5 former Memphis officers indicted on murder and kidnapping charges in Tyre Nichols’ death as nation braces for release of police video

Find your post humerus! After 9-11 they got more rights!! ANYTHING against the Arab/Muslim Community was/is considered Islamophobia. If they burned an American Flag 🇺🇸 it would be considered their right under the Constitution. Burn THEIR Flag or insult Mohammed it would be considered incitement of Violence
We have right wing baptists who burn korans.
We have right wing baptists who burn korans.
Again; I find your post amusing. If any Korans are burned they are not out in the “ public square “ and IF that did happen there would be SEVERE condemnation and consequences
the auto industry…they keep it from going bankrupt…unlike obama
  • Automotive Industry Crisis (2008 - 2009) – George W. Bush and Barack Obama
Initially started by President Bush as auto sales fell throughout 2008, President Obama ordered a huge financial bailout ($80 billion) which allowed Chrysler and General Motors to address upcoming cash shortages in 2009. While contentious at the time, the automakers are currently turning profits, and time will ultimately tell if the bailout leads to long-term prosperity.

Detroit was in trouble long before Pres. Obama took office, tell us Struth what did Bush 43, 41 or Reagan do for Detroit.
Why should any president do anything for a particular city?

The auto unions and top management at the big three caused the collapse of Detroit. The unions made unrealistic demands and the top management kicked the can down the road.
No Pres. Obama saving the auto industry. Just can't give the black man any credit, it all goes to Massa.
haha what are you talking about detroit went bankrupt, GM went bankrupt…and the american people go screwed because obama still used tax dollars to buy off his union pals
haha what are you talking about detroit went bankrupt, GM went bankrupt…and the american people go screwed because obama still used tax dollars to buy off his union pals
Did Bush use tax dollars to buy off his union pals? Come to think of it, what do you think of this Tyre Nichols case, since it is the thread topic.
Did Bush use tax dollars to buy off his union pals? Come to think of it, what do you think of this Tyre Nichols case, since it is the thread topic.
nope that was obama

i think it’s horrible but not sure what that has to do with GM. Just another liberal run city where a black man doesn’t stand a chance.
We'll see more of this as higher quality candidates will find something other than police work to do. The vast majority of people with options would not choose to be a police officer these days.

This is a typical spiral of progressive policy outcomes. They always make things worse.

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