400,000 Signatures Collected To Withdraw Whitmer's Power

I haven't followed what is going on in Michigan but tell me, what has she done that Republican governors haven't done in nearby Ohio and WV?
Thats a fair question that I dont know the answer to

What I do know is that the wuflu pandemic has exposed the democrat executives as the Let ‘em Eat Cake party

Almost from the beginning blue baby hitlers from coast to coast were caught on camera defying their own autocratic mandates

With the latest being the Guv of Mich
Indeed,well said,that is a fair question and I also don’t know the answer but I do know everything you said is correct.Incredibly I get falsely accused by resident trolls here that I am a Republican even though i have stated hundreds of times in the past both parties are corrupt and one in the same,thst I don’t bash republicans which is weird as hell the fact I have always said Obama was a clone of bush. :cuckoo: Evenwhile trashing Obama saying many times I did not think anybody could be worse than bush,yet I’m a Republican.:cuckoo:

I would be the first to make a thread of a Republican governor doing what cuomo and whitmere did if I ever saw a link or video exposing it but as far as I know,that has happened.matter of fact anybody that has a link or video of a gop doing thstby all means make a thread of it.I won’t deny it the way troll here deny the corruption of the dem governors.
I am a republican who believes in making the party better even as I realize that it will never represent me 100%

One of my favorite sayings is that we cant throw rocks at corrupt democrats without hitting a few republicans

And the numbers seems to be growing
Are you telling me you voted for monster mass murderers bush and Reagan both times

Reagan was great

Bush otoh was not
They are going to get the power to rescind the law and her power to mandate her virus restrictions. They only need 340,000 verified signatures to make it happen.

Bad news for Democrats, they can't stop it and her bullshit just adds to Trump's chances to take Michigan.

Good job, commies, but then again no one ever accused you of being smart.

LANSING, Mich. (AP) — Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, faced with lawsuits challenging her use of emergency powers to fight the coronavirus, could continue to prevail in court.

But she may be unable to stop a Republican maneuver that would rescind a 75-year-old law that has enabled her to issue and lift COVID-19 restrictions unilaterally. A ballot drive said Friday it was in the “home stretch” after collecting more than 400,000 signatures in just two months. Its goal is 500,000.

If at least 340,000 signatures are deemed valid by the state elections board, the GOP-controlled Legislature would likely repeal the 1945 law rather than let it go to a 2022 public vote. The Democratic governor could not veto the initiated bill. A 1976 law, which requires legislative approval to extend a state of emergency, would remain intact.

There are a couple of resident troll posters here that live in Michigan,a husband and wife team,they think whitmere can do no wrong cause she is a democrat,They think they’re right in all those other 400,000 people in Michigan are all wrong,that’s the arrogant attitude those two stupid ass trolls possess. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Too bad Michigan residents smellybozo and his wife Penelope think they are both right and the 400,000 Michigan residents that want whitmere gone are all wrong,too bad they will never grow up.

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