400 million guns

The right’s lies and demagoguery about ‘bans’ and ‘confiscation’ illustrate just how reprehensible and dishonest conservatives truly are, in addition to their refusal to engage in a meaningful, good faith exploration as to solutions to gun crime and violence.

Conservatives continue lying and fearmongering about ‘bans’ and ‘confiscations’ that will never happen to keep the Republican base needlessly frightened, angry, and going to the polls.
He says in a topic where the OP wants to amend the constitution so the states and federal government can ban/confiscate guns.
There was infringement before the ink was dry on the Constitution. Maybe it`s just me but I think 1st graders taking guns to school is a bad idea. The 2nd says nothing about minimum age for gun ownership, does it? Why not have gun vending machines right next to the snack and soft drink machines?
You stupid uneducated anti gun nut Moon Bats are confused about three things:

1. What "shall not be infringed" means.

2. That the Supreme Court has ruled that the right to keep and bear arms is an individual right not connected to membership in any organization.

3. That the great majority of gun crime in this country is in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes among minorities.

You should really think seriously about pulling your head out of your ass.
B. Making it harder for people with mental illness to have guns is GOING to reduce the number of gun deaths
C. Banning the sale of NEW assault weapon sales WILL reduce the number of mass murders
D. Propper registration for buying ALL guns is a MUST...
Mindless nonsense.
As usual.
"...Gun control is like a donut: there is no middle. On the one side you have people who love guns, and if you disagree with them, they’ll threaten to shoot you. On the other side you have people who detest guns, mainly out of fear of getting shot. It is an ideological death-match in which the voices of reason and compromise don’t seem to exist. Or if they do, no one can hear them over the sounds of the shouting and posturing
and the bumper-sticker slogans about cold dead hands." --"Matt" (anonymous) from his review of Adam Winkler's 'Gunfight, the Battle Over the Second Amendment in America"

There are some 400 million guns in America, and if guns were making us safer, we'd be the safest place on earth, which America is not.

That is a fact Republicans cannot reconcile.

And to average republican, I guess that for them, they aren't enough.

Guns deaths have taken the lead in children, and this is a fairly recent development. And, please, no crap about 'well, half those deaths are suicide' because,
simply because that stat isn't caused by fewer guns, let's be clear.

So I hope those of you second amendment 'cold dead hands' types are happy.

It sure isn't for the parents of those dead children whose lives have been ruined by your cherished 'second amendment'.

Personally, though America's second amendment was a necessary component of life in the frontiers of the late 18th century when the nation was founded, they could not have foreseen 233 years into the future to know of a modern urban landscape where weapons could kill hundreds of people in a relatively short period of time, that had they known, it is doubtful they would have confined the second amendment's langage to one compound sentence, whose actual meaning continues to be debated to this day.

It's time for a 28th Amendment to update the 2nd, a vertible 2nd Amendment 2.0, as it were, and as to what the new language would be, I'll let you guys duke it out, but it needs to be updated,

It's time.

A couple of things. There are probably more than 400 million. Many gun owners are reluctant to admit to how many they have, or if they even have one.

Guns deaths have taken the lead in children, and this is a fairly recent development

That is a misleading statistic. That count includes 18 and 19 year olds. They are not kids and are responsible for the spike in deaths. Remove the adults from the count and child deaths by guns is not the leading cause of death, almost half of auto accidents.

62% of US gun deaths are suicides. So you can chop that number by more than half. Not having a gun isn't going to stop anyone from offing themself.

But it probably would, because with a gun it so much easier and quick. The fact that other methods are more cumbersome might be just enough to prevent some of those suicides in teetering between living and diving cases.
….shall not be infringed.

You lost the battle in the 18th Century.

Progressive Fascism is it’s own commercial for why we will NEVER surrender our rights
In sense, because the OP is arguing for a 28th amendment to update the second, your point is moot, because if that were achieved,
that would be the constitution. However, let's proceed from the current vantage point, and see if you are correct.

Nope, your argument employs specious logic and your argument reveals your ignorance of SC rulings.

SC has ruled that the 'right' is not absolute, and within constitutional constraints determined by the court, regulation is allowed by the government.
If that is fascism than you are calling the framers fascist, because they designed the system of the SC.

For example, making it illegal to 'bear' arms at a Presidential rally does not 'infringe'. Why? because that constraint does not prevent you from defending your home and self, in general, and does not prevent you from hunting for food and it protects the president, a greater good.

For more information, see:

  1. United States v. Miller (1939): In this case, the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the National Firearms Act of 1934, which regulated certain types of firearms. The Court held that the Second Amendment does not protect weapons that do not have a reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well-regulated militia.
  2. District of Columbia v. Heller (2008): While this case is famous for affirming an individual's right to possess a firearm for self-defense, the majority opinion written by Justice Antonin Scalia also explicitly stated that the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. The Court recognized that the government could impose reasonable regulations on firearms, such as restrictions on carrying firearms in sensitive places like schools and government buildings or prohibiting possession by felons and the mentally ill.
  3. McDonald v. City of Chicago (2010): This case extended the Second Amendment right to bear arms to state and local governments through the Fourteenth Amendment. However, similar to Heller, the Court also acknowledged that the right to bear arms is not absolute and can be subject to reasonable regulations.
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No that is not true. States like Wyoming have tremendous per capita gun ownership while restricted places like Chicago have tremendous gun crime.

I already covered that base, shitkicker. I compared states on a per capita basis, which is the most valid methodology of comparison.

Gun crime is mostly in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes among the Black and Brown street thugs, druggies and gang bangers.

Go get fucked by a nest of hornets.
The gun crime in the Red states are in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes among the minority population. Just like is in the Blue states.

Oh, you mean that crimes are more likely to occur in cities, where most of the people are? Wow, you just made quite a discovery there, Columbus.
Based on your standard, it seemed quite appropriate. Me? I’m an adult and understand that tragedies happen in life. I don’t exploit death like you do.

Why are you bringing up Trump? Geez, he truly owns people like you.
No, your voting for a criminally corrupt man reveals your hypocrisy.
A rural kid with his first .22 gets included in the left's statistical anti-gun rant. No surprise. If the left was serious about gun violence they would call for the prosecution of ATF leaders as well as former, former president Obama who authorized the shipment of thousands of illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartels. Amazingly nobody was prosecuted or even fired when one of the weapons turned up in the murder of a Border Patrol Officer.
Not confuse at all dipshit. The Militia is now the US Armed forces. They protect the freedom of the state, not the people buying weapons protected by the 2nd, who use to have that obligation. SC decisions can be changed.
enlisting in the military doesnt mean they replace/eliminates the militia,,
Cars we need, guns we don`t. Which countries don`t have cars? :rolleyes:
not true,, humanity did fine with horses for thousands of yrs and as we know cars are causing global warming and need to be banned,,

so you want a car and dont need it,,

now on the otherhand governments throughout history have abused their people and only in the last 2 centuries have the people been able to fight back because of things like guns,,

so that means we need guns not want them,,
His party formed the KKK, gave us Jim Crow laws,
Disingenuous claim. The KKK of the mid 19th and early 20th century (who were not liberals), is not the DNC of today. Today, most KKKers are republicans,

filibustered the Civil Rights Act,
The Civil Rights Act was introduced by Democrats (sponsors from both sides) and signed into law by a Democrat (LBJ) in 1964. Liberals on both sides voted for it, and in those days, both sides had their liberal and conservative wing, i.e., liberals both sides voting for the CRA and conservatives on both sides voting against.

and elected a Grand Kleagle of the KKK to the Senate until he went toes up in 2010 (was also Senate Majority Leader)
Senator Robert Byrd was a KKK member many many years prior to his being a Senator, long since disavowed the KKK and apologized for it too many times to count, so your point is disingenuous.

Senator Robert Byrd disavowed his past affiliation with the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) years before his death. He joined the KKK in the early 1940s and held a leadership position within the organization. However, he later claimed that his involvement was a mistake, and he repeatedly apologized and expressed regret for his actions.

Throughout his career, Byrd evolved on civil rights issues and came to support legislation aimed at reducing racial discrimination and promoting equality. In particular, he eventually backed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and the Fair Housing Act of 1968. By the time of his death, he had distanced himself significantly from his earlier association with the KKK, and many civil rights leaders acknowledged his growth and transformation on these issues.

There's this thing called 'honesty', you might want to try it, you'll feel better.
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Not confuse at all dipshit. The Militia is now the US Armed forces. They protect the freedom of the state, not the people buying weapons protected by the 2nd, who use to have that obligation. SC decisions can be changed.

The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.
(b)The classes of the militia are—
the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia; and
the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.

No, your voting for a criminally corrupt man reveals your hypocrisy.
LOL… if you can’t vote for corrupt politicians then you could never vote. I vote for policy, as you should. And Trumps policy was eons better and morally superior to Bidens and Clinton’s.

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