5 Teachers

... I suggest you use something other than Google to ...

I suggest you consider the relative validity of a google search to decades and decades of actual experience in what the hell we're talking about.
Standing around talking today after teaching summer school classes. Bitching about taxes, crime, bureaucracy, and how ridiculous society has become. Not one loony lefty word spoken. In fact, the one black guy in the group (program manager for summer enrichment courses) was the first to roll his eyes and scoff at the "you must be an evil oppressor because you're white" nonsense too often heard these days. He was having nothing to do with it.

So to all the "experts" who know everything teachers think and everything that goes on in schools they haven't set foot in for decades: :fu:
The ONLY place I read about your so-called claim is WHEN you non-educators post links from the likes of right wing rags such as thefedrelist.com thegatewaypundit.com etc.

I've actually been in the classroom for 37 years and can't see any of this indoctrination you claim. I'm sorry that you resort to LYING just like the KKKult leader, pos trump.

We have conservative teachers too, and believe it or not, I don't see them indoctrinating students either.

The REAL indoctrination occurs in Private Schools that push the religious agenda, because that is what the parents want. So fine. I don't have a problem with Private SCHOOLS BRAINWASHING THE STUDENTS with religion and ONLY one aspect of religion.

Do they teach Islam in the Private Catholic School?
I don't know, and I don't claim to know.

But you assholes Paleman DGS49 Dogmaphobe JGalt claim to know everything that happens in public school because TGP tells you.

and SweetSue92 is a two-face hypocrite, who defends her actions as a teacher but admonishes ALL other teacher.
"Do they teach Islam in the Private Catholic School?"

Um...yes, in many Catholic Schools they have something called "Relative Theology".....from what I am told on my P&T meetings.

Standing around talking today after teaching summer school classes. Bitching about taxes, crime, bureaucracy, and how ridiculous society has become. Not one loony lefty word spoken. In fact, the one black guy in the group (program manager for summer enrichment courses) was the first to roll his eyes and scoff at the "you must be an evil oppressor because you're white" nonsense too often heard these days. He was having nothing to do with it.

So to all the "experts" who know everything teachers think and everything that goes on in schools they haven't set foot in for decades: :fu:
You're just saying that! :alcoholic: :spinner:
Standing around talking today after teaching summer school classes. Bitching about taxes, crime, bureaucracy, and how ridiculous society has become. Not one loony lefty word spoken. In fact, the one black guy in the group (program manager for summer enrichment courses) was the first to roll his eyes and scoff at the "you must be an evil oppressor because you're white" nonsense too often heard these days. He was having nothing to do with it.

So to all the "experts" who know everything teachers think and everything that goes on in schools they haven't set foot in for decades: :fu:
Tucker and the Fox Gang said they were bad, so facts and logic will not avail you.
We have a split news media today. One side says teachers can do no wrong, the other calls them groomers. They both are pandering to their viewership to get ratings.
let us be honest about your misguided view. Teachers sure as hell are not perfect or above reproach, so it is obvious that they are not always right. Considering the curriculum they want these days, teaching 6-year-olds about sex and CRT proves they are groomers. I forgot to mention LGBTQXYZ indoctrination.
Bitching about taxes, crime, bureaucracy, and how ridiculous society has become.

Like, the "Loony Left" does not complain about those things?

What I would be most interesting is knowing what they thought the solutions to those issues would be. That is what would give us an idea if they are "Loony Left" or not.
Do they teach Islam in the Private Catholic School?

Actually, if it is of the High School level they generally do. I have not heard of a one at that level that did not have a class along the lines of comparative theology.

And while I am sure that there are not many Muslim students in Catholic Schools, I know that at least in LA it was very common to see Jewish kids in them.

You are aware that actually being Catholic is not a requirement to attend one, right? In Los Angeles, there are several Catholic Schools that are frequently attended by Jews. Often because they feel the education is better than the public schools, because they may have an excellent extracurricular program, or they just thought the environment was better. Quite a few Gymnasts when I was in school went to one one of the local Catholic Academies because they had an excellent gymnastics program (male and female), and had an Olympic Coach who's gymnasts had won gold as their program head.
Like, the "Loony Left" does not complain about those things?

What I would be most interesting is knowing what they thought the solutions to those issues would be. That is what would give us an idea if they are "Loony Left" or not.

The loony left ALWAYS wants to raise taxes. They are the ones supporting the defunding of police and the release of criminal scumbags the very same day they were arrested. Bureaucracy is their past time.
Like, the "Loony Left" does not complain about those things?

What I would be most interesting is knowing what they thought the solutions to those issues would be. That is what would give us an idea if they are "Loony Left" or not.
Lower taxes, crack down on criminals, and thin out the bureaucracy. What did you think?
Actually, if it is of the High School level they generally do. I have not heard of a one at that level that did not have a class along the lines of comparative theology.

And while I am sure that there are not many Muslim students in Catholic Schools, I know that at least in LA it was very common to see Jewish kids in them.

You are aware that actually being Catholic is not a requirement to attend one, right? In Los Angeles, there are several Catholic Schools that are frequently attended by Jews. Often because they feel the education is better than the public schools, because they may have an excellent extracurricular program, or they just thought the environment was better. Quite a few Gymnasts when I was in school went to one one of the local Catholic Academies because they had an excellent gymnastics program (male and female), and had an Olympic Coach who's gymnasts had won gold as their program head.
I've tutored Muslim students attending Catholic schools. No big deal.
Standing around talking today after teaching summer school classes. Bitching about taxes, crime, bureaucracy, and how ridiculous society has become. Not one loony lefty word spoken. In fact, the one black guy in the group (program manager for summer enrichment courses) was the first to roll his eyes and scoff at the "you must be an evil oppressor because you're white" nonsense too often heard these days. He was having nothing to do with it.

So to all the "experts" who know everything teachers think and everything that goes on in schools they haven't set foot in for decades: :fu:
I think the overwhelming majority of teachers would prefer to be apolitical at school. In the elementary grades, teachers are focused on the daunting task of introducing the skills of reading and math to students who may have parents who are not only sparsely educated, but also not English speakers. In the later grades, teachers tend to specialize in their subjects, focusing on chemistry, English Literature, World History, and whatnot.

They don't have time for politics, with all the curriculum they are required to teach in preparation for the insanity of standardized testing.

I do think that the teachers who choose to interject politics and sexuality into the classroom inappropriately, should be disciplined so that they get back to teaching.
No, they don't.
Like everything it depends on the school. There are many fine religious affiliated schools and formerly: Notre Dame, Harvard, and Yale are incredible examples. Catholic schools on poor areas can offer world class education for the most needy. Some schools though are just this side of madrassas.
Real life is different than the news media.
The Media Know They Are Winning When We Copy Their Ignorant Grammar

So is real grammar different from what the media have influenced Netrixers to use. To check their Diploma Dumbo grammatical monstrosities, replace different with a synonym: "The annex was separate than the main building." That's how stupid the media's "different than" is.
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If you've got any questions, go ahead and ask.
Allow me to try and de-escalate. So of the teachers you know, what do you feel is the proportion of Woke vs non Woke (for lack of a better term). 50-50? 30-70? Other? I can state based on the teachers my wife and I know, the majority are "Woke" but not sure of the proportion.
Allow me to try and de-escalate. So of the teachers you know, what do you feel is the proportion of Woke vs non Woke (for lack of a better term). 50-50? 30-70? Other? I can state based on the teachers my wife and I know, the majority are "Woke" but not sure of the proportion.
What is it specifically that these people you know, that allows you to determine that they are "WOKE"

What about groomers, are these same people also groomers?

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