....5 take-aways from this hearing...

Maybe you have to be walked through this one, kid.
You see, it's ironic that you are asking what you're ignorant about. Ignorance is not knowing things. Do you get it yet?
Yup. So I’m ignorant of what I’m ignorant about.

Word games are fun.
Washington Post has this journalistic tactic of listing 'take-aways' from whatever hearing had just completed.
WaPo ain't alone in doing that...right-leaning 'The Hill' does it. So does left-lean 'Politico' do it. As does the New York Times.

I like it.

It is a journalistic 'shorthand' device to convey information. They know people are busy, have many sources of information. So they offer a 'formatting' to mentally organize it to make it more accessible to a greater number of people. It is a way to 'deliver-the-news'.

Anyway, this is how tonight's Washington Post parsed today's hearing.

"5 takeaways from the Jan. 6 hearing on extremism and Trump"

1. ‘Donald Trump cannot escape responsibility by arguing he is willfully blind’
2. A throw-down fight between Trump advisers over election fraud — leading to a crucial step forward for Jan. 6.
3. What happened after Trump’s ‘Be there, will be wild’ tweet.
4. How did so many people become radicalized off a lie?
5. Another big hearing next week

Notably, WaPo did not mention Cheney's warning that witness tampering is bad juju. And will land bad juju on whoever does it.

You're talking about the Jan 6th hearing? Still?

You really need to pay closer attention.

That was in response to the guy who posted a bunch of smileys at me. So I did the same in my response to him.

If you weren’t such an angry hypocritical moron, you would call him out for the same. But you are, so you won’t.

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