400 million guns

That may be true and I'm sure you can pull out other mostly irrelevant stats to support the NRA's interpretation of gun rights.

The fact remains that states with expanded gun rights have more gun violence than those with restrictions, and the United States has more gun violence - by far - than pretty much every country on earth that isn't undergoing some sort of civil war or breakdown in law and order.

p.s. It's the fucking guns.

CA murder rate 6 per 100K
NH murder rate less than 1 per 100K

CA strictest gun laws in the country
NH some of the least restrictive gun laws in the country.

It's not guns.
People need cars to get to their jobs, buy groceries, etc. Ya, convenience. Surely, you're pretending to be dumb as a box of hair.
That’s precisely what it is. You can walk to the store, but you drive because it’s easier. 102 deaths per day.. you accept them
Why do you need a closetful of guns, but I don`t need any? If an unknown vehicle comes up your driveway, will you shoot the driver? If a kid`s ball rolls into your yard, do you shoot the 6-year-old and her father? This is what you assholes have done to this country.
You sound far too conspiratorial and unhinged to discuss this rationally.
CA murder rate 6 per 100K
NH murder rate less than 1 per 100K

CA strictest gun laws in the country
NH some of the least restrictive gun laws in the country.

It's not guns.
So it`s the swimming pools that the bullets are coming from and guns don`t play a role? States don`t have border patrols, Einstein so state by state patchwork laws are useless as we can see every day. Gun runners in NYC only need to cross the GW bridge to enter gun happy Pa.
when did they ever arm any of them??
When did they ever support gun control? Their bought and paid for politicians share moral responsibility for every mass shooting in this country. American guns have made a mess out of Mexico as well and it didn`t start with Eric Holder`s botched sting operation.
That may be true and I'm sure you can pull out other mostly irrelevant stats to support the NRA's interpretation of gun rights.

The fact remains that states with expanded gun rights have more gun violence than those with restrictions, and the United States has more gun violence - by far - than pretty much every country on earth that isn't undergoing some sort of civil war or breakdown in law and order.

p.s. It's the fucking guns.
No that is not true. States like Wyoming have tremendous per capita gun ownership while restricted places like Chicago have tremendous gun crime.

Gun crime is mostly in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes among the Black and Brown street thugs, druggies and gang bangers.

You stupid uneducated Moon Bats just don't want to admit it.
When did they ever support gun control? Their bought and paid for politicians share moral responsibility for every mass shooting in this country. American guns have made a mess out of Mexico as well and it didn`t start with Eric Holder`s botched sting operation.
theyve always supported gun control,,,

did you forget that criminals dont follow the law??

when you come up with a law the criminals will follow let us know then we can talk about it,,
So it`s the swimming pools that the bullets are coming from and guns don`t play a role? States don`t have border patrols, Einstein so state by state patchwork laws are useless as we can see every day. Gun runners in NYC only need to cross the GW bridge to enter gun happy Pa.
Like I said it's not gun laws it's criminals.

Leave law abiding owners alone and start telling your politicians to enforce the gun laws we have.
Why is that you stupid Moon Bats don't understand the simple phrase "shall not infringe"?
There was infringement before the ink was dry on the Constitution. Maybe it`s just me but I think 1st graders taking guns to school is a bad idea. The 2nd says nothing about minimum age for gun ownership, does it? Why not have gun vending machines right next to the snack and soft drink machines?
theyve always supported gun control,,,

did you forget that criminals dont follow the law??

when you come up with a law the criminals will follow let us know then we can talk about it,,
Bye now. I feel like I`ve been kicking puppies here for the last 20 minutes. :abgg2q.jpg:
There was infringement before the ink was dry on the Constitution. Maybe it`s just me but I think 1st graders taking guns to school is a bad idea. The 2nd says nothing about minimum age for gun ownership, does it? Why not have gun vending machines right next to the snack and soft drink machines?
it is a bad idea for a 1st grader to take a gun to school and why we have laws that say they cant,,

so another law that failed to do what it intended,,

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