5 Teachers

Standing around talking today after teaching summer school classes. Bitching about taxes, crime, bureaucracy, and how ridiculous society has become. Not one loony lefty word spoken. In fact, the one black guy in the group (program manager for summer enrichment courses) was the first to roll his eyes and scoff at the "you must be an evil oppressor because you're white" nonsense too often heard these days. He was having nothing to do with it.

So to all the "experts" who know everything teachers think and everything that goes on in schools they haven't set foot in for decades: :fu:
Ah - so THAT'S why you discount those massive numbers of reports that detail how teachers are indoctrinating children politically.

It's because you talked to 4 other teachers as you were bitching about life in general.

The notion that something cannot possibly be happening unless it is happing to you, personally, seems dangerously close to solipcism, but feel free to go for it, dude.
Ah - so THAT'S why you discount those massive numbers of reports....
"Massive numbers..." :lol:

You know, I can google "shark attacks" and "massive numbers" of reports will pop right up. Does that mean shark attacks are common? Some people see what they want to see, and nowadays what the media order the weak-minded to see. Hysterical outrage gets clicks. Clicks = $. :rolleyes:

It's because you talked to 4 other teachers ....

More because over 28+ years of teaching in various environments I have talked to a great many teachers. But you know much more what really goes on. I mean the media told you so! And, and....google! :rolleyes:
It always warms my heart when a poster is so excited by one of my posts that a single response just isn't enough.
I met you at your level, just so you'd understand.
So far all we have done is traded barbs. You have made no attempt at debunking the fact the the teaching profession and its pathetic unions are far-left liberals. If there are a sprinkling of conservatives within the ranks they are too afraid to speak up, they know the consequences. Just like in Hollywood.
So far all we have done is traded barbs. You have made no attempt at debunking the fact the the teaching profession and its pathetic unions are far-left liberals. If there are a sprinkling of conservatives within the ranks they are too afraid to speak up, they know the consequences. Just like in Hollywood.
And how do you know any of this? You don't. Your illogical hysteria is just you jumping through the media's hoops like a little trained poodle.
Hey, folks, I've got some wonderful news!! I just got done having lunch with 4 members of ANTIFA and BLM , and guess what? Not one of them has started any fires that burned down businesses.

I can just imagine the relief of all those business owners who think they lost a total of 2 billion dollars in property loss when they find out it simply could have happened.

the lunch was mostly tasty, btw.
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And how do you know any of this? You don't. Your illogical hysteria is just you jumping through the media's hoops like a little trained poodle.

Please note that depending on the teachers subject matter the typical split between Lib and Cons is close to or better than 90/10 LIBERAL. Quit trying to deny the truth. Because of Liberal teaching we have WOKE classrooms, an over the top sex perversion curriculum aimed at 6, 7 and 8 year old's and instead of him and her, it is now THEM, THEY and BIRTHING PERSON. All that crap is LIBERAL based garbage.

Please note that depending on the teachers subject matter the typical split between Lib and Cons is close to or better than 90/10 LIBERAL. .....
Did you learn that from all the hundreds and hundreds of teachers you have spoken to over decades of teaching experience?

Or did your lord and master Google force your mouth open and shove it down your throat?

Any shark attacks today?
What do teachers really do when they're locked away in that back room and having a teacher's meeting?

I bet it's drug-fueled orgies, table dancing, hot sex, and satan worship. Nobody could be as mild-mannered as a teacher without having an alter ego.
I am married to a retired teacher.

You don't know how close you are to the truth.
"Among English teachers, there are 97 Democrats for every three Republicans, with the proportion being even more one-sided among health teachers, with 99 Democrats for every one Republican."

"While there are slightly more Republicans among math and science teachers, among high school teachers overall, there are 87 Democrats for every 13 Republicans."

Would ANYBODY challenge these survey results? They are obviously true.

What is also true is that when you live in an incubator with like-minded people, your perspective on what is "normal" loses its grounding in reality. Lefties like to challenge Republicans with listening to nothing but Fox News, but gobble up CNN, CNBC, NYT, etc., and have not a thought in the world that their perspective is slanted.

The real issue for this generation - everyone who is old enough to be financially emancipated - is WHY do people go into government work? Into Journalism? Politics? Into Teaching? Into entertainment? "We" have had a tidal shift in these "professions" over the past couple generations. They used to be populated by people who wanted to serve the public; now they are populated by people who want to RULE and INFLUENCE the public, starting when they are young children.

And the result is what we see now. Lies, distortions, obliviousness to reality, suppression of opposing viewpoints.

I think it's too late.
"Among English teachers, there are 97 Democrats for every three Republicans, with the proportion being even more one-sided among health teachers, with 99 Democrats for every one Republican."

"While there are slightly more Republicans among math and science teachers, among high school teachers overall, there are 87 Democrats for every 13 Republicans."

Would ANYBODY challenge these survey results? They are obviously true.

What is also true is that when you live in an incubator with like-minded people, your perspective on what is "normal" loses its grounding in reality. Lefties like to challenge Republicans with listening to nothing but Fox News, but gobble up CNN, CNBC, NYT, etc., and have not a thought in the world that their perspective is slanted.

The real issue for this generation - everyone who is old enough to be financially emancipated - is WHY do people go into government work? Into Journalism? Politics? Into Teaching? Into entertainment? "We" have had a tidal shift in these "professions" over the past couple generations. They used to be populated by people who wanted to serve the public; now they are populated by people who want to RULE and INFLUENCE the public, starting when they are young children.

And the result is what we see now. Lies, distortions, obliviousness to reality, suppression of opposing viewpoints.

I think it's too late.
Google will drop some scraps from the table for you crawling obedience.
Did you learn that from all the hundreds and hundreds of teachers you have spoken to over decades of teaching experience?

Or did your lord and master Google force your mouth open and shove it down your throat?

Any shark attacks today?
I wonder, does this bozo accepts the fact that the earth in round yet? Denying it does not change the undeniable fact that teachers and their unions are in fact overwhelmingly liberal, teaching destructive liberal chit.
Standing around talking today after teaching summer school classes. Bitching about taxes, crime, bureaucracy, and how ridiculous society has become. Not one loony lefty word spoken. In fact, the one black guy in the group (program manager for summer enrichment courses) was the first to roll his eyes and scoff at the "you must be an evil oppressor because you're white" nonsense too often heard these days. He was having nothing to do with it.

So to all the "experts" who know everything teachers think and everything that goes on in schools they haven't set foot in for decades: :fu:
One could say the same about anyone who tries to say there isn't something seriously wrong.
The teachers are not the problem.
Administrators and DEI boards are.
Chicago's system is so bad now they have lost 1000s of teachers and staff in the past couple years alone.
And the people they are hiring to replace the seasoned/experienced teachers.... horrible.

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