radical Episcopalianites consider themselves to be "Christian" nowadays, and they aren't the only offshoot denomination (or is it demonination) that embraces the gay ideology.
Never heard of them. My daughter, who is straight and 20 years younger than I am, told me before that many in those age groups are LGBQT. My Grandson who fits in with the younger end of those age groups (he is 22) and AFAIK identifies with most or all the alphabets as do many he runs with and or grew up with. So, those percentages may be close. I don't know and I really have no reason to question it as they apparently are more open now than any other generation. So be it.
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Remarkable number, recruitment efforts by the LGBTQ community have been pretty successful.

Tremendous news for those in the anal lube market.

How many of them will find out they aren't though once they grow up some and perhaps learn to stop following the crowd of their peers. I bet a good amount change their minds by the time they are 30.

Online is ripe for weird kids all vying for attention and preaching how they are so different from anyone not like them and most kids live online.

And all the special attention and praise we give to gays and trannies doesn't help either. Society treats them like special people deserving of special attention above straight people and kids today were raised to believe they are special and unique so they want to follow that trend.
You may like to be fucked in the ass by another guy but don't get all bent out of shape when I ridicule you for being a faggot.
Holy fucking shit! WHAT! How fucking stupid, are you? You think that you know what I like and know what I do? Only the STUPIDEST of the stupid make assumptions about someone's sexuality based on their politics. Are you really so STUPID as to think that only gay people support and advocate for gay people?

Do you think that gay rights would have the popular support that there is without the backing of straight people? You can ridicule me. You can ridicule gay people, but the fact is that you moronic bigots are the ones worthy of ridicule.

I know what a moron like you will do next. You will accuse me of denying my sexuality. Don't bother. I would not give you that satisfaction and validate your bigotry. I do not give a fuck what bigoted scum like you think. You people are a dying breed. A dinosaur that we will soon be rid of. The fact that you are freaked out by a more liberal and inclusive culture is your problem that you will take to your grave

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