Boom!!!! Judge in Manafort case says Mueller only wants to hurt Trump

Pardons all around. The whole thing is an Un-American Democrat scam. They surveilled and planted spies in the opposition's campaign. Those responsible for that, should be prosecuted. It's Watergate Ten-fold. It's what Banana Republics do.

But i don't expect Clinton and Obama to be held accountable. So, Pardons all around will have to do. And then lets hope Trump wins reelection. That'll really sting the corrupt Democrats.

Pardons for everyone except the Queenpinhead.
Pardons all around. The whole thing is an Un-American Democrat scam. They surveilled and planted spies in the opposition's campaign. Those responsible for that, should be prosecuted. It's Watergate Ten-fold. It's what Banana Republics do.

But i don't expect Clinton and Obama to be held accountable. So, Pardons all around will have to do. And then lets hope Trump wins reelection. That'll really sting the corrupt Democrats.

Pardons for everyone except the Queenpinhead.
That's not going to happen.
As a side note, I spent a good chunk of this afternoon in Judge Ellis' courtroom (he's presiding over a case the organization I work for is involved in), and I can say from experience that he's a cranky old coot who tears into both sides of pretty much any case he sits for.
Unfreaking real. Awesome development.

"You don't really care about Mr. Manafort's bank fraud," District Judge T.S. Ellis said to prosecutor Michael Dreeben, at times losing his temper. Ellis said prosecutors were interested in Manafort because of his potential to provide material that would lead to Trump's "prosecution or impeachment," Ellis said.

"That's what you're really interested in," said Ellis, who was appointed by President Ronald Reagan.

He repeated his suspicion several times in the hour-long court hearing."

Judge in Manafort case says Mueller's aim is to hurt Trump - CNNPolitics

Mueller’s mandate from Republican DOJ officials allows him to go after any issue that arises from his investigation:

Rosenstein letter appointing Mueller special counsel

Whether it hurts Trump or not is immaterial.
So, what does this have to do with Trump?

Not a God Damned Thing..
And now parts that were left out in the OP.
You don’t really care about Mr. Manafort’s bank fraud,” Judge T.S. Ellis III said during a morning hearing. “You really care about getting information Mr. Manafort can give you that would reflect on Mr. Trump and lead to his prosecution or impeachment.”
Manafort was seeking to have the bank and tax fraud charges against him dismissed in federal court in Alexandria, with his lawyers arguing that the alleged crimes have nothing to do with the election or with President Trump.
Ellis agreed, but he made no immediate decision on the defense motion. He said even without such a connection the special counsel, which is investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election, may well still have the authority to bring the charges
“I’m not saying it’s illegitimate,” Ellis said.

Federal judge in Virginia grills special counsel on Manafort investigation

Oh fucking bite me. The point of the Judge's statement is he is pointing out the freaking motive.

What's his motive supposed to be? To place a big wet kiss on Trump's ass?
As a side note, I spent a good chunk of this afternoon in Judge Ellis' courtroom (he's presiding over a case the organization I work for is involved in), and I can say from experience that he's a cranky old coot who tears into both sides of pretty much any case he sits for.

That organization wouldnt be code pink would it?



As a side note, I spent a good chunk of this afternoon in Judge Ellis' courtroom (he's presiding over a case the organization I work for is involved in), and I can say from experience that he's a cranky old coot who tears into both sides of pretty much any case he sits for.
‘Even a blind person’ can see Mueller using Manafort to ‘target’ Trump: federal judge

A federal judge says “even a blind person” can see that Special Counsel Robert Mueller is prosecuting Paul Manafortas a way to acquire evidence against his “true target,” President Trump.

U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III made the comment in an opinion released this week that nonetheless sided with Mr. Mueller and against Mr. Trump’s former campaign manager. He rejected Mr. Manafort’s argument that the Mueller-brought tax-evasion indictment exceeded the special counsel’s authority and should be dismissed.

Judge Ellis, sitting in the Eastern District of Virginia, expressed dismay at the special counsel system and at Mr. Muellerin particular.

“Given the investigation’s focus on President Trump’s campaign, even a blind person can see that the true target of the Special Counsel’s investigation is President Trump, not defendant, and that defendant’s prosecution is part of that larger plan,” he wrote. “Specifically, the charges against defendant are intended to induce defendant to cooperate with the Special Counsel by providing evidence against the President or other members of the campaign. Although these kinds of high-pressure prosecutorial tactics are neither uncommon nor illegal, they are distasteful.”

In negotiations between Mr. Mueller and Trump attorneys over a possible interview, the prosecutor has said Mr. Trump isn’t a target — a specific Justice Department term that means the government has evidence the person committed a crime.

Legal experts say prosecutors will file numerous charges, creating huge legal defense costs, to force targets to talk.​

He seems kind of cantankerous.
'Boom!!!! Judge in Manafort case says Mueller only wants to hurt Trump'

Of course...but if Manafort committed crimes he will pay for them. It's just too bad so many Democrats are being protected from the crimes they gave been exposed as having committed.
And now parts that were left out in the OP.
You don’t really care about Mr. Manafort’s bank fraud,” Judge T.S. Ellis III said during a morning hearing. “You really care about getting information Mr. Manafort can give you that would reflect on Mr. Trump and lead to his prosecution or impeachment.”
Manafort was seeking to have the bank and tax fraud charges against him dismissed in federal court in Alexandria, with his lawyers arguing that the alleged crimes have nothing to do with the election or with President Trump.
Ellis agreed, but he made no immediate decision on the defense motion. He said even without such a connection the special counsel, which is investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election, may well still have the authority to bring the charges
“I’m not saying it’s illegitimate,” Ellis said.

Federal judge in Virginia grills special counsel on Manafort investigation

Oh fucking bite me. The point of the Judge's statement is he is pointing out the freaking motive.

What's his motive supposed to be? To place a big wet kiss on Trump's ass?
No. He shouldn't have any motive. His job is to gather evidence, not bring down a president because the person you supported in the election lost.
Unfortunately he has a motive.
No he doesn't, you are delusional. You think things become true simply because you wish they were true. It's very odd!
It's common-sense.
Maybe you need to read about Mueller’s fucked up prosecutor is history.
It's out there.
No, it's desperate Trumpkin delusion.
No, it's part of the official record:

Revealed: Mueller's FBI Repeatedly Abused Prosecutorial Discretion

"For instance, as I noted to Allen, Mueller was also “unafraid” at completely botching the anthrax killer case, wasting more than $100 million in taxpayer dollars, destroying the lives of multiple suspects, and chasing bad leads using bad methods. Let’s look at that and other cases involving how Mueller and those he placed in positions of power used their authorities and decided what charges to pursue.

The Anthrax Bungling

Shortly after the terrorist attacks in 2001, letters containing anthrax were mailed to media outlets and the offices of Sens. Tom Daschle, D-S.D., and Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., killing five people and infecting 17 others. The FBI quickly focused on an innocent man named Steven Hatfill, relentlessly pursuing him for years while the real killer walked free. As Carl Cannon wrote about the botched case, ridiculous and aggressive methods were used to go after the wrong man:

So what evidence did the FBI have against Hatfill? There was none, so the agency did a Hail Mary, importing two bloodhounds from California whose handlers claimed could sniff the scent of the killer on the anthrax-tainted letters. These dogs were shown to Hatfill, who promptly petted them. When the dogs responded favorably, their handlers told the FBI that they’d ‘alerted’ on Hatfill and that he must be the killer.

Mueller and his deputy James Comey were certain they had the right guy. They didn’t, and taxpayers had to pay Hatfill $5.82 million for the error. When that settlement was announced, Cannon noted:

Mueller could not be bothered to walk across the street to attend the press conference announcing the case’s resolution. When reporters did ask him about it, Mueller was graceless. ‘I do not apologize for any aspect of the investigation,’ he said, adding that it would be erroneous ‘to say there were mistakes.’

The man the FBI decided was responsible for the anthrax killings killed himself as the FBI pursued him, but reports from the National Academy of Sciences and the Government Accountability Office were critical of the bureau’s scientific conclusions used to determine the man’s guilt.

Mueller placed Special Agent Van Harp in charge of the initial investigation. He had been “accused of misconduct and recommended for discipline for his role in a flawed review of the deadly Ruby Ridge standoff,” according to a Washington Post report. He had helped “prepare an incomplete report on the 1992 Ruby Ridge siege that had the effect of protecting high-level FBI officials, according to a confidential 1999 report by the Justice Department’s Office of Professional Responsibility.”"

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