43 years ago, i started work at $2.10 an hour, when i finally retired my wages were over $115,000 an hour plus benefits. Prog slaves wont learn.

Remember last spring when the transportation industry shut down?
Was this on the east coast?

The transportation industry never "shut down".

I had more work than I could do.
And you would be a liar.
I never lie. Couldn't move freight fast enough. The DOT even waived hours of service regulations so we could do more work.

You should never call anyone a liar who knows more than you do on a topic.

The reason there wasn't toilet paper was panic buying...not lack of Transportation.

We were also 100% exempt from quarantine and could travel in and out of quarantine zones.

Like I said...truckers had more work than they could do. I lived it.

Now...I don't go to the Northeast or west of the Rockies...so if there was a New York or California work slowdown going on...I wouldn't know about that...but out here in the middle? We were loving life with the highways all to our selves and freight to move to help our friends and neighbors weather the lockdowns.

You are correct about the toilet paper shortage but there is also not enough drivers either and right now the fear is we will have a shortage of petro this summer because of a fifteen year issue of not having enough tanker drivers...
You are correct about the toilet paper shortage but there is also not enough drivers either and right now the fear is we will have a shortage of petro this summer because of a fifteen year issue of not having enough tanker drivers...

There haven't been enough drivers for a long time. I've been at this for 20 years and I don't remember a time Transport Topics wasn't bemoaning the driver shortage.

The qualifications at most companies is do you have a valid Class A CDL with air brakes and is your breath capable of fogging a mirror.

And who blames them.

When I started...it was outlaw trucking. If you could manipulate a log book, read a map and communicate with shippers and receivers from the payphone...you could make all the money you wanted.

Now...the computer (Qualcomm) tells these drivers when they can drive, the built in gps tells them how to get there, dispatch assigns them fuel stops and all this can be done in 60 languages. And the machine spies on them 24/7...literally.

The Qualcomm transmits realtime gps AND forward and driver facing cameras...

Add to that the very real posibility of self driving trucks in the next decade...and who wants to become a professional driver anymore?

the fear is we will have a shortage of petro this summer because of a fifteen year issue of not having enough tanker drivers...
...also...driving tankers sucks...

Always maxed out on weight, tough on equipment , surges at stops with idiot narcissistic auto drivers who couldn't find their asses with both hands and a topographical map, finding washouts, hazmat, hazmat, hazmat...

...I wouldn't do it. Not worth the risk...

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Remember last spring when the transportation industry shut down?
Was this on the east coast?

The transportation industry never "shut down".

I had more work than I could do.
And you would be a liar.
I never lie. Couldn't move freight fast enough. The DOT even waived hours of service regulations so we could do more work.

You should never call anyone a liar who knows more than you do on a topic.

The reason there wasn't toilet paper was panic buying...not lack of Transportation.

We were also 100% exempt from quarantine and could travel in and out of quarantine zones.

Like I said...truckers had more work than they could do. I lived it.

Now...I don't go to the Northeast or west of the Rockies...so if there was a New York or California work slowdown going on...I wouldn't know about that...but out here in the middle? We were loving life with the highways all to our selves and freight to move to help our friends and neighbors weather the lockdowns.
I'm sorry son.
March 13 is not spring.

You remember when people were selling toilet paper for $50 a 6 pack?
It was in all the papers.
Remember last spring when the transportation industry shut down?
Was this on the east coast?

The transportation industry never "shut down".

I had more work than I could do.
And you would be a liar.
I never lie. Couldn't move freight fast enough. The DOT even waived hours of service regulations so we could do more work.

You should never call anyone a liar who knows more than you do on a topic.

The reason there wasn't toilet paper was panic buying...not lack of Transportation.

We were also 100% exempt from quarantine and could travel in and out of quarantine zones.

Like I said...truckers had more work than they could do. I lived it.

Now...I don't go to the Northeast or west of the Rockies...so if there was a New York or California work slowdown going on...I wouldn't know about that...but out here in the middle? We were loving life with the highways all to our selves and freight to move to help our friends and neighbors weather the lockdowns.

You are correct about the toilet paper shortage but there is also not enough drivers either and right now the fear is we will have a shortage of petro this summer because of a fifteen year issue of not having enough tanker drivers...
And why don't we have enough?
Because we don't want to pay them.
Not one of my jobs but I've driven big trucks and
Given the hours, physical toll, and time away from home there's no way I'd do long distance driving for less than 6 figures plus expenses.
I'm sorry son.
March 13 is not spring.

You remember when people were selling toilet paper for $50 a 6 pack?
It was in all the papers.
Then I'm sure you have a link to trucking being responsible for the toilet paper shortage AND a link to the transportation strike.

I'll wait...

In the meantime...here is an actual good segment from MSNBC about the toilet paper shortage...

Given the hours, physical toll, and time away from home there's no way I'd do long distance driving for less than 6 figures plus expenses.
Most truck drivers make six figures after five years... plus insurance...and can deduct per diem if they itemize their taxes....I believe it's still $66 per day.

EDIT - ok...that's not true.

50 cpm x 3000 miles per week x 50 weeks is $75,000 gross + two weeks paid vacation is 3k.
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After high school i went to work at McD's at $2.10 an hour while going to the University of Cincinnati. After 6 months i realized that college wasnt for me, so i tried to get a full time job, but McD's only had part timers, of my age. I went to work at Bill Knapp's as a short order Chef again making $2.10 an hour but after i was certified to work the whole kitchen i got a 15 cent raise and was able to work alone during off peak hours. Then 6 months later the wonderful government decided that minimum wage should be $2.25 an hour so i was working entry level wages again, even though i had the responsibility to be alone, while entry had to have supervision. Thanks Progressives. So i left Bill Knapp's and went into the military where i could fix jets. Spent 9 /12 years there, learning all i could about A-10s and F-15s, and when i got out, had to go back to making 10 cents above minimum wage, but at Home Depot, a stock clerk. This is where i learned about investing in stocks, and since HD was going for 35 dollars a share(after all the splits the cost value is under a dollar), i put in the max contributions , while the dividends were only paying 16 cents per share. Then the break i had been waiting for happened. A job opening in Saudi Arabia working the Royal Saudi AF F-15s base pay was $12 an hour with $6 cost of living allowance plus contract bonus complete award of $7,000 and 2 paid vacations($10,000 per family to use or put in the bank). So every year for 5 1/2 years i continued to purchase HD stock, also contribute to McDonnell Douglas stock(which got bought out by Boeing). Today i have over 35,000 shards of HD, and plenty of other dividend paying stocks. Why, because i took risks, with risks come rewards(and sometime failures), those who dont take a risk, mostly live paycheck to paycheck, live moderately in lifestyle, and those i respect, but the progressive slave who bitches and moans that their lives were made victim because someone like me took their shit away, are just that, slaves to their progressive masters. That is a little history that i share. I have had plenty of people go and take a risk, and they have been rewarded. Those that didnt listen, are still slaves..

Not everyone can take risks, particularly if they have a family to support. I too have done very well financially. I only wish today, I had spent more time with my family and less time chasing the almighty dollar. In the long run, it's not how much money you accumulated in your life but rather what you actually did with your life that made a difference in the lives of others.
I had a family to support and that was the major reason to have some risks. Do you think the pioneers who went out west with their families did it so they could be safe and secure, hell no, they took the risk in finding a better life...some didnt, but many did..
Risk is for those that can afford it. Failing to provide for your family's immediate needs in order to take the risks needed to accumulate a fortune is not a good idea if you truly care for your family. First you provide for the families immediate needs, a home, food, clothing, healthcare, dental care then life insurance, and misc. needs of the family. Then a safety net for when the bad times hit, then retirement, college education for the kids, and if anything remains, investing for the future of the family. Today 41% of American families are not able to cover a $1,000 emergency and certainly can't afford to risk what little funds they have in the market.
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After high school i went to work at McD's at $2.10 an hour while going to the University of Cincinnati. After 6 months i realized that college wasnt for me, so i tried to get a full time job, but McD's only had part timers, of my age. I went to work at Bill Knapp's as a short order Chef again making $2.10 an hour but after i was certified to work the whole kitchen i got a 15 cent raise and was able to work alone during off peak hours. Then 6 months later the wonderful government decided that minimum wage should be $2.25 an hour so i was working entry level wages again, even though i had the responsibility to be alone, while entry had to have supervision. Thanks Progressives. So i left Bill Knapp's and went into the military where i could fix jets. Spent 9 /12 years there, learning all i could about A-10s and F-15s, and when i got out, had to go back to making 10 cents above minimum wage, but at Home Depot, a stock clerk. This is where i learned about investing in stocks, and since HD was going for 35 dollars a share(after all the splits the cost value is under a dollar), i put in the max contributions , while the dividends were only paying 16 cents per share. Then the break i had been waiting for happened. A job opening in Saudi Arabia working the Royal Saudi AF F-15s base pay was $12 an hour with $6 cost of living allowance plus contract bonus complete award of $7,000 and 2 paid vacations($10,000 per family to use or put in the bank). So every year for 5 1/2 years i continued to purchase HD stock, also contribute to McDonnell Douglas stock(which got bought out by Boeing). Today i have over 35,000 shards of HD, and plenty of other dividend paying stocks. Why, because i took risks, with risks come rewards(and sometime failures), those who dont take a risk, mostly live paycheck to paycheck, live moderately in lifestyle, and those i respect, but the progressive slave who bitches and moans that their lives were made victim because someone like me took their shit away, are just that, slaves to their progressive masters. That is a little history that i share. I have had plenty of people go and take a risk, and they have been rewarded. Those that didnt listen, are still slaves..

Not everyone can take risks, particularly if they have a family to support. I too have done very well financially. I only wish today, I had spent more time with my family and less time chasing the almighty dollar. In the long run, it's not how much money you accumulated in your life but rather what you actually did with your life that made a difference in the lives of others.
I had a family to support and that was the major reason to have some risks. Do you think the pioneers who went out west with their families did it so they could be safe and secure, hell no, they took the risk in finding a better life...some didnt, but many did..
Risk is for those that can afford it. Failing to provide for your family's immediate needs in order to take the risks needed to accumulate a fortune is not a good idea if you truly care for your family. First you provide for the families immediate needs, a home, food, clothing, healthcare, dental care. life insurance, and misc. needs of the family. Then a safety net when the bad times hit, then retirement, college education for the kids, and if anything remains, investing for the future of the family. Today 41% of American families are not able to cover a $1,000 emergency and certainly can't afford to risk what little funds they have in the market.
Again, it was providing for the family that i took the risk to leave the United States and go into a Muslim country so i could give them a better life once i got back. I mean we went over there just to do a two year tour, and when it was found out, it wasnt as bad as i thought, we stay 5 1/2 years until the camel jockeys blew up the Khobar Towers killing young kids while they slept. You can thank Bill Clinton on that one...
OP raised his wages by using government training and working as a government contractor for years.
He provided a service to the country and received on-the-job training. Nothing wrong with that. It's the do-nothing-to-improve-yourself leeches like yourself that expect the government to butt into a private negotiation between an employer and employee that are the problem.
But you say that's a bad path?
I didn't say that. Do you have difficulty with reading comprehension?
You know how we'll raise wages?
Nationwide strike.
Go for it. I have no problem with strikes beyond the fact that competent adults just quit and move on to greener pastures.
Remember last spring when the transportation industry shut down?
How fun it was finding toilet paper?
You find toilet paper shopping to be fun? What are you, an imbecile?
Well, slappy, this time it won't be a virus and you won't fix it with a vaccine.
You are an imbecile.
After high school i went to work at McD's at $2.10 an hour while going to the University of Cincinnati. After 6 months i realized that college wasnt for me, so i tried to get a full time job, but McD's only had part timers, of my age. I went to work at Bill Knapp's as a short order Chef again making $2.10 an hour but after i was certified to work the whole kitchen i got a 15 cent raise and was able to work alone during off peak hours. Then 6 months later the wonderful government decided that minimum wage should be $2.25 an hour so i was working entry level wages again, even though i had the responsibility to be alone, while entry had to have supervision. Thanks Progressives. So i left Bill Knapp's and went into the military where i could fix jets. Spent 9 /12 years there, learning all i could about A-10s and F-15s, and when i got out, had to go back to making 10 cents above minimum wage, but at Home Depot, a stock clerk. This is where i learned about investing in stocks, and since HD was going for 35 dollars a share(after all the splits the cost value is under a dollar), i put in the max contributions , while the dividends were only paying 16 cents per share. Then the break i had been waiting for happened. A job opening in Saudi Arabia working the Royal Saudi AF F-15s base pay was $12 an hour with $6 cost of living allowance plus contract bonus complete award of $7,000 and 2 paid vacations($10,000 per family to use or put in the bank). So every year for 5 1/2 years i continued to purchase HD stock, also contribute to McDonnell Douglas stock(which got bought out by Boeing). Today i have over 35,000 shards of HD, and plenty of other dividend paying stocks. Why, because i took risks, with risks come rewards(and sometime failures), those who dont take a risk, mostly live paycheck to paycheck, live moderately in lifestyle, and those i respect, but the progressive slave who bitches and moans that their lives were made victim because someone like me took their shit away, are just that, slaves to their progressive masters. That is a little history that i share. I have had plenty of people go and take a risk, and they have been rewarded. Those that didnt listen, are still slaves..

Not everyone can take risks, particularly if they have a family to support. I too have done very well financially. I only wish today, I had spent more time with my family and less time chasing the almighty dollar. In the long run, it's not how much money you accumulated in your life but rather what you actually did with your life that made a difference in the lives of others.
I had a family to support and that was the major reason to have some risks. Do you think the pioneers who went out west with their families did it so they could be safe and secure, hell no, they took the risk in finding a better life...some didnt, but many did..
Risk is for those that can afford it. Failing to provide for your family's immediate needs in order to take the risks needed to accumulate a fortune is not a good idea if you truly care for your family. First you provide for the families immediate needs, a home, food, clothing, healthcare, dental care. life insurance, and misc. needs of the family. Then a safety net when the bad times hit, then retirement, college education for the kids, and if anything remains, investing for the future of the family. Today 41% of American families are not able to cover a $1,000 emergency and certainly can't afford to risk what little funds they have in the market.
Again, it was providing for the family that i took the risk to leave the United States and go into a Muslim country so i could give them a better life once i got back. I mean we went over there just to do a two year tour, and when it was found out, it wasnt as bad as i thought, we stay 5 1/2 years until the camel jockeys blew up the Khobar Towers killing young kids while they slept. You can thank Bill Clinton on that one...
I was addressing investing in the stock market. Taking a high risk job overseas to provide for your family is a different ballgame.
HD pays that low ??
So much things you have to know
After high school i went to work at McD's at $2.10 an hour while going to the University of Cincinnati. After 6 months i realized that college wasnt for me, so i tried to get a full time job, but McD's only had part timers, of my age. I went to work at Bill Knapp's as a short order Chef again making $2.10 an hour but after i was certified to work the whole kitchen i got a 15 cent raise and was able to work alone during off peak hours. Then 6 months later the wonderful government decided that minimum wage should be $2.25 an hour so i was working entry level wages again, even though i had the responsibility to be alone, while entry had to have supervision. Thanks Progressives. So i left Bill Knapp's and went into the military where i could fix jets. Spent 9 /12 years there, learning all i could about A-10s and F-15s, and when i got out, had to go back to making 10 cents above minimum wage, but at Home Depot, a stock clerk. This is where i learned about investing in stocks, and since HD was going for 35 dollars a share(after all the splits the cost value is under a dollar), i put in the max contributions , while the dividends were only paying 16 cents per share. Then the break i had been waiting for happened. A job opening in Saudi Arabia working the Royal Saudi AF F-15s base pay was $12 an hour with $6 cost of living allowance plus contract bonus complete award of $7,000 and 2 paid vacations($10,000 per family to use or put in the bank). So every year for 5 1/2 years i continued to purchase HD stock, also contribute to McDonnell Douglas stock(which got bought out by Boeing). Today i have over 35,000 shards of HD, and plenty of other dividend paying stocks. Why, because i took risks, with risks come rewards(and sometime failures), those who dont take a risk, mostly live paycheck to paycheck, live moderately in lifestyle, and those i respect, but the progressive slave who bitches and moans that their lives were made victim because someone like me took their shit away, are just that, slaves to their progressive masters. That is a little history that i share. I have had plenty of people go and take a risk, and they have been rewarded. Those that didnt listen, are still slaves..

Not everyone can take risks, particularly if they have a family to support. I too have done very well financially. I only wish today, I had spent more time with my family and less time chasing the almighty dollar. In the long run, it's not how much money you accumulated in your life but rather what you actually did with your life that made a difference in the lives of others.
I had a family to support and that was the major reason to have some risks. Do you think the pioneers who went out west with their families did it so they could be safe and secure, hell no, they took the risk in finding a better life...some didnt, but many did..
Risk is for those that can afford it. Failing to provide for your family's immediate needs in order to take the risks needed to accumulate a fortune is not a good idea if you truly care for your family. First you provide for the families immediate needs, a home, food, clothing, healthcare, dental care. life insurance, and misc. needs of the family. Then a safety net when the bad times hit, then retirement, college education for the kids, and if anything remains, investing for the future of the family. Today 41% of American families are not able to cover a $1,000 emergency and certainly can't afford to risk what little funds they have in the market.
Again, it was providing for the family that i took the risk to leave the United States and go into a Muslim country so i could give them a better life once i got back. I mean we went over there just to do a two year tour, and when it was found out, it wasnt as bad as i thought, we stay 5 1/2 years until the camel jockeys blew up the Khobar Towers killing young kids while they slept. You can thank Bill Clinton on that one...
I was addressing investing in the stock market. Taking a high risk job overseas to provide for your family is a different ballgame.
I was able to put tons of tax free money into the stock market while over in Saudi Arabia. If you put 100 dollars a month into dividend paying stocks that earn around 8 percent annual, in 30 years you could have over 1 million dollars and $80,000 of dividends...
Born on Third Base and Thinks He Hit a Triple

It's not my or most people's fault that we were brought up wrong and forced to be dependent on our parents, our bosses, or the government. From what I've learned, I definitely would have earned money from childhood on and started my own business, however small wouldn't have mattered, as long as it was my own.

Praising Bill Gates and Warren Buffett for owning their own businesses even in high school is cruel to the reality of the way most of us were brought up. Those fortunate sons were never brought up to be employees; Gates's father was a multi-millionaire and Buffett's was a US Congressmen; that's the only reason for their head-started success. In a free country, there would be 99 Bill Gateses, so those who were set up halfway to the finish line have no reason to feel superior and little to be proud of that would make them role models.
I don't know if you are referring to me or Jim as being "Born on 3rd base and thinks he hit a triple" but I can assure you, I started at home plate. I also don't understand why you bring billionaires into the discussion who were born into wealth. That has nothing to do with the subject of this thread.
Sperm Bingo

They block our way, including brainwashing us to be dependent on them or their government. Not including Birth-Class Supremacy in the discussion makes your experience and opinions irrelevant. It is the "500-pound elephant in the room."
After high school i went to work at McD's at $2.10 an hour while going to the University of Cincinnati. After 6 months i realized that college wasnt for me, so i tried to get a full time job, but McD's only had part timers, of my age. I went to work at Bill Knapp's as a short order Chef again making $2.10 an hour but after i was certified to work the whole kitchen i got a 15 cent raise and was able to work alone during off peak hours. Then 6 months later the wonderful government decided that minimum wage should be $2.25 an hour so i was working entry level wages again, even though i had the responsibility to be alone, while entry had to have supervision. Thanks Progressives. So i left Bill Knapp's and went into the military where i could fix jets. Spent 9 /12 years there, learning all i could about A-10s and F-15s, and when i got out, had to go back to making 10 cents above minimum wage, but at Home Depot, a stock clerk. This is where i learned about investing in stocks, and since HD was going for 35 dollars a share(after all the splits the cost value is under a dollar), i put in the max contributions , while the dividends were only paying 16 cents per share. Then the break i had been waiting for happened. A job opening in Saudi Arabia working the Royal Saudi AF F-15s base pay was $12 an hour with $6 cost of living allowance plus contract bonus complete award of $7,000 and 2 paid vacations($10,000 per family to use or put in the bank). So every year for 5 1/2 years i continued to purchase HD stock, also contribute to McDonnell Douglas stock(which got bought out by Boeing). Today i have over 35,000 shards of HD, and plenty of other dividend paying stocks. Why, because i took risks, with risks come rewards(and sometime failures), those who dont take a risk, mostly live paycheck to paycheck, live moderately in lifestyle, and those i respect, but the progressive slave who bitches and moans that their lives were made victim because someone like me took their shit away, are just that, slaves to their progressive masters. That is a little history that i share. I have had plenty of people go and take a risk, and they have been rewarded. Those that didnt listen, are still slaves..

Not everyone can take risks, particularly if they have a family to support. I too have done very well financially. I only wish today, I had spent more time with my family and less time chasing the almighty dollar. In the long run, it's not how much money you accumulated in your life but rather what you actually did with your life that made a difference in the lives of others.
Do you think the pioneers who went out west with their families did it so they could be safe and secure, hell no, they took the risk in finding a better life...some didn't, but many did..
Daniel Boone v. the Boondogglers

The unAmerican aristocracy in the Northeast opposed pioneering from 1787 on. In fact, the untold cause of the Revolutionary War was when the British ruling class tried that through the Royal Proclamation of 1763.
Remember last spring when the transportation industry shut down?
Was this on the east coast?

The transportation industry never "shut down".

I had more work than I could do.
And you would be a liar.
I never lie. Couldn't move freight fast enough. The DOT even waived hours of service regulations so we could do more work.

You should never call anyone a liar who knows more than you do on a topic.

The reason there wasn't toilet paper was panic buying...not lack of Transportation.

We were also 100% exempt from quarantine and could travel in and out of quarantine zones.

Like I said...truckers had more work than they could do. I lived it.

Now...I don't go to the Northeast or west of the Rockies...so if there was a New York or California work slowdown going on...I wouldn't know about that...but out here in the middle? We were loving life with the highways all to our selves and freight to move to help our friends and neighbors weather the lockdowns.
After HeirHeads Get the Guillotine, There Will Only Be Air Where Their Heads Were

If it weren't for Jimmy Hoffa, whom the spoiled richpuke Kennedys put in prison, truckers would still be making minimum wage.
After high school i went to work at McD's at $2.10 an hour while going to the University of Cincinnati. After 6 months i realized that college wasnt for me, so i tried to get a full time job, but McD's only had part timers, of my age. I went to work at Bill Knapp's as a short order Chef again making $2.10 an hour but after i was certified to work the whole kitchen i got a 15 cent raise and was able to work alone during off peak hours. Then 6 months later the wonderful government decided that minimum wage should be $2.25 an hour so i was working entry level wages again, even though i had the responsibility to be alone, while entry had to have supervision. Thanks Progressives. So i left Bill Knapp's and went into the military where i could fix jets. Spent 9 /12 years there, learning all i could about A-10s and F-15s, and when i got out, had to go back to making 10 cents above minimum wage, but at Home Depot, a stock clerk. This is where i learned about investing in stocks, and since HD was going for 35 dollars a share(after all the splits the cost value is under a dollar), i put in the max contributions , while the dividends were only paying 16 cents per share. Then the break i had been waiting for happened. A job opening in Saudi Arabia working the Royal Saudi AF F-15s base pay was $12 an hour with $6 cost of living allowance plus contract bonus complete award of $7,000 and 2 paid vacations($10,000 per family to use or put in the bank). So every year for 5 1/2 years i continued to purchase HD stock, also contribute to McDonnell Douglas stock(which got bought out by Boeing). Today i have over 35,000 shards of HD, and plenty of other dividend paying stocks. Why, because i took risks, with risks come rewards(and sometime failures), those who dont take a risk, mostly live paycheck to paycheck, live moderately in lifestyle, and those i respect, but the progressive slave who bitches and moans that their lives were made victim because someone like me took their shit away, are just that, slaves to their progressive masters. That is a little history that i share. I have had plenty of people go and take a risk, and they have been rewarded. Those that didnt listen, are still slaves..

Not everyone can take risks, particularly if they have a family to support. I too have done very well financially. I only wish today, I had spent more time with my family and less time chasing the almighty dollar. In the long run, it's not how much money you accumulated in your life but rather what you actually did with your life that made a difference in the lives of others.
I had a family to support and that was the major reason to have some risks. Do you think the pioneers who went out west with their families did it so they could be safe and secure, hell no, they took the risk in finding a better life...some didnt, but many did..
Risk is for those that can afford it. Failing to provide for your family's immediate needs in order to take the risks needed to accumulate a fortune is not a good idea if you truly care for your family. First you provide for the families immediate needs, a home, food, clothing, healthcare, dental care. life insurance, and misc. needs of the family. Then a safety net when the bad times hit, then retirement, college education for the kids, and if anything remains, investing for the future of the family. Today 41% of American families are not able to cover a $1,000 emergency and certainly can't afford to risk what little funds they have in the market.
Again, it was providing for the family that i took the risk to leave the United States and go into a Muslim country so i could give them a better life once i got back. I mean we went over there just to do a two year tour, and when it was found out, it wasnt as bad as i thought, we stay 5 1/2 years until the camel jockeys blew up the Khobar Towers killing young kids while they slept. You can thank Bill Clinton on that one...
I was addressing investing in the stock market. Taking a high risk job overseas to provide for your family is a different ballgame.
I have been investing since 1987 and i was newly married and a son on the way. I put as much money into HD stock which was 10 percent of my minimum wages per year, my wife was a nervous Nelly just like you, and said "what if the stock drops", in which i replied, i will buy more stocks when it is lower. Today, with all my investing i have over 35,000 shares of HD. There is still money out there to be made, it isnt FINITE, but in a capitalist society where the market is free, the wealth that is created is enormous. Those that sit on the sideline bitching and moaning how life isnt fair, so want the government to steal from me so the government can give it to those not deserving of it, really pissing me off.

After high school i went to work at McD's at $2.10 an hour while going to the University of Cincinnati. After 6 months i realized that college wasnt for me, so i tried to get a full time job, but McD's only had part timers, of my age. I went to work at Bill Knapp's as a short order Chef again making $2.10 an hour but after i was certified to work the whole kitchen i got a 15 cent raise and was able to work alone during off peak hours. Then 6 months later the wonderful government decided that minimum wage should be $2.25 an hour so i was working entry level wages again, even though i had the responsibility to be alone, while entry had to have supervision. Thanks Progressives. So i left Bill Knapp's and went into the military where i could fix jets. Spent 9 /12 years there, learning all i could about A-10s and F-15s, and when i got out, had to go back to making 10 cents above minimum wage, but at Home Depot, a stock clerk. This is where i learned about investing in stocks, and since HD was going for 35 dollars a share(after all the splits the cost value is under a dollar), i put in the max contributions , while the dividends were only paying 16 cents per share. Then the break i had been waiting for happened. A job opening in Saudi Arabia working the Royal Saudi AF F-15s base pay was $12 an hour with $6 cost of living allowance plus contract bonus complete award of $7,000 and 2 paid vacations($10,000 per family to use or put in the bank). So every year for 5 1/2 years i continued to purchase HD stock, also contribute to McDonnell Douglas stock(which got bought out by Boeing). Today i have over 35,000 shards of HD, and plenty of other dividend paying stocks. Why, because i took risks, with risks come rewards(and sometime failures), those who dont take a risk, mostly live paycheck to paycheck, live moderately in lifestyle, and those i respect, but the progressive slave who bitches and moans that their lives were made victim because someone like me took their shit away, are just that, slaves to their progressive masters. That is a little history that i share. I have had plenty of people go and take a risk, and they have been rewarded. Those that didnt listen, are still slaves..

Not everyone can take risks, particularly if they have a family to support. I too have done very well financially. I only wish today, I had spent more time with my family and less time chasing the almighty dollar. In the long run, it's not how much money you accumulated in your life but rather what you actually did with your life that made a difference in the lives of others.
I had a family to support and that was the major reason to have some risks. Do you think the pioneers who went out west with their families did it so they could be safe and secure, hell no, they took the risk in finding a better life...some didnt, but many did..
Risk is for those that can afford it. Failing to provide for your family's immediate needs in order to take the risks needed to accumulate a fortune is not a good idea if you truly care for your family. First you provide for the families immediate needs, a home, food, clothing, healthcare, dental care. life insurance, and misc. needs of the family. Then a safety net when the bad times hit, then retirement, college education for the kids, and if anything remains, investing for the future of the family. Today 41% of American families are not able to cover a $1,000 emergency and certainly can't afford to risk what little funds they have in the market.
Again, it was providing for the family that i took the risk to leave the United States and go into a Muslim country so i could give them a better life once i got back. I mean we went over there just to do a two year tour, and when it was found out, it wasnt as bad as i thought, we stay 5 1/2 years until the camel jockeys blew up the Khobar Towers killing young kids while they slept. You can thank Bill Clinton on that one...
I was addressing investing in the stock market. Taking a high risk job overseas to provide for your family is a different ballgame.
I have been investing since 1987 and i was newly married and a son on the way. I put as much money into HD stock which was 10 percent of my minimum wages per year, my wife was a nervous Nelly just like you, and said "what if the stock drops", in which i replied, i will buy more stocks when it is lower. Today, with all my investing i have over 35,000 shares of HD. There is still money out there to be made, it isnt FINITE, but in a capitalist society where the market is free, the wealth that is created is enormous. Those that sit on the sideline bitching and moaning how life isnt fair, so want the government to steal from me so the government can give it to those not deserving of it, really pissing me off.

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Although hindsight is perfect, picking a winner over a 40 or 50 year period is not that easy. Take a look at some top picks in the 60's and 70's, companies like Polaroid, who declared bankruptcy in 2001, Xerox whose return on investment is less that treasury bonds, and IBM a sure winner in the 1970's whose return has been about 2 percentage points lower than the S&P 500. And then there was K-Mart who went from Blue Light Specials to bankruptcy. You were lucky with Home Depot. Seeking high risk is not the key to investment success, minimizing risk while maximizing returns is.
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Given the hours, physical toll, and time away from home there's no way I'd do long distance driving for less than 6 figures plus expenses.
Most truck drivers make six figures after five years... plus insurance...and can deduct per diem if they itemize their taxes....I believe it's still $66 per day.

EDIT - ok...that's not true.

50 cpm x 3000 miles per week x 50 weeks is $75,000 gross + two weeks paid vacation is 3k.
Now figure that as an hourly wage at 90 hours/week (5x16)
I know they're not "working" during all that time but they're not home either.
OP raised his wages by using government training and working as a government contractor for years.
He provided a service to the country and received on-the-job training. Nothing wrong with that. It's the do-nothing-to-improve-yourself leeches like yourself that expect the government to butt into a private negotiation between an employer and employee that are the problem.
But you say that's a bad path?
I didn't say that. Do you have difficulty with reading comprehension?
You know how we'll raise wages?
Nationwide strike.
Go for it. I have no problem with strikes beyond the fact that competent adults just quit and move on to greener pastures.
Remember last spring when the transportation industry shut down?
How fun it was finding toilet paper?
You find toilet paper shopping to be fun? What are you, an imbecile?
Well, slappy, this time it won't be a virus and you won't fix it with a vaccine.
You are an imbecile.
WOW! It must have taken you two hours to compose this post.

I didn't critique WHAT he did.
I critiqued his claim that he did it on his own while slamming those seeking government assistance.
I pointed out that he's spent most of his working career sucking at the government teat.
And that slamming others who need help now shows nothing more than hypocrisy.

I don't search for toilet paper.
I just print your posts.
No need to add more crap to the world.

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