40 people are dead and more than 100 others are wounded following shooting attacks at Moscow on Friday


BINGO! :clap2::clap2::clap2:
What follows thereafter? Who benefits of the terror attack?Just remember the year 2000 as KGB performed serial terrorist attacks and blowed up many buildings in Moscow.Shortly thereafter Putin started the Chechen War 2.0
A such attack is a gift for Putin and his regime, isn't it?

It smells not good, we have a de-ja-vue.
What does Putin now?

Mobilization 2.0?
The Lenin-Troztki Regime in Russia?

In anything nothing good for ordinary Russians who allowed the Devil run the country.


At least 40 killed, 100 wounded in terror attack on Moscow concert venue;

ISIS claims responsibility

22 Mar 2024 ~~ By Ben Wolfgang

The Islamic State quickly claimed responsibility for the attack, shortly after Russian officials announced they’re investigating the incident as an act of terrorism.
“According to preliminary data, as a result of the terrorist attack at the Crocus City Hall building, 40 people were killed and over 100 were injured,” the country’s Federal Security Service, or FSB, said in a statement, according to state-run media.
In a statement posted by its Aamaq news agency, the Islamic State group said it attacked a large gathering in Krasnogorsk on Moscow’s outskirts, killing and wounding hundreds. While it was not immediately possible to verify the authenticity of the claim, fears have been mounting inside Russia about the possibility of an attack by the Islamic State-Khorasan Province, the Afghanistan-based affiliate group of the Islamic State better known as ISIS-K.
On March 7, the FSB said it foiled a planned ISIS-K attack against a Moscow synagogue. FSB officials said an Islamic State cell had plans to kill worshippers at the synagogue.

Nothing to see here folks. Keep moving on..
No according to Joe XiBaiDung this is Not the results of his yellow stained retreat from Afghanistan. Antony Blinken firmly stated.

What follows thereafter? Who benefits of the terror attack?Just remember the year 2000 as KGB performed serial terrorist attacks and blowed up many buildings in Moscow.Shortly thereafter Putin started the Chechen War 2.0
A such attack is a gift for Putin and his regime, isn't it?

It smells not good, we have a de-ja-vue.
What does Putin now?

Mobilization 2.0?
The Lenin-Troztki Regime in Russia?

In anything nothing good for ordinary Russians who allowed the Devil run the country.


At least 40 killed, 100 wounded in terror attack on Moscow concert venue;

ISIS claims responsibility

22 Mar 2024 ~~ By Ben Wolfgang

The Islamic State quickly claimed responsibility for the attack, shortly after Russian officials announced they’re investigating the incident as an act of terrorism.
“According to preliminary data, as a result of the terrorist attack at the Crocus City Hall building, 40 people were killed and over 100 were injured,” the country’s Federal Security Service, or FSB, said in a statement, according to state-run media.
In a statement posted by its Aamaq news agency, the Islamic State group said it attacked a large gathering in Krasnogorsk on Moscow’s outskirts, killing and wounding hundreds. While it was not immediately possible to verify the authenticity of the claim, fears have been mounting inside Russia about the possibility of an attack by the Islamic State-Khorasan Province, the Afghanistan-based affiliate group of the Islamic State better known as ISIS-K.
On March 7, the FSB said it foiled a planned ISIS-K attack against a Moscow synagogue. FSB officials said an Islamic State cell had plans to kill worshippers at the synagogue.

Nothing to see here folks. Keep moving on..
No according to Joe XiBaiDung this is Not the results of his yellow stained retreat from Afghanistan. Antony Blinken firmly stated.

Most Republicans who support trump aren’t saying 2020 was rigged. 2/3 of republicans believe the election was stolen. If Republican politicians really believed that and the Justice department has been weaponized, that’s what they would impeach Biden for. But it’s not true. We found out fox was knowingly lying for trump. Letting Rudy lie. Rudy found guilty of lying.

Republicans need to stick up for Rudy and Sidney Powell who plead guilty
Where do you get this bullshit, Silly Boo Boo? And this thread is about terrorism in Russia.

What's the connection between a terrorist attack in Russia and the bullshit you just upchucked, fuckface?


At least 40 killed, 100 wounded in terror attack on Moscow concert venue;

ISIS claims responsibility

22 Mar 2024 ~~ By Ben Wolfgang

The Islamic State quickly claimed responsibility for the attack, shortly after Russian officials announced they’re investigating the incident as an act of terrorism.
“According to preliminary data, as a result of the terrorist attack at the Crocus City Hall building, 40 people were killed and over 100 were injured,” the country’s Federal Security Service, or FSB, said in a statement, according to state-run media.
In a statement posted by its Aamaq news agency, the Islamic State group said it attacked a large gathering in Krasnogorsk on Moscow’s outskirts, killing and wounding hundreds. While it was not immediately possible to verify the authenticity of the claim, fears have been mounting inside Russia about the possibility of an attack by the Islamic State-Khorasan Province, the Afghanistan-based affiliate group of the Islamic State better known as ISIS-K.
On March 7, the FSB said it foiled a planned ISIS-K attack against a Moscow synagogue. FSB officials said an Islamic State cell had plans to kill worshippers at the synagogue.

Nothing to see here folks. Keep moving on..
No according to Joe XiBaiDung this is Not the results of his yellow stained retreat from Afghanistan. Antony Blinken firmly stated.

Now now, y'all. I'm sure it isn't the CIA that tries to ram Iran's border with a suicide bomb car/truck every other day.

That's ISIS. And guess who's allies with Iran? Russia.
Caucasians? It's always Whitey's fault, ain't it? :laughing0301:

In Russia, Caucasians are Muslims from the Caucasus region and they look similar to British Asians or Pakistanis. Caucasians are more likely to be stopped and searched by police in Russia (i.e. Chechens, Ossetians) because they have the image of bearded terrorists.

The fears Russians have that Caucasians are "everywhere", that there are "far too many of them", "they immediately occupy the entire city", "they usurp everything"only aids in bolstering their feelings. To a certain extent these phobias are influenced by the fact that Caucasians usually tend to fill lucrative jobs in business, government, etc. and therefore are more "visible." In addition, they try to get their friends and relatives into new job openings to the detriment of local citizens. And in defense of their individual clan or ethnic interests, they are often even willing to use brute force.

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Why would Putin be stupid enough to fuck with a terrorist state?

Videos and photos have emerged showing the Crocus City Hall engulfed in flames and from the attack, showing at least four gunmen opening fire from automatic weapons as panicked Russians fled for their lives.

In one video, three men in fatigues carrying rifles fired at pointblank range into bodies strewn about the lobby of the concert hall. The attackers also apparently detonated explosives, as the sounds of blasts could be heard in other videos from the attack.

If anyone has this video please share. For months I've seen how Russia has destroyed many cities in Ukraine. I need to see some uplifting news so please show me dead russians being shot by gunmen please. And show it to Russians and tell them if they keep voting for Putin, it might be them next.

ISIS Claims Responsibility for Moscow Attack in Surprise Twist, Skepticism Follows

22 Mar 2024 ~~ By Bonchie

Shortly after a massive terrorist attack in Moscow, Russia, the first unverified claim of responsibility has been made.
Initial speculation centered on Chechen rebels or Ukrainians, but according to a post put out by the Amaq News Agency, which is the propaganda wing for ISIS, the terrorist group is saying it carried out the attack.


That doesn't mean they were, though. There will need to be more verification than a self-delivered claim of responsibility. ISIS absolutely could have done this, but while it does make sense, nothing is certain yet.

So, Is the CIA is trying to foment problems between the Russia-China-Houthi group, and are willing to sacrifice innocent civilians to do it.
It's a great time to be part of the CIA right now, operating in this administration with little or no oversight, and free reign to start WW3. The "Deep State" is remarkably consistent.
What follows thereafter? Who benefits of the terror attack?Just remember the year 2000 as KGB performed serial terrorist attacks and blowed up many buildings in Moscow.Shortly thereafter Putin started the Chechen War 2.0
A such attack is a gift for Putin and his regime, isn't it?

It smells not good, we have a de-ja-vue.
What does Putin now?

Mobilization 2.0?
The Lenin-Troztki Regime in Russia?

In anything nothing good for ordinary Russians who allowed the Devil run the country.

The Islamic State (IS), also known as ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria), was created by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi in 2004. The group originally began as an offshoot of Al-Qaeda in Iraq but later declared its independence and established its own caliphate.

IS received support from various sources, including wealthy donors in the Gulf region, foreign fighters, and sympathetic Sunni tribes in Iraq and Syria. They also gained revenue through extortion, oil smuggling, and looting.

Some of the reasons for the support of IS include ideological alignment with their extremist beliefs, opposition to the established governments in Iraq and Syria, and the desire to establish a Sunni Islamic state in the region.

Additionally, some individuals and groups may have supported IS for strategic reasons or to further their own agendas.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has been involved in the fight against ISIS in Syria. Russian forces have carried out airstrikes against ISIS targets in Syria since September 2015, in support of the Syrian government's efforts to combat the terrorist group.

Putin has also been a key player in diplomatic efforts to find a solution to the conflict in Syria, which has been a major factor in the rise of ISIS.

ISIS has carried out several attacks in Russia. In 2017, a suicide bombing on the St. Petersburg metro killed 15 people and injured dozens more.

Moreover, there have been reports of ISIS-affiliated groups in Russia's North Caucasus region, particularly in Chechnya.

FSB failed obviously. Dealing with extremists is like playing deadly games with maniacs! lol. :(
At least we now know one thing .
ISIS had nothing to do with the planning and funding .

Looks like a standard CIA organised False Flag.

Currently US/NATO have absolutely no cards to play re. Ukraine "peace" negotiations . Zero .

Question . What might change if we deflect attention from inside Ukraine to inside Russia ?

Now everything is clear , other than what next steps Moscow might take without directly accusing the US of the Moscow incident .
Biden had no business in Afghanistan but Putin had business to take care of in Ukraine, and as for the Moscow terror attack, we don't even know yet who these people were but the Russians will sure as hell find out.
Putin has no business invading a sovereign nation. Putin is doing what we did in Iraq.

The only country bush should have invaded was Afghanistan.
At least we now know one thing .
ISIS had nothing to do with the planning and funding .

Looks like a standard CIA organised False Flag.

Currently US/NATO have absolutely no cards to play re. Ukraine "peace" negotiations . Zero .

Question . What might change if we deflect attention from inside Ukraine to inside Russia ?

Now everything is clear , other than what next steps Moscow might take without directly accusing the US of the Moscow incident .
Too early to say who they were but i am not sure they were Islamists, i didn't hear the usual battle cry of Allah hu Akbar! and there was no attempt to take hostages by the look of it, one other thing was it that poison Woman Nuland who said Russia should expect some surprises? not saying she was behind it but she is more than capable and has more than enough hate.
the RUSSIANS HAVE BELIEVED that they own the Ukraine for many centuries----the present Czar is into EMPIRE BUILDING
So then don’t expect us to cry when gunmen shoot up russians inside Russia. Waaah some kids got killed. Waaah.

Im sure some kids in Ukraine have died too. They wouldn’t have if Russia didn’t invade. I don’t want to hear why. Like bush and wmd, it’s all lies.
So then don’t expect us to cry when gunmen shoot up russians inside Russia. Waaah some kids got killed. Waaah.

Im sure some kids in Ukraine have died too. They wouldn’t have if Russia didn’t invade. I don’t want to hear why. Like bush and wmd, it’s all lies.
the WMD was true
the WMD was true
Trump And us Democrats don’t believe that. Neither do you. You just don’t want to admit it.

Trump said it in 2015 and republicans voted for him over jeb bush. Y’all know it’s true.

In fact trump said pelosi should have impeached bush. So is trump for witch hunts or something or was he telling the truth?

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