42 percent of new Medicaid signups are immigrants, their children

I remember it being discovered this would be the mechanism used to insure them when Obama claimed they wouldn't get healthcare thru ppaca. Others proclaimed, no it won't, yet here it is.
And here I sit, paying close to $1,000/month for my ACA compliant policy with it's higher than before deductibles, copays, and out-o-pockets.
And we are paying for those that broke the law and are not even citizens... What is wrong with this picture?

And here I sit, paying close to $1,000/month for my ACA compliant policy with it's higher than before deductibles, copays, and out-o-pockets.
This is socialism blended with identity politics.
ACA was and never will be about medical care or health insurance.
ACA is about politics. The law was designed to increase the size of an already growing dependency class. A class that will use the voting booth to keep their benefactors in office.
And we are paying for those that broke the law and are not even citizens... What is wrong with this picture?

And here I sit, paying close to $1,000/month for my ACA compliant policy with it's higher than before deductibles, copays, and out-o-pockets.
No, the report does not say that illegal immigrants make up 42% of the new Medicaid sigh ups. It say immigrants and their US born children make 42% of the new sigh ups. There is a diffeence.
And we are paying for those that broke the law and are not even citizens... What is wrong with this picture?

And here I sit, paying close to $1,000/month for my ACA compliant policy with it's higher than before deductibles, copays, and out-o-pockets.
No, the report does not say that illegal immigrants make up 42% of the new Medicaid sigh ups. It say immigrants and their US born children make up 42% of the new sign ups. There is a difference.
Don't you think that if they meant "Illegal immigrants", they would have made that clear?

Seriously, guys. If you'd just read the damn article before posting.

This is a very unfeeling thread.

I mean, the entire goal of this country is to allow people from other countries to break our immigration laws so that we get to a point where the law doesn't even matter any more.

Then, once they have made it in, we're supposed to legalize them so that we can help them.

And as we know, it's always better if these people are low income, low educated and unskilled, so that we can commit to taking care of them for the long run.

Come on, everyone knows this.

Don't you think that if they meant "Illegal immigrants", they would have made that clear?

Seriously, guys. If you'd just read the damn article before posting.
No, the report doesn't not mention illegal immigrants. The article does. Illegal immigrants do not qualify for Medicaid, only emergency services.

The 1996 welfare law created two categories of immigrants for benefits eligibility purposes: “qualified” and “not qualified.” Contrary to what these names suggest, the law excluded most people in both groups from eligibility for many benefits, with a few exceptions. The qualified immigrant category includes:

  • Lawful permanent residents, or LPRs (persons with green cards).

  • Refugees, persons granted asylum or withholding of deportation/removal, and conditional entrants.

  • Persons granted parole by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for a period of at least one year.

  • Cuban and Haitian entrants.

  • Certain abused immigrants, their children, and/or their parents.[5]

  • Certain victims of trafficking.[6]
All other immigrants, including undocumented immigrants as well as many persons lawfully present in the U.S., are considered “not qualified.” Most legal immigrant have to be in “qualified” immigrant status for 5 years or more to receive full medicaid benefits. The perception that illegal immigrants are a significant part of the Medicaid enrollment is simply not true. It is in violation of federal law.

Overview of Immigrant Eligibility for Federal Programs - National Immigration Law Center
Eligibility for Federal Programs - National Immigration Law Center
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don't you stupid people get it. We not only have to work to care our families but those too lazy to work and the Illegal Invaders who come in by breaking OUR LAWS

What a country eh?

Try going to Mexico and get assistance.
And here I sit, paying close to $1,000/month for my ACA compliant policy with it's higher than before deductibles, copays, and out-o-pockets.

That's a shame. My health care plan is free. Take a look....

LOL that. I checked out policies at the Gov website. The site is much improved BTW.
Anyhow I'm almost decided to insure spouse/child only and pay the penalty. I'll still come out saving $400/month provided I stay healthy LOL. Fuck it.
LOL that. I checked out policies at the Gov website. The site is much improved BTW.
Anyhow I'm almost decided to insure spouse/child only and pay the penalty. I'll still come out saving $400/month provided I stay healthy LOL. Fuck it.
I would be more likely to gamble on my health if I were single but not with a family to support. My neighbor's son slipped and fell when hiking and suffered a brain injury. He spent 3 weeks in intensive care, had two operation, and passed away. His totally medically bills were $438,000 dollars. Luckily, he had insurance and his family was only responsible for about $8,000 and providers wrote off about $3,000 so they were only responsible for $5,000..

When the family is left with huge medical bills, they don't just go away. Billing departments of hospitals and other providers hound the family often for years, some bills may be written off, but others are sold to bill collection companies that continue to threaten the family and eventually reported the losses to credit agencies which downgrade credit ratings.

I checked out a $4,000 deductible policy for 3. Assuming a family income of $100,000 which means you don't get any help from the government, the policy is $630/mo for adults age 30 and a child. By reducing coverage from 3 people to 2, the savings is only about $125/mo. or $1500 a year. The penalty in 2015 is $975. IMHO, the small amount of savings is just not worth the risk.

Another option is get separate policy for the wife and child with a fairly low deducible and a separate high deductible policy for yourself. A $13,000 deductible should be about $150 depending on your location.

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