5-Year-Old Georgia Boy Dies Of COVID-19 Despite Having No Underlying Health Conditions


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
This is so sad.

He died in his mother's arms. I can't imagine the hell she went though. To have your baby die needlessly in your arms from a virus.

The boy was too young to get vaccinated. Those around him weren't too young.

The virus has mutated into the Delta variant which is much more contagious and more people are dying.

To those who say that children aren't hurt from the virus, stop lying. That has been a lie from the beginning.

To those who aren't vaccinated, yes it's your body and your choice but your choice can kill someone.

I sure wouldn't want to know that a child or anyone died because I infected them with the virus.

To those who say that children aren't hurt from the virus, stop lying. That has been a lie from the beginning.

I sure wouldn't want to know that a child or anyone died because I infected them with the virus.

Relevant reading...

Rand Paul - “You take an animal virus and you increase its transmissibility to humans, and you’re saying that’s not gain-of-function?” :26:

Anthony Fauci - “That is correct, and Senator Paul, you do not know what you are talking about, quite frankly, and I want to say that officially” :yapyapyapf:

Poor kid.
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If you're vaccinated then no worries.....right?

Lol you keep running around posting crap and get shellacked.
They used to say, if you had it and got over it, you would have anti-bodies that would protect, though my doctor told me last year, don't count on it and yes, we have seen people that have had it, catch it again, but usually not as hard as the first time. Now, I am vaccinated complete for the last several months, and they say I still have some chance, I could get it again, but again lighter than the first time. I haven't gotten it again, yet. If I do, I hope they are right about it being lighter and my body better able to deal with it.
If you don't have a history of strange allergies or bad reactions to vaccines, I think you should get it, but do not really care if you do or not, having taken what precautions deemed appropriate, without going crazy it.
If you choose to not be vaccinated and get a serious case, don't bother with statements of regret on your deathbed if it comes to that. Not much of a believer in deathbed "come to Jesus" statements. Just take it like a man and die like a dog, quietly, knowing you gambled your shot and lost.
If I die in a few years from some unanticipated effect of the vaccine (which BTW, I do not think will happen), I will go quietly, having gambled what I think is or was my best shot. Deal?
This is so sad.

He died in his mother's arms. I can't imagine the hell she went though. To have your baby die needlessly in your arms from a virus.

The boy was too young to get vaccinated. Those around him weren't too young.

The virus has mutated into the Delta variant which is much more contagious and more people are dying.

To those who say that children aren't hurt from the virus, stop lying. That has been a lie from the beginning.

To those who aren't vaccinated, yes it's your body and your choice but your choice can kill someone.

I sure wouldn't want to know that a child or anyone died because I infected them with the virus.

were the parents not vaccinated? the article doesn’t say?

why haven’t children been authorized for the vaccine?
This is so sad.

He died in his mother's arms. I can't imagine the hell she went though. To have your baby die needlessly in your arms from a virus.

The boy was too young to get vaccinated. Those around him weren't too young.

The virus has mutated into the Delta variant which is much more contagious and more people are dying.

To those who say that children aren't hurt from the virus, stop lying. That has been a lie from the beginning.

To those who aren't vaccinated, yes it's your body and your choice but your choice can kill someone.

I sure wouldn't want to know that a child or anyone died because I infected them with the virus.

It's sadder that you loons would use this to make political points.
Sounds like he had a lot going on at once

"Earlier this month, Wyatt came down with what his parents thought was food poisoning. He wasn't hungry, a little lethargic and had some vomiting.

But then, his family said, his tongue turned white.

They took him to the doctor where he was transferred to Children's Hospital in Chattanooga. There, he was diagnosed with strep throat, a staph infection and COVID-19.

Wyatt's parents stayed by his side for four days as he fought for his life.

On Friday, Wyatt passed away in his mom's arms after suffering a massive stroke."

This is so sad.

He died in his mother's arms. I can't imagine the hell she went though. To have your baby die needlessly in your arms from a virus.

The boy was too young to get vaccinated. Those around him weren't too young.

The virus has mutated into the Delta variant which is much more contagious and more people are dying.

To those who say that children aren't hurt from the virus, stop lying. That has been a lie from the beginning.

To those who aren't vaccinated, yes it's your body and your choice but your choice can kill someone.

I sure wouldn't want to know that a child or anyone died because I infected them with the virus.

This is so sad.

He died in his mother's arms. I can't imagine the hell she went though. To have your baby die needlessly in your arms from a virus.

The boy was too young to get vaccinated. Those around him weren't too young.

The virus has mutated into the Delta variant which is much more contagious and more people are dying.

To those who say that children aren't hurt from the virus, stop lying. That has been a lie from the beginning.

To those who aren't vaccinated, yes it's your body and your choice but your choice can kill someone.

I sure wouldn't want to know that a child or anyone died because I infected them with the virus.

One data point in 330,000,000.

I feel bad that this happened.

You can extract NOTHING from this.
They used to say, if you had it and got over it, you would have anti-bodies that would protect, though my doctor told me last year, don't count on it and yes, we have seen people that have had it, catch it again, but usually not as hard as the first time. Now, I am vaccinated complete for the last several months, and they say I still have some chance, I could get it again, but again lighter than the first time. I haven't gotten it again, yet. If I do, I hope they are right about it being lighter and my body better able to deal with it.
If you don't have a history of strange allergies or bad reactions to vaccines, I think you should get it, but do not really care if you do or not, having taken what precautions deemed appropriate, without going crazy it.
If you choose to not be vaccinated and get a serious case, don't bother with statements of regret on your deathbed if it comes to that. Not much of a believer in deathbed "come to Jesus" statements. Just take it like a man and die like a dog, quietly, knowing you gambled your shot and lost.
If I die in a few years from some unanticipated effect of the vaccine (which BTW, I do not think will happen), I will go quietly, having gambled what I think is or was my best shot. Deal?
you've never had a cold or the flu before huh? lucky. Bet you haven't ever been sick, needed a hip replaced or anything, you never drive a car, you don't fly on planes, you sit at home in your bathtub and never run the water, right? I laugh at innocent fkers like you. you think you all have an answer for all deaths on the planet, that's hilarious. I lost a son in law when he was hit by a train riding a snowmobile. But you have the answers.
One data point in 330,000,000.

I feel bad that this happened.

You can extract NOTHING from this.
since we have zero information, no one knows what occurred, yet the lie-a-libs in here will tell you they know precisely what happened.
This is so sad.

He died in his mother's arms. I can't imagine the hell she went though. To have your baby die needlessly in your arms from a virus.

The boy was too young to get vaccinated. Those around him weren't too young.

The virus has mutated into the Delta variant which is much more contagious and more people are dying.

To those who say that children aren't hurt from the virus, stop lying. That has been a lie from the beginning.

To those who aren't vaccinated, yes it's your body and your choice but your choice can kill someone.

I sure wouldn't want to know that a child or anyone died because I infected them with the virus.

And a hundred other youngsters died from actual reasons in the time it took you to write your propaganda scrawling of misinformation....
And a hundred other youngsters died from actual reasons in the time it took you to write your propaganda scrawling of misinformation....
Indeed. They are the blind who know nothing, must be why they constantly post nothing burgers.

BTW, little black children are shot and killed in Chicago every week, and none of these BLM likes say or do anything for them. They want someone to believe they care about kids, and yet they kill them before they're born. I don't get it.
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This is so sad.

He died in his mother's arms. I can't imagine the hell she went though. To have your baby die needlessly in your arms from a virus.

The boy was too young to get vaccinated. Those around him weren't too young.

The virus has mutated into the Delta variant which is much more contagious and more people are dying.

To those who say that children aren't hurt from the virus, stop lying. That has been a lie from the beginning.

To those who aren't vaccinated, yes it's your body and your choice but your choice can kill someone.

I sure wouldn't want to know that a child or anyone died because I infected them with the virus.

Children die everyday from exposure to peanuts. Are you going to isolate peanuts worldwide? You morons don't get it--it is a big bad world. There are no guarantees to keep you safe--nor should there be. And NOBODY GETS OUT ALIVE.
Dana found ONE KID out of 40 million that allegedly died of Covid and is playing up the emotional angle. No such emotion for Black kids being murdered in their car seats......go figure.
never a post from her, and that happens weekly in Chicago. She's been silent. Little babies dying from abortion daily, not a problem for her either I suppose. Yet, here we are, Filtered emotions.
Sounds like he had a lot going on at once

"Earlier this month, Wyatt came down with what his parents thought was food poisoning. He wasn't hungry, a little lethargic and had some vomiting.

But then, his family said, his tongue turned white.

They took him to the doctor where he was transferred to Children's Hospital in Chattanooga. There, he was diagnosed with strep throat, a staph infection and COVID-19.

Wyatt's parents stayed by his side for four days as he fought for his life.

On Friday, Wyatt passed away in his mom's arms after suffering a massive stroke."

that seems to be the signature of a wuhan death, dying from another issue, like strep or stroke, and yet, wuhan is the evil in it. It's again why the hoax is a hoax.

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