5 reasons The Dark Ages are returning


Posting From Hunters Laptop
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 23, 2019
We are reentering an Age of Darkness most notable for the death of reason. Symptoms abound. But why?

Author suggests: (quotes in italics)
  • Death of reason - “70% of Republicans believe the election was stolen, [America] a land where fundamentalist religion has poisoned culture and bigotry and hate has rendered politics a fools game.”
  • Consolidation of wealth into a few elites and the death of the middle class/ working class - “The wealth of billionaires increased by about 50% during the pandemic. Think about that for a second. The world’s handful of richest people grew unimaginably wealthier while millions of people were dying.”
  • Democracy is under assault - “Trumpism in America, Modi’s fanatical religious supremacism in India, Britain’s fervid, idiotic Brexit nationalism, and so on. Even in Canada and Europe, fanatical right wing movements have made significant inroads towards destabilising society.”
  • Neo-fascism is flourishing - “The bargain of modernity is not working out very well for working classes. Fascism is about purity of blood, the idea that some people are subhuman, and some superhuman. Below them come the subhumans, whose bloodlines are tainted by violence, laziness, stupidity, and so forth.”
  • The world regressed not progressed. - “All our efforts to make a fairer, better, nobler world — they stalled, and went into reverse, and all that happened before the pandemic.”

We are reentering an Age of Darkness most notable for the death of reason. Symptoms abound. But why?

Author suggests: (quotes in italics)
  • Death of reason - “70% of Republicans believe the election was stolen, [America] a land where fundamentalist religion has poisoned culture and bigotry and hate has rendered politics a fools game.”
  • Consolidation of wealth into a few elites and the death of the middle class/ working class - “The wealth of billionaires increased by about 50% during the pandemic. Think about that for a second. The world’s handful of richest people grew unimaginably wealthier while millions of people were dying.”
  • Democracy is under assault - “Trumpism in America, Modi’s fanatical religious supremacism in India, Britain’s fervid, idiotic Brexit nationalism, and so on. Even in Canada and Europe, fanatical right wing movements have made significant inroads towards destabilising society.”
  • Neo-fascism is flourishing - “The bargain of modernity is not working out very well for working classes. Fascism is about purity of blood, the idea that some people are subhuman, and some superhuman. Below them come the subhumans, whose bloodlines are tainted by violence, laziness, stupidity, and so forth.”
  • The world regressed not progressed. - “All our efforts to make a fairer, better, nobler world — they stalled, and went into reverse, and all that happened before the pandemic.”

The Roman Empire is returning?

LMAO @ the Stupid Shit you Leftist believe.
We are reentering an Age of Darkness most notable for the death of reason. Symptoms abound. But why?

Author suggests: (quotes in italics)
  • Death of reason - “70% of Republicans believe the election was stolen, [America] a land where fundamentalist religion has poisoned culture and bigotry and hate has rendered politics a fools game.”
  • Consolidation of wealth into a few elites and the death of the middle class/ working class - “The wealth of billionaires increased by about 50% during the pandemic. Think about that for a second. The world’s handful of richest people grew unimaginably wealthier while millions of people were dying.”
  • Democracy is under assault - “Trumpism in America, Modi’s fanatical religious supremacism in India, Britain’s fervid, idiotic Brexit nationalism, and so on. Even in Canada and Europe, fanatical right wing movements have made significant inroads towards destabilising society.”
  • Neo-fascism is flourishing - “The bargain of modernity is not working out very well for working classes. Fascism is about purity of blood, the idea that some people are subhuman, and some superhuman. Below them come the subhumans, whose bloodlines are tainted by violence, laziness, stupidity, and so forth.”
  • The world regressed not progressed. - “All our efforts to make a fairer, better, nobler world — they stalled, and went into reverse, and all that happened before the pandemic.”


The Roman Empire is returning?
Dark Ages occurred after the Roman Empire fell much like the western world is falling. We even have our own little plague. How quaint. It’s about the fall of reason and the move to fascist feudalism and tribal allegiances to man gods. Oh boy. Sound familiar?
We are reentering an Age of Darkness most notable for the death of reason. Symptoms abound. But why?

Author suggests: (quotes in italics)
  • Death of reason - “70% of Republicans believe the election was stolen, [America] a land where fundamentalist religion has poisoned culture and bigotry and hate has rendered politics a fools game.”
  • Consolidation of wealth into a few elites and the death of the middle class/ working class - “The wealth of billionaires increased by about 50% during the pandemic. Think about that for a second. The world’s handful of richest people grew unimaginably wealthier while millions of people were dying.”
  • Democracy is under assault - “Trumpism in America, Modi’s fanatical religious supremacism in India, Britain’s fervid, idiotic Brexit nationalism, and so on. Even in Canada and Europe, fanatical right wing movements have made significant inroads towards destabilising society.”
  • Neo-fascism is flourishing - “The bargain of modernity is not working out very well for working classes. Fascism is about purity of blood, the idea that some people are subhuman, and some superhuman. Below them come the subhumans, whose bloodlines are tainted by violence, laziness, stupidity, and so forth.”
  • The world regressed not progressed. - “All our efforts to make a fairer, better, nobler world — they stalled, and went into reverse, and all that happened before the pandemic.”

Since we've already had a guy stand up and suggest imbibing disinfectants and sticking UV lights where the sun don't shine as treatments for a virus, and where vaccines are shunned..I'm waiting for the inevitable "well, leeches will work wonders!".
It is amazing how many people in this country are pliable and malleable enough to believe there was a massive conspiracy to steal an election. It's a plot straight out of the TV series..Scandal! :)
We're entering a new Dark Age because Communist-Progressives are destroying Western Civilization by:

- making words mean nonsense and nothing
- denying the biological reality of two sexes
- determining a person's worth based on skin color
- voiding the rule of law
- undermining the traditional bourgeois life pattern of getting an education, a job, married and then having children
- placing the comfort of parasitic adults over the welfare of children
- transforming the military into an SJW therapy center
- replacing Judeo-Christianity with the Secular One-Party State
The Roman Empire is returning?
Dark Ages occurred after the Roman Empire fell much like the western world is falling. We even have our own little plague. How quaint. It’s about the fall of reason and the move to fascist feudalism and tribal allegiances to man gods. Oh boy. Sound familiar?
I will agree we are in a economic, intellectual, and cultural decline post Trump's presidency.
We are reentering an Age of Darkness most notable for the death of reason. Symptoms abound. But why?

Author suggests: (quotes in italics)
  • Death of reason - “70% of Republicans believe the election was stolen, [America] a land where fundamentalist religion has poisoned culture and bigotry and hate has rendered politics a fools game.”
  • Consolidation of wealth into a few elites and the death of the middle class/ working class - “The wealth of billionaires increased by about 50% during the pandemic. Think about that for a second. The world’s handful of richest people grew unimaginably wealthier while millions of people were dying.”
  • Democracy is under assault - “Trumpism in America, Modi’s fanatical religious supremacism in India, Britain’s fervid, idiotic Brexit nationalism, and so on. Even in Canada and Europe, fanatical right wing movements have made significant inroads towards destabilising society.”
  • Neo-fascism is flourishing - “The bargain of modernity is not working out very well for working classes. Fascism is about purity of blood, the idea that some people are subhuman, and some superhuman. Below them come the subhumans, whose bloodlines are tainted by violence, laziness, stupidity, and so forth.”
  • The world regressed not progressed. - “All our efforts to make a fairer, better, nobler world — they stalled, and went into reverse, and all that happened before the pandemic.”

Pathetic...Even by your subterranean low standards.

Since we've already had a guy stand up and suggest imbibing disinfectants and sticking UV lights where the sun don't shine as treatments for a virus,
You DO understand that anyone who still believes this nonsense does so because they are UNWILLING to accept the evidence, right? So, are you so full of hate that you don't care about truth, or are you really slow on the uptake?
You DO understand that anyone who still believes this nonsense does so because they are UNWILLING to accept the evidence, right? So, are you so full of hate that you don't care about truth, or are you really slow on the uptake?
It's hard to determine that with some of these Leftist psychos.

Some are really just that damn dumb ....

And, some are knowingly pushing the Leftist LIES !!!!
Since we've already had a guy stand up and suggest imbibing disinfectants and sticking UV lights where the sun don't shine as treatments for a virus,
You DO understand that anyone who still believes this nonsense does so because they are UNWILLING to accept the evidence, right? So, are you so full of hate that you don't care about truth, or are you really slow on the uptake?

He said it. Why do you continue to deny it? It was the single, funniest moment in Presidential speech history. Literally had an entire room in tears. As soon as he said "in some other way", the room busted out laughing!
Honestly..just own it. The guy was a moron.
Since we've already had a guy stand up and suggest imbibing disinfectants and sticking UV lights where the sun don't shine as treatments for a virus,
You DO understand that anyone who still believes this nonsense does so because they are UNWILLING to accept the evidence, right? So, are you so full of hate that you don't care about truth, or are you really slow on the uptake?
Thank you ever so much. The left will continue to lie no matter how many times they are called on the lies. It's like lying is some shiney toy they can't stop playing with.
We are reentering an Age of Darkness most notable for the death of reason. Symptoms abound. But why?

Author suggests: (quotes in italics)
  • Death of reason - “70% of Republicans believe the election was stolen, [America] a land where fundamentalist religion has poisoned culture and bigotry and hate has rendered politics a fools game.”
  • Consolidation of wealth into a few elites and the death of the middle class/ working class - “The wealth of billionaires increased by about 50% during the pandemic. Think about that for a second. The world’s handful of richest people grew unimaginably wealthier while millions of people were dying.”
  • Democracy is under assault - “Trumpism in America, Modi’s fanatical religious supremacism in India, Britain’s fervid, idiotic Brexit nationalism, and so on. Even in Canada and Europe, fanatical right wing movements have made significant inroads towards destabilising society.”
  • Neo-fascism is flourishing - “The bargain of modernity is not working out very well for working classes. Fascism is about purity of blood, the idea that some people are subhuman, and some superhuman. Below them come the subhumans, whose bloodlines are tainted by violence, laziness, stupidity, and so forth.”
  • The world regressed not progressed. - “All our efforts to make a fairer, better, nobler world — they stalled, and went into reverse, and all that happened before the pandemic.”

Continue to stay scared.

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