Boom!!!! Judge in Manafort case says Mueller only wants to hurt Trump

It looks like that case will get thrown out of court. The snowflakes are all crying now.
It looks like that case will get thrown out of court. The snowflakes are all crying now.

Savage :thup:
Sorry traitor Manafort loses
I was telling Starskey that his comment against that dumbass Brifag was savage. Manafort is toast.

Just showing that ass for what he is.

This thread is full of so much bullshit rw nonsense that it needed some follow up.
Following conservatives around and threatening them isn't enough for you is it?
Manafort broke the law, along with Hillary's campaign manager John Podesta, about a DECADE ago...and Mueller only went after Manafort.

Their crime had zero to do with non-existent Trump-Russian collusion and everything to do with finding anyone to squeeze in an attempt to make them roll over on Trump by providing Mueller with something he has never had and does not have yet - any evidence of criminal activity by Trump.

For his crimes, unlike a the Democrats who have been exposed as having committed crimes, Manafort will go to jail.
Manafort broke the law, along with Hillary's campaign manager John Podesta, about a DECADE ago...and Mueller only went after Manafort.

Their crime had zero to do with non-existent Trump-Russian collusion and everything to do with finding anyone to squeeze in an attempt to make them roll over on Trump by providing Mueller with something he has never had and does not have yet - any evidence of criminal activity by Trump.

For his crimes, unlike a the Democrats who have been exposed as having committed crimes, Manafort will go to jail.

How could something a decade ago have anything to do with the 2016 election?
How could something a decade ago have anything to do with the 2016 election?
It can't.

The fact that Mueller had to go back nearly a decade to find anything on Manafort - and when he found something it involved Manafort and Podesta but he ignored Hillary's campaign manager accomplice and indicted only Manafort - shows Mueller was biasedly focused on TRUMP ONLY, not concerned with 'any crime' he found.

It proves MUELLER was digging / hunting for anything and/or anyone he could use to get to TRUMP.
Judge in Virginia lets case against Manafort move forward

Looks like Judge Ellis was convinced by the unredacted memo.

I wonder how many charges they had to threaten him with to get that?


Mueller is a gangster, literally, as he covered for Whitey Bulger as that crook killed 16 people in Boston and Mueller was well aware of it.

Mueller is going to hang, bro, bet on it.


What are you babbling about? You're saying that Mueller threatened the judge?
What are you babbling about? You're saying that Mueller threatened the judge?
That is how this bastard works, that and blackmail and physical threats.

Whose to say that none of Bulgers killings were not favors to Mueller as Mueller covered for him?
What are you babbling about? You're saying that Mueller threatened the judge?
That is how this bastard works, that and blackmail and physical threats.

Whose to say that none of Bulgers killings were not favors to Mueller as Mueller covered for him?


I'm getting shades of Poe's law. I honestly don't know if you're actually this deluded, or just trolling.
I'm getting shades of Poe's law. I honestly don't know if you're actually this deluded, or just trolling.

Trolling in regards to what?

That Mueller:

1. Threatens people with a stack of charges if they dont confess to one or two smaller ones? Standard prosecutorial abuse these days.

2. Blackmail? Yeah, how do you think he was able to keep everyone in five states and the Federal government off of Bulger?

3. Killings? Show me how that is not within plausibility as he COVERED FOR A KNOWN MURDERER AS HE COMMITTED 16 MORE KILLINGS?

No, Robert Mueller And James Comey Aren't Heroes | HuffPost

Long before he became FBI Director, serious questions existed about Mueller’s role as Acting U.S. Attorney in Boston in effectively enabling decades of corruption and covering up of the FBI’s illicit deals with mobster Whitey Bulger and other “top echelon” informants who committed numerous murders and crimes. When the truth was finally uncovered through intrepid investigative reporting and persistent, honest judges, U.S. taxpayers footed a $100 million court award to the four men framed for murders committed by (the FBI operated) Bulger gang.

Trial Ending for Boston F.B.I. Agent Accused of Mob Ties
''John Connolly knew what his obligations were'' in limiting his personal ties to his organized crime informants, said the prosecutor, John Durham, an assistant United States Attorney. ''But he was on somebody else's team.''

Mr. Connolly, 61, is accused of leaking information to his own informants that resulted in the killing of three witnesses, of taking bribes and of tipping off James (Whitey) Bulger, the head of a powerful crime family in Boston, about a secret 1994 federal indictment against him that enabled him to flee. The accusations were spelled out in 10 days of testimony by a parade of convicted organized-crime figures, an extortion victim, federal judges and Mr. Connolly's secretaries. The jury is to begin deliberations on Friday.

The trial has raised questions about the F.B.I.'s close connections to the informants it has used in battling the Mafia, a policy begun under J. Edgar Hoover. At least two other F.B.I. agents also took bribes from Mr. Bulger, according to testimony, and the deputy head of the bureau's Boston office was named by one gangster as the source of Mr. Connolly's tip that Mr. Bulger was about to be indicted.

One lingering question for FBI director Robert Mueller - The Boston Globe
Back in the 1980s, when he was serving on the Massachusetts parole board, Albano expressed some sympathy for a group of men who had always maintained they had been framed for the 1965 gangland murder of a hoodlum named Teddy Deegan in Chelsea. The FBI had been instrumental in seeing that the men - Peter Limone, Henry Tameleo, Joe Salvati, and Louis Greco - were convicted. The FBI contended that Tameleo was the consigliere of the Mafia in Boston, and that Limone was a Mafia leader. There is no question that both men were bad actors, and Mafia players, but the evidence showed that neither had anything to do Deegan’s murder.

So in 1983, after Albano indicated he might vote to release Limone, he got a visit from a pair of FBI agents named John Connolly and John Morris. They told Albano that the men convicted of Deegan’s murder were bad guys, made guys.

“They told me that if I wanted to stay in public life, I shouldn’t vote to release a guy like Limone,’’ Albano said. “They intimidated me.’’

Turns out that Connolly was Whitey Bulger’s corrupt handler and Morris was Connolly’s corrupt supervisor. When they weren’t pocketing bribes from Bulger, they were helping him murder potential witnesses who were poised to expose the FBI’s sordid, Faustian deal with the rat named Whitey Bulger.

Probing Mueller: What Were His Roles in Boston Mafia Murders, Uranium One, and Other FBI Scandals?
Whitey Bulger, as The New American detailed back in 1998 (“FBI Covering for Criminals”), was the murderous boss of Boston’s notorious Winter Hill Gang, also known as the “Irish Mafia.” For two decades (1975-1994) Bulger led a charmed existence, as his brutal gang carried out their crime rampage under the FBI’s protection! Time after time, Massachusetts state and local police had their elaborate, years-long investigations of Bulger foiled by FBI interference. FBI Special Agent John Connolly and John Morris, who was in charge of the FBI’s Boston Organized Crime Squad, were Bulger’s protectors and would tip him off to investigations and wiretaps by other police agencies. This corrupt FBI-Bulger relationship was dramatized in Martin Scorcese’s 2006 film, The Departed, starring Jack Nicholson, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Matt Damon. In 1994, Bulger was tipped off by his FBI handler John Connolly that investigators were closing in on him. He went on the lam and eluded capture for 16 years. He was arrested in California in 2011 and went on trial in 2013, charged with 32 counts of racketeering, including 19 murders. The jury convicted Bulger of 31 of the 32 counts, including 11 of the 19 murders. He was sentenced to two consecutive life sentences plus five years.

While Bulger was on the run, his FBI partners in crime, Connolly and Morris, were arrested and indicted. In 2008 Connolly was convicted for his role in the murders of FBI informant John B. Callahan and Oklahoma businessman Roger Wheeler. Connolly’s supervisor John Morris was allowed to get off by testifying against his underling and longtime co-conspirator. Who gave Morris a “get out of jail free” card, and why? Family members of the FBI-Bulger murder victims were outraged, as were police officials, who had had their painstaking investigations wrecked, their officers and investigators endangered, and their informants killed. Why was Morris being protected, and who above him in the chain of command was being protected? To those who had been following the FBI-Winter Hill Gang activities for years, it was inconceivable that the corrupt relationship could have gone on for so long without the knowledge (and perhaps approval?) of higher-ups in the Bureau and the Department of Justice. Why might FBI/DOJ higher-ups approve? Because while Bulger was using them for protection against prosecution, they were using him for information to arrest and prosecute other mobsters, which gave them media headlines and political kudos. In short, Bulger gave the FBI/DOJ plenty of feathers for their caps, while they wiped out his competition.

In her March 20 blog post. Sarah Carter links to a noteworthy 2011 article by Boston Globecolumnist Kevin Cullen entitled, “A lingering question for the FBI Director.” The FBI Director Cullen was referring to was then-Director Robert Mueller, who had previously been one of the DOJ attorneys tasked with overseeing the FBI-Bulger criminal operation. The Cullen article introduces readers to objections raised against Mueller by Mike Albano, a former member of the Massachusetts parole board and the former mayor of Springfield, Massachusetts. He was objecting at the time to the reappointment of Mueller as FBI chief.

While on the parole board, Albano had become convinced that the FBI and DOJ had framed four men with bogus evidence for the 1965 gangland murder of a Boston hoodlum named Teddy Deegan. Albano decided to vote in favor of parole for Peter Limone, one of the four. “So in 1983, after Albano indicated he might vote to release Limone, he got a visit from a pair of FBI agents named John Connolly and John Morris,” Cullen reported. “They told Albano that the men convicted of Deegan’s murder were bad guys, made guys. ‘They told me that if I wanted to stay in public life, I shouldn’t vote to release a guy like Limone,’ Albano said. ‘They intimidated me.’’’

The FBI and DOJ framed the four scapegoats, who were then sent to prison for the Deegan murder to protect Bulger, his henchman Steve “The Rifleman” Flemmi, and Flemmi’s brother, Vincent “Jimmy” Flemmi. “After Albano was elected mayor of Springfield in 1995, he soon found the FBI hot on his tail, investigating his administration for corruption,” Cullen noted. “The FBI took down several people in his administration, and Albano is convinced that the FBI wasn’t interested in public integrity as much as in publicly humiliating him because he dared to defy them.”

In 2001, Albano was vindicated. The four men who had been wrongly convicted in the Deegan murder were exonerated. Two of them had already died in prison. As a result of this shocking government malfeasance, the two surviving victims and the families of the deceased were awarded compensation of $100 million — courtesy of the taxpayers.

Albano was appalled that, later that same year, Mueller was appointed FBI director, because it was Mueller, first as an assistant U.S. attorney then as the acting U.S. attorney in Boston, who wrote letters to the parole and pardon boards throughout the 1980s opposing clemency for the four men framed by FBI lies,” writes the Boston Globe’s Cullen. “Of course, Mueller was also in that position while Whitey Bulger was helping the FBI cart off his criminal competitors even as he buried bodies in shallow graves along the Neponset.”

Unfortunately, members of Congress from both sides of the aisle were too busy singing Mueller’s praises — from the sheet music provided by the FBI-DOJ scriptwriters and their Deep State media allies — to listen to Mayor Albano’s warnings. Why have Mueller and the other top DOJ/FBI officials implicated in the long-running FBI-Winter Hill Mob conspiracy not been questioned or held to account?
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Mueller is triumphing, moving right along.

When the big Trumper are in jail, the FBI will go after the little guys are accomplices after the fact.

Probably not jail time, but the feebs will go after their property.
How could something a decade ago have anything to do with the 2016 election
Because it is part of manafort's ties to Russia government and Russian criminals, both very relevant to his actions while campaign chairman.

I gotta tell ya, that didn't take a whole lot of brain power to puzzle out.
Judge in Virginia lets case against Manafort move forward

Looks like Judge Ellis was convinced by the unredacted memo.

I wonder how many charges they had to threaten him with to get that?


Mueller is a gangster, literally, as he covered for Whitey Bulger as that crook killed 16 people in Boston and Mueller was well aware of it.

Mueller is going to hang, bro, bet on it.
Let's review:

Science and justice align with Trumpkin narrativve = scientists and justice system are awesome

Scinece and justice contradict Trumpkin narrative = they are all corrupt.

It's not rocket surgery.
Manafort broke the law, along with Hillary's campaign manager John Podesta, about a DECADE ago...and Mueller only went after Manafort.

Their crime had zero to do with non-existent Trump-Russian collusion and everything to do with finding anyone to squeeze in an attempt to make them roll over on Trump by providing Mueller with something he has never had and does not have yet - any evidence of criminal activity by Trump.

For his crimes, unlike a the Democrats who have been exposed as having committed crimes, Manafort will go to jail.

How could something a decade ago have anything to do with the 2016 election?

Read the filings.

Manafort is beholding and in debt to Russian oligarchs with ties to Putin. He was in extreme financial difficulty on those debts and yet he agreed to work for Trump for free. He and Gates gave reports to the Russians on the progress of the campaign.

At the convention, Manafort lead the charge to change the Republican platform on Russian invasion of the Ukraine. Afterwards he asked his lender if there was any way he could “be made whole” (read have his debt forgiven) based on this.

Those debts which he incurred 10 years ago, lead him to use the Trump campaign to make his Russian employers forgive the loans.
Manafort broke the law, along with Hillary's campaign manager John Podesta, about a DECADE ago...and Mueller only went after Manafort.

Their crime had zero to do with non-existent Trump-Russian collusion and everything to do with finding anyone to squeeze in an attempt to make them roll over on Trump by providing Mueller with something he has never had and does not have yet - any evidence of criminal activity by Trump.

For his crimes, unlike a the Democrats who have been exposed as having committed crimes, Manafort will go to jail.

How could something a decade ago have anything to do with the 2016 election?

Read the filings.

Manafort is beholding and in debt to Russian oligarchs with ties to Putin. He was in extreme financial difficulty on those debts and yet he agreed to work for Trump for free. He and Gates gave reports to the Russians on the progress of the campaign.

At the convention, Manafort lead the charge to change the Republican platform on Russian invasion of the Ukraine. Afterwards he asked his lender if there was any way he could “be made whole” (read have his debt forgiven) based on this.

Those debts which he incurred 10 years ago, lead him to use the Trump campaign to make his Russian employers forgive the loans.
Have you got any links to support this horseshit?
Manafort is beholding and in debt to Russian oligarchs with ties to Putin. He was in extreme financial difficulty on those debts and yet he agreed to work for Trump for free. He and Gates gave reports to the Russians on the progress of the campaign.

At the convention, Manafort lead the charge to change the Republican platform on Russian invasion of the Ukraine. Afterwards he asked his lender if there was any way he could “be made whole” (read have his debt forgiven) based on this.

Those debts which he incurred 10 years ago, lead him to use the Trump campaign to make his Russian employers forgive the loans.
Have you got any links to support this horseshit?[/QUOTE]
How Paul Manafort could put the FBI on trial
An aggressive claim of bias by Manafort is unlikely to derail the prosecution that now threatens him with the prospect of spending the rest of his life behind bars. It would also bring some risk: Lawyers warn that it could anger the judges presiding over his cases, who might see the strategy as a frivolous diversion that could drag the trials into a political morass.

But such moves could also draw public attention to alleged abuses by federal investigators, whom some congressional Republicans have accused of a brazen anti-Trump vendetta. That might draw the attention and sympathy of President Donald Trump, from whom Manafort may be hoping to win a pardon.

“The degree to which he can show broader FBI misconduct in his investigation can lay a foundation for a pardon,” said George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley. “Thus far, Manafort has not been able to benefit from the controversy surrounding the FBI. To the extent he can make himself part of that narrative, it can only help him — certainly with the president.”

Manafort is facing numerous charges related to his political work for pro-Russian politicians in Ukraine, including money laundering, bank fraud, tax evasion and failing to disclose that he was lobbying for a foreign power. Democrats also suspect that Manafort may have been a key intermediary between the 2016 Trump campaign and Kremlin agents.

With deadlines looming for pretrial motions, many lawyers say that for Manafort, the risk of raising the misconduct issue in court is well worth taking.

“I don’t see a particular downside, other than angering the judge,” said Solomon Wisenberg, a defense attorney and former deputy independent counsel in the Whitewater investigation who noted that Manafort’s team has already irritated one presiding judge.​

I think Manafort and h is lawyers are going to destroy Mueller and his cronies. He is a hugely connected man and has resources Mueller can only guess about, having served several US Presidents in his past.

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