40% of Americans Think Jesus Will Return by 2050


Oct 19, 2011
40% of Americans Think Jesus Will Return by 2050:

This is stunning news coming from a first world country like USA and not a country like Somalia or some other third world country.
My question.....Does anybody want to bet against me here. I will give you a 1,000 to one deal actually.

If you bet $1 dollar you win $1,000 if you are correct. If he doesn't show up you only have to pay me $1.

Yes, I will be alive if I live an average Life (average age is 79 years for American men).

Anyone up for the bet ???
The Rapture won't happen until 2052.

So no bet!
the Lord discourages gambling. So no, I wont take the bet.

I could easily see the Lord coming by then. Possibly sooner. However, even if I was a gambling man, the bet serves no purpose for a number of reasons:

1) Inflation - It's quite likely by then that $1000 will be worth as much as a dollar is now.
2) It's quite possible that neither of us will be alive in 2050. Heck, It's possible we could both be dead by morning. You do realize that people dont always reach the life expectancy mark, right? Making us unable to collect
3) I am familiar with the prophecies of the End times. Which means when Christ returns, unless you've repented of your sins, you may be on fire. Making me unable to collect
4) Money may be completely useless when Christ comes. I would at least wager that dollars would be. Unless you think that Christ is going to use the currency of the United States as the currency for the Kingdom of God.

I know you see yourself as far superior and smarter than any believers. But I don't think you are clever as you think you are. If you were, I wouldn't have had to point out any of those things, which makes your proposed bet completely foolish.

May I suggest some humility? You may want to familiarize yourself with the prophecies concerning the end times. Then you may understand better why many Christians might think Christ's return is eminent.

Say the prophecies regarding the restoration of Israel. Or the destruction of Syria and Egypt. I don't know whether those prophecies are about to be fulfilled, but it wouldn't surprise me if they were.

There are of course, other prophecies. Are you familiar with any of them? Or have you simply concluded that you since you find Christianity irrational there is no need to study it?

I don't believe in Islam but I have spent some time studying it. The prophecies of the Madhi appearance in the last days are interesting because they mirror the Christian teachings of the Anti-Christ. I think it's wise to know what others believe so you can understand them better.
the Lord discourages gambling. So no, I wont take the bet.

I could easily see the Lord coming by then. Possibly sooner. However, even if I was a gambling man, the bet serves no purpose for a number of reasons:

1) Inflation - It's quite likely by then that $1000 will be worth as much as a dollar is now.
2) It's quite possible that neither of us will be alive in 2050. Heck, It's possible we could both be dead by morning. You do realize that people dont always reach the life expectancy mark, right? Making us unable to collect
3) I am familiar with the prophecies of the End times. Which means when Christ returns, unless you've repented of your sins, you may be on fire. Making me unable to collect
4) Money may be completely useless when Christ comes. I would at least wager that dollars would be. Unless you think that Christ is going to use the currency of the United States as the currency for the Kingdom of God.

I know you see yourself as far superior and smarter than any believers. But I don't think you are clever as you think you are. If you were, I wouldn't have had to point out any of those things, which makes your proposed bet completely foolish.

May I suggest some humility? You may want to familiarize yourself with the prophecies concerning the end times. Then you may understand better why many Christians might think Christ's return is eminent.

Say the prophecies regarding the restoration of Israel. Or the destruction of Syria and Egypt. I don't know whether those prophecies are about to be fulfilled, but it wouldn't surprise me if they were.

There are of course, other prophecies. Are you familiar with any of them? Or have you simply concluded that you since you find Christianity irrational there is no need to study it?

I don't believe in Islam but I have spent some time studying it. The prophecies of the Madhi appearance in the last days are interesting because they mirror the Christian teachings of the Anti-Christ. I think it's wise to know what others believe so you can understand them better.
the academy award for best rationalization goes to: Avatar!
40% of Americans Think Jesus Will Return by 2050:

This is stunning news coming from a first world country like USA and not a country like Somalia or some other third world country.
My question.....Does anybody want to bet against me here. I will give you a 1,000 to one deal actually.

If you bet $1 dollar you win $1,000 if you are correct. If he doesn't show up you only have to pay me $1.

Yes, I will be alive if I live an average Life (average age is 79 years for American men).

Anyone up for the bet ???

Do you remember when the Jews were waiting for their "messiah". They couldn't see him either because the messiah is invisible and will always be invisible.
the Lord discourages gambling. So no, I wont take the bet.

I could easily see the Lord coming by then. Possibly sooner. However, even if I was a gambling man, the bet serves no purpose for a number of reasons:

1) Inflation - It's quite likely by then that $1000 will be worth as much as a dollar is now.
2) It's quite possible that neither of us will be alive in 2050. Heck, It's possible we could both be dead by morning. You do realize that people dont always reach the life expectancy mark, right? Making us unable to collect
3) I am familiar with the prophecies of the End times. Which means when Christ returns, unless you've repented of your sins, you may be on fire. Making me unable to collect
4) Money may be completely useless when Christ comes. I would at least wager that dollars would be. Unless you think that Christ is going to use the currency of the United States as the currency for the Kingdom of God.

I know you see yourself as far superior and smarter than any believers. But I don't think you are clever as you think you are. If you were, I wouldn't have had to point out any of those things, which makes your proposed bet completely foolish.

May I suggest some humility? You may want to familiarize yourself with the prophecies concerning the end times. Then you may understand better why many Christians might think Christ's return is eminent.

Say the prophecies regarding the restoration of Israel. Or the destruction of Syria and Egypt. I don't know whether those prophecies are about to be fulfilled, but it wouldn't surprise me if they were.

There are of course, other prophecies. Are you familiar with any of them? Or have you simply concluded that you since you find Christianity irrational there is no need to study it?

I don't believe in Islam but I have spent some time studying it. The prophecies of the Madhi appearance in the last days are interesting because they mirror the Christian teachings of the Anti-Christ. I think it's wise to know what others believe so you can understand them better.

Most Christians will miss the "messiah" because this invisible knowledge of God is already here and being spoken by the one writing this message.

John 6
63: It is the spirit that gives life, the flesh is of no avail; the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life.

I Colossians 1:
15: He is the image of the invisible God, the first-born of all creation;
The Dragon of the East and the Bear of the North are (how?) close to Damascus?
40% of Americans Think Jesus Will Return by 2050:

This is stunning news coming from a first world country like USA and not a country like Somalia or some other third world country.
My question.....Does anybody want to bet against me here. I will give you a 1,000 to one deal actually.

If you bet $1 dollar you win $1,000 if you are correct. If he doesn't show up you only have to pay me $1.

Yes, I will be alive if I live an average Life (average age is 79 years for American men).

Anyone up for the bet ???

With the huge influx of mexicans I'm not surprised in the least. They pretty much treat religion like witchcraft,and believe in all kinds of crazy shit.
40% of Americans Think Jesus Will Return by 2050:

This is stunning news coming from a first world country like USA and not a country like Somalia or some other third world country.
My question.....Does anybody want to bet against me here. I will give you a 1,000 to one deal actually.

If you bet $1 dollar you win $1,000 if you are correct. If he doesn't show up you only have to pay me $1.

Yes, I will be alive if I live an average Life (average age is 79 years for American men).

Anyone up for the bet ???

With the huge influx of mexicans I'm not surprised in the least. They pretty much treat religion like witchcraft,and believe in all kinds of crazy shit.

If you focus on this world, you'll be totally deceived of the Truth.
That's disturbing.

I wonder how many have seen the image of Mary or Jebus in peeling paint, toast or their IUD?
40% of Americans Think Jesus Will Return by 2050:

This is stunning news coming from a first world country like USA and not a country like Somalia or some other third world country.
My question.....Does anybody want to bet against me here. I will give you a 1,000 to one deal actually.

If you bet $1 dollar you win $1,000 if you are correct. If he doesn't show up you only have to pay me $1.

Yes, I will be alive if I live an average Life (average age is 79 years for American men).

Anyone up for the bet ???

With the huge influx of mexicans I'm not surprised in the least. They pretty much treat religion like witchcraft,and believe in all kinds of crazy shit.

I know, like an invisible, all powerful Stay Puft Marshmallow man in the sky, talking snakes, virgin births and zombies rising from the dead.
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Jesus has already returned. He comes up from Nogalas every day to our community to do yard work. He cut back my prickly pear cactus last week. Sometimes he brings his wife and son, Maria and Pedro.

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