47 Republicans vote in support of same sex marriage

Ted Cruz gloats that his 18-second snippet drove the entire news cycle with the liberal twitter world and the media ( but i repeat myself) focusing on gay marriage

See post 299 47 Republicans vote in support of same sex marriage

If you don't think that I layed you out cold , it just means that you are too stupid to have understood it. Get an adult to read it to you and explain it.

Interesting that you call it commie bull shit but have failed to respond to a single point that I made with any about of logic or facts.

Actually, I am not entirely certain that you are quite stupid enough to believe your own bullshit. You might just be playing a sick game

Yep, you're insane. You just can't admit that faghadist had the EXACT SAME RIGHTS AS EVERY MAN AND WOMAN IN THE COUNTRY. There was no discrimination, their life choices limited their options, that's on them.

In todays news

I have to ask, what the fuck is wrong with these authoritarian Fascists . Lets look at a couple of the things that they said:

"The radical left has launched an all-out campaign on America's traditional values and sacred institutions," the House Freedom Caucus claimed in a statement.
Really? Will someone please explain what" traditional values and sacred institutions," they are talking about. The Family, Religion, Gender roles. How doessame sex marriage have a negative impact on any of that?

"It has weakened the nuclear family, attacked the norms of masculinity and femininity, and now it wants to further erode the sacred institutions of marriage," the statement said, even though gay and interracial marriages have long been allowed.

Again, please explain. How has ir weakened the family or the institution of marriage? How has it undermined masculinity and femininity?

If anything it has strengthened marriage and the family by making it more inclusive and broadening the base. As far as masculinity and femininity go, that has been in flux for a very long time. Gender roles evolve over time and has nothing to do with same sex marriage
The SC rectified their wrongs on abortion. Marriage is a man and a woman. We'll see if the SC can overturn that disgrace also.
You bigots are a disgrace! You want the freedome to live your life as you wish but will deny others the ability to do so, when they have no effect on you at all.
I'm pretty sure you meant "47 Never-Trumpers", right?

I wasn't aware that interracial and gay marriages were in jeopardy. Last I checked, you could marry your kitchen sink if you wanted to.

Not that I think having sex with the garbage disposal unit is a good idea.
In jeopardy big time with two major Trump cult members, Cancun Teddy and Clarence wanting to prohibit it.
Yep, you're insane. You just can't admit that faghadist had the EXACT SAME RIGHTS AS EVERY MAN AND WOMAN IN THE COUNTRY. There was no discrimination, their life choices limited their options, that's on them.

I am sick of your stupidity! Again you cannot actually address the points that I made in any sort of adult manner? You don't debate. You just blather stupid shit that you dont even try to defend with facts or logic. You whole so called argument seems to be based on the moronic idea that being gay is a choice and that a gay person could just "choose" to be in an opposite sex relationship.

Your pathetic continual bleating that bullshit just makes you some more and more stupid and anyone watching this knows it

Get the fuck out of here
I am sick of your stupidity! Again you cannot actually address the points that I made in any sort of adult manner? You don't debate. You just blather stupid shit that you dont even try to defend with facts or logic. You whole so called argument seems to be based on the moronic idea that being gay is a choice and that a gay person could just "choose" to be in an opposite sex relationship.

Your pathetic continual bleating that bullshit just makes you some more and more stupid and anyone watching this knows it

Get the fuck out of here

It is a choice of sin. You will have to answer for it just like any other sin.
I'm not denying anything. I don't even thing govt should be involved in the marriage business.
Bullshit cop out. You just said that same sex marriage is a disgrace. The only way to get government out of marriage altogether is to abolish marriage altogether. What you actually want to do is to throw the baby out with the bath water to avoid the legal reccognition of gay marriage. Not happening
I am sick of your stupidity! Again you cannot actually address the points that I made in any sort of adult manner? You don't debate. You just blather stupid shit that you dont even try to defend with facts or logic. You whole so called argument seems to be based on the moronic idea that being gay is a choice and that a gay person could just "choose" to be in an opposite sex relationship.

Your pathetic continual bleating that bullshit just makes you some more and more stupid and anyone watching this knows it

Get the fuck out of here

Facts are facts, there's nothing to debate.

It doesn't matter what your emotions and feelings tell you. You will give an account.
Interesting how you God freaks think that you have the right to expect everyone, regarless of their belifes, to live according to yours. And you have no problem using fear, shame or coercion to get them to comply. You may well be the one who is held to account some day, if there is a God
Facts are facts except when they are not. Get the fuck out of here . Crawl back into your bubble where you only have to deal with those who are as ignorant as you. Thereal world is not your friend

You wouldn't know the real world if it bitch slapped your commie ass.

No wonder you buy into all this commie BS, you have no moral compass.

So besides a being a moron, a bigot and a fraud, you're also a theocrate. Morality comes from within, and from being part of human society not from a sky, fairy. You want to deny a who class of people a basic human right, and you have the fucking nerve to say that I have no moral compas. You are a bad joke without a punch line.
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Interesting how you God freaks think that you have the right to expect everyone, regarless of their belifes, to live according to yours. And you have no problem using fear, shame or coercion to get them to comply. You may well be the one who is held to account some day, if there is a God

I sure will. I'll be held to account. Not using fear and shame. Those words about marriage are not mine. That's what God has to say about it.
Interesting how you God freaks think that you have the right to expect everyone, regarless of their belifes, to live according to yours. And you have no problem using fear, shame or coercion to get them to comply. You may well be the one who is held to account some day, if there is a God

Wow, commie projection, who'd a thunk? ROFLMFAO


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