40 shot over 3 days in Chicago

I thought Trump was gonna straighten that mess out?
Obama had 8 years as President and many years as a "community organizer" before that. Why didn't Obungo fix it? Not Trump's problem. You sick sad democrats created this all by yourselves. Why can't you fix it?
The criminal perpetrators, and criminal victims are mostly, if not all Black. The politicians don't care about their deaths, as it doesn't fit their agenda.
Shouldn’t there be some liberals protesting this?

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I thought Trump was gonna straighten that mess out?

Prove that! And he keeps telling us the Feds are the criminals. e.g. The FBI
You'll never find he said that.


Trump Administration Sends 20 ATF Agents to Combat Chicago Gun

That's some help.
Why don't we take away gun rights from law abiding citizens? That will really reduce the gun crime in Chicago, won't it?
I thought Trump was gonna straighten that mess out?
Obama had 8 years as President and many years as a "community organizer" before that. Why didn't Obungo fix it? Not Trump's problem. You sick sad democrats created this all by yourselves. Why can't you fix it?
Trump has at least a couple months left to fix it. Why won't he do anything about it? It cuts into his golf time?
The criminal perpetrators, and criminal victims are mostly, if not all Black. The politicians don't care about their deaths, as it doesn't fit their agenda.

The Democrats just want to take away firearms from Republican voting Whites. They are afraid the gun owning Whites are a threat to making the US a socialist shithole.

They don't give a shit about gun violence among the Democrat voting Blacks. That is where most of the gun violence in the US takes place on a daily basis and no amount of background checks, gun banning, magazine capacity limitations or anything else is going to change that.
The media refuses to cover real problems and instead gives us non stop coverage on the take down Trump campaign. Who needs foreign enemies when you have a Liberal controlled media?
Damn. If only there were more guns. Then there wouldn't be any shootings.

You have it right. Gun ownership in the US has increased significantly while violent crime has gone down.

The places where we have the most gun crime is in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes because of the illegals, druggies, thugs and gang members. You know, the ones that mostly keep the Democrats in power.
The heat has the blacks stirred up......only the beginning of a bad summer
I thought Trump was gonna straighten that mess out?
Obama had 8 years as President and many years as a "community organizer" before that. Why didn't Obungo fix it? Not Trump's problem. You sick sad democrats created this all by yourselves. Why can't you fix it?
Trump has at least a couple months left to fix it. Why won't he do anything about it? It cuts into his golf time?

Great Douche time in office 469 days.

469 divided by 30 = 15 Missed 30-days plan allotted time to killing off ISIS with that 30-Day plan to defeat ISIS.

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