5 former Memphis officers indicted on murder and kidnapping charges in Tyre Nichols’ death as nation braces for release of police video

I wouldn’t like a Cop doing this to my son. However, we BOTH know that IF they were CAUCASIAN there would be riots just like they were 3 years ago
We also know that if these cops were white...the police would have been defending them and trying to control the narrative. So there's that
These cops were part of the now disbanded SCORPION unit. They focus on Street Crime. Young black men are their targets

If those young black men would stop acting like fools........................

Just sayin'....................

I do not know if this is the case there but sometimes companies will not provide services in areas of extremely high crime or it is not profitable for them to provide the service.
That's why there are no major grocery store chains in Detroit. They would have to not only pay security guards but they would also have to lose money on shoplifting. I don't blame them.

Things need to change on both sides. I don't mind defending blacks when they are right but they can't deny their violent crime number is 2000 for every 100,000 people and just 15 minutes away it's only 333 per every 100,000. Unacceptable.

If those young black men would stop acting like fools........................

Just sayin'....................

Then every insurrectionist should have been shot down for not obeying the Capitol Police's lawful commands. Do you want to live in a society like that?

Actually, I do. If ever again people assault our democracy and attack our politicians like that, mow them the fuck down.

Or mace the entire building. Do something to stop them.

Before Trump's insurrection you could open carry assault rifles to the Lansing Capitol. Thanks to Trump you can no longer open carry guns to the capitol. Even Republicans voted yes to that change.
I hate to be so honest and a such a hypocrite but I fully support and defend cops for pulling over young black men who's license plates are from Detroit. Sorry black people but this practice is what stops black criminals in Detroit from crossing 8 mile and coming to where there is much more money to be stolen. This practice keeps the predators out of the suburbs.

But I also see whites have a policy that is bullshit. The buses from Detroit don't run as far as they should. Because those white cities don't want the buses bringing in black people who are looking for work. Criminals aren't taking the bus to and from their crimes. This is a policy that divides our two communities and this needs to change.

Sorry but Detroit's violent crime per capita is around 2000 per 100,000 citizens. The average city in America has 333 per 100,000. We can't handcuff our police and see that 333 number go up. First we need to lower that 2000.

Except Tyre Nichols wasn't a criminal and didn't have a criminal record of any kind.
We also know that if these cops were white...the police would have been defending them and trying to control the narrative. So there's that
One more Racist lie. IF the cops were white and the beating was on CAMERA not only would they be up for MURDER but there would be UNCIVILIZED RIOTS all over the U. S like they were three years ago
Except Tyre Nichols wasn't a criminal and didn't have a criminal record of any kind.
What made the officers start beating him? Is this a case of I know my rights and him not letting them cuff him?

I tell you cuffing a man should be a last fucking resort. I don't like being cuffed. And maybe our cops should say here is your ticket to appear before a judge before they resort to arresting the guy. For 5 over?
One more Racist lie. IF the cops were white and the beating was on CAMERA not only would they be up for MURDER but there would be UNCIVILIZED RIOTS all over the U. S like they were three years ago

Too many times in our past the cops have done this kind of thing to African American men and they were not charged with

murder, kidnapping, assault, and misconduct

And if they were most of them were found not guilty.

Glad you guys aren't trying to defend these cops. If they were white you would be. You'd say why wasn't the kid listening to the officers commands? Eventually you would find something the kid did wrong and you'd defend the cops based on that one thing. Are you doing that this time? Why not? Why aren't you defending these cops? I'm sure the kid probably wasn't polite and then tried to get away when they pepper sprayed him and tazered him.

Also remember the police at the Capitol during the insurrection only shot one person during the violent riot/insurrection. Those people were fighting with police. Should the cops have shot those people?
I'll put it into a context you can agree with you partisan fuck. Corrupt police in Democratic run cities need to be reformed. There. Does that make it better? I remember the last time you turned on cops was the insurrection. Didn't you want to put the cop on trial for shooting that female insurrectionist? You partisan fuck.

This is only happening in big cities that are run by Democrats. So why are you siding with the cops who's been corrupted by liberals?

See, as long as you can pin it on liberals, you'll go along. Right you partisan fuck?
She was murdered by a cop with a sketchy reputation. There was no insurrection, as you well know. He should have been arrested and put on trial.
You are a IMBECILE and a MORON to even suggest they will be found innocent
Are you from America? Because American history would tell you that even with all this evidence, cops walk. Maybe not this one. For one, the cops are black. 2. All the evidence. 3. This is a new era.

To me it's good that it's black cops because the fact is, cops of all colors have too much power and not enough accountability. The job is too important. It's not a license to kill.
this is why people are fleeing liberal run cities…nobody is safe there
Too many times in our past the cops have done this kind of thing to African American men and they were not charged with

murder, kidnapping, assault, and misconduct

And if they were most of them were found not guilty.

Glad you guys aren't trying to defend these cops. If they were white you would be. You'd say why wasn't the kid listening to the officers commands? Eventually you would find something the kid did wrong and you'd defend the cops based on that one thing. Are you doing that this time? Why not? Why aren't you defending these cops? I'm sure the kid probably wasn't polite and then tried to get away when they pepper sprayed him and tazered him.

Also remember the police at the Capitol during the insurrection only shot one person during the violent riot/insurrection. Those people were fighting with police. Should the cops have shot those people?
I won't or can't watch it. Or I'm not ready. What happened? I'm sure he was argumentative right?
No ; it wasn’t. They literally pulled him from the car and started beating him; NO explanation. The fact that you even asked that question is indicative of your stupidity and ignorance

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