$5.00 Gas and no Socialists Mewling about "Obscene Profits"?

That's funny...I was having this same conversation with one of my sales guys this morning.
If Bush was President right now - record high gas prices would be all the rage. But instead all we get are 5 second mere mentioning of gas prices in the media.
but remember folks...there is no bias in the media...Obama is treated just like any other candidate.
When you go to the pump and you see the incredibly high prices for gas, you can rest assured in your minds that Barry and his boys absolutely want gasoline to be this high. I really have no doubt that they wouldn't mind it to go even higher.

To believe, even remotely, that the President of the United States has no power over the price of gas is ludicrous.
When you go to the pump and you see the incredibly high prices for gas, you can rest assured in your minds that Barry and his boys absolutely want gasoline to be this high. I really have no doubt that they wouldn't mind it to go even higher.

To believe, even remotely, that the President of the United States has no power over the price of gas is ludicrous.

You don't have to doubt it. He said it on camera as a senator and as a candidate. However he certainly doesn't want it right now for obvious reasons. You don't see him parading around about the connection between green energy and gas priced right now because a) his administration was involved in giving $millions to 4 failed green energy companies where the owners and executives made off with $millions of taxpayer dollars - and b) Americans only think about the here and now - and now they DREAD going to the gas station.
It is the media not the people.

And the media is absolutely out in force to protect this President.
Just like the Iraq war. If you didn't know better, you would think the war ended the day after Obama took office.
Everyone remembers the nightly news relentless coverage of the body counts, "day 150" etc. etc. etc. These people stopped at nothing - including video taping caskets coming out of military transports.
Well guess what - those f*cking caskets were still coming off the planes after Obama took office but no videos now. No more "day 450"...no more nightly body counts...no more nightly torture videos.
Same with gas prices.
So fox did the same thing?
They did seem to quit cheerleading the wars when Obama was elected.
So fox did the same thing?
They did seem to quit cheerleading the wars when Obama was elected.

Absolutely. Fox is the mirror image of the other MSM. I would never say otherwise.
However - Fox is one channel. A popular one yes, but not near the media power of the rest of the entire TV offerings combined.

It should upset you that the media is protecting a President while over-the-top bashing the previous one.
I am no Bush fan, hell no. But he was lambasted by the MSM and Obama is treated like the Prince of Wales.
No bellyaching about "windfall profits" today, guys?
...or that Obamacare is showing it will cost $111 billion more in 2012 than previously reported by the White House.
...or more dead troops in Afghanistan than under BOOOOOOSH?
WTF, over? :lol:

Not only that, they're saying it's a GOOD thing... So we're weened off of oil...

It's fargiin' hysterical...:rofl:...

I am a Democrat because I believe in the environment and conservation. For instance, we must raise the price of gasoline, like they do in Europe, to increase conservation. If we don't, there will soon be a big gas shortage, and this will mean higher gasoline prices for you and me.
WTF, over? :lol:

Not only that, they're saying it's a GOOD thing... So we're weened off of oil...

It's fargiin' hysterical...:rofl:...

I am a Democrat because I believe in the environment and conservation. For instance, we must raise the price of gasoline, like they do in Europe, to increase conservation. If we don't, there will soon be a big gas shortage, and this will mean higher gasoline prices for you and me.
Who is "we"? The government? Me?

The price of gasoline will rise and fall according to supply and demand. If there is a serious gas shortage, the price will rise on its own. If there is a limited supply of gas, however, and government keeps prices artificially low, then there will be a shortage. And that is exactly what happened in the 70s.

With that said, there is no coming oil shortage. Domestic oil production is at an 8 year high. Prices are rising because the dollar is losing value. The price of gasoline in terms of ounces of silver is constant.

I also believe in the environment and conservation, which is precisely why I believe in free markets and private property rights.

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