45 Appointed Federal Judge Rules Mueller Probe Constitutional.

Snowflakes, answer 1 questions:

In an investigation into Russian interference and manipulation within the United States, potentially to effect a US election....

WHY would such an investigation NOT start with .... Or a least include .... Investigating the previous administration and President evidence shows knew about Russian efforts dating back to 2014, an administration who knew then and neither did anything to stop it in 2014 or 2016 when Obama was president?

It’s laughable that you think that the investigation should go after President Obama for not doing enough to stop it the election interference, but completely ignore the President who openly conspired with the Russians to attack the elections. Not to mention lied, covered up, and obstructed the investigation at every turn.

I realize you’re desperate to get the focus off Trump and his criminal acts throughout the campaign and try to shift attention to other participants in this scenario, but the focus, for the time being, is going to remain on the people committing the crimes here.

This is a crime in progress. Trump is still lying to the American people in an effort to obstruct and undermine the investigation.

So the focus of the investigation has to be on the criminals and their ongoing crimes, not on whether nor not more could have been done to prevent it.

But nice try Evgeny. Putin should put a little something in your pay packet for trying.
It’s laughable that you think that the investigation should go after President Obama for not doing enough to stop it the election interference, but completely ignore the President who openly conspired with the Russians to attack the elections.
It's pathetic that you think an investigation into Russian interference should ignore the fact that it began in 2014 and should ignore the President who knew about it and did nothing...a President who colluded with Putin in Medvedev in 2012, who gave the KGB Bank 20%of the US supply of uranium, allowed Russia to militarily annex Crimea, and let them acquire TOP SECRET data off of Hillary's illegal server he knew about and refused to shut down.

It is pathetic that you continue to make false accusations against the current President without having any evidence.
It’s laughable that you think that the investigation should go after President Obama for not doing enough to stop it the election interference, but completely ignore the President who openly conspired with the Russians to attack the elections.
It's pathetic that you think an investigation into Russian interference should ignore the fact that it began in 2014 and should ignore the President who knew about it and did nothing...a President who colluded with Putin in Medvedev in 2012, who gave the KGB Bank 20%of the US supply of uranium, allowed Russia to militarily annex Crimea, and let them acquire TOP SECRET data off of Hillary's illegal server he knew about and refused to shut down.

It is pathetic that you continue to make false accusations against the current President without having any evidence.

Every day that tweets by, Dumb Donald makes another admission of illegal activities by his campaign, and attempts to obstruct the investigation.

His daily tweets are the evidence. This is an ongoing crime being committed in the open while the world watched.

The evidence and Trumps admissions of collusion are in his twitter feed. He’s no longer saying “no collusion”. After a year and a half of shouting “NO COLLUSION”, it’s now “collusion is not illegal” and “I didn’t know about it”.

Hillary’s server wasn’t illegal. The law against using outside servers was passed after she left office. Her server and her email were not hacked. Emails were stolen from the DNC server not the Clinton server.

And no Uranium was sold to Russia. A company which produces uranium was sold to Russian interests, but that company has no export permits. The Uranium produced in that mine, was sold to American power generation companies.

Any other lies you want to try and run past me? My insomnia is acting up so I’ll be up for a while.
Here is what the underlying story is and of course the resident Seig Heil!!! Goosestepping GroppenFuhrer Follower continue to ignore. This is the Fourth Time a Federal Judge has ruled on the Constitutionally of the Special Prosecutor's Investigation and each time 45 and his Cabal have lost.

This time it was a Russian, who would have no standing in the first damn place, and yet still the Dead From The Neck Cons continue to bitch about the investigation and how long it is taking, never mind the endless investigation HRC, this one taking far to long.

Get used Special Prosecutor's Mueller being legal and Constitutional Cons. You do not have to like it. But because collectively you lack the necessary qualifications to be called an intelligent form you will continue to cry, whine, bitch and moan.

It is just about the only thing you know how to do.
Judge Dabney Friedrich, who Trump appointed to the U.S. District Court of Washington D.C. last year, is the fourth judge to quash efforts to upend Mueller's legitimacy and cancel his investigation. Judges overseeing the two trials of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort -- D.C. judge Amy Berman Jackson and Eastern District of Virginia Judge T.S. Ellis -- rejected Manafort's bid to invalidate Mueller.

Trump-appointed judge upholds Mueller's legitimacy.

Judge Friedrich is the Fourth Judge to reject attempts to shut down the Investigation by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller. She is also an appointee of walking Orange Shit Stain 45.

Go ahead all you Seig Heil!!! Shouting, Goosestepping Stepping Fuck Wad GroppenFuhrer followers. Wave your Swastika's and hold your rallys, when you can only get 24 Fucking Dead From The Fucking Neck Idiots to show up.

You ain't nothing. You have nothing and you never be anything other than a bunch Beer-Belly Buba's who think the color of their skin makes them special, it doesn't. It just makes you dumber that a dried up dog turd laying on a Mississippi Sidewalk at high noon in August.
FBIgate is the biggest political scandal in the history of America, but the left wing bigots of Hollywood and the Press always protect the corrupt Democrats.
Judge Dabney Friedrich, who Trump appointed to the U.S. District Court of Washington D.C. last year, is the fourth judge to quash efforts to upend Mueller's legitimacy and cancel his investigation. Judges overseeing the two trials of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort -- D.C. judge Amy Berman Jackson and Eastern District of Virginia Judge T.S. Ellis -- rejected Manafort's bid to invalidate Mueller.

Trump-appointed judge upholds Mueller's legitimacy.

Judge Friedrich is the Fourth Judge to reject attempts to shut down the Investigation by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller. She is also an appointee of walking Orange Shit Stain 45.

Go ahead all you Seig Heil!!! Shouting, Goosestepping Stepping Fuck Wad GroppenFuhrer followers. Wave your Swastika's and hold your rallys, when you can only get 24 Fucking Dead From The Fucking Neck Idiots to show up.

You ain't nothing. You have nothing and you never be anything other than a bunch Beer-Belly Buba's who think the color of their skin makes them special, it doesn't. It just makes you dumber that a dried up dog turd laying on a Mississippi Sidewalk at high noon in August.
USMB are rating a decision by a Trump appointed judge "funny".
An independent Counsel appointed to investigate a President for potential unlawful acts BASED ON EVIDENCE WARRANTING THE INVESTIGATION is unquestionably both Constitutional and Legal.

The problem is an overwhelming amount of evidence has been found / revealed proving the entire 3+ year investigation of Trump and his associates was an illegal operation /soft coup attempt begun by Barak Obama and his criminal Intel and Law Enforcement Agency Directors.

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