4th of July


May 23, 2014
Can anyone really celebrate the 4th of July this year? I simply cannot. As a veteran its a sad thing for me to say, but America is a disgrace. Look what the Obama administration has done to a once proud nation:
1.) Trampled on the checks and balances of the Constitution.
2.) Helped to fan the flames of hatred toward our men and women who protect and serve everyday when wearing the badge of their local police force.
3.) Destroyed the U.S. military by attempting to make it a tool for socialist cultural change in America.
4.) Negotiates with a terrorist state.
5.) Cannot call "Islamic extremism" what it indeed is...yet says America is not a Christian nation.
6.) Throws open our borders to an invasion by illegal immigrants.
7.) Destroys traditional family values.
Under these circumstances how can anyone fly the American flag or celebrate our nation? I think a funeral for the once proud USA would be in order. I'm ashamed of my country for electing this man. Anyone else feel the same? Never have I seen the United States in such a poor state as its is now. It's too depressing.
Under these circumstances how can anyone fly the American flag or celebrate our nation? I think a funeral for the once proud USA would be in order. I'm ashamed of my country for electing this man. Anyone else feel the same? Never have I seen the United States in such a poor state as its is now. It's too depressing.

i fully understand your sentiment and it is very depressing.., BUT!! I WILL NOT allow this muslime traitor to ruin my trust and love of the United States of America.., i just might fire off my cannon in hopes the sound will carry all the way around the world. :up:
Under these circumstances how can anyone fly the American flag or celebrate our nation? I think a funeral for the once proud USA would be in order. I'm ashamed of my country for electing this man. Anyone else feel the same? Never have I seen the United States in such a poor state as its is now. It's too depressing.

i fully understand your sentiment and it is very depressing.., BUT!! I WILL NOT allow this muslime traitor to ruin my trust and love of the United States of America.., i just might fire off my cannon in hopes the sound will carry all the way around the world. :up:

That's the spirit, sonny boy.

You be brave and stand up for your wacko, rabid, nonsensical, knee jerk beliefs.


Wow. What an American.
Most passionate critics who're usually correct in their criticisms are veterans. Until you've sworn to forfeit your life if need be to keep America safe only to come to the realization that America isn't worth your life it's too easy to wave the flag.

In this instance, the OP is wrong but only because America stopped being a country worth a veteran's life long before President Obama.
This thread should come with a fainting couch and some smelling salts.
Most passionate critics who're usually correct in their criticisms are veterans. Until you've sworn to forfeit your life if need be to keep America safe only to come to the realization that America isn't worth your life it's too easy to wave the flag.

In this instance, the OP is wrong but only because America stopped being a country worth a veteran's life long before President Obama.
When was that? Spanish American War I suppose? American exceptionalism is a good thing.
Can anyone really celebrate the 4th of July this year? I simply cannot. As a veteran its a sad thing for me to say, but America is a disgrace. Look what the Obama administration has done to a once proud nation:
1.) Trampled on the checks and balances of the Constitution.
2.) Helped to fan the flames of hatred toward our men and women who protect and serve everyday when wearing the badge of their local police force.
3.) Destroyed the U.S. military by attempting to make it a tool for socialist cultural change in America.
4.) Negotiates with a terrorist state.
5.) Cannot call "Islamic extremism" what it indeed is...yet says America is not a Christian nation.
6.) Throws open our borders to an invasion by illegal immigrants.
7.) Destroys traditional family values.
Under these circumstances how can anyone fly the American flag or celebrate our nation? I think a funeral for the once proud USA would be in order. I'm ashamed of my country for electing this man. Anyone else feel the same? Never have I seen the United States in such a poor state as its is now. It's too depressing.
Go fuck yourself.
Can anyone really celebrate the 4th of July this year? I simply cannot. As a veteran its a sad thing for me to say, but America is a disgrace. Look what the Obama administration has done to a once proud nation:
1.) Trampled on the checks and balances of the Constitution.
2.) Helped to fan the flames of hatred toward our men and women who protect and serve everyday when wearing the badge of their local police force.
3.) Destroyed the U.S. military by attempting to make it a tool for socialist cultural change in America.
4.) Negotiates with a terrorist state.
5.) Cannot call "Islamic extremism" what it indeed is...yet says America is not a Christian nation.
6.) Throws open our borders to an invasion by illegal immigrants.
7.) Destroys traditional family values.
Under these circumstances how can anyone fly the American flag or celebrate our nation? I think a funeral for the once proud USA would be in order. I'm ashamed of my country for electing this man. Anyone else feel the same? Never have I seen the United States in such a poor state as its is now. It's too depressing.
Go fuck yourself.
Obama is doing a pretty good job of it right now...I think I will pass.
Can anyone really celebrate the 4th of July this year? I simply cannot. As a veteran its a sad thing for me to say, but America is a disgrace. Look what the Obama administration has done to a once proud nation:

I would have agreed with your premise had you not made it a partisan attack on Obama. The loss of liberty in this country began a long time ago, long before anyone even knew who Barack Obama was.
Went off the rails around WW One.
Germany tried to conspire with Mexico and was sinking U.S. ships? So WWII was not worth serving and fighting for our nation? What about taking down the Taliban after 9-11?
Can anyone really celebrate the 4th of July this year? I simply cannot. As a veteran its a sad thing for me to say, but America is a disgrace. Look what the Obama administration has done to a once proud nation:

I would have agreed with your premise had you not make it a partisan attack on Obama. The loss of liberty in this country began a long time before, long before anyone even knew who Barack Obama was.
I agree. It began in the 1960's. But Obama is the screaming exclamation point at end of the United States death moans.
I always feel inspired during the fourth of July holiday. Who sits in the Whitehouse is irrelevant to that feeling.
I always feel inspired during the fourth of July holiday. Who sits in the Whitehouse is irrelevant to that feeling.

Inspired by what? This country sucks balls anymore. I don't intend on spending my whole life here.

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