450 killed in mecca stampede –


Gold Member
Nov 20, 2012

Someone will always remind us about the Inquisition or the Crusades or the Conquistadors of Spain wreaking havoc in the New World and none of us will take the time it requires to try to explain the truth behind all that and why it is not as evil as they want it to appear. But also of importance is that it only fair to realize the mores and norms of social behavior and practices of the 1500’s or other medieval times was vastly different than modern times. Monarchies and fiefdoms and regimes of every nature were far more brutal as well. The world was not nearly as civil, survival was the name of the game. Enough said – that subject is too involved to try to justify fully here and now.

Move forward to the 20th and 21st centuries. What do we have? Outside of pure evil like Red China and communist Russia starving or murdering millions of their own people and subjugating or imprisoning neighboring nations, the only other malevolent force that thinks nothing about murdering innocent citizens of any nation on a regular basis is Islam. That would include so many extremist Islamic cells one can hardly keep count. But many of the high ranking Islamic clerics are just as twisted in their beliefs as are their extremist militant minions. Again, not going to elaborate except to say ---- these people know there will be a stampede every year at the annual hajj pilgrimage to mecca and hundreds will die. Don’t they care about these lives and their families? Can’t they put in some security measures or is it another badge of glory to die being trampled on? This religion is flawed and corrupted spiritually. No other religion of modern times acts so brutally or shows such disregard for human life.
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That is one Hell of stampede.

This happens every year...see the crazy frenzy that religion causes?
No it does not happen every year, but it has happened before. However this time the number of deaths are much higher and it is hard to comprehend. What about the numbers of injured? Its crazy.
I smell schadenfreude...
Yeah, and such a wonderful aroma! Breathe deep....ahhh...as in allahu akbar! Oh, and does getting trampled to death qualify one for the 72 virgins bonus? Hope the dearly departed at least had some sort of union to help 'em fight for the comfort of the babes for the upcoming eternity.

Someone will always remind us about the Inquisition or the Crusades or the Conquistadors of Spain wreaking havoc in the New World and none of us will take the time it requires to try to explain the truth behind all that and why it is not as evil as they want it to appear. But also of importance is that it only fair to realize the mores and norms of social behavior and practices of the 1500’s or other medieval times was vastly different than modern times. Monarchies and fiefdoms and regimes of every nature were far more brutal as well. The world was not nearly as civil, survival was the name of the game. Enough said – that subject is too involved to try to justify fully here and now.

Move forward to the 20th and 21st centuries. What do we have? Outside of pure evil like Red China and communist Russia starving or murdering millions of their own people and subjugating or imprisoning neighboring nations, the only other malevolent force that thinks nothing about murdering innocent citizens of any nation on a regular basis is Islam. That would include so many extremist Islamic cells one can hardly keep count. But many of the high ranking Islamic clerics are just as twisted in their beliefs as are their extremist militant minions. Again, not going to elaborate except to say ---- these people know there will be a stampede every year at the annual hajj pilgrimage to mecca and hundreds will die. Don’t they care about these lives and their families? Can’t they put in some security measures or is it another badge of glory to die being trampled on? This religion is flawed and corrupted spiritually. No other religion of modern times acts so brutally or shows such disregard for human life.

717 dead, 805 injured...........so far.

Worse since 1990

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