....5 take-aways from this hearing...

Wow. Still off topic. I guess you just don’t place any stock in the rules. Tsk tsk. Even after all my timely reminders and displays of assistance.

Hey. On topic again: here is another “take away.” Since the Pelousy entirely partisan 1/6 House fake investigation committee disallowed certain Republican House members to serve in the committee, like Jim Jordan, allegedly on the ground that they could be witnesses, what are the chances that they will actually call Representative Jordan to testify ? They’d lose control of the witness if they did that. Of course they’d try mightily to rein him in AS a witness, but they must realize it may prove unwieldy. So, will they chicken out?

Will they cave in to the call-out about their unrelenting hypocrisy and call Mumbler Pelousy to testify? 🤣😂
The chances of Jordan testifying are approximately zero.

Happy now? Or do you want to keep whining like the hypocritical retard you are?
You are STILL so far off topic. Not even willing to try.

I realized you were a gutless hypercritical wussy, already; and I’ve enjoyed helping you to prove it some more.

Send up a flair if you ever work up the balls to address the silly thread topic and stick with it. I won’t be expecting it. No worries. I’m outta this dopey thread. Bye bye.
Already addressed. Your ignorance isn’t my problem.

Run along now you little hypocritical bitch. :)
The chances of Jordan testifying are approximately zero.

Happy now? Or do you want to keep whining like the hypocritical retard you are?

The Hypocrisy is all yours as is the retardation. 👍

The topical follow up is, if you’re correct that Jordan is very fucking unlikely to be called as a “witness,” then there was zero legitimate basis to have denied him a seat on the committee. That Pelousy. What a skunk, eh?
The Hypocrisy is all yours as is the retardation. 👍

The topical follow up is, if you’re correct that Jordan is very fucking unlikely to be called as a “witness,” then there was zero legitimate basis to have denied him a seat on the committee. That Pelousy. What a skunk, eh?
I thought you were leaving, hypocrite.

In order to get Jim Jordan on the committee, he would first have to detach his face from Trump‘s ass.

I’m not interested in what he has to say.
Already addressed. Your ignorance isn’t my problem.

Run along now you little hypocritical bitch. :)
Aww poor poor pathetic pitiable you. Pussy that you are, you’re flailing now and stomping your widdle feetsies. Again, you’ve been the hypocrite. You’ve persisted in being largely off topic. You’ve made claims you can’t support. I’m not ignorant of what you’ve been up to. You’re just delusional In assuming that you’re not fully transparent as the fraud you are.

Ok. Back on topic. Any honest take-aways you can share with the thread readers?

Example: will Pelousy testify? She could certainly do so very easily given that there’s nobody on the committee who would even want to cross examine her, partisan hacks that they are, one and all.
Aww poor poor pathetic pitiable you. Pussy that you are, you’re flailing now and stomping your widdle feetsies. Again, you’ve been the hypocrite. You’ve persisted in being largely off topic. You’ve made claims you can’t support. I’m not ignorant of what you’ve been up to. You’re just delusional In assuming that you’re not fully transparent as the fraud you are.
Aww you’re upset that the Jan 6 committee is being mean to your orange daddy. You can stomp your little feet all you like. Your little bitch fit is your problem, not mine.
I thought you were leaving, hypocrite.

In order to get Jim Jordan on the committee, he would first have to detach his face from Trump‘s ass.

I’m not interested in what he has to say.
I was. But I invited you to send up a flair. I check in when I see you’ve responded. Hoping against hope that you might finally sack up and give honesty a try.

I didn’t realize that a congressional committee determined who would be called to testify based on whether some pussy like you is “not interested in” hearing that “witness” speak. Pretty tragic. I guess that even you must realize that the committee is a sham.
Aww you’re upset that the Jan 6 committee is being mean to your orange daddy. You can stomp your little feet all you like. Your little bitch fit is your problem, not mine.
I see you’ve got nothing.

Your complete lack of originality when you’re wounded is noted with great amusement.

Bye, ya pussy!
I was. But I invited you to send up a flair. I check in when I see you’ve responded. Hoping against hope that you might finally sack up and give honesty a try.

I didn’t realize that a congressional committee determined who would be called to testify based on whether some pussy like you is “not interested in” hearing that “witness” speak. Pretty tragic. I guess that even you must realize that the committee is a sham.
So you just want to whine some more.

Do you need some tissue or something?
I see you’ve got nothing.

Your complete lack of originality sheen your wounded is noted with great amusement.

Bye, ya pussy!
Translation: “Waaahhhhhhhh, those mean Democrats are being mean to my lord and savior Trump. WAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH the election was stolen!!!!”

Run along you little crybaby.
Hearings are a farce
How do you know that?
What is the basis for that opinion?

"And politico us known to make up bullshit."

I have not heard that. In fact, given the frequency with which they 'break' new news their reporters and editors seemed to be well connected with people who make news or know stuff. And if Politico just 'makes-up-stuff' such connections go away rather quickly. I think we all can understand the dynamics of why that would be.

But, offering the poster 'iceberg' the grace of an open adult forum.....let us ask him (her?) how he has come to the belief expressed above. And can he offer the forum examples in order to buttress his opinion?
How do you know that?
What is the basis for that opinion?


I have not heard that. In fact, given the frequency with which they 'break' new news their reporters and editors seemed to be well connected with people who make news or know stuff. And if Politico just 'makes-up-stuff' such connections go away rather quickly. I think we all can understand the dynamics of why that would be.

But, offering the poster 'iceberg' the grace of an open adult forum.....let us ask him (her?) how he has come to the belief expressed above. And can he offer the forum examples in order to buttress his opinion?

The hearings are a farce because unlike a real hearing, there is no advocate for Trump.

It is a dog and pony show for retards
How do you know that?
What is the basis for that opinion?
wasted money and neglect to the country. Nothing ever comes from them. It's like an avoidance of congress doing their actual jobs legislating.

Every fking impeachment has been a waste of time. Even Clinton's. who the fk cares. do your fking jobs.
You guys are clearly just looking for an excuse to disregard the Jan 6 investigation.
it is useless. there's that. like every hearing before it. Name one hearing that successfully got a sitting president out of office or arrest anyone?
it is useless. there's that. like every hearing before it. Name one hearing that successfully got a sitting president out of office or arrest anyone?
It’s not going to get him arrested but I think it will damage him enough to stop him from getting into office again.

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