400 million guns

What a load.
well the 2nd A says the right of the people and the constitution says we are the people and the 10th A says if its not specific to the feds or states it goes to the people and since the 2nd is very specific to the people,,,

well I guess its my right and no one can legally take it,,

if you have something that says different I sure would like to see it??

just saying I am wrong really doesnt mean much,,
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And we “need” cars to maintain our way of life.. so for convenience. You accept all those car deaths for your mere convenience. How does that feel?
People need cars to get to their jobs, buy groceries, etc. Ya, convenience. Surely, you're pretending to be dumb as a box of hair.
Why do you need a closetful of guns, but I don`t need any? If an unknown vehicle comes up your driveway, will you shoot the driver? If a kid`s ball rolls into your yard, do you shoot the 6-year-old and her father? This is what you assholes have done to this country.
Prove that.

And remember...in a lot of red states registration and training is not a requirement for buying or owning guns

But even in those states you can't be a felon.....a felon can't buy, own or carry a gun, and if they are caught doing any of those they are arrested...then the democrats let them go.
It ain't the guns, it's the quality of the people.

I agree it's the quality of people. I agree with that a lot, actually.

But if you put X number of guns around X number of low-quality people...well, it's a numbers game.
People need cars to get to their jobs, buy groceries, etc. Ya, convenience. Surely, you're pretending to be dumb as a box of hair.
Why do you need a closetful of guns, but I don`t need any? If an unknown vehicle comes up your driveway, will you shoot the driver? If a kid`s ball rolls into your yard, do you shoot the 6-year-old and her father? This is what you assholes have done to this country.

Hunting, competition, collecting, and self defense...........

Need isn't part of the Bill of Rights.....you doofus.

No.....that is what you guys did to this country with your democrat party prosecutors and judges releasing the most violent gun offenders.......

99% of gun murder isn't those incidents...those are less than .00000001% of the total......the individuals doing all of the actual gun murder are the ones the democrat party keeps releasing back to the streets of the democrat party controlled cities.......

The gun murder problem in this country is a direct result of the democrat party and its policies of destroying the police and releasing violent gun offenders...
It has nothing to do with the NRA. Gun violence is up because Americans are more violent and mentally ill.

Crime and violence are generally cyclical phenomena. A generation is born, they mature and get involved in crime, get incarcerated a few times, and gradually get to a point where they're statistically less likely to commit crimes. And then a new generation is born. Rinse, repeat.

Sometimes these trends can be mitigated by things like an improved economy or improved support systems for disadvantaged families, but this is probably minor mitigation unless people can actually be brought out of poverty and put into the working middle class long term. And the reason for this is simple: people who have something to lose (salary, career, family life, etc) know this and are less likely to commit crime.

Extended incarceration of repeat offenders probably does work for a limited time before states, which is where probably 90-95% of the prison population is, are unable to afford it. Initially, they release the nonviolent offenders, but then some of those probably come back as violent offenders and then there are more new inmates, and pretty soon, they're left with either dangerous prison conditions and a completely broken (and broke) penal system, or letting some dangerous criminals on the street. It's no coincidence that the most ambitious prison/incarceration reforms took place not in blue states but in very dark red states like Alabama and Louisiana.

All of that being said, the number of guns available to the general population is absolutely a factor in the number of violent crimes. It's not the only factor - would never argue that it is. There are times when violence trends downward even as the number of arms increases, as was the case from the mid-1990s until the mid-2010s, but sooner or later the sheer number of guns available to the sheer number of problematic people is going to catch up to is, and that's probably happening now.
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well I guess its my right and no one can legally take it,,
Who took your right to have 20mm cannon then, the Tooth Fairy?

How come your right to machine guns is infringed?

The Government is illegal, is a tyranny?
Don't the 2A nutters say the purpose of the 2A is to prevent that?
How come you let them get away with that?
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nutters when push comes to shove...
Who took your right to have 20mm cannon then, the Tooth Fairy?

How come your right to machine guns is infringed?

The Government is illegal, is a tyranny?
Don't the 2A nutters say the purpose of the 2A is to prevent that?
How come you let them get away with that?

I mean technically, I can purchase an artillery cannon and an M-1 tank, but I'm gonna need some permits and extensive background checks, and not just the kind where your name gets typed into a database.
"...Gun control is like a donut: there is no middle. On the one side you have people who love guns, and if you disagree with them, they’ll threaten to shoot you. On the other side you have people who detest guns, mainly out of fear of getting shot. It is an ideological death-match in which the voices of reason and compromise don’t seem to exist. Or if they do, no one can hear them over the sounds of the shouting and posturing
and the bumper-sticker slogans about cold dead hands." --"Matt" (anonymous) from his review of Adam Winkler's 'Gunfight, the Battle Over the Second Amendment in America"

There are some 400 million guns in America, and if guns were making us safer, we'd be the safest place on earth, which America is not.

That is a fact Republicans cannot reconcile.

And to average republican, I guess that for them, they aren't enough.

Guns deaths have taken the lead in children, and this is a fairly recent development. And, please, no crap about 'well, half those deaths are suicide' because,
simply because that stat isn't caused by fewer guns, let's be clear.

So I hope those of you second amendment 'cold dead hands' types are happy.

It sure isn't for the parents of those dead children whose lives have been ruined by your cherished 'second amendment'.

Personally, though America's second amendment was a necessary component of life in the frontiers of the late 18th century when the nation was founded, they could not have foreseen 233 years into the future to know of a modern urban landscape where weapons could kill hundreds of people in a relatively short period of time, that had they known, it is doubtful they would have confined the second amendment's langage to one compound sentence, whose actual meaning continues to be debated to this day.

It's time for a 28th Amendment to update the 2nd, a vertible 2nd Amendment 2.0, as it were, and as to what the new language would be, I'll let you guys duke it out, but it needs to be updated,

It's time.


Everyone who supports gun control raise your right hand....

Could Hitler eventually ascend to heaven? - BBC News

How did it work for German Jews who had their guns confiscated???
Everyone who supports gun control raise your right hand....

Could Hitler eventually ascend to heaven? - BBC News

How did it work for German Jews who had their guns confiscated???
No one had a bigger gun give away program than Hitler. He gave them guns and snappy looking uniforms to wear. The lucky ones got tanks. For the record, there were very few armed Jews to take guns from. They constituted LESS than 1% of the population. Just say no to bullshit history.

No one had a bigger gun give away program than Hitler. He gave them guns and snappy looking uniforms to wear. The lucky ones got tanks. For the record, there were very few armed Jews to take guns from. They constituted LESS than 1% of the population. Just say no to bullshit history.


Hitler confiscated German Jew guns

Hitler then rounded up German Jews and exterminated them

Can we get a big Zieg Heil from you???

It’s a fact that more guns doesn’t make us ‘safer.’

It’s also true that ‘banning’ guns won’t make us safer.

What also doesn’t make us safe is the right’s refusal to address the problem of gun crime and violence, resorting instead to lies and demagoguery about guns being ‘banned’ and ‘confiscated.’
It happened in Australia and Canada. Why won't it happen here?
"...Gun control is like a donut: there is no middle. On the one side you have people who love guns, and if you disagree with them, they’ll threaten to shoot you. On the other side you have people who detest guns, mainly out of fear of getting shot. It is an ideological death-match in which the voices of reason and compromise don’t seem to exist. Or if they do, no one can hear them over the sounds of the shouting and posturing
and the bumper-sticker slogans about cold dead hands." --"Matt" (anonymous) from his review of Adam Winkler's 'Gunfight, the Battle Over the Second Amendment in America"

There are some 400 million guns in America, and if guns were making us safer, we'd be the safest place on earth, which America is not.

That is a fact Republicans cannot reconcile.

And to average republican, I guess that for them, they aren't enough.

Guns deaths have taken the lead in children, and this is a fairly recent development. And, please, no crap about 'well, half those deaths are suicide' because,
simply because that stat isn't caused by fewer guns, let's be clear.

So I hope those of you second amendment 'cold dead hands' types are happy.

It sure isn't for the parents of those dead children whose lives have been ruined by your cherished 'second amendment'.

Personally, though America's second amendment was a necessary component of life in the frontiers of the late 18th century when the nation was founded, they could not have foreseen 233 years into the future to know of a modern urban landscape where weapons could kill hundreds of people in a relatively short period of time, that had they known, it is doubtful they would have confined the second amendment's langage to one compound sentence, whose actual meaning continues to be debated to this day.

It's time for a 28th Amendment to update the 2nd, a vertible 2nd Amendment 2.0, as it were, and as to what the new language would be, I'll let you guys duke it out, but it needs to be updated,

It's time.

This is where you're wrong.

You assume anyone who is pro 2nd Amendment is a gun nut and a person who will resort to violence over a disagreement.

It's not the people who legally own and responsibly use guns that are the problem.
People need cars to get to their jobs, buy groceries, etc. Ya, convenience. Surely, you're pretending to be dumb as a box of hair.
Why do you need a closetful of guns, but I don`t need any? If an unknown vehicle comes up your driveway, will you shoot the driver? If a kid`s ball rolls into your yard, do you shoot the 6-year-old and her father? This is what you assholes have done to this country.
People do need cars. But can't we lower the speed limit to 15mph to save lives?
America will always be a gun culture, but we can reduce the level of violence. The only way to do that, though, is to reduce the number of guns. In today's climate, and with Republican control of the courts and legislatures (through gerrymandering), I don't see any changes anytime soon. So I guess we'll just keep bleeding.
The only way to do that is to actually enforce gun laws and take control of the most violent areas in the country back from criminals

There are over a dozen cities where the murder rate is 5 times up to 12 times the national average. These crime ridden cities are the problem and they actually skew the murder rate for the entire country.

And another little known fact among you control freaks is that the most gun crimes actually occur in parts of the country where gun ownership per capita is low.
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