5 Serious Questions For Christians Who Support Donald Trump

There are no excuses or rationales
Only "yeah but YOUR candidate blah blah blah" - what a waste of time an energy
This is not discussion or debate, it's just rock throwing.
Some very good questions from this person on christian disconnects

5. How are you able to support someone who is famous for unwholesome talk and constantly putting people down?

You know that Bible we read? (It’s thick and usually has a fake leather cover. Check the shelf.)

Well, that Bible has a few things to say about how we use our tongues and about the kind of garbage we should resist allowing to flow from our little speaking machines.

I mean, I know it’s a big book, but surely you’ve gotten to the part where Paul says that no unwholesome words should come out of our mouths, but only those words which edify and build people up, no?

I’ll tell you this: When you compare what the Bible teaches about how we should use our words, to how Trump uses his, you’re going to find two opposite examples. It’s one thing to disagree with people, and even forcefully challenge their ideas, but that can be done without stooping to the levels Trump stoops to.

Or, let me ask it this way: How would you react if your kids came home from school talking like Donald Trump? How would you feel if they talked to you the way Trump talks to others?

5 Serious Questions I Have For Christians Who Support Donald Trump

It beats the alternative.
It's either vote for Trump, write in or not vote
It beats the alternative.
It's either vote for Trump, write in or not vote

typical christian values, there's an alternative yet they hang onto the apple.



I don't know who is Christian or not, or what their values are.
I have to vote my conscience, who I think will do what is best for the United States.
I have to vote my conscience, who I think will do what is best for the United States.

that is different than voting as a christian the point of the thread and the point I was making if you still have one, a conscience ...


Following your logic you should not vote for Clinton OR Trump.
I personally see no problem not voting or writing a vote in.
Many argue it's a waste, but, at least you are voting for who you think would do best.
It's either vote for Trump, write in or not vote.

I personally see no problem not voting or writing a vote in.

I personally see no problem not voting or writing a vote in.

ok, the second quote more reflects the thread if you are a "kristian" - including voting for Trump would be having your apple whether eating it or not ... what they have accomplished.

There is a 0.03% probability America will get a decent President with Trump.
So therefore he gets my vote.
2. What changed between Bill Clinton and now? Don’t you think you owe him an apology?

Seriously, what changed? Because you know, I remember those days and we were calling for Clinton to be impeached and thrown out of office. Remember why?

Because “character counts” that’s why.

Actually Clinton was impeached for two crimes. Committing perjury and obstruction of justice.

Crimes my ass. He was put in a position where lying was the only honorable thing to do while hypocrites like that newt asshole were calling for his impeachment and questioning his character for doing the exact same thing that he was doing before he was caught......

All this to embarrass the president for no other reason than sour grapes and to pretend to be the moral and ethical party. What a joke.

Now you would support a candidate who would consider making that asshole his VP?

Martha Stewart went to prison for lying to investigators.
But her last name is not Clinton.
It beats the alternative.
It's either vote for Trump, write in or not vote
It beats the alternative.
It's either vote for Trump, write in or not vote

typical christian values, there's an alternative yet they hang onto the apple.



I don't know who is Christian or not, or what their values are.
I have to vote my conscience, who I think will do what is best for the United States.
I have to vote my conscience, who I think will do what is best for the United States.

that is different than voting as a christian the point of the thread and the point I was making if you still have one, a conscience ...


Following your logic you should not vote for Clinton OR Trump.
I personally see no problem not voting or writing a vote in.
Many argue it's a waste, but, at least you are voting for who you think would do best.
It's either vote for Trump, write in or not vote.

I personally see no problem not voting or writing a vote in.

I personally see no problem not voting or writing a vote in.

ok, the second quote more reflects the thread if you are a "kristian" - including voting for Trump would be having your apple whether eating it or not ... what they have accomplished.


What is your definition of "Christian" and "kristian"?
Followers of Jesus Christ in America are not voting to elect a Pastor, Guno. They are voting to elect a President. Why are Believers in Jesus Christ inclined to vote for Donald Trump? Some time ago, Mike Boldea pointed out a few good reasons:

1. Trump inherited a fortune from his father but did not squander it. Instead he invested the money wisely, increased manifold the inheritance money had received. He started businesses that employed many people therein contributing to the economy of the United States.

2. He raised his children well. All of his children are well educated, successful, hard working. I would add to this that there has not been a single report of any of them having been discovered to be (or photographed) smoking cigarettes, drunk and disheveled looking - because Donald Trump's adult children do not use drugs nor do they drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes. Neither does Donald Trump.

3. Donald Trump does not tow the "politically correct" speech that his opposing candidate is known for.

4. Donald Trump has been adamant that he intends to protect America by taking a strong stand against terrorism, mass immigration of people that cannot be vetted and securing our borders to prevent illegal immigration.

5. Donald Trump has vowed to be a strong ally to Israel.

One word of caution was added to Boldea's comments about Trump. He said that Trump has emphasized that he is a 'negotiator.' He reminds his listeners / readers that there are some things that are non-negotiable.

Trump can never negotiate land deals concerning Israel. The land of Israel is non - negotiable.

Mike Boldea never said that he was endorsing Trump but those were his observations about him.

As I've stated many times before, I do not believe Barack Obama will leave office but if that would be the case I cannot see how Donald Trump would win. Hillary Clinton would win even if she didn't win because these are the days of fixed elections / investigations with "fixed" outcomes.... and I cannot believe the decision would ever be left up to the American people. That is all I have to say about it.
Some very good questions from this person on christian disconnects

5. How are you able to support someone who is famous for unwholesome talk and constantly putting people down?

You know that Bible we read? (It’s thick and usually has a fake leather cover. Check the shelf.)

Well, that Bible has a few things to say about how we use our tongues and about the kind of garbage we should resist allowing to flow from our little speaking machines.

I mean, I know it’s a big book, but surely you’ve gotten to the part where Paul says that no unwholesome words should come out of our mouths, but only those words which edify and build people up, no?

I’ll tell you this: When you compare what the Bible teaches about how we should use our words, to how Trump uses his, you’re going to find two opposite examples. It’s one thing to disagree with people, and even forcefully challenge their ideas, but that can be done without stooping to the levels Trump stoops to.

Or, let me ask it this way: How would you react if your kids came home from school talking like Donald Trump? How would you feel if they talked to you the way Trump talks to others?

5 Serious Questions I Have For Christians Who Support Donald Trump
Some very good questions from this person on christian disconnects

5. How are you able to support someone who is famous for unwholesome talk and constantly putting people down?

You know that Bible we read? (It’s thick and usually has a fake leather cover. Check the shelf.)

Well, that Bible has a few things to say about how we use our tongues and about the kind of garbage we should resist allowing to flow from our little speaking machines.

I mean, I know it’s a big book, but surely you’ve gotten to the part where Paul says that no unwholesome words should come out of our mouths, but only those words which edify and build people up, no?

I’ll tell you this: When you compare what the Bible teaches about how we should use our words, to how Trump uses his, you’re going to find two opposite examples. It’s one thing to disagree with people, and even forcefully challenge their ideas, but that can be done without stooping to the levels Trump stoops to.

Or, let me ask it this way: How would you react if your kids came home from school talking like Donald Trump? How would you feel if they talked to you the way Trump talks to others?

5 Serious Questions I Have For Christians Who Support Donald Trump

Define "unwholesome talk" and point out where in the Bible or anywhere else that Christians are supposed to judge people on that kind of talk.
4. Trump doesn't speak poorly of women. That is purely manufactured by the left.
Some very good questions from this person on christian disconnects

5. How are you able to support someone who is famous for unwholesome talk and constantly putting people down?

You know that Bible we read? (It’s thick and usually has a fake leather cover. Check the shelf.)

Well, that Bible has a few things to say about how we use our tongues and about the kind of garbage we should resist allowing to flow from our little speaking machines.

I mean, I know it’s a big book, but surely you’ve gotten to the part where Paul says that no unwholesome words should come out of our mouths, but only those words which edify and build people up, no?

I’ll tell you this: When you compare what the Bible teaches about how we should use our words, to how Trump uses his, you’re going to find two opposite examples. It’s one thing to disagree with people, and even forcefully challenge their ideas, but that can be done without stooping to the levels Trump stoops to.

Or, let me ask it this way: How would you react if your kids came home from school talking like Donald Trump? How would you feel if they talked to you the way Trump talks to others?

5 Serious Questions I Have For Christians Who Support Donald Trump
That someone chose to take a photograph of this precious crying child rather than to pick it up and comfort it, is truly a sign of the warped minds of some who have access to children. It is quite obvious this child was crying for some time! What a crying shame that is! Sickening!
3. Trump does not constantly call for torture of our enemies. An "eye for an eye" is in fact in the Bible. Christians also worship God the Father and we don't ignore the Old Testament.
2. Donald Trump doesn't have a poor personal character simply because the left says so.
Some very good questions from this person on christian disconnects

5. How are you able to support someone who is famous for unwholesome talk and constantly putting people down?

You know that Bible we read? (It’s thick and usually has a fake leather cover. Check the shelf.)

Well, that Bible has a few things to say about how we use our tongues and about the kind of garbage we should resist allowing to flow from our little speaking machines.

I mean, I know it’s a big book, but surely you’ve gotten to the part where Paul says that no unwholesome words should come out of our mouths, but only those words which edify and build people up, no?

I’ll tell you this: When you compare what the Bible teaches about how we should use our words, to how Trump uses his, you’re going to find two opposite examples. It’s one thing to disagree with people, and even forcefully challenge their ideas, but that can be done without stooping to the levels Trump stoops to.

Or, let me ask it this way: How would you react if your kids came home from school talking like Donald Trump? How would you feel if they talked to you the way Trump talks to others?

5 Serious Questions I Have For Christians Who Support Donald Trump

Define "unwholesome talk" and point out where in the Bible or anywhere else that Christians are supposed to judge people on that kind of talk.

We are to judge those that are within the household of faith. Not the world. Clearly Trump is not a follower of Jesus Christ but neither is Hillary Clinton. It is rather a choice of the lesser of two evils. On the matter of lies. In recent history I cannot recall anyone in politics or business who wasn't a liar. They are all liars. Perhaps it is a question of who lies the least? I don't know. This is not my world and I really want to no part of it.
1. This last statement speaks volumes. It exposes that writer of that piece to be the hack that he is. It tells the truth of how he never really was serious to begin with.

Another in a long unbroken string of failures by Guno.
Some very good questions from this person on christian disconnects

5. How are you able to support someone who is famous for unwholesome talk and constantly putting people down?

You know that Bible we read? (It’s thick and usually has a fake leather cover. Check the shelf.)

Well, that Bible has a few things to say about how we use our tongues and about the kind of garbage we should resist allowing to flow from our little speaking machines.

I mean, I know it’s a big book, but surely you’ve gotten to the part where Paul says that no unwholesome words should come out of our mouths, but only those words which edify and build people up, no?

I’ll tell you this: When you compare what the Bible teaches about how we should use our words, to how Trump uses his, you’re going to find two opposite examples. It’s one thing to disagree with people, and even forcefully challenge their ideas, but that can be done without stooping to the levels Trump stoops to.

Or, let me ask it this way: How would you react if your kids came home from school talking like Donald Trump? How would you feel if they talked to you the way Trump talks to others?

5 Serious Questions I Have For Christians Who Support Donald Trump

Define "unwholesome talk" and point out where in the Bible or anywhere else that Christians are supposed to judge people on that kind of talk.

We are to judge those that are within the household of faith. Not the world. Clearly Trump is not a Christian but neither is Hillary Clinton. It is rather a choice of the lesser of two evils. On the matter of lies. In recent history I cannot recall anyone in politics or business who wasn't a liar. They are all liars. Perhaps it is a question of who lies the least? I don't know. This is not my world and I really want to no part of it.

None can compete in the world of outright lies like the Clintons and the 0bamas.
2. What changed between Bill Clinton and now? Don’t you think you owe him an apology?

Seriously, what changed? Because you know, I remember those days and we were calling for Clinton to be impeached and thrown out of office. Remember why?

Because “character counts” that’s why.

Actually Clinton was impeached for two crimes. Committing perjury and obstruction of justice.

Crimes my ass. He was put in a position where lying was the only honorable thing to do
You are simply wrong. Perjury is a particularly egregious crime against justice. There's nothing honorable about it.

Clinton even admitted he was guilty of perjury. Every single one of those Democrats who voted not guilty knew he was guilty. They voted not guilty because they are dishonest scumbag pieces of shit.

If you or I did what Clinton did we would have gone to jail.

Crime against justice? nonsense. The only crime was the politically motivated malicious misuse of the justice department, time and money wasted on viciously attacking the commander in chief about his personal sex life that amounted to treason and a failed coup.

If you or I did what Clinton did no one would have given a shit.

If justice is what you hypocrites were really interested in, everyone involved in waging that fake moral crusade against the Clintons would have been unceremoniously purged from the government a very long time ago.
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2. What changed between Bill Clinton and now? Don’t you think you owe him an apology?

Seriously, what changed? Because you know, I remember those days and we were calling for Clinton to be impeached and thrown out of office. Remember why?

Because “character counts” that’s why.

Actually Clinton was impeached for two crimes. Committing perjury and obstruction of justice.
"Impeached" doesn't mean that she likes fruit. Buy a dictionary.
[QUOTE="PredFan, post: 14793322, member: 3319]
None can compete in the world of outright lies like the Clintons and the 0bamas.[/QUOTE]
So GW's lying about WMD to commit mass murder in Iraq doesn't count?
[QUOTE="PredFan, post: 14793322, member: 3319]
None can compete in the world of outright lies like the Clintons and the 0bamas.
So GW's lying about WMD to commit mass murder in Iraq doesn't count?[/QUOTE]

He didn't lie about WMDs, that is another lie by the left. Saddam Hussein had WMDs, we know that without a doubt because he used them on the Kurds. Killed millions with them.

No one lies like the left.

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