Boom!!!! Judge in Manafort case says Mueller only wants to hurt Trump

It's not difficult to see which is far worse.
far worse is defined by what you don't like.

you can't hold that ONLY to your views and standards and pretend anyone NOT with you is AGAINST you. that's just a stupid ass way to go through life, dude. CNN to me is the worst out there. they just flat make stuff up and ensure that ANYTHING going out fits their agenda. i just gave up on them long ago. now if you feel fox is going that great. i won't deny that at all cause i've not talked with you about the stories in question or why you view them as such. but i'm not going to say "my media is better than your media" when almost all media is fan-geared.

it's a sheer / utter refusal by you to see you're very much like those you proclaim to hate.

I've never proclaimed that I hate anyone.

so you insult and dog on people you like and act the arrogant fool among friends?

that would explain the massive amount of time online posting to people you don't know, pretending you do.

I insult those who continually post bullshit despite being shown the truth repeatedly.
Just as you did in your prior post.
Willful ignorance deserves to be ridiculed.
you insult pretty much anyone who dares to talk to you. you just stomp around like a child, mad you're just a child; yet scream adult type phrases and hope you get some in the proper order to one day be taken seriously.

good luck with that.

I'm neither angry nor have I screamed at anyone.
It's not difficult to see which is far worse.
far worse is defined by what you don't like.

you can't hold that ONLY to your views and standards and pretend anyone NOT with you is AGAINST you. that's just a stupid ass way to go through life, dude. CNN to me is the worst out there. they just flat make stuff up and ensure that ANYTHING going out fits their agenda. i just gave up on them long ago. now if you feel fox is going that great. i won't deny that at all cause i've not talked with you about the stories in question or why you view them as such. but i'm not going to say "my media is better than your media" when almost all media is fan-geared.

it's a sheer / utter refusal by you to see you're very much like those you proclaim to hate.

I've never proclaimed that I hate anyone.

so you insult and dog on people you like and act the arrogant fool among friends?

that would explain the massive amount of time online posting to people you don't know, pretending you do.

I insult those who continually post bullshit despite being shown the truth repeatedly.
Just as you did in your prior post.
Willful ignorance deserves to be ridiculed.

Then you had best be insulting yourself dude. comey has zero credibility based on his now well known propensity to perjure himself.

It really happened. It's reality. Your refusal to acknowledge it doesn't change that fact at all.
I don't care if you consider it or not.
You're a liar.

Trump-Russia collusion is being investigated by FBI, Comey confirms
that would be 2017, after the election. i'm asking you to show they were doing the investigation before the election.

care to swing again, little camper?

You've just shown yourself to be a buffoon.

Not only do you not recognize Comey's testimony but you didn't even read the link or watch the video of Comey himself telling you you're dumb as shit.
hell dude, i showed that when i was like 6. if not before. keep up.

now, go ahead and show me this video of comey telling me i'm as dumb as shit. :) i looked at the date on the article you provided. i scanned for other info and all over the page YOU REFERENCED they told me they were after trump.

so - it would appear you can't find a valid source/evidence that shows we were investigating RUSSIA before the democrats lost.

now, go ahead and angry and insult me again. seems to be all you know how to do.

Wow! Another willful display of idiocy.

The video is at the top of the article, dope.

Trump-Russia collusion is being investigated by FBI, Comey confirms
except what i was asking you to show is evidence BEFORE TRUMP WAS THE FOCUS that the democrats cared about said "russian interference".

you still can't do that.

have a nice day.

I don't care if you consider it or not.
You're a liar.

Trump-Russia collusion is being investigated by FBI, Comey confirms
that would be 2017, after the election. i'm asking you to show they were doing the investigation before the election.

care to swing again, little camper?

You've just shown yourself to be a buffoon.

Not only do you not recognize Comey's testimony but you didn't even read the link or watch the video of Comey himself telling you you're dumb as shit.

Is this the same testimony where comey is lying to Congress? Anyone who believes a word that that ass has to say needs to have their head examined.

I don't care if you believe it or not. You're not damaging me with your ignorance.

The only person demonstrating profound ignorance is you dude. Like I said, comey is a PROVEN liar. Your continued reliance on him for your support is silly.

You're right. It never happened. :cuckoo:
I don't care if you consider it or not.
You're a liar.

Trump-Russia collusion is being investigated by FBI, Comey confirms
that would be 2017, after the election. i'm asking you to show they were doing the investigation before the election.

care to swing again, little camper?

You've just shown yourself to be a buffoon.

Not only do you not recognize Comey's testimony but you didn't even read the link or watch the video of Comey himself telling you you're dumb as shit.
hell dude, i showed that when i was like 6. if not before. keep up.

now, go ahead and show me this video of comey telling me i'm as dumb as shit. :) i looked at the date on the article you provided. i scanned for other info and all over the page YOU REFERENCED they told me they were after trump.

so - it would appear you can't find a valid source/evidence that shows we were investigating RUSSIA before the democrats lost.

now, go ahead and angry and insult me again. seems to be all you know how to do.

Wow! Another willful display of idiocy.

The video is at the top of the article, dope.

Trump-Russia collusion is being investigated by FBI, Comey confirms

Wow! Your circular logic is So Convicing!

Now how about citing a news item based on a Comey leak to prove that Comey is truthful...

I provided sworn testimony.
You provided "nuh-uh".
that would be 2017, after the election. i'm asking you to show they were doing the investigation before the election.

care to swing again, little camper?

You've just shown yourself to be a buffoon.

Not only do you not recognize Comey's testimony but you didn't even read the link or watch the video of Comey himself telling you you're dumb as shit.
hell dude, i showed that when i was like 6. if not before. keep up.

now, go ahead and show me this video of comey telling me i'm as dumb as shit. :) i looked at the date on the article you provided. i scanned for other info and all over the page YOU REFERENCED they told me they were after trump.

so - it would appear you can't find a valid source/evidence that shows we were investigating RUSSIA before the democrats lost.

now, go ahead and angry and insult me again. seems to be all you know how to do.

Wow! Another willful display of idiocy.

The video is at the top of the article, dope.

Trump-Russia collusion is being investigated by FBI, Comey confirms

Wow! Your circular logic is So Convicing!

Now how about citing a news item based on a Comey leak to prove that Comey is truthful...

I provided sworn testimony.
You provided "nuh-uh".

I am rubber
You are glue
Every nasty thing you say
Bounces off me
And sticks to you
Since always. The DoJ can't get subpoenas or indictments or court dates without the approval of the court, and if it is established that Mueller opened the Manifort investigation the DoJ had formerly closed for lack of evidence just to pressure Manifort to give up some dirt on Trump, that is a fourth amendment violation and ethics charges can be brought against him. In fact, Manifort can sue to make the govenment pay all his legal expenses arising from this case.

The DOJ needs no permission to investigate people. Indicments come from federal prosecutors. Not judges.
Not true. The fourth amendment protects Americans from prosecutors who open investigations to harass people or to extort information from them, as is the case with Mueller's case against Manifort.

The investigation began because of Russian election interference and Trump's people are a part of that because of their many contacts with Russians during the campaign.

Lying about the nature of the investigation doesn't help your case.
how? how did someone come to that conclusion? The DNC server has never been looked at by the DOJ. you know this right? so how does one get a SC without actual evidence?

I'm not going to respond to your posts after this one. You don't understand even the most basic facts after all this time.

Comey, in his testimony, told us when the FBI's investigation began and what they were investigating.

Video in link.
Trump-Russia collusion is being investigated by FBI, Comey confirms
  • The counter-intelligence investigation into Trump-Moscow links began in late July 2016 and is still ongoing
  • More than one person associated with the Trump campaign is under investigation for their ties to the Russian government
dude you spent all day telling me that we didn't know what they were investigating that they were investigating criminality and it wasn't collusion cause collusion isn't a crime. do you remember that bout yesterday? Truly the left in here are fking fktabs. they go round and round and round and round and round holy fk. can't make this up. no sireeee.
far worse is defined by what you don't like.

you can't hold that ONLY to your views and standards and pretend anyone NOT with you is AGAINST you. that's just a stupid ass way to go through life, dude. CNN to me is the worst out there. they just flat make stuff up and ensure that ANYTHING going out fits their agenda. i just gave up on them long ago. now if you feel fox is going that great. i won't deny that at all cause i've not talked with you about the stories in question or why you view them as such. but i'm not going to say "my media is better than your media" when almost all media is fan-geared.

it's a sheer / utter refusal by you to see you're very much like those you proclaim to hate.

I've never proclaimed that I hate anyone.

so you insult and dog on people you like and act the arrogant fool among friends?

that would explain the massive amount of time online posting to people you don't know, pretending you do.

I insult those who continually post bullshit despite being shown the truth repeatedly.
Just as you did in your prior post.
Willful ignorance deserves to be ridiculed.
you insult pretty much anyone who dares to talk to you. you just stomp around like a child, mad you're just a child; yet scream adult type phrases and hope you get some in the proper order to one day be taken seriously.

good luck with that.

I'm neither angry nor have I screamed at anyone.
You know what wishful thinking is?

Are you talking about collusion? :D

How long this investigation is going, fifteen months?

It all smacks of a typical Trump plan and drive them insane over months with a latter-day version of the Chinese water torture. A long slow push of minimal moves to achieve the maximum outcome.

The net result is that instead of the investigation delegitimizing Trump, it’s the investigation itself which has been deligitimised. Mueller has spent a year on a political goose chase and has come up with precisely nothing, especially within the given mandate. The result we have so far is a sign of how successful Trump’s strategy of dealing with the whole situation has been that he’s now begun to openly taunt Mueller and the investigation on social media, calling it a witch hunt. Mueller is desperate, and looking for some way out. The recent FBI raid he ordered on Trump’s attorney was a unique and brutal violation of any notion of client attorney privilege whether you were a special counsel or not.

To quote Newt Gingrich’s reaction to it: “Setting up a precedent that a prosecutor is allowed to dig into your life until finding a crime is a threat to the rule of law and a threat to every American.”

It was Mueller’s one last gasp attempt to get out of his dilemma by provoking Trump to fire him, which Trump won’t oblige him by doing, since he’s now got him exactly where he always planned to have him.

Not everyone is taking the leftist bait.


^ That judge is as retarded as the trumpers who post here.
Obviously if Rosenstein has set boundaries, it then cannot be " unfettered power" by any measure.

It's Rosenstein power that is unfettered, dunce.

He's the acting AG in this matter. The scope is his call and only his call. The judge's comment about unfettered power was in regard to Mueller, fool.

Mueller team claims their scope of investigation that came from Rosenstein is secret and unlimited and they do whatever they want. Rosenstien has no power to give scope broad as such.

The AG determines what is out of bounds, dope. Not you, any judge or rw pundit has any say in the matter.
No, actually a judge makes that deterimination, dumbass.
Since when does the DOJ need to seek the approval of the courts to investigate someone or something? Since never.
The Attorney General determines the scope of their own investigations.
Since always. The DoJ can't get subpoenas or indictments or court dates without the approval of the court, and if it is established that Mueller opened the Manifort investigation the DoJ had formerly closed for lack of evidence just to pressure Manifort to give up some dirt on Trump, that is a fourth amendment violation and ethics charges can be brought against him. In fact, Manifort can sue to make the govenment pay all his legal expenses arising from this case.

The DOJ needs no permission to investigate people. Indicments come from federal prosecutors. Not judges.
Not true. The fourth amendment protects Americans from prosecutors who open investigations to harass people or to extort information from them, as is the case with Mueller's case against Manifort.
Haha...madeup garbage.
For all the losers who bought into the rw media fantasy. The judge ruled exactly as I said.

You're welcome, losers.

Manafort Case Goes Forward After D.C. Judge Denies Dismissal Bid

"Special Counsel Robert Mueller prevailed Tuesday when a judge turned down a request by former Trump campaign Chairman Paul Manafort to dismiss a federal indictment accusing him of money laundering and working as an unregistered foreign agent.

U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson in Washington said Mueller didn’t overstep his authority by charging Manafort with crimes unrelated to Russian election interference as defense lawyers claim. A dismissal would have been a blow to Mueller as he faces political attacks by President Donald Trump, congressional Republicans and conservative media. The ruling clears the way for a trial in September.

Jackson said the Manafort prosecution falls squarely within the mandate of Mueller, whose May 2017 appointment order directs him to investigate links or coordination between Russia and people associated with Trump’s campaign. The charges against Manafort relate to his decade of work as a political consultant to Ukrainian politicians"
Unfreaking real. Awesome development.

"You don't really care about Mr. Manafort's bank fraud," District Judge T.S. Ellis said to prosecutor Michael Dreeben, at times losing his temper. Ellis said prosecutors were interested in Manafort because of his potential to provide material that would lead to Trump's "prosecution or impeachment," Ellis said.

"That's what you're really interested in," said Ellis, who was appointed by President Ronald Reagan.

He repeated his suspicion several times in the hour-long court hearing."

Judge in Manafort case says Mueller's aim is to hurt Trump - CNNPolitics
It looks like that case will get thrown out of court. The snowflakes are all crying now.
It looks like that case will get thrown out of court. The snowflakes are all crying now.

For all the losers who bought into the rw media fantasy. The judge ruled exactly as I said.

You're welcome, losers.

Manafort Case Goes Forward After D.C. Judge Denies Dismissal Bid

"Special Counsel Robert Mueller prevailed Tuesday when a judge turned down a request by former Trump campaign Chairman Paul Manafort to dismiss a federal indictment accusing him of money laundering and working as an unregistered foreign agent.

U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson in Washington said Mueller didn’t overstep his authority by charging Manafort with crimes unrelated to Russian election interference as defense lawyers claim. A dismissal would have been a blow to Mueller as he faces political attacks by President Donald Trump, congressional Republicans and conservative media. The ruling clears the way for a trial in September.

Jackson said the Manafort prosecution falls squarely within the mandate of Mueller, whose May 2017 appointment order directs him to investigate links or coordination between Russia and people associated with Trump’s campaign. The charges against Manafort relate to his decade of work as a political consultant to Ukrainian politicians"
I predict the pseudocons will all avert their eyes.

Or they will say the judge is a gay Mexican Muslim.
For all the losers who bought into the rw media fantasy. The judge ruled exactly as I said.

You're welcome, losers.

Manafort Case Goes Forward After D.C. Judge Denies Dismissal Bid

"Special Counsel Robert Mueller prevailed Tuesday when a judge turned down a request by former Trump campaign Chairman Paul Manafort to dismiss a federal indictment accusing him of money laundering and working as an unregistered foreign agent.

U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson in Washington said Mueller didn’t overstep his authority by charging Manafort with crimes unrelated to Russian election interference as defense lawyers claim. A dismissal would have been a blow to Mueller as he faces political attacks by President Donald Trump, congressional Republicans and conservative media. The ruling clears the way for a trial in September.

Jackson said the Manafort prosecution falls squarely within the mandate of Mueller, whose May 2017 appointment order directs him to investigate links or coordination between Russia and people associated with Trump’s campaign. The charges against Manafort relate to his decade of work as a political consultant to Ukrainian politicians"
I predict the pseudocons will all avert their eyes.

Or they will say the judge is a gay Mexican Muslim.
BOOM Manafort loses
Unfreaking real. Awesome development.

"You don't really care about Mr. Manafort's bank fraud," District Judge T.S. Ellis said to prosecutor Michael Dreeben, at times losing his temper. Ellis said prosecutors were interested in Manafort because of his potential to provide material that would lead to Trump's "prosecution or impeachment," Ellis said.

"That's what you're really interested in," said Ellis, who was appointed by President Ronald Reagan.

He repeated his suspicion several times in the hour-long court hearing."

Judge in Manafort case says Mueller's aim is to hurt Trump - CNNPolitics
It looks like that case will get thrown out of court. The snowflakes are all crying now.
It looks like that case will get thrown out of court. The snowflakes are all crying now.

Savage :thup:
Unfreaking real. Awesome development.

"You don't really care about Mr. Manafort's bank fraud," District Judge T.S. Ellis said to prosecutor Michael Dreeben, at times losing his temper. Ellis said prosecutors were interested in Manafort because of his potential to provide material that would lead to Trump's "prosecution or impeachment," Ellis said.

"That's what you're really interested in," said Ellis, who was appointed by President Ronald Reagan.

He repeated his suspicion several times in the hour-long court hearing."

Judge in Manafort case says Mueller's aim is to hurt Trump - CNNPolitics
It looks like that case will get thrown out of court. The snowflakes are all crying now.
It looks like that case will get thrown out of court. The snowflakes are all crying now.

Savage :thup:
Sorry traitor Manafort loses
Unfreaking real. Awesome development.

"You don't really care about Mr. Manafort's bank fraud," District Judge T.S. Ellis said to prosecutor Michael Dreeben, at times losing his temper. Ellis said prosecutors were interested in Manafort because of his potential to provide material that would lead to Trump's "prosecution or impeachment," Ellis said.

"That's what you're really interested in," said Ellis, who was appointed by President Ronald Reagan.

He repeated his suspicion several times in the hour-long court hearing."

Judge in Manafort case says Mueller's aim is to hurt Trump - CNNPolitics
It looks like that case will get thrown out of court. The snowflakes are all crying now.
It looks like that case will get thrown out of court. The snowflakes are all crying now.

Savage :thup:
Sorry traitor Manafort loses
I was telling Starskey that his comment against that dumbass Brifag was savage. Manafort is toast.
Unfreaking real. Awesome development.

"You don't really care about Mr. Manafort's bank fraud," District Judge T.S. Ellis said to prosecutor Michael Dreeben, at times losing his temper. Ellis said prosecutors were interested in Manafort because of his potential to provide material that would lead to Trump's "prosecution or impeachment," Ellis said.

"That's what you're really interested in," said Ellis, who was appointed by President Ronald Reagan.

He repeated his suspicion several times in the hour-long court hearing."

Judge in Manafort case says Mueller's aim is to hurt Trump - CNNPolitics
It looks like that case will get thrown out of court. The snowflakes are all crying now.
It looks like that case will get thrown out of court. The snowflakes are all crying now.

Savage :thup:
Sorry traitor Manafort loses
I was telling Starskey that his comment against that dumbass Brifag was savage. Manafort is toast.

Just showing that ass for what he is.

This thread is full of so much bullshit rw nonsense that it needed some follow up.
For all the losers who bought into the rw media fantasy. The judge ruled exactly as I said.

You're welcome, losers.

Manafort Case Goes Forward After D.C. Judge Denies Dismissal Bid

"Special Counsel Robert Mueller prevailed Tuesday when a judge turned down a request by former Trump campaign Chairman Paul Manafort to dismiss a federal indictment accusing him of money laundering and working as an unregistered foreign agent.

U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson in Washington said Mueller didn’t overstep his authority by charging Manafort with crimes unrelated to Russian election interference as defense lawyers claim. A dismissal would have been a blow to Mueller as he faces political attacks by President Donald Trump, congressional Republicans and conservative media. The ruling clears the way for a trial in September.

Jackson said the Manafort prosecution falls squarely within the mandate of Mueller, whose May 2017 appointment order directs him to investigate links or coordination between Russia and people associated with Trump’s campaign. The charges against Manafort relate to his decade of work as a political consultant to Ukrainian politicians"
I predict the pseudocons will all avert their eyes.

Or they will say the judge is a gay Mexican Muslim.

Communist Obama appointee is the the description I saw. They’re confident her conviction will be overturned.

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