4TH Grader Killed by illegal alien, sexual assault, knife to the chest.

Posts like this only seek to deflect anger to entire groups for the wrong reason. Yes, illegals suck, but I don't see the point in using a post like this to prove that truth. It's not as if most or even a few illegal immigrants are going to come in here and slice up children.

In my opinion:

Posts like this only seek to deflect anger to entire groups for the wrong reason.

Don’t you mean illegal aliens who rape and murder children anger Americans? Then the pro-illegal alien supporters come in an attack the messengers for all the wrong reasons because they don’t want the public to find out the truth that the illegal aliens are stealing, raping, and murdering the children in America on a daily basis. It's hard to figure out what side you are on.

Yes, illegals suck, but I don't see the point in using a post like this to prove that truth.

You have the right not to ready anything you want. What I’m hearing you say is you wish the truth didn’t come out and you wish other people didn’t read it because it might stop the pro-illegal supporters from getting amnesty and open borders.

It's not as if most or even a few illegal immigrants are going to come in here and slice up children.

Oh but they do and women too. The illegal aliens sneak into the country and abduct, molest, batter, rape, murder the children on a daily basis. There are 2,000 kids a day that go missing in America they just vanish into thin air never to be seen or heard of again.

See? Bullshit like this exactly proves my point. Any disagreement with the vile bigotry, insupportable generalizations, and outright idiocy of people like wolfdouche is met with "I guess you must be a pro-illegal supporter!" EXACTLY AS I'VE BEEN SAYING. EXACTLY. And yet, the apologists here are flat-out scared to point out any of the bullshit that assholes like wolfdouche spread around because having someone on a message board falsely label them "pro-illegal" (despite repeated and unequivocal assertions to the contrary) is more terrible to them than having an ounce of personal character is important. AND you play right into the hands of left-wing extremists who try to claim any opposition to illegal immigration must have some nefarious intent when you climb into bed with shitstains like wolfdouche.
Posts like this only seek to deflect anger to entire groups for the wrong reason. Yes, illegals suck, but I don't see the point in using a post like this to prove that truth. It's not as if most or even a few illegal immigrants are going to come in here and slice up children.

ONE illegal here who 'slices up children' is ONE TOO MANY.

One illegal here who does NOT slice up children (almost none do, you know) is one too many.

One person who slices up children no matter what their immigration status is a fucking million too many.

Are you honestly too stupid to see what wolfdouche is doing here? Honestly?
And now the at-least-twice-banned idiot is just reposting the same nonsense over and over. Take a good look folks.
Posts like this only seek to deflect anger to entire groups for the wrong reason. Yes, illegals suck, but I don't see the point in using a post like this to prove that truth. It's not as if most or even a few illegal immigrants are going to come in here and slice up children.

In my opinion: Everyone has a right to their own opinion.

Posts like this only seek to deflect anger to entire groups for the wrong reason.

Don’t you mean that the illegal aliens who rape and murder children, anger Americans? Then the pro-illegal alien supporters come in an attack the messengers for all the wrong reasons because they don’t want the public to find out the truth that the illegal aliens are stealing, raping, and murdering the children in America on a daily basis. It's hard to figure out what side you are on.

Yes, illegals suck, but I don't see the point in using a post like this to prove that truth.

You have the right not to read anything that you want. What I’m hearing you say is you wish the truth didn’t come out and you wish other people didn’t read it because it might stop the pro-illegal alien supporters from getting amnesty and open borders.

It's not as if most or even a few illegal immigrants are going to come in here and slice up children.

Oh but they do and women too. The illegal aliens sneak into the country and abduct, molest, batter, rape, murder the children every day. There are 2,000 kids a day that go missing in America. They just vanish into thin air never to be seen or heard from again.

If we didn’t have the illegal aliens who are illegally in America. I think there would be probably about 10 children a day that go missing. The illegal aliens are extremely uneducated, hateful and violent with each other and the unsuspecting American public. The children are easy prey for them to capture. They sexually abuse or kill them or sell them on the black market for money.

The money that they make from selling American kids goes to pay the Human Smugglers to bring their relatives into America. Do you ever wonder how the 3rd world uneducated "poor illegal aliens" gets a hold of $ 12,000.00 CASH to give to a human smuggler to pay to bring them into America?

A lot of working Americans would be hard pressed to come up with that kind of cash. How does someone who is dirt poor, living in a 3rd world country do it??? And so many (millions) of illegal aliens pay the Human Traffickers cash for safe passage into the U.S. Where do the illegal aliens get all that money to pay the Coyotes to bring them through the Southern deserts with their children into America? Let's follow that money trail.

I think the illegal aliens steals children in America and then they sells them to the International Pedophile Rings and then they use that money to pay the Human Smugglers to bring their kin into America. Then they all lie down and have an Anchor Baby and then they jump on 'Welfare Wagon' and then they're all happier than pigs wallowing in slop, without remorse.


“1 illegal arrested, 3 sought in beheading in Chandler, Arizona” The Arizona Republic Newspaper, 10/12/10

The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration: Nearly One Million Sex Crimes Committed by Illegal Immigrants in the United States.

Every day 12 Americans are murdered by illegal aliens. Another 13 Americans are killed by uninsured drunk illegal aliens and 8 American Children are victims of a sex crime committed by illegal aliens each and every day.

The United Nations list Mexico as the number one center for the supply of young children to international pedophile organizations.

(a) In America an estimated 800,000 children are reported missing each year – more than 2,000 children every day. http://www.missingkids.com/missingkids/servlet/PageServlet?LanguageCountry=en_US&PageId=4362

(b) Suspected child sexual exploitation or missing children may be reported to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, an Operation Predator partner, at 1-800-843-5678 orhttp://www.cybertipline.com.

Phoenix, Az. has become the kidnapping capital of the United States, because of illegal immigration and human smuggling, according to the head of the Phoenix Law Enforcement Association. Human smuggling makes Phoenix kidnapping capital of U.S. - KTAR.com

Two-thirds of illegal aliens lack a high school degree, the primary reason they create a fiscal deficit is their low education levels and resulting low incomes and tax payments, into their legal status or heavy use of most social services.

A report shows 75% of illegal aliens have less than a 6th grade education. Over 71% have children. 30% admit of using forged social security cards, and half of them have done so, for more than 5 years.

The term “alien” means any person not a citizen or national of the United States.

"The Pew Hispanic Center study from February 2009 found that even though Hispanics make up 13 percent of the adult population, they accounted for 40 percent of sentenced federal offenders in 2007." http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/04/29/border-states-dealing-illegal-immigrant-crime-data-suggests/

"For most lawmakers, DWI stands for “driving while intoxicated.” For Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), DWI stands for “driving while illegal. He also said that illegal immigrants were intentionally causing car accidents along state freeways."

A study of 55,322 illegal aliens, found: They were arrested a total of 459,614 times, averaging about 8 arrests per illegal alien. They were arrested for a total of about 700,000 criminal offenses, averaging about 13 offenses per illegal alien. 12 % were arrested for violent offenses such as murder, robbery, assault, and sex-related crimes. 80% of all arrests occurred in three states--California, Texas, and Arizona. http://www.gao.gov/htext/d05646r.html

“Federal law enforcement estimates that 10 percent to 30 percent of illegal aliens are actually apprehended and 10 percent to 20 percent of drugs are seized.” (Page 3)
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There it is again folks. Take a good look and decide what you want to be associated with. The issue of illegal immigration is far too important to allow it to be co-opted by idiot bigots like wolfdouche there. Take a very good look.
IMO, Jose Sifuentes was deported and came back illegally. He was in the United States for only one month before he murdered Jasmen Gonzales.

The Mexican Consulate is helping the family arrange funeral arrangements.

We need to close the Southern border and put the military on it to keep animals like Sifuentes out of America, it's the only way that will work!

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAKU-qYq3l4"]Man Charged In Killing Of OKC Girl - YouTube[/ame]
Posts like this only seek to deflect anger to entire groups for the wrong reason. Yes, illegals suck, but I don't see the point in using a post like this to prove that truth. It's not as if most or even a few illegal immigrants are going to come in here and slice up children.

ONE illegal here who 'slices up children' is ONE TOO MANY.

One illegal here who does NOT slice up children (almost none do, you know) is one too many.

One person who slices up children no matter what their immigration status is a fucking million too many.

Are you honestly too stupid to see what wolfdouche is doing here? Honestly?

. one illegal here whether he slices up children or not should NOT be here without this country's permission.

. one person who slices up children and it is done by someone who should not have been in this country in the first place is one too many since entering ANY country without permission is illegal.

. honestly, one thing I am not is stupid! What I see here is that you defend what has NO defense. Wolfman presents links to be read as to what is happening all over this nation and you choose to ignore it. If he is against Mexicans I don't see it - but - the great majority of those entering this country without permission ARE from Mexico because of the close proximity to the USA. It should be an eye-opener for those who insist on saying it's okay to enter the USA without permission as it DOES serve to also let criminals enter at free will. If you honestly want to rebuttal the links of info that he presents, bring your own links to prove him wrong! Also, many of you can't be that blind to not know that the so-called justice system in Mexico is seriously broken if in fact there ever was one. So does it not seem logical that those who kill in Mexico NEVER are brought to justice and are running around Mexico and beyond committing more crimes AND coming across the border to commit crimes here???? I don't agree that they are ALL from Mexico but it sure seems as if the majority are. Geez people, wake up to THAT reality at least.
If you honestly want to rebuttal the links of info that he presents, bring your own links to prove him wrong!

You are not paying attention. You claim you are not stupid, but you are unable to follow what's being said.
Also, many of you can't be that blind to not know that the so-called justice system in Mexico is seriously broken if in fact there ever was one. So does it not seem logical that those who kill in Mexico NEVER are brought to justice

It didn't occur to you when you were typing that just how friggin' ignorant it was?
I wonder if Jose didn't kill her in the bedroom and then take her to another location to rape her. Making love to a corpse is the illegal alien way. It will be interesting to see how the illegal alien supporters explain this one.

Making love to a corpse is the illegal alien way? Allow me to retort.

1) If illegals make love to corpses, why are there so many of them? Poor strategy for procreation.

2) If your goal is to lower the national IQ, you are succeeding.
In my opinion, it's been done before and the illegal aliens have been known to share the corpse of a dead victim with their other illegal alien friends!

Jose Sifuentes went into the bedroom where Jasmen was sleeping she was fully clothed and she still had her eye glasses on. There was a door in the bedroom that went to the outside. He unlocked the bedroom door that went to the outside and then he returned to the party.

He then left the party through the front door he went around to the outside bedroom door and entered the bedroom where Jasmen was sleeping. He was afraid of waking her up and that she might scream for help. So he slipped a knife into her left upper chest to keep her quiet and immobilized ,and he killed her at this point.

He left the knife in her and then snuck Jasmen’s body wrapped in a flannel sheet to his Lincoln Navigator that was parked just outside the front door of the apartment. Jasmen’s eye glasses fell off at this point and family found them in the search that night. Jose took Jasmen to a quiet and dark area and raped her corpse before it was cold. Then he threw her half naked body in someone’s yard and returned to the party minutes later and helped in the search for her.



“Jasmen was asleep on the bed alone wearing her glasses. In the bedroom where Jasmen was sleeping, there is a door that leads from the bedroom to outside of the apartment.”

“During an interview with Martha, (Jose's wife) she indicated that during the search for Jasmen, Jasmen's eye glasses were found in a grassy area outside the front door of the apartment where Jasmen was last seen. The eye glasses were in front of a grey car that was parked right outside the front door to apartment #307. (The apartment where Jasmen was staying) Martha recalled that when Jose returned to the apartment, while they were still in the process of looking for Jasmen, he commented to Martha that it was a good thing he did not part the Navigator in front of the apartment because the cops would think he was involved (in Jasmen's disappearance). According to Martha, when she and Jose initially arrived at the apartment earlier that evening, they parked the Navigator beside the grey car where Jasmen's eye glasses were subsequently found.”
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In my opinion, it's been done before and the illegal aliens have been known to share the corpse of a dead victim with their other illegal alien friends!

I am quite certain I could click on the internet an find an example of an AMERICAN engaging in necrophilia. However I would not be so stupid to assert an opinion that "Americans have been known to share the corpse of a dead victim with their other illiegal friends." This is akin to a Muslim mullah holding up Jeffrey Dahlmer as an example that Americans are murderous cannibals.

Your opinion, steeped in stupidity and bigotry, is worth nothing. You are a discredit to this country. You are lowering the national IQ. Have you considered immigrating to another country in order to improve this one?
IMO, I've even heard of an illegal alien stealing a corpse from a mortuary for sexual enjoyment. He probably shared that young girl’s corpse with his friends in the tramp camp.
Sifuentes to Spend 30 Years in Prison for Girl's Rape, Murder
Plea deal reached before trial begins

Monday, Feb 25, 2013


"With the plea, Jose Sifuentes will now be eligible for parole in 30 years. Sifuentes showed no reaction as relatives, including the victim's sister and father, talked about the night the girl was reported missing.

Sifuentes underwent a mental evaluation delaying the trial after Sifuentes said Jesus told him that the judge killed Gonzalez.

Psychiatrists said, after conducting the mental evaluation, that Sifuentes was faking a mental illness."

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