Boom!!!! Judge in Manafort case says Mueller only wants to hurt Trump

Manafort broke the law, along with Hillary's campaign manager John Podesta, about a DECADE ago...and Mueller only went after Manafort.

Their crime had zero to do with non-existent Trump-Russian collusion and everything to do with finding anyone to squeeze in an attempt to make them roll over on Trump by providing Mueller with something he has never had and does not have yet - any evidence of criminal activity by Trump.

For his crimes, unlike a the Democrats who have been exposed as having committed crimes, Manafort will go to jail.

It’s still funny though. 2 years and almost 20 million tax payer dollars with one 30 day sentence to show for it? Mewler ain’t doing so hot. Many first year ADA’s would have already closed this up and had a whole county in prision for ten plus years. Mewler ? Just a clown.
Mewler ain’t doing so hot. Many first year ADA’s would have already closed this up and had a whole county in prision for ten plus years. Mewler ? Just a clown.
Mueller is a very dangerous clown and protected Whitey Bulger as that gangster killed 16 people in the Boston area.
Manafort is beholding and in debt to Russian oligarchs with ties to Putin. He was in extreme financial difficulty on those debts and yet he agreed to work for Trump for free. He and Gates gave reports to the Russians on the progress of the campaign.

At the convention, Manafort lead the charge to change the Republican platform on Russian invasion of the Ukraine. Afterwards he asked his lender if there was any way he could “be made whole” (read have his debt forgiven) based on this.

Those debts which he incurred 10 years ago, lead him to use the Trump campaign to make his Russian employers forgive the loans.
Have you got any links to support this horseshit?
How Paul Manafort could put the FBI on trial
An aggressive claim of bias by Manafort is unlikely to derail the prosecution that now threatens him with the prospect of spending the rest of his life behind bars. It would also bring some risk: Lawyers warn that it could anger the judges presiding over his cases, who might see the strategy as a frivolous diversion that could drag the trials into a political morass.

But such moves could also draw public attention to alleged abuses by federal investigators, whom some congressional Republicans have accused of a brazen anti-Trump vendetta. That might draw the attention and sympathy of President Donald Trump, from whom Manafort may be hoping to win a pardon.

“The degree to which he can show broader FBI misconduct in his investigation can lay a foundation for a pardon,” said George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley. “Thus far, Manafort has not been able to benefit from the controversy surrounding the FBI. To the extent he can make himself part of that narrative, it can only help him — certainly with the president.”

Manafort is facing numerous charges related to his political work for pro-Russian politicians in Ukraine, including money laundering, bank fraud, tax evasion and failing to disclose that he was lobbying for a foreign power. Democrats also suspect that Manafort may have been a key intermediary between the 2016 Trump campaign and Kremlin agents.

With deadlines looming for pretrial motions, many lawyers say that for Manafort, the risk of raising the misconduct issue in court is well worth taking.

“I don’t see a particular downside, other than angering the judge,” said Solomon Wisenberg, a defense attorney and former deputy independent counsel in the Whitewater investigation who noted that Manafort’s team has already irritated one presiding judge.​

I think Manafort and h is lawyers are going to destroy Mueller and his cronies. He is a hugely connected man and has resources Mueller can only guess about, having served several US Presidents in his past.[/QUOTE]

You wanna bet on that?
"When the Special Counsel’s work is done, the Republican Party must have its modern-day equivalents of Watergate heroes—Howard Baker, Elliot Richardson, Bill Ruckleshaus, John Dean—who will put country, fellow citizens, & the law above any one person, including Trump" - Sloppy John Brennan
Manafort broke the law, along with Hillary's campaign manager John Podesta, about a DECADE ago...and Mueller only went after Manafort.

Their crime had zero to do with non-existent Trump-Russian collusion and everything to do with finding anyone to squeeze in an attempt to make them roll over on Trump by providing Mueller with something he has never had and does not have yet - any evidence of criminal activity by Trump.

For his crimes, unlike a the Democrats who have been exposed as having committed crimes, Manafort will go to jail.

How could something a decade ago have anything to do with the 2016 election?

Read the filings.

Manafort is beholding and in debt to Russian oligarchs with ties to Putin. He was in extreme financial difficulty on those debts and yet he agreed to work for Trump for free. He and Gates gave reports to the Russians on the progress of the campaign.

At the convention, Manafort lead the charge to change the Republican platform on Russian invasion of the Ukraine. Afterwards he asked his lender if there was any way he could “be made whole” (read have his debt forgiven) based on this.

Those debts which he incurred 10 years ago, lead him to use the Trump campaign to make his Russian employers forgive the loans.
Thank You for confirming no TRump collusion...
As a rule, threads containing the word “boom” don’t age well. Judge rejects Manafort's challenge to Mueller's legitimacy

Ah but then Judge Ellis ripped Mueller and his team a few new orifices baby.



Well, not really. Since he just decided that Manafort's prosecution should continue.

The Judge is putting a blow torch to Mueller's so called stellar reputation. Man is a scumbucket with Stasi tendencies and the Judge has no problem recognizing it and voicing his opinion on what a wretch the man is.

And that makes me one happy camper. Accusing Mueller of pursuing a partisan agenda. And knowing Mueller is using Manafort to try to get to Trump. Willing to ruin a man and his family to take out the President.

"In sum, there appears to be little operational difference between the current Special
Counsel appointment scheme and the scheme found wanting under the 1978 Act and its

Both schemes are subject to many of the same objections. Like the
independent counsel under the 1978 Act, the current Special Counsel has broad authority to
investigate and prosecute crimes unburdened by traditional limits placed on an ordinary

Many of the same problems that plagued investigations pursued under the 1978 Act
— from Kenneth Starr’s investigation of Whitewater to Lawrence Walsh’s investigation of IranContra
— seem equally applicable to the current process.12 In the end, Congress and members
of both political parties reached the sound conclusion that the 1978 Act and its reauthorizations
should be allowed to expire, as the Act had come to be a tool for pursuing partisan agendas
rather than a means of assuring accountability in government by prosecuting crimes committed
by high-ranking government officials. That lesson, it seems, has been forgotten."
What too many LIB dummies are not comprehending is Manafort can not 'compose' bullshit on Trump.
Manafort either has VERIFIABLE proof that Trump 'colluded' with Russian or he doesn't.
The first thing Trump's lawyers are going to demand is discovery. If that discovery is not factual it never sees the light of day in any court.
Manafort has got nothing to sell to Mueller. Mueller knows it and so does Manafort.
Case closed.
Pardons all around. The whole thing is an Un-American Democrat scam. They surveilled and planted spies in the opposition's campaign. Those responsible for that, should be prosecuted. It's Watergate Ten-fold. It's what Banana Republics do.

But i don't expect Clinton and Obama to be held accountable. So, Pardons all around will have to do. And then lets hope Trump wins reelection. That'll really sting the corrupt Democrats.
The hysteria from the left over losing the election has played out via Russians, Stormy, Caged Children, fake media, personal harassment’s at theaters, movies, restaurants and homes
You are vile little creatures, classless and gutless and your reign of obstructing Trump and general wailing horseshit is coming to an end.

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