5-1-19 Tramp and the GOP seeks to end entire ACA

The ACA was a terrible mistake....it made healthcare less personal....slow...expensive...and a hassle...we didn't keep or plans or our doctors...
The DNC is apoplectic in Washington. They're trying so hard to call attention to themselves by lying about the President and the Attorney General he picked. Their shakedown on AG Barr was aborted, and they're mad someone took the cookie jar and put It on a shelf they can't reach. *snif* *snif*
The ACA was a terrible mistake....it made healthcare less personal....slow...expensive...and a hassle...we didn't keep or plans or our doctors...

Good, I hope you get dx with cancer, or leukemia, some chronic disease. Are you fat you might have diabetes.

Doctors die, retire, and move.

hopefully they get AIDS & die a very looooooooooooooooooooooooong, sloooooooooooooooooooooooooow, paaaaaaaaaaaaaainful death. That way they can feel better about what they wished for.
Okay here we go let it out snowflakes tell us how much you hate us.....

The ACA was a terrible mistake....it made healthcare less personal....slow...expensive...and a hassle...we didn't keep or plans or our doctors...

Good, I hope you get dx with cancer, or leukemia, some chronic disease. Are you fat you might have diabetes.

Doctors die, retire, and move.
Classy, Penny, real classy. :wink:
The ACA was a terrible mistake....it made healthcare less personal....slow...expensive...and a hassle...we didn't keep or plans or our doctors...

Good, I hope you get dx with cancer, or leukemia, some chronic disease. Are you fat you might have diabetes.
I'm a veteran....so if your hateful hopes come to be you will be paying for my care.....and I'll remind your hateful ass about that each and every day.....:21:
It takes a person a lot of hatred to openly wish the worst illnesses on their fellow posters. I apologize in the behalf of USMB that she wished evil things on you. Trump derangement syndrome seems to be at a climax today with the Democrat leadership trying but failing to make a false narrative against the DOJ. We need to get rid of them on voting day.
And they have no replacement plan. Republicans hate Americans and want them to die.
So far, they already replaced it to a great extent. By reducing unemployment to record lows for blacks, Hispanics, and disabled people, they have taken thousands of people away from dependency, put them into meaningful jobs, and with that, gotten them good health care/coverage.

This is one of the most understated accomplishments of the Trump administration.
The ACA was a terrible mistake....it made healthcare less personal....slow...expensive...and a hassle...we didn't keep or plans or our doctors...

Good, I hope you get dx with cancer, or leukemia, some chronic disease. Are you fat you might have diabetes.
I'm a veteran....so if your hateful hopes come to be you will be paying for my care.....and I'll remind your hateful ass about that each and every day.....:21:
It takes a person a lot of hatred to openly wish the worst illnesses on their fellow posters. I apologize in the behalf of USMB that she wished evil things on you. Trump derangement syndrome seems to be at a climax today with the Democrat leadership trying but failing to make a false narrative against the DOJ. We need to get rid of them on voting day.

Well it take a lot more hatred to clap when the thought of health ins being taken away from millions of people. That is hatred.
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Our healthcare system is great...if you’re wealthy. Above average if you’re middle class and sucks otherwise. Too many administrators and middle men.
The ACA was a terrible mistake....it made healthcare less personal....slow...expensive...and a hassle...we didn't keep or plans or our doctors...

Good, I hope you get dx with cancer, or leukemia, some chronic disease. Are you fat you might have diabetes.

Doctors die, retire, and move.

Really? You wish death and disease on people who don't agree with your politics?
The ACA was a terrible mistake....it made healthcare less personal....slow...expensive...and a hassle...we didn't keep or plans or our doctors...

Good, I hope you get dx with cancer, or leukemia, some chronic disease. Are you fat you might have diabetes.
I'm a veteran....so if your hateful hopes come to be you will be paying for my care.....and I'll remind your hateful ass about that each and every day.....:21:
It takes a person a lot of hatred to openly wish the worst illnesses on their fellow posters. I apologize in the behalf of USMB that she wished evil things on you. Trump derangement syndrome seems to be at a climax today with the Democrat leadership trying but failing to make a false narrative against the DOJ. We need to get rid of them on voting day.

Well it take a lot more hatred to clap when the thought of health ins being taken away from millions of people. That is hatred.
That's because you folks are too immature to pay attention to other Americans who have good programs ready to go to help the down-and-out of society, but not the sluffers who have 1, 2, 3, 4, and sometimes 20 Welfare accounts they pick off like dandelions every month at different benefit locations. That's going away, too. Then there will be enough for all taxpayers to get some benefits, regardless of color. You don't think we'd leave out people who are handicapped do ya? You've been reading too much Pelosi lately. She only tells you what you want to hear. But you knew that, surely.
They want to end all the ACA even Pre existing conditions. Tramp and the GOP are feeling embolden now with barr at the helm.

I’ll believe it when I see it
The ACA was a terrible mistake....it made healthcare less personal....slow...expensive...and a hassle...we didn't keep or plans or our doctors...

Good, I hope you get dx with cancer, or leukemia, some chronic disease. Are you fat you might have diabetes.
I'm a veteran....so if your hateful hopes come to be you will be paying for my care.....and I'll remind your hateful ass about that each and every day.....:21:

I'm a veteran too. I can't wait till you find out just how great VA is. Let me tell you people something, you absolutely DO NOT want the gubberment providing your healthcare.
Stop think for just a moment and try to think of just one thing that government does and does well. Then tell me you want some government flunky deciding on whether you're gonna live or die, or suffer in pain or not.

The only real way to truly fix healthcare is to eliminate government involment completely then outlaw insurance companies and return healthcare to the free market. Get rid of all the middlemen and force the healthcare industry to get costs back down to earth and force them to compete to survive. That's the way it was when I was a kid before the train was derailed by the one two punch of government fiddlefucking and insurance middlemen looking to make a buck at your expense. Middlemen can bring nothing to table but more expense, crime and corruption. No one works for free, least of all insurance companies and government. They can't help but add expense and a lot of it.
just think of how many AmeriKKKans will end up without health insurance coverage, many will have no way to keep from going bankrupt because of catastrophic illness related to a pre-existing condition for which they can no longer obtain health insurance; FANTASTIC NEWS !!!!!!!

This will Make AmeriKKKa Great Again & all of the Trump voters that end up dying because they don't have health insurance can thank their lucky starz they voted for such an empathetic, I mean pathetic, person.

MAGA baby !!!!!!!!!

Yes, I hope all trampers suffer. You know since the Potus is now above the law, and we have now a banana republic, I just don't care anymore.

I have half a notion to vote for tramp, just so his cult can see how bad it will get, the working man, the elites will fair great.

There you go with your invisible playmate 'tramp' again. Get help.

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