45 Appointed Federal Judge Rules Mueller Probe Constitutional.


Dec 5, 2011
Judge Dabney Friedrich, who Trump appointed to the U.S. District Court of Washington D.C. last year, is the fourth judge to quash efforts to upend Mueller's legitimacy and cancel his investigation. Judges overseeing the two trials of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort -- D.C. judge Amy Berman Jackson and Eastern District of Virginia Judge T.S. Ellis -- rejected Manafort's bid to invalidate Mueller.

Trump-appointed judge upholds Mueller's legitimacy.

Judge Friedrich is the Fourth Judge to reject attempts to shut down the Investigation by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller. She is also an appointee of walking Orange Shit Stain 45.

Go ahead all you Seig Heil!!! Shouting, Goosestepping Stepping Fuck Wad GroppenFuhrer followers. Wave your Swastika's and hold your rallys, when you can only get 24 Fucking Dead From The Fucking Neck Idiots to show up.

You ain't nothing. You have nothing and you never be anything other than a bunch Beer-Belly Buba's who think the color of their skin makes them special, it doesn't. It just makes you dumber that a dried up dog turd laying on a Mississippi Sidewalk at high noon in August.
right wing, soothsay; proved wrong again! must not have been one of those twice a day moments.
Judge Dabney Friedrich, who Trump appointed to the U.S. District Court of Washington D.C. last year, is the fourth judge to quash efforts to upend Mueller's legitimacy and cancel his investigation. Judges overseeing the two trials of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort -- D.C. judge Amy Berman Jackson and Eastern District of Virginia Judge T.S. Ellis -- rejected Manafort's bid to invalidate Mueller.

Trump-appointed judge upholds Mueller's legitimacy.

Judge Friedrich is the Fourth Judge to reject attempts to shut down the Investigation by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller. She is also an appointee of walking Orange Shit Stain 45.

Go ahead all you Seig Heil!!! Shouting, Goosestepping Stepping Fuck Wad GroppenFuhrer followers. Wave your Swastika's and hold your rallys, when you can only get 24 Fucking Dead From The Fucking Neck Idiots to show up.

You ain't nothing. You have nothing and you never be anything other than a bunch Beer-Belly Buba's who think the color of their skin makes them special, it doesn't. It just makes you dumber that a dried up dog turd laying on a Mississippi Sidewalk at high noon in August.

TDS is curable...turn off MSNBC and seek professional psychiatric treatment immediatly.
TDS is curable...turn off MSNBC and seek professional psychiatric treatment immediatly.

pass this on to your ilk of fellow morons.......LOL

Judge Dabney Friedrich, who Trump appointed to the U.S. District Court of Washington D.C. last year, is the fourth judge to quash efforts to upend Mueller's legitimacy and cancel his investigation. Judges overseeing the two trials of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort -- D.C. judge Amy Berman Jackson and Eastern District of Virginia Judge T.S. Ellis -- rejected Manafort's bid to invalidate Mueller.

Trump-appointed judge upholds Mueller's legitimacy.

Judge Friedrich is the Fourth Judge to reject attempts to shut down the Investigation by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller. She is also an appointee of walking Orange Shit Stain 45.

Go ahead all you Seig Heil!!! Shouting, Goosestepping Stepping Fuck Wad GroppenFuhrer followers. Wave your Swastika's and hold your rallys, when you can only get 24 Fucking Dead From The Fucking Neck Idiots to show up.

You ain't nothing. You have nothing and you never be anything other than a bunch Beer-Belly Buba's who think the color of their skin makes them special, it doesn't. It just makes you dumber that a dried up dog turd laying on a Mississippi Sidewalk at high noon in August.

Of course its constitutional. If it wasn't Trump couldn't have appointed him.
Judge Dabney Friedrich, who Trump appointed to the U.S. District Court of Washington D.C. last year, is the fourth judge to quash efforts to upend Mueller's legitimacy and cancel his investigation. Judges overseeing the two trials of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort -- D.C. judge Amy Berman Jackson and Eastern District of Virginia Judge T.S. Ellis -- rejected Manafort's bid to invalidate Mueller.

Trump-appointed judge upholds Mueller's legitimacy.

Judge Friedrich is the Fourth Judge to reject attempts to shut down the Investigation by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller. She is also an appointee of walking Orange Shit Stain 45.

Go ahead all you Seig Heil!!! Shouting, Goosestepping Stepping Fuck Wad GroppenFuhrer followers. Wave your Swastika's and hold your rallys, when you can only get 24 Fucking Dead From The Fucking Neck Idiots to show up.

You ain't nothing. You have nothing and you never be anything other than a bunch Beer-Belly Buba's who think the color of their skin makes them special, it doesn't. It just makes you dumber that a dried up dog turd laying on a Mississippi Sidewalk at high noon in August.

I see a ban in the future

Judge Dabney Friedrich, who Trump appointed to the U.S. District Court of Washington D.C. last year, is the fourth judge to quash efforts to upend Mueller's legitimacy and cancel his investigation. Judges overseeing the two trials of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort -- D.C. judge Amy Berman Jackson and Eastern District of Virginia Judge T.S. Ellis -- rejected Manafort's bid to invalidate Mueller.

Trump-appointed judge upholds Mueller's legitimacy.

Judge Friedrich is the Fourth Judge to reject attempts to shut down the Investigation by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller. She is also an appointee of walking Orange Shit Stain 45.

Go ahead all you Seig Heil!!! Shouting, Goosestepping Stepping Fuck Wad GroppenFuhrer followers. Wave your Swastika's and hold your rallys, when you can only get 24 Fucking Dead From The Fucking Neck Idiots to show up.

You ain't nothing. You have nothing and you never be anything other than a bunch Beer-Belly Buba's who think the color of their skin makes them special, it doesn't. It just makes you dumber that a dried up dog turd laying on a Mississippi Sidewalk at high noon in August.
/——/ Watch – Antifa Chants Death to America: 'No Borders! No Wall! No USA at All!'
Judge Dabney Friedrich, who Trump appointed to the U.S. District Court of Washington D.C. last year, is the fourth judge to quash efforts to upend Mueller's legitimacy and cancel his investigation. Judges overseeing the two trials of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort -- D.C. judge Amy Berman Jackson and Eastern District of Virginia Judge T.S. Ellis -- rejected Manafort's bid to invalidate Mueller.

Trump-appointed judge upholds Mueller's legitimacy.

Judge Friedrich is the Fourth Judge to reject attempts to shut down the Investigation by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller. She is also an appointee of walking Orange Shit Stain 45.

Go ahead all you Seig Heil!!! Shouting, Goosestepping Stepping Fuck Wad GroppenFuhrer followers. Wave your Swastika's and hold your rallys, when you can only get 24 Fucking Dead From The Fucking Neck Idiots to show up.

You ain't nothing. You have nothing and you never be anything other than a bunch Beer-Belly Buba's who think the color of their skin makes them special, it doesn't. It just makes you dumber that a dried up dog turd laying on a Mississippi Sidewalk at high noon in August.

Gosh,ainchu jus all bad and shit!!!!
Try reading the whole article, moron......

Especially at the end where dims tend to hide the operative parts --

Friedrich agreed that the regulations governing Mueller's probe are ambiguous enough to grant him some sweeping authority, but she found one fatal flaw in the argument: Justice Department leaders may rescind the special counsel regulations at any time. If Attorney General Jeff Sessions or Rosenstein decide to exert more control over Mueller, they can simply rewrite the rules, she noted.

"As a result, the special counsel is effectively removable at will," Friedrich write.

Though Friedrich, the first Trump-appointed judge to consider the matter, ultimately supported Mueller's validity, she left a trail of legal breadcrumbs suggesting she had doubts about some of the special counsel team's arguments. Friedrich found that existing laws "'do not explicitly authorize' the [Rosenstein] to appoint the Special Counsel, rejecting arguments by Mueller's team that several statutes backed up his appointment.
Judge Dabney Friedrich, who Trump appointed to the U.S. District Court of Washington D.C. last year, is the fourth judge to quash efforts to upend Mueller's legitimacy and cancel his investigation. Judges overseeing the two trials of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort -- D.C. judge Amy Berman Jackson and Eastern District of Virginia Judge T.S. Ellis -- rejected Manafort's bid to invalidate Mueller.

Trump-appointed judge upholds Mueller's legitimacy.

Judge Friedrich is the Fourth Judge to reject attempts to shut down the Investigation by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller. She is also an appointee of walking Orange Shit Stain 45.

Go ahead all you Seig Heil!!! Shouting, Goosestepping Stepping Fuck Wad GroppenFuhrer followers. Wave your Swastika's and hold your rallys, when you can only get 24 Fucking Dead From The Fucking Neck Idiots to show up.

You ain't nothing. You have nothing and you never be anything other than a bunch Beer-Belly Buba's who think the color of their skin makes them special, it doesn't. It just makes you dumber that a dried up dog turd laying on a Mississippi Sidewalk at high noon in August.
Legitimacy to do what?

Hold an investigation of an individual to find a crime, which is what has been and is going on?!

Both Mueller and Rosenstein have broken the law, refusing to comply with Congressional subpoenas , in the 'execution if their duties...'
Both Mueller and Rosenstein have broken the law, refusing to comply with Congressional subpoenas , in the 'execution if their duties...'

Both men are part of the administration.......Encourage Trump to fire them both....
Go on....Please .......and let's see what happens..........LOL
Both Mueller and Rosenstein have broken the law, refusing to comply with Congressional subpoenas , in the 'execution if their duties...'

Both men are part of the administration.......Encourage Trump to fire them both....
Go on....Please .......and let's see what happens..........LOL
Trump should not have to do anything and he wouldn't have to if sessions wasn't a wol.
Judge Dabney Friedrich, who Trump appointed to the U.S. District Court of Washington D.C. last year, is the fourth judge to quash efforts to upend Mueller's legitimacy and cancel his investigation. Judges overseeing the two trials of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort -- D.C. judge Amy Berman Jackson and Eastern District of Virginia Judge T.S. Ellis -- rejected Manafort's bid to invalidate Mueller.

Trump-appointed judge upholds Mueller's legitimacy.

Judge Friedrich is the Fourth Judge to reject attempts to shut down the Investigation by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller. She is also an appointee of walking Orange Shit Stain 45.

Go ahead all you Seig Heil!!! Shouting, Goosestepping Stepping Fuck Wad GroppenFuhrer followers. Wave your Swastika's and hold your rallys, when you can only get 24 Fucking Dead From The Fucking Neck Idiots to show up.

You ain't nothing. You have nothing and you never be anything other than a bunch Beer-Belly Buba's who think the color of their skin makes them special, it doesn't. It just makes you dumber that a dried up dog turd laying on a Mississippi Sidewalk at high noon in August.

I see a ban in the future


For telling truth. What is it with you dead from the neck Seigh Heil Yelling, Goosestepping GroppenFuhrer followers and the tuth.

You prefer to be lied...
Try reading the whole article, moron......

Especially at the end where dims tend to hide the operative parts --

Friedrich agreed that the regulations governing Mueller's probe are ambiguous enough to grant him some sweeping authority, but she found one fatal flaw in the argument: Justice Department leaders may rescind the special counsel regulations at any time. If Attorney General Jeff Sessions or Rosenstein decide to exert more control over Mueller, they can simply rewrite the rules, she noted.

"As a result, the special counsel is effectively removable at will," Friedrich write.

Though Friedrich, the first Trump-appointed judge to consider the matter, ultimately supported Mueller's validity, she left a trail of legal breadcrumbs suggesting she had doubts about some of the special counsel team's arguments. Friedrich found that existing laws "'do not explicitly authorize' the [Rosenstein] to appoint the Special Counsel, rejecting arguments by Mueller's team that several statutes backed up his appointment.
Then Trump shouldn’t be such a fucking pussy and he should just fire Mueller himself.
Judge Dabney Friedrich, who Trump appointed to the U.S. District Court of Washington D.C. last year, is the fourth judge to quash efforts to upend Mueller's legitimacy and cancel his investigation. Judges overseeing the two trials of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort -- D.C. judge Amy Berman Jackson and Eastern District of Virginia Judge T.S. Ellis -- rejected Manafort's bid to invalidate Mueller.

Trump-appointed judge upholds Mueller's legitimacy.

Judge Friedrich is the Fourth Judge to reject attempts to shut down the Investigation by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller. She is also an appointee of walking Orange Shit Stain 45.

Go ahead all you Seig Heil!!! Shouting, Goosestepping Stepping Fuck Wad GroppenFuhrer followers. Wave your Swastika's and hold your rallys, when you can only get 24 Fucking Dead From The Fucking Neck Idiots to show up.

You ain't nothing. You have nothing and you never be anything other than a bunch Beer-Belly Buba's who think the color of their skin makes them special, it doesn't. It just makes you dumber that a dried up dog turd laying on a Mississippi Sidewalk at high noon in August.

See this^? This is why incest is illegal in all state except New York. I mean, this retard don’t even know that the Manifort thing isn’t even involved with the trump thing. What a maroon.

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