45 Appointed Federal Judge Rules Mueller Probe Constitutional.

I mean, this retard don’t even know that the Manifort thing isn’t even involved with the trump thing. What a maroon.

First, learn to spell MANAFORT...

Second, Trump HIRED as his campaign manager a fucking CORRUPT CROOK who is going to prison for the rest of his miserable days.....

Any day now, any day now.

patience, Trump ass-kisser, patience........LOL

Both Mueller and Rosenstein have broken the law, refusing to comply with Congressional subpoenas , in the 'execution if their duties...'

Both men are part of the administration.......Encourage Trump to fire them both....
Go on....Please .......and let's see what happens..........LOL
Trump should not have to do anything and he wouldn't have to if sessions wasn't a wol.
Trump must be a very special president then.
You ain't nothing. You have nothing and you never be anything other than a bunch Beer-Belly Buba's who think the color of their skin makes them special, it doesn't. It just makes you dumber that a dried up dog turd laying on a Mississippi Sidewalk at high noon in August.

How is it you've been here this long and I'm just now putting you on ignore? I mean that little rant is worse than a 3 year old who's candy you just took away.
Did you hit your head recently or have a stroke?
I mean, this retard don’t even know that the Manifort thing isn’t even involved with the trump thing. What a maroon.

First, learn to spell MANAFORT...

Second, Trump HIRED as his campaign manager a fucking CORRUPT CROOK who is going to prison for the rest of his miserable days.....


Proof? And I’m still not seeing the Russia connection?
I mean, this retard don’t even know that the Manifort thing isn’t even involved with the trump thing. What a maroon.
Second, Trump HIRED as his campaign manager a fucking CORRUPT CROOK who is going to prison for the rest of his miserable days.....

You wanna bet ... ?


Well, you may be"correct"...Manafort will be absolved of all his sins....apologized to by everyone in his jury.....and soon be appointed as secretary of the treasury by Trump.....
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Snowflakes, answer 1 questions:

In an investigation into Russian interference and manipulation within the United States, potentially to effect a US election....

WHY would such an investigation NOT start with .... Or a least include .... Investigating the previous administration and President evidence shows knew about Russian efforts dating back to 2014, an administration who knew then and neither did anything to stop it in 2014 or 2016 when Obama was president?
And I’m still not seeing the Russia connection?

Trump denies business dealings with Russia
Jan 11, 2017


Eric trump once said, Well, we don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia.’

Trump Jr.'s love affair with Moscow - POLITICO

Trump Jr.’s love affair with Moscow
Jul 12, 2017 - At the conference, he showed a deep familiarity with the Moscow real estate market and the Russian economy.

We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia,” he said of Trump Organization properties. “There's indeed a lot of money coming for new-builds and resale reflecting a trend in the Russian ...
Judge Dabney Friedrich, who Trump appointed to the U.S. District Court of Washington D.C. last year, is the fourth judge to quash efforts to upend Mueller's legitimacy and cancel his investigation. Judges overseeing the two trials of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort -- D.C. judge Amy Berman Jackson and Eastern District of Virginia Judge T.S. Ellis -- rejected Manafort's bid to invalidate Mueller.

Trump-appointed judge upholds Mueller's legitimacy.

Judge Friedrich is the Fourth Judge to reject attempts to shut down the Investigation by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller. She is also an appointee of walking Orange Shit Stain 45.

Go ahead all you Seig Heil!!! Shouting, Goosestepping Stepping Fuck Wad GroppenFuhrer followers. Wave your Swastika's and hold your rallys, when you can only get 24 Fucking Dead From The Fucking Neck Idiots to show up.

You ain't nothing. You have nothing and you never be anything other than a bunch Beer-Belly Buba's who think the color of their skin makes them special, it doesn't. It just makes you dumber that a dried up dog turd laying on a Mississippi Sidewalk at high noon in August.

All that energy wasted on plain old hate, must really suck to be you.

WHY would such an investigation NOT start with .... Or a least include .... Investigating the previous administration and President evidence shows knew about Russian efforts dating back to 2014, an administration who knew then and neither did anything to stop it in 2014 or 2016 when Obama was president?

Look, Queasy........morons like you are useless to debate...Your head is too far up Trump's ass to make any sense.....

I can only offer this for OTHERS, (not you).......

Can anyone imagine IF Obama had held a news conference announcing that Russia was meddling with our election, AFTER the moron-in-chief, Trump, (when his polling sucked) was spewing that the election was fixed???
The Trump cult membership would have gone nuts claiming that Obama.....not Putin......was the culprit.
WHY would such an investigation NOT start with .... Or a least include .... Investigating the previous administration and President evidence shows knew about Russian efforts dating back to 2014, an administration who knew then and neither did anything to stop it in 2014 or 2016 when Obama was president?

Look, Queasy........morons like you are useless to debate...Your head is too far up Trump's ass to make any sense.....

I can only offer this for OTHERS, (not you).......

Can anyone imagine IF Obama had held a news conference announcing that Russia was meddling with our election, AFTER the moron-in-chief, Trump, (when his polling sucked) was spewing that the election was fixed???
The Trump cult membership would have gone nuts claiming that Obama.....not Putin......was the culprit.

1. You CAN'T answer the question. The fact that any investigation into Russian interference did not begin with the Obama administration in 2014 when Obama learned it was happening yet did nothing proves Mueller's investigation IS nothing more than a Witch Hunt.

2. Once again, Trump was RIGHT. The entire election was being fixed but the American people countered it by rejecting Hillary at the election booth.

From Obama and his criminal administration protecting Hillary, running their own Watergate, letting the Russians do whatever they wanted, and trying to take down Trump to Hillary rigging primaries, cheating in debates, and colluding with and paying foreign spies and Russians - TRUMP WAS RIGHT!

Thanks for admitting that.
WHY would such an investigation NOT start with .... Or a least include .... Investigating the previous administration and President evidence shows knew about Russian efforts dating back to 2014, an administration who knew then and neither did anything to stop it in 2014 or 2016 when Obama was president?

Look, Queasy........morons like you are useless to debate...Your head is too far up Trump's ass to make any sense.....

I can only offer this for OTHERS, (not you).......

Can anyone imagine IF Obama had held a news conference announcing that Russia was meddling with our election, AFTER the moron-in-chief, Trump, (when his polling sucked) was spewing that the election was fixed???
The Trump cult membership would have gone nuts claiming that Obama.....not Putin......was the culprit.

1. You CAN'T answer the question. The fact that any investigation into Russian interference did not begin with the Obama administration in 2014 when Obama learned it was happening yet did nothing proves Mueller's investigation IS nothing more than a Witch Hunt.

2. Once again, Trump was RIGHT. The entire election was being fixed but the American people countered it by rejecting Hillary at the election booth.

From Obama and his criminal administration protecting Hillary, running their own Watergate, letting the Russians do whatever they wanted, and trying to take down Trump to Hillary rigging primaries, cheating in debates, and colluding with and paying foreign spies and Russians - TRUMP WAS RIGHT!

Thanks for admitting that.

An enema could do wonders for your delicate disposition, Queasy...

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