40% of Americans Think Jesus Will Return by 2050

40% of Americans Think Jesus Will Return by 2050:

This is stunning news coming from a first world country like USA and not a country like Somalia or some other third world country.
My question.....Does anybody want to bet against me here. I will give you a 1,000 to one deal actually.

If you bet $1 dollar you win $1,000 if you are correct. If he doesn't show up you only have to pay me $1.

Yes, I will be alive if I live an average Life (average age is 79 years for American men).

Anyone up for the bet ???
Well, some of the Revelation has been fulfilled:
Rev 6:2 "2 And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer."

Clearly the white horse means the Denver Broncos, the bow represents the quarterback and the crown is the Super bowl ring. So the prophecy was filled in 1997 when the Broncos won Super Bowl XXXII and John Elway is the first horseman of the Apocalypse.

I have a bet I can actually convince someone that that's true.
40% of Americans Think Jesus Will Return by 2050:

This is stunning news coming from a first world country like USA and not a country like Somalia or some other third world country.
My question.....Does anybody want to bet against me here. I will give you a 1,000 to one deal actually.

If you bet $1 dollar you win $1,000 if you are correct. If he doesn't show up you only have to pay me $1.

Yes, I will be alive if I live an average Life (average age is 79 years for American men).

Anyone up for the bet ???
Well, some of the Revelation has been fulfilled:
Rev 6:2 "2 And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer."

Clearly the white horse means the Denver Broncos, the bow represents the quarterback and the crown is the Super bowl ring. So the prophecy was filled in 1997 when the Broncos won Super Bowl XXXII and John Elway is the first horseman of the Apocalypse.

I have a bet I can actually convince someone that that's true.
Jesus is already here

He posts on this board but his rep is not too high
Should've negged ya when I had the chance

40% of Americans Think Jesus Will Return by 2050:

This is stunning news coming from a first world country like USA and not a country like Somalia or some other third world country.
My question.....Does anybody want to bet against me here. I will give you a 1,000 to one deal actually.

If you bet $1 dollar you win $1,000 if you are correct. If he doesn't show up you only have to pay me $1.

Yes, I will be alive if I live an average Life (average age is 79 years for American men).

Anyone up for the bet ???

They'll just redefine what Jesus is so any event will qualify
the Lord discourages gambling. So no, I wont take the bet.

I could easily see the Lord coming by then. Possibly sooner. However, even if I was a gambling man, the bet serves no purpose for a number of reasons:

1) Inflation - It's quite likely by then that $1000 will be worth as much as a dollar is now.
2) It's quite possible that neither of us will be alive in 2050. Heck, It's possible we could both be dead by morning. You do realize that people dont always reach the life expectancy mark, right? Making us unable to collect
3) I am familiar with the prophecies of the End times. Which means when Christ returns, unless you've repented of your sins, you may be on fire. Making me unable to collect
4) Money may be completely useless when Christ comes. I would at least wager that dollars would be. Unless you think that Christ is going to use the currency of the United States as the currency for the Kingdom of God.

I know you see yourself as far superior and smarter than any believers. But I don't think you are clever as you think you are. If you were, I wouldn't have had to point out any of those things, which makes your proposed bet completely foolish.

May I suggest some humility? You may want to familiarize yourself with the prophecies concerning the end times. Then you may understand better why many Christians might think Christ's return is eminent.

Say the prophecies regarding the restoration of Israel. Or the destruction of Syria and Egypt. I don't know whether those prophecies are about to be fulfilled, but it wouldn't surprise me if they were.

There are of course, other prophecies. Are you familiar with any of them? Or have you simply concluded that you since you find Christianity irrational there is no need to study it?

I don't believe in Islam but I have spent some time studying it. The prophecies of the Madhi appearance in the last days are interesting because they mirror the Christian teachings of the Anti-Christ. I think it's wise to know what others believe so you can understand them better.

Prophecies are intentionally vague so any event can be said to fulfill it.
Jesus has already returned. He comes up from Nogalas every day to our community to do yard work. He cut back my prickly pear cactus last week. Sometimes he brings his wife and son, Maria and Pedro.

Have you ever asked him to walk across the pool?
40% of Americans Think Jesus Will Return by 2050:

This is stunning news coming from a first world country like USA and not a country like Somalia or some other third world country.
My question.....Does anybody want to bet against me here. I will give you a 1,000 to one deal actually.

If you bet $1 dollar you win $1,000 if you are correct. If he doesn't show up you only have to pay me $1.

Yes, I will be alive if I live an average Life (average age is 79 years for American men).

Anyone up for the bet ???

They'll just redefine what Jesus is so any event will qualify
it's the same thing they've done all the other times he was prophesied to appear
Why do you people hate Christians so much? Do I really have to list the good that they do? They're not killing anyone. On their worst day they just refuse to turn their backs on their faith by not supporting homosexuals which is enough to have them earmarked for prison camps if this shit is allowed to continue.
40% of Americans Think Jesus Will Return by 2050:

This is stunning news coming from a first world country like USA and not a country like Somalia or some other third world country.
My question.....Does anybody want to bet against me here. I will give you a 1,000 to one deal actually.

If you bet $1 dollar you win $1,000 if you are correct. If he doesn't show up you only have to pay me $1.

Yes, I will be alive if I live an average Life (average age is 79 years for American men).

Anyone up for the bet ???

With the huge influx of mexicans I'm not surprised in the least. They pretty much treat religion like witchcraft,and believe in all kinds of crazy shit.

I know, like an invisible, all powerful Stay Puft Marshmallow man in the sky, talking snakes, virgin births and zombies rising from the dead.

Dont know about the stay puff guy but the rest of it is spot on.
And almost a third of those polled think the earth will be hit by an asteroid by 2050.

far better odds for the above.

JC ... the example is the Pudding - when everyone becomes sinless, no prophesies needed.

No one knows when the time will come, but the Mormons bought land in Northern Missouri where they claim he will alit.
With the huge influx of mexicans I'm not surprised in the least. They pretty much treat religion like witchcraft,and believe in all kinds of crazy shit.

I know, like an invisible, all powerful Stay Puft Marshmallow man in the sky, talking snakes, virgin births and zombies rising from the dead.

Dont know about the stay puff guy but the rest of it is spot on.

I think the SPMM from Ghost Busters must have been what god looked like at Sodom.
It's a theory that a meteoroid exploded and burned the cities.Archeological evidence seems to concur along with astrological artifacts about the event.
It's a theory that a meteoroid exploded and burned the cities.Archeological evidence seems to concur along with astrological artifacts about the event.

I don't think they've actually located it yet, if it is a real event and place. It's possible jewish rabbis when writing the Pentateuch in 500bc took a older event, story or myth and made a more modern parable out of it.

Like much of the OT.
And you guys call us crazy.

You're not any more deceived than an atheist, Muslim, Jew, Buddhist or any other religious group in this world. God calls you people "stupid" and "disobedient".

Deuteronomy 13
4: You shall walk after the LORD your God and fear him, and keep his commandments and obey his voice, and you shall serve him and cleave to him.

1 John 5
1: Every one who believes that Jesus is the Christ is a child of God, and every one who loves the parent loves the child.
2: By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and obey his commandments.
3: For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome.

Psalm 92
5: How great are thy works, O LORD! Thy thoughts are very deep!
6: The dull man cannot know, the stupid cannot understand this:

1 John 2:
3: And by this we may be sure that we know him, if we keep his commandments.
4: He who says "I know him" but disobeys his commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him;

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