5 Teachers

Ah - so THAT'S why you discount those massive numbers of reports that detail how teachers are indoctrinating children politically.
The ONLY place I read about your so-called claim is WHEN you non-educators post links from the likes of right wing rags such as thefedrelist.com thegatewaypundit.com etc.

I've actually been in the classroom for 37 years and can't see any of this indoctrination you claim. I'm sorry that you resort to LYING just like the KKKult leader, pos trump.
Because of Liberal teaching we have WOKE classrooms, an over the top sex perversion curriculum aimed at 6, 7 and 8 year old's and instead of him and her, it is now THEM, THEY and BIRTHING PERSON. All that crap is LIBERAL based garbage.
We have conservative teachers too, and believe it or not, I don't see them indoctrinating students either.

The REAL indoctrination occurs in Private Schools that push the religious agenda, because that is what the parents want. So fine. I don't have a problem with Private SCHOOLS BRAINWASHING THE STUDENTS with religion and ONLY one aspect of religion.

Do they teach Islam in the Private Catholic School?
I don't know, and I don't claim to know.

But you assholes Paleman DGS49 Dogmaphobe JGalt claim to know everything that happens in public school because TGP tells you.

and SweetSue92 is a two-face hypocrite, who defends her actions as a teacher but admonishes ALL other teacher.
"While there are slightly more Republicans among math and science teachers, among high school teachers overall, there are 87 Democrats for every 13 Republicans."

Would ANYBODY challenge these survey results? They are obviously true.
Of course I can challenge you.
I teach and live in Western Washington
Believe it or not, Western Washington has many many farms, whereas Eastern Washington is mostly farms.

The ratio of (D) to (R) teachers is NOT 87:13

It might be 3:1 or 5:2 but it's not 13% (R) AND 87% (D)

DO you care to counter?
Or do we have to take YOUR numbers as fact. I think NOT.
The ONLY place I read about your so-called claim is WHEN you non-educators post links from the likes of right wing rags such as thefedrelist.com thegatewaypundit.com etc.

I've actually been in the classroom for 37 years and can't see any of this indoctrination you claim. I'm sorry that you resort to LYING just like the KKKult leader, pos trump.

We have conservative teachers too, and believe it or not, I don't see them indoctrinating students either.

The REAL indoctrination occurs in Private Schools that push the religious agenda, because that is what the parents want. So fine. I don't have a problem with Private SCHOOLS BRAINWASHING THE STUDENTS with religion and ONLY one aspect of religion.

Do they teach Islam in the Private Catholic School?
I don't know, and I don't claim to know.

But you assholes Paleman DGS49 Dogmaphobe JGalt claim to know everything that happens in public school because TGP tells you.

and SweetSue92 is a two-face hypocrite, who defends her actions as a teacher but admonishes ALL other teacher.
This coming from an admitted non conservative teacher who claims to know what is being taught in other classrooms in other states across the country. I wonder if this know it all has an insight as to what happens in our bedrooms too. This he, she, it or them should become a stock broker. Wokeness, sensitive sexual curriculums taught to minors and a plethora of socialist hair brained agendas are taught daily.
Of course I can challenge you.
I teach and live in Western Washington
Believe it or not, Western Washington has many many farms, whereas Eastern Washington is mostly farms.

The ratio of (D) to (R) teachers is NOT 87:13

It might be 3:1 or 5:2 but it's not 13% (R) AND 87% (D)

DO you care to counter?
Or do we have to take YOUR numbers as fact. I think NOT.
You say "It might be 3:1 or 5:2 but it's not 13% (R) AND 87% (D)" You know chit for a fact. You are just picking numbers out of your hat. Show us some proof. It's out there, Google it.
Well if there's not enough conservative teachers then quit your jobs and teach. Heck you can start off at 35 grand, which is a huge salary.
People making ng big money complain about teachers who make 35 grand. Welcome to the american mindset. Those same people chant "nobody wants to work anymore" and other falsehoods. Employers have an incredibly deep pool of highly productive workers to choose from.
I'm not giving up anything. If you want more conservatives teaching then come up with your plan to get them in the classroom. The theory of going into a lower paying job because you "love it" is no longer applying.
You say "It might be 3:1 or 5:2 but it's not 13% (R) AND 87% (D)" You know chit for a fact. You are just picking numbers out of your hat. Show us some proof. It's out there, Google it.
I never claimed anything about other States. I know my school and I told you about my school, in WW

My word about my school is all you need for proof.

No one can just Google “the political ideology of the teachers” at Said School.

Is 3:1 or 5:2 really so difficult to believe?
You say "It might be 3:1 or 5:2 but it's not 13% (R) AND 87% (D)" You know chit for a fact. You are just picking numbers out of your hat. Show us some proof. It's out there, Google it.
Worshipping your lord and master Google again instead of listening to people who actually know what the fuck they're talking about.... :rolleyes:
I never claimed anything about other States. I know my school and I told you about my school, in WW

My word about my school is all you need for proof.

No one can just Google “the political ideology of the teachers” at Said School.

Is 3:1 or 5:2 really so difficult to believe?
Damn right it is.
Worshipping your lord and master Google again instead of listening to people who actually know what the fuck they're talking about.... :rolleyes:
Your confusion reigns. Google is just a search engine and it is not making any claims as to the make up of the leftist's within the teaching industry. Google is just giving you an avenue to explore the possibilities, for or against your political leanings. Seeing that you are not happy with the results that I found, I suggest you use something other than Google to find something that agrees with your liberal perception. I don't think you will or can do it. Facts are still facts.
"Among English teachers, there are 97 Democrats for every three Republicans, with the proportion being even more one-sided among health teachers, with 99 Democrats for every one Republican."

"While there are slightly more Republicans among math and science teachers, among high school teachers overall, there are 87 Democrats for every 13 Republicans."

Would ANYBODY challenge these survey results? They are obviously true.

What is also true is that when you live in an incubator with like-minded people, your perspective on what is "normal" loses its grounding in reality. Lefties like to challenge Republicans with listening to nothing but Fox News, but gobble up CNN, CNBC, NYT, etc., and have not a thought in the world that their perspective is slanted.

The real issue for this generation - everyone who is old enough to be financially emancipated - is WHY do people go into government work? Into Journalism? Politics? Into Teaching? Into entertainment? "We" have had a tidal shift in these "professions" over the past couple generations. They used to be populated by people who wanted to serve the public; now they are populated by people who want to RULE and INFLUENCE the public, starting when they are young children.

And the result is what we see now. Lies, distortions, obliviousness to reality, suppression of opposing viewpoints.

I think it's too late.
The research center surveyed 1,122 teachers, school, and district leaders about their political beliefs, perceptions, activity, and voting. The survey, conducted this fall, has a margin of error of plus or minus 5 percentage points. About half of those who responded were teachers, and another 19 percent were principals.

A few key findings:

• Forty one percent of respondents described themselves as Democrats while another 30 percent said they were independents. Just 27 percent were Republicans.

• Half the respondents voted for Democrat Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election. Another 29 percent voted for Trump. Thirteen percent selected a third-party candidate.
• Forty three percent of the educators surveyed see themselves as “moderate.” The rest were slightly more likely to lean to the left than the right. Nearly 30 percent describe themselves as “liberal” or “very liberal.”

• Twenty seven percent view themselves as “conservative” or “very conservative.”

Survey: Educators' Political Leanings, Who They Voted For, Where They Stand on Key Issues"

Hmmm; anyone got any other survey data???

Standing around talking today after teaching summer school classes. Bitching about taxes, crime, bureaucracy, and how ridiculous society has become.

Anyone who bemoans the state of human society in the world today certainly isn't a History teacher.
The research center surveyed 1,122 teachers, school, and district leaders about their political beliefs, perceptions, activity, and voting. The survey, conducted this fall, has a margin of error of plus or minus 5 percentage points. About half of those who responded were teachers, and another 19 percent were principals.

A few key findings:

• Forty one percent of respondents described themselves as Democrats while another 30 percent said they were independents. Just 27 percent were Republicans.

• Half the respondents voted for Democrat Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election. Another 29 percent voted for Trump. Thirteen percent selected a third-party candidate.
• Forty three percent of the educators surveyed see themselves as “moderate.” The rest were slightly more likely to lean to the left than the right. Nearly 30 percent describe themselves as “liberal” or “very liberal.”

• Twenty seven percent view themselves as “conservative” or “very conservative.”

Survey: Educators' Political Leanings, Who They Voted For, Where They Stand on Key Issues"

Hmmm; anyone got any other survey data???


I can accept those numbers as pretty close.
So according to your numbers, my 3:1 ratio or 5:2 ratio is exactly what your data says.

Screen Shot 2022-07-15 at 3.52.03 PM.png

can you explain the emoji?
I can accept those numbers as pretty close.
So according to your numbers, my 3:1 ratio or 5:2 ratio is exactly what your data says.

View attachment 670687
can you explain the emoji?
It amused me; I have a quirky sense of humour.

But the numbers are more 4:3 committed Dems Vs Pubbies with Independents and Pubbies about the same. That is according to one smallish survey. (That's right: I am old school and one's word is binding to me. But that is not how the new world works...sadly imo.)


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