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40th anniversary of JFK assassination


Senior Member
Oct 20, 2003
North Texas
what are everyones thoughts?

Do you believe oswald acted alone?

was there a conspiracy?

was there a coverup?

whos involved?

lets hear some of your thoughts on it.
I definitely believe there was a second gunman. I sort of think that the government was involved in some way. Oswald was probably a patsy, but it's hard to tell. He didn't seem to have any real reason to want to assassinate Kennedy, but then, do these people ever? Didn't he work for the Russian government? I remember seeing the movie "JFK" a long time ago and agreeing with most of what was presented, but I can't remember all the details.
The mafia? Seems more plausible than the CIA or a lone nutcase.
I've heard and read some doozy conspiracy theories in the 10 years that i've researched the JFK assassination but I remain convinced that there was, at the very least, a cover up of the events surrounding kennedy's murder. There remains quite a bit of relevant evidence to suggest that there was a conspiracy, even the findings of the select committee state as such. Its doubtful that we will ever find the truth on the matter though.
Some secrets are probably better left buried.

this is an unfortunate outlook on what american society has devolved to....an apathetic involvement in a persons own country and government. Its a far cry from what was fought for over 200 years ago.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
this is an unfortunate outlook on what american society has devolved to....an apathetic involvement in a persons own country and government. Its a far cry from what was fought for over 200 years ago.
Tsk, tsk, tsk,... DK, there's more to making sausage than you probably want to be told about. The people who beleive it was just Oswald will allways beleive it was just Oswald, no matter what you show them as evidence. Its' built into their world view. Come one, a recent Congressional investigation turned over the Warren report like a pancake, how can anybody beleive it was a lone gunman after listening to that Dallas PD tape (but 1 in 4 still beleive).
Do you doubt powerful forces inside the country can remove anybody they choose to? As for Kennedy, who? how? why? does it really matter? I think if the effort that was put into researching this were spent investigating and publicizing the same interests influencing our current government we all might benefit greatly. Who killed Kennedy is a side show compared to that. I think if you wait another 60 years, a little slip of paper in a CIA archive will fall under the "Freedom of Information" act and we'll get told.
The "devolved" and "apathetic" cracks got a :) out of me. This kind of thing has gone on since the John Adams and the revolutionary bullyboys sparked the Boston massacre (ask the British, they'll tell you...damn terrorists hiding behind womens skirts!!!).
Don't mistake enthusiasm for effectiveness. Or noise for impact.
It hits me that things were to cut and dryed. almost like reading a book[script] we will most likely never know the true story but there are alot of interesting theories floating around. I dont believe Oswald was smart enough to do it all on his own. someone had to be a leader/handholder for him. maybe after Castro dies we will find something out.
NEW YORK - The shooting of President John F. Kennedy was not a political conspiracy but an almost spontaneous act by a troubled man who wanted attention, the brother of Lee Harvey Oswald says.

Oswald had been depressed, feeling since childhood that he was unwanted, and was looking for a way to grab the spotlight, Robert Oswald said in interviews on NBC's "Today" show Saturday, the 40th anniversary of Kennedy's death, and with ABC News.

"There was no conspiracy," Robert Oswald told NBC. "He made those decisions within himself."

The government-appointed Warren Commission also concluded in 1964 that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone, firing from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository building where he worked in Dallas as the president's motorcade drove through Dealey Plaza.

Roberts statement is the same thing as our post, our opinion. I dont think we will ever know how deep and far the trail of conspiracy really goes. How many of you remember where you were on that day? I was home watching toons on TV with my twin bro, Mom got a phone call and started to cry soon Dad was home as the owner sent everyone home to be with their loved ones.[Fancy that happening today!] I think that was the day I lost my childlike innocence.
what are everyones thoughts?

Do you believe oswald acted alone?

was there a conspiracy?

was there a coverup?

whos involved?

lets hear some of your thoughts on it.

anyone interested in all that should go to the conspiracy forum....covered in detail and extensively therein.
40th Anniversary? hmmmmmmm let me see JFK was killed in 1963....does anyone remember what they were doing that day.

Like....56 yrs. ago?

Of course all the milennials are exempted.....it should be interesting to see some replys on this.
40th Anniversary? hmmmmmmm let me see JFK was killed in 1963....does anyone remember what they were doing that day.

Like....56 yrs. ago?

Of course all the milennials are exempted.....it should be interesting to see some replys on this.
I was in school and the main office pumped the radio through the PA into every classroom as his death was reported. I vividly remember our teacher trying hard not to lose it.
And it was Oswald alone.
No magic bullet. Connally was not seated directly in front nor evenly level with JFK so a single bullet hit JFK’s throat, Connally’s back, through his right chest and off his wrist as he was turned sharply to the right at the moment that bullet hit.
And it’s all in the Warren Report. Most conspiracists never read it.
What’s more, it was ballistically determined, after Oswald’s wife confessed that he had attempted a previous assassination on General Edwin Walker several months earlier, that Oswald’s rifle was in fact used in that attempted assassination, too.

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