5 reasons The Dark Ages are returning

We are reentering an Age of Darkness most notable for the death of reason. Symptoms abound. But why?

Author suggests: (quotes in italics)
  • Death of reason - “70% of Republicans believe the election was stolen, [America] a land where fundamentalist religion has poisoned culture and bigotry and hate has rendered politics a fools game.”
  • Consolidation of wealth into a few elites and the death of the middle class/ working class - “The wealth of billionaires increased by about 50% during the pandemic. Think about that for a second. The world’s handful of richest people grew unimaginably wealthier while millions of people were dying.”
  • Democracy is under assault - “Trumpism in America, Modi’s fanatical religious supremacism in India, Britain’s fervid, idiotic Brexit nationalism, and so on. Even in Canada and Europe, fanatical right wing movements have made significant inroads towards destabilising society.”
  • Neo-fascism is flourishing - “The bargain of modernity is not working out very well for working classes. Fascism is about purity of blood, the idea that some people are subhuman, and some superhuman. Below them come the subhumans, whose bloodlines are tainted by violence, laziness, stupidity, and so forth.”
  • The world regressed not progressed. - “All our efforts to make a fairer, better, nobler world — they stalled, and went into reverse, and all that happened before the pandemic.”

Since we've already had a guy stand up and suggest imbibing disinfectants and sticking UV lights where the sun don't shine as treatments for a virus, and where vaccines are shunned..I'm waiting for the inevitable "well, leeches will work wonders!".
It is amazing how many people in this country are pliable and malleable enough to believe there was a massive conspiracy to steal an election. It's a plot straight out of the TV series..Scandal! :)
the only thing worse is a party that defends a communist dictatorship that unleashed a virus that has killed millions across the world !
You wouldn't know a communist if they ran up to you and bit you in the ass. It's just a term you throw out..because your alt-right media wills you to do so. :)
China will answer if they impeded discovery of this virus. But there is no hard proof that this was man made..or was released intentionally.
But take heart. Your savior told all of us that Xi was "doing a good job".....If your assertion was true, doesn't that mean that Trump was in on it? :auiqs.jpg:
pal if you think dems are going to hold their communist masters accountable you are insane ! why did social media lable anyone questioning the lab theory as a cook or a racist ?
answer ....the election ! the marxist faggot left politicized the virus and defended China to win an election .

Way to NOT answer my reply. Would you know a communist if they came up to you and stole your privilege? LOL.
Trump blew the response to the virus. He alone is responsible for his re-election loss. That's not the Dark Ages returning. Nothing was stolen.
He lost because the majority of voter thought he just didn't give a shit. That's just Politics 101 in this country.
He got more votes in 2020 than he 2016....his rallies were always packed and he won more counties than 2016. Support for Trump went up not down like the dems and communists like to pretend. Biden couldn't even get people to show up at his rallies--no way he got the votes. This is just common sense.
This is the ignorance that returns. Cultural slights is what these numbskulls like yindar focus on. Gender and racial equity got you triggered? You are ready for a man god to make you feel pressured.
Hey genius ....

Cultural decline was part of the Dark Ages .....

You were the one that made that point.
We are reentering an Age of Darkness most notable for the death of reason. Symptoms abound. But why?

Author suggests: (quotes in italics)
  • Death of reason - “70% of Republicans believe the election was stolen, [America] a land where fundamentalist religion has poisoned culture and bigotry and hate has rendered politics a fools game.”
  • Consolidation of wealth into a few elites and the death of the middle class/ working class - “The wealth of billionaires increased by about 50% during the pandemic. Think about that for a second. The world’s handful of richest people grew unimaginably wealthier while millions of people were dying.”
  • Democracy is under assault - “Trumpism in America, Modi’s fanatical religious supremacism in India, Britain’s fervid, idiotic Brexit nationalism, and so on. Even in Canada and Europe, fanatical right wing movements have made significant inroads towards destabilising society.”
  • Neo-fascism is flourishing - “The bargain of modernity is not working out very well for working classes. Fascism is about purity of blood, the idea that some people are subhuman, and some superhuman. Below them come the subhumans, whose bloodlines are tainted by violence, laziness, stupidity, and so forth.”
  • The world regressed not progressed. - “All our efforts to make a fairer, better, nobler world — they stalled, and went into reverse, and all that happened before the pandemic.”

Since we've already had a guy stand up and suggest imbibing disinfectants and sticking UV lights where the sun don't shine as treatments for a virus, and where vaccines are shunned..I'm waiting for the inevitable "well, leeches will work wonders!".
It is amazing how many people in this country are pliable and malleable enough to believe there was a massive conspiracy to steal an election. It's a plot straight out of the TV series..Scandal! :)
the only thing worse is a party that defends a communist dictatorship that unleashed a virus that has killed millions across the world !
You wouldn't know a communist if they ran up to you and bit you in the ass. It's just a term you throw out..because your alt-right media wills you to do so. :)
China will answer if they impeded discovery of this virus. But there is no hard proof that this was man made..or was released intentionally.
But take heart. Your savior told all of us that Xi was "doing a good job".....If your assertion was true, doesn't that mean that Trump was in on it? :auiqs.jpg:
pal if you think dems are going to hold their communist masters accountable you are insane ! why did social media lable anyone questioning the lab theory as a cook or a racist ?
answer ....the election ! the marxist faggot left politicized the virus and defended China to win an election .

Way to NOT answer my reply. Would you know a communist if they came up to you and stole your privilege? LOL.
Trump blew the response to the virus. He alone is responsible for his re-election loss. That's not the Dark Ages returning. Nothing was stolen.
He lost because the majority of voter thought he just didn't give a shit. That's just Politics 101 in this country.
He got more votes in 2020 than he 2016....his rallies were always packed and he won more counties than 2016. Support for Trump went up not down like the dems and communists like to pretend. Biden couldn't even get people to show up at his rallies--no way he got the votes. This is just common sense.
Again, all of this has been explained to you over and over. And as you Trump Humpers said in 2016..we don't decide elections by popular vote..or who won the most counties..or who's rallies were more packed. LOL. The EC decides.
In 2020, Biden won. 306-232. Land Shark..erm..Landslide! :)
He got more votes in 2020 than he 2016....his rallies were always packed and he won more counties than 2016. Support for Trump went up not down like the dems and communists like to pretend. Biden couldn't even get people to show up at his rallies--no way he got the votes. This is just common sense.

You are better off talking actual facts here ......
Again, all of this has been explained to you over and over. And as you Trump Humpers said in 2016..we don't decide elections by popular vote..or who won the most counties..or who's rallies were more packed. LOL. The EC decides.
In 2020, Biden won. 306-232. Land Shark..erm..Landslide! :)
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ See ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Again, all of this has been explained to you over and over. And as you Trump Humpers said in 2016..we don't decide elections by popular vote..or who won the most counties..or who's rallies were more packed. LOL. The EC decides.
In 2020, Biden won. 306-232. Land Shark..erm..Landslide! :)
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^6 See ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


Bored..say something..of value.
The reality is it matters not who is in charge. But let your little pea brains keep arguing. You are not people I would consider helping if you needed it. Both sides are repugnant.
We are reentering an Age of Darkness most notable for the death of reason. Symptoms abound. But why?

Author suggests: (quotes in italics)
  • Death of reason - “70% of Republicans believe the election was stolen, [America] a land where fundamentalist religion has poisoned culture and bigotry and hate has rendered politics a fools game.”
  • Consolidation of wealth into a few elites and the death of the middle class/ working class - “The wealth of billionaires increased by about 50% during the pandemic. Think about that for a second. The world’s handful of richest people grew unimaginably wealthier while millions of people were dying.”
  • Democracy is under assault - “Trumpism in America, Modi’s fanatical religious supremacism in India, Britain’s fervid, idiotic Brexit nationalism, and so on. Even in Canada and Europe, fanatical right wing movements have made significant inroads towards destabilising society.”
  • Neo-fascism is flourishing - “The bargain of modernity is not working out very well for working classes. Fascism is about purity of blood, the idea that some people are subhuman, and some superhuman. Below them come the subhumans, whose bloodlines are tainted by violence, laziness, stupidity, and so forth.”
  • The world regressed not progressed. - “All our efforts to make a fairer, better, nobler world — they stalled, and went into reverse, and all that happened before the pandemic.”

The comparison to medieval Europe is utterly retarded, even for you.

Bored..say something..of value.
Nothing is more boring than Fake News CNN ....

Carry on oh Useful Idiot warrior.
We are reentering an Age of Darkness most notable for the death of reason. Symptoms abound. But why?

Author suggests: (quotes in italics)
  • Death of reason - “70% of Republicans believe the election was stolen, [America] a land where fundamentalist religion has poisoned culture and bigotry and hate has rendered politics a fools game.”
  • Consolidation of wealth into a few elites and the death of the middle class/ working class - “The wealth of billionaires increased by about 50% during the pandemic. Think about that for a second. The world’s handful of richest people grew unimaginably wealthier while millions of people were dying.”
  • Democracy is under assault - “Trumpism in America, Modi’s fanatical religious supremacism in India, Britain’s fervid, idiotic Brexit nationalism, and so on. Even in Canada and Europe, fanatical right wing movements have made significant inroads towards destabilising society.”
  • Neo-fascism is flourishing - “The bargain of modernity is not working out very well for working classes. Fascism is about purity of blood, the idea that some people are subhuman, and some superhuman. Below them come the subhumans, whose bloodlines are tainted by violence, laziness, stupidity, and so forth.”
  • The world regressed not progressed. - “All our efforts to make a fairer, better, nobler world — they stalled, and went into reverse, and all that happened before the pandemic.”

Oh good lord..............
We are reentering an Age of Darkness most notable for the death of reason. Symptoms abound. But why?

Author suggests: (quotes in italics)
  • Death of reason - “70% of Republicans believe the election was stolen, [America] a land where fundamentalist religion has poisoned culture and bigotry and hate has rendered politics a fools game.”
  • Consolidation of wealth into a few elites and the death of the middle class/ working class - “The wealth of billionaires increased by about 50% during the pandemic. Think about that for a second. The world’s handful of richest people grew unimaginably wealthier while millions of people were dying.”
  • Democracy is under assault - “Trumpism in America, Modi’s fanatical religious supremacism in India, Britain’s fervid, idiotic Brexit nationalism, and so on. Even in Canada and Europe, fanatical right wing movements have made significant inroads towards destabilising society.”
  • Neo-fascism is flourishing - “The bargain of modernity is not working out very well for working classes. Fascism is about purity of blood, the idea that some people are subhuman, and some superhuman. Below them come the subhumans, whose bloodlines are tainted by violence, laziness, stupidity, and so forth.”
  • The world regressed not progressed. - “All our efforts to make a fairer, better, nobler world — they stalled, and went into reverse, and all that happened before the pandemic.”

Keep pushing the big lie. There was massive and obvious fraud. How much sun you get through the manholes?
Nature has selected the left for extinction. This happens from time to time to rid the earth of threats.
We are reentering an Age of Darkness most notable for the death of reason. Symptoms abound. But why?

Author suggests: (quotes in italics)
  • Death of reason - “70% of Republicans believe the election was stolen, [America] a land where fundamentalist religion has poisoned culture and bigotry and hate has rendered politics a fools game.”
  • Consolidation of wealth into a few elites and the death of the middle class/ working class - “The wealth of billionaires increased by about 50% during the pandemic. Think about that for a second. The world’s handful of richest people grew unimaginably wealthier while millions of people were dying.”
  • Democracy is under assault - “Trumpism in America, Modi’s fanatical religious supremacism in India, Britain’s fervid, idiotic Brexit nationalism, and so on. Even in Canada and Europe, fanatical right wing movements have made significant inroads towards destabilising society.”
  • Neo-fascism is flourishing - “The bargain of modernity is not working out very well for working classes. Fascism is about purity of blood, the idea that some people are subhuman, and some superhuman. Below them come the subhumans, whose bloodlines are tainted by violence, laziness, stupidity, and so forth.”
  • The world regressed not progressed. - “All our efforts to make a fairer, better, nobler world — they stalled, and went into reverse, and all that happened before the pandemic.”

1. We just spent 4 years of people believing trump was an illegitimate president? Stacey Abrams is still running around saying she is the real governor of Georgia. Hillary saying the Russians stole the election. Bush Jr in 2000, although that was the most legitimate of all the concerns.

2. That's just capitalism. As intended

3. Things have been that way throughout civlized history. The lack of nationalism is the outlier here

4. Regular old fascism is the norm. So you would expect most people to return to a neo fascist stance. Most countries are not as liberal as us.

5. This is delusion. Violence rates go down. Huge weath creation. We create more food than the world needs, we just can't get it to the right people. Everything is going in the right direction. Especially if you're an American.

A much more worrying trend than all this is that rich people don't have babies and we're gonna die out/be ruled by senior citizens.
Sorry ....

Too much insanity ...

Couldn't get past #1

sorry brah need to get out of your bubble.

reality hurts.

can't scream democracy is over after number 1
He got more votes in 2020 than he 2016....his rallies were always packed and he won more counties than 2016. Support for Trump went up not down like the dems and communists like to pretend. Biden couldn't even get people to show up at his rallies--no way he got the votes. This is just common sense.
You conveniently left out he polled underwater for all 4 years. He barely beat Hillary and spent 4 years alienating different factions building no new coalitions. Hillary lost due to poor turnout which Trump motivated significant Turnout against him. Biden raised a record amount of funds from small donors while Trumps fund raising dried up the last several months.

All indicators pointed to his loss and he lost. He lost due to the white educated vote in the burbs not the actual urban vote.
We are reentering an Age of Darkness most notable for the death of reason. Symptoms abound. But why?

Author suggests: (quotes in italics)
  • Death of reason - “70% of Republicans believe the election was stolen, [America] a land where fundamentalist religion has poisoned culture and bigotry and hate has rendered politics a fools game.”
  • Consolidation of wealth into a few elites and the death of the middle class/ working class - “The wealth of billionaires increased by about 50% during the pandemic. Think about that for a second. The world’s handful of richest people grew unimaginably wealthier while millions of people were dying.”
  • Democracy is under assault - “Trumpism in America, Modi’s fanatical religious supremacism in India, Britain’s fervid, idiotic Brexit nationalism, and so on. Even in Canada and Europe, fanatical right wing movements have made significant inroads towards destabilising society.”
  • Neo-fascism is flourishing - “The bargain of modernity is not working out very well for working classes. Fascism is about purity of blood, the idea that some people are subhuman, and some superhuman. Below them come the subhumans, whose bloodlines are tainted by violence, laziness, stupidity, and so forth.”
  • The world regressed not progressed. - “All our efforts to make a fairer, better, nobler world — they stalled, and went into reverse, and all that happened before the pandemic.”

Keep pushing the big lie. There was massive and obvious fraud. How much sun you get through the manholes?
Please. Not even you believe that.
We are reentering an Age of Darkness most notable for the death of reason. Symptoms abound. But why?

Author suggests: (quotes in italics)
  • Death of reason - “70% of Republicans believe the election was stolen, [America] a land where fundamentalist religion has poisoned culture and bigotry and hate has rendered politics a fools game.”
  • Consolidation of wealth into a few elites and the death of the middle class/ working class - “The wealth of billionaires increased by about 50% during the pandemic. Think about that for a second. The world’s handful of richest people grew unimaginably wealthier while millions of people were dying.”
  • Democracy is under assault - “Trumpism in America, Modi’s fanatical religious supremacism in India, Britain’s fervid, idiotic Brexit nationalism, and so on. Even in Canada and Europe, fanatical right wing movements have made significant inroads towards destabilising society.”
  • Neo-fascism is flourishing - “The bargain of modernity is not working out very well for working classes. Fascism is about purity of blood, the idea that some people are subhuman, and some superhuman. Below them come the subhumans, whose bloodlines are tainted by violence, laziness, stupidity, and so forth.”
  • The world regressed not progressed. - “All our efforts to make a fairer, better, nobler world — they stalled, and went into reverse, and all that happened before the pandemic.”

Keep pushing the big lie. There was massive and obvious fraud. How much sun you get through the manholes?
Please. Not even you believe that.
I sure as Hell do. There is not one doubt in my mind this election was stolen.

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