$5 a gallon oil in 2012


Volkswagen "1 Liter Car". This thing drives 62,5 miles with 1 Liter of fuel or 237,5 miles per gallon. No kidding.

Demand it and we build it.
It's a shame only the upper middle class and wealthy can afford these fuel efficient automobiles. When's the last time you've seen the impoverished cruising around in a hybrid or fuel flex car?
It's a shame only the upper middle class and wealthy can afford these fuel efficient automobiles. When's the last time you've seen the impoverished cruising around in a hybrid or fuel flex car?

I saw a Prius for sale for $16G's just yesterday. Median/Mean new car price in America is something like $25G's or so? And the impoverished couldn't afford cars back before peak oil happened either, let alone since its happened. Blaming this fact of economic life on peak oil is yet another ridiculous claim by some peak church member.

Peak as a religion is designed as a belief system so that this group of geologic incompetents (with human hater tendencies) can construct a nice, personally customized Rapture scenario for themselves. It has nothing to do with either the reality of resource depletion in general, or peak oil in particular.
It's a shame only the upper middle class and wealthy can afford these fuel efficient automobiles. When's the last time you've seen the impoverished cruising around in a hybrid or fuel flex car?

I saw a Prius for sale for $16G's just yesterday. Median/Mean new car price in America is something like $25G's or so? And the impoverished couldn't afford cars back before peak oil happened either, let alone since its happened. Blaming this fact of economic life on peak oil is yet another ridiculous claim by some peak church member.

Peak as a religion is designed as a belief system so that this group of geologic incompetents (with human hater tendencies) can construct a nice, personally customized Rapture scenario for themselves. It has nothing to do with either the reality of resource depletion in general, or peak oil in particular.
It's all about curing affluenza.
I don't think nationaliztion is a good idea but the oil companies are colluding to raise the price of oil. there is no reason for oil to be the price it is. The commodities brokers are responsible for driving it up (at someone elses behest I believe). I would love to see everyone stop buying fuel for one week.
The price of oil would plummet when it wasn't moving down the pipe.
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Peak as a religion is designed as a belief system so that this group of geologic incompetents (with human hater tendencies) can construct a nice, personally customized Rapture scenario for themselves. It has nothing to do with either the reality of resource depletion in general, or peak oil in particular.
It's basic statistics. If the human population continues to grow at this unnaturally rapid pace and continues to rely on finite resources, which our whole way of life depends on, disaster will strike.

Look how rapidly our species grew after the industrial revolution and especially in the 20th century. It's ridiculous to think that cheap petroleum will last much longer at this pace of growth. The current (and future) amount of worldwide petrol consumption is unsustainable.

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Here's a story whether relevant or not.

My brother the geologist called me up serveral years ago. He said he's got a good looking prospect that might make a decent oil well or three. Or more who knows.

Well I don't know shit about geology but I trust this guy because he's good. He's proven himself with the big boys.

Ok- what's the game. I like working with money and numbers and sales and selling shit. So I'm like ok you do the science and I'll do the rest. No problem.

He: "Ok- you got any money to get this thing going?".

Me: "Fuck no- you got any money to put in?"


So on my desk among the morning's mail - 0% credit card offer- 6 months no interest.

"Tell you what- we'll take out some of this 0% money and we'll use it to get the location staked, pay for the permit, put a down payment on the drilling contract." We figured we'd have it sold and drilled before the first payment was due.

I drew up an AFE, he wrote up the geology report and we were good to go.

Then we worked the phones- raised $80,000 in the next week and were making hole soon after.

The end result? Damned prettiest looking 10" hole in the ground you ever saw. 3,000' deep to boot.

Oil? Hell no. But we each walked away with 3 grand in our pockets and praise from our investors for a job well done. Paid off the credit card with money to spare.

One in 8 wildcats results in a commercial discovery. 90% of the wells in this country are drilled by independents. "Big Oil" left the building long ago, folks.

There are a half million producing oil wells in the lower 48 states. On average they each make 2-3 barrels per day each, and Obama is out to snuff them all. Fuck him and the unicorn he rode in on.
This is what the Conservatives want. Make sure that all the wealth goes to the very wealthy, whether they are here or abroad. And the Saudi princes will give the current leading Republican a big smackaroo in public, and make sure that the Repuke kisses his ass in private. Kind of like the time they visited Crawford

Why isn't the dingdong-in-chief doing something about rising gas prices? Anyone?
As long as we rely on the middle east for a good deal of our energy source that we consume, and there are 'wars' in the region, we are at their mercy.....gasoline could be 10 bucks a gallon in less than a decade....

It's a HUGE National Security risk...
As long as we rely on the middle east for a good deal of our energy source that we consume, and there are 'wars' in the region, we are at their mercy.....gasoline could be 10 bucks a gallon in less than a decade....

It's a HUGE National Security risk...

These days it's mostly imported from Canada, Mexico, and Saudi Aruba.

Yet, gasoline could be $1 a gallon next year. It's a fickle commodity.
As long as we rely on the middle east for a good deal of our energy source that we consume, and there are 'wars' in the region, we are at their mercy.....gasoline could be 10 bucks a gallon in less than a decade....

It's a HUGE National Security risk...

These days it's mostly imported from Canada, Mexico, and Saudi Aruba.

Yet, gasoline could be $1 a gallon next year. It's a fickle commodity.

Oil is sold on a GLOBAL market....no?

And if the middle east decides to give the west the screws and turns down their spickets, it will affect the price of oil in Canada and Mexico that we buy, and the price of oil that we draw from usa soil will also go way up in price too.

Yes it is a fickled commodity.
This is what the Conservatives want. Make sure that all the wealth goes to the very wealthy, whether they are here or abroad. And the Saudi princes will give the current leading Republican a big smackaroo in public, and make sure that the Repuke kisses his ass in private. Kind of like the time they visited Crawford

Why isn't the dingdong-in-chief doing something about rising gas prices? Anyone?

As long as we rely on the middle east for a good deal of our energy source that we consume, and there are 'wars' in the region, we are at their mercy.....gasoline could be 10 bucks a gallon in less than a decade....

It's a HUGE National Security risk...

So, let's make it more difficult to extract oil from Alaska and offshore!!!

As long as we rely on the middle east for a good deal of our energy source that we consume, and there are 'wars' in the region, we are at their mercy.....gasoline could be 10 bucks a gallon in less than a decade....

It's a HUGE National Security risk...

These days it's mostly imported from Canada, Mexico, and Saudi Aruba.

Yet, gasoline could be $1 a gallon next year. It's a fickle commodity.

Oil is sold on a GLOBAL market....no?

And if the middle east decides to give the west the screws and turns down their spickets, it will affect the price of oil in Canada and Mexico that we buy, and the price of oil that we draw from usa soil will also go way up in price too.

Yes it is a fickled commodity.

Yup. But Saudi Arooga isn't likely to do that. I would think that they are locked into long-term contracts to supply crude to Gulf coast refiners and want to protect market share.
This is what the Conservatives want. Make sure that all the wealth goes to the very wealthy, whether they are here or abroad. And the Saudi princes will give the current leading Republican a big smackaroo in public, and make sure that the Repuke kisses his ass in private. Kind of like the time they visited Crawford

Why isn't the dingdong-in-chief doing something about rising gas prices? Anyone?

As long as we rely on the middle east for a good deal of our energy source that we consume, and there are 'wars' in the region, we are at their mercy.....gasoline could be 10 bucks a gallon in less than a decade....

It's a HUGE National Security risk...

So, let's make it more difficult to extract oil from Alaska and offshore!!!


I think it should be up to the people in the communities that could be affected by the oil drilling....if Florida does not want oil wells off their pristine shorelines, which are the backbone of their economy, for the fear of another BP oil gusher disaster, then they would know best.

If the proposed oil drilling is on National Park property, then I think it should be up to the people in this country to decide, what they are willing to give up for the gain.

As far as drilling on land, that anyone owns.....go for it.

but it will still not make a difference in the price of oil, if the middle east decides to turn down the spicket... the oil drawn from our soil STILL goes on the global market, and the $10 a gallon gasoline will still be a National Security risk....it will bring our nation to its knees.
Peak as a religion is designed as a belief system so that this group of geologic incompetents (with human hater tendencies) can construct a nice, personally customized Rapture scenario for themselves. It has nothing to do with either the reality of resource depletion in general, or peak oil in particular.
It's basic statistics. If the human population continues to grow at this unnaturally rapid pace and continues to rely on finite resources, which our whole way of life depends on, disaster will strike.

Look how rapidly our species grew after the industrial revolution and especially in the 20th century. It's ridiculous to think that cheap petroleum will last much longer at this pace of growth. The current (and future) amount of worldwide petrol consumption is unsustainable.


It is an interesting plot. Will goodness overcome the chaos? Who are the heroes and villains? American exceptional-ism vs the teeming hoards...

As this narrative unfolds is there a happy ending? Must there be an ending? No? Revolutionary!!

As it turns out we are all playing the same game. All our enemies were obscured by window dressing. Commies did in fact love their children ...some less than others..like the Chinese that loved their sons more than daughters so they compromised in their inscrutable way by limiting both saving themselves and probably the world from overpopulation by an extreme example of discipline no other country is capable of.

As the story presses on that's still not good enough because we are still the guys in possession of the white hats having taken the high ground in WWII. Exceptional-ism is still our inheritance. There would be no world worth having if the Japs and Germans had won.

I for one welcome the Chinese example of population control and having them spread their culture of necessity by way of commerce to other third world countries is far from a bad thing. Herding cats is apparently what they do best.

So why should we get the cheap gasoline and the endless choices of SUV's to waste it?

Because as Hollywood points out so well at the ticket booth...everyone regardless of ethnicity loves a hero and we don't care what it costs to keep our heroes happy. Surprise surprise...we are the heroes. It wasn't Henry Kaiser that won the day with the Liberty Ships working alone. It was the Americans that built them. We do not owe anybody anything. They still ALL owe us. Without us this world would truly already be the shithole everyone whines about.

Should we grow up and stop riding the hero card? No. We are still useful as the guiding beacon of humanity. Indulge us.
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Well, which is it? Oil company collusion or commodity brokers?

It can't be the former. There have already been numerous investigations over the years .

When you have a retired oil company exec come out and say it is going to happen. The media reports the crap out of it, without bothering to report the fact that there is no reson for the price to get that high, it enters into the lexicon and by hook or by crook it will become a self fulfilling prophecy. You watch, there will be ever more articles reporting on the impending price increases.
Peak as a religion is designed as a belief system so that this group of geologic incompetents (with human hater tendencies) can construct a nice, personally customized Rapture scenario for themselves. It has nothing to do with either the reality of resource depletion in general, or peak oil in particular.
It's basic statistics. If the human population continues to grow at this unnaturally rapid pace and continues to rely on finite resources, which our whole way of life depends on, disaster will strike.

Look how rapidly our species grew after the industrial revolution and especially in the 20th century. It's ridiculous to think that cheap petroleum will last much longer at this pace of growth. The current (and future) amount of worldwide petrol consumption is unsustainable.


It is an interesting plot. Will goodness overcome the chaos? Who are the heroes and villains? American exceptional-ism vs the teeming hoards...

As this narrative unfolds is there a happy ending? Must there be an ending? No? Revolutionary!!

As it turns out we are all playing the same game. All our enemies were obscured by window dressing. Commies did in fact love their children ...some less than others..like the Chinese that loved their sons more than daughters so they compromised in their inscrutable way by limiting both saving themselves and probably the world from overpopulation by an extreme example of discipline no other country is capable of.

As the story presses on that's still not good enough because we are still the guys in possession of the white hats having taken the high ground in WWII. Exceptional-ism is still our inheritance. There would be no world worth having if the Japs and Germans had won.

I for one welcome the Chinese example of population control and having them spread their culture of necessity by way of commerce to other third world countries is far from a bad thing. Herding cats is apparently what they do best.

So why should we get the cheap gasoline and the endless choices of SUV's to waste it?

Because as Hollywood points out so well at the ticket booth...everyone regardless of ethnicity loves a hero and we don't care what it costs to keep our heroes happy. Surprise surprise...we are the heroes. It wasn't Henry Kaiser that won the day with the Liberty Ships working alone. It was the Americans that built them. We do not owe anybody anything. They still ALL owe us. Without us this world would truly already be the shithole everyone whines about.

Should we grow up and stop riding the hero card? No. We are still useful as the guiding beacon of humanity. Indulge us.

Huggy, it is not neccessary to follow the Chinese model. The population levels are allready leveling off. First world nations are allready dropping in population (except for the immigrants coming in) and now we are seeing Third World nations beginning to level off. As people get wealthier and better educated they produce less children.

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