400 million guns

your premise is a lie,,,

when you come up with a law that a criminal will follow you let us know and we can talk about it,,
The right’s lies and demagoguery about ‘bans’ and ‘confiscation’ illustrate just how reprehensible and dishonest conservatives truly are, in addition to their refusal to engage in a meaningful, good faith exploration as to solutions to gun crime and violence.

Conservatives continue lying and fearmongering about ‘bans’ and ‘confiscations’ that will never happen to keep the Republican base needlessly frightened, angry, and going to the polls.
To put down slave revolts. That's what the 2A is about.
Only in slave states.
Ffs. The slave states - I'm looking at you, Virginia - are the ones that insisted on being able to arm their own militias/slave patrols, as they didn't trust the Federal government had sufficient sympathy for their Mandingo! situation.
Uh... no. 2A can only be significantly altered by a constitutional amendment. Good luck with that.
I use to think so too, but for a long time the precedent was with the states and municipalities having the power to regulate weapon sales. So it could also be reverted back like any other decision. Precedent no longer is precedent thanks to the Roberts Court. Just change the makeup of the court, by lying of course, "we don't want to make any changes to set laws, honest"!
The right’s lies and demagoguery about ‘bans’ and ‘confiscation’ illustrate just how reprehensible and dishonest conservatives truly are, in addition to their refusal to engage in a meaningful, good faith exploration as to solutions to gun crime and violence.

Conservatives continue lying and fearmongering about ‘bans’ and ‘confiscations’ that will never happen to keep the Republican base needlessly frightened, angry, and going to the polls.
come on man,,
just tell me a law the criminals will follow???

whats that you say??
they are criminals and they done obey laws,,,
None of that’s going to happen.

There’s no political will in Washington – and any such legislation if passed would be struck down by a Supreme Court dominated by conservative ideologues.

And a new AWB isn’t the answer, there are far too many assault weapons currently in circulation; moreover, bans simply don’t work – whether it’s abortion, Prohibition, drugs, or guns.
conservative ideologs are whats supposed to be scotus judges,,,
Uh... no. 2A can only be significantly altered by a constitutional amendment. Good luck with that.

As already correctly noted: this conservative Supreme Court has thrown precedent out the window – replaced with partisan ideology, at liberty to make significant changes to Constitution, including the Second Amendment.
  • Fact
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As already correctly noted: this conservative Supreme Court has thrown precedent out the window – replaced with partisan ideology, at liberty to make significant changes to Constitution, including the Second Amendment.
your premise is a lie,,

might be because precedent has no place in constitutional matters,, only what is says matters,,,
It will only lower the rate of firearm homicides and the severity of mass killings, true.
not true,,
every other time in history guns were banned in time violent crimes and death skyrocketed,,,
and in the cases of the soviet union, nazi germany and china millions ended up dying,,

It’s a fact that more guns doesn’t make us ‘safer.’

It’s also true that ‘banning’ guns won’t make us safer.

What also doesn’t make us safe is the right’s refusal to address the problem of gun crime and violence, resorting instead to lies and demagoguery about guns being ‘banned’ and ‘confiscated.’
We address it all the time. We just don’t do it from the standpoint YOU want us to. The way to deal with gun crime is to concentrate on the crime part, not the gun part. What you and the people on your side want to do is to take guns out of the hands of the people who DON’T use them for crimes instead of dealing with the PEOPLE who use guns to commit crimes. Lock up the tiny percentage of people who commit gun crimes and the category will nearly disappear. People in jail can only prey on each other, not society at large. I don’t care what they do to each other in prison.
I use to think so too, but for a long time the precedent was with the states and municipalities having the power to regulate weapon sales. So it could also be reverted back like any other decision. Precedent no longer is precedent thanks to the Roberts Court. Just change the makeup of the court, by lying of course, "we don't want to make any changes to set laws, honest"!
Precedent has never been precedent, or Plessy would still be the law of the land.
Prove that.

And remember...in a lot of red states registration and training is not a requirement for buying or owning guns
How many Class III license owners have done a mass shooting?
There are ways. I don't deny that it would be a huge challenge, but I think that eventually people are going to get fed up with the carnage and demand not just something but a lot of measures to reduce the number of guns.

I understand those arguments - used to make it myself when my position was more in line with the NRA's years ago. I just don't buy it anymore. People need cars to drive, to get to a job and earn income, to pick up groceries and their kids from school.
It ain't the guns, it's the quality of the people.

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